I am the last person who should be commenting about spelling, because you can find a typo in almost every paragraph of every post on this site.
But for my sanity, will you people learn how to spell incompetent?
“The incompentense of this administration.”
“If we had a competant President.”
And so on and so on. Please. I beg you.
over it
made me laugh
rogir welcoe
Type fast, no spell checker.
Get over it.
Big Al
Hay thar yuu have lots of reeders, wy ar yuu so worried abowt an occayshunal spelling of Incompetent, beter that than no reeders.
Marcus Wellby
Ah, shouldn’t you post this under the Republican Hypocracy category? :)
Profoundly bad typist, but I will try harder…I apologise for my past and future flubs here and now..can I blame my cat? She is either on my lap on on top of the IMac, with her tail aswishing across my screen…
But I do spell in a mid-Atlantic way, long story…that’s not going to change.
ppgaz’s point inspires a question: any blog software out there that has spell check for comments?
I don’t recall ever seeing one.
BTW, I plead bad typist too.
over it
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
That’s it!
I’ve seen it all now.
Oh yeah?? Well maybe Bush is a disaster, but you guys can’t spell worth a crap!
Hey John.
I know you are, but what am I?
Cut/paste comments into Word, spell check, repaste into comments section. Twenty or thirty seconds cleans my three fingered typing.
John Cole
Download the google toolbar. It has a built in spell check.
It also breaks some Windows programs (for me, it was Internet Explorer), apparently randomly. If you try the GT and start getting “terminated in an unusual way” messages, just remove the toolbar.
John, while we’re being pedantic about spelling, could you please delete any post that contains”definately”?
John Cole
Given my typing, I am really not in any position to critique spelling on this site. It is just that my irony meter suffers irreparable damage when people launch broadsides on the ‘incompentance’ of Bush.
Anyone who has ‘incompentance’ should perform ‘repetence’.
Andrew J. Lazarus
It’s getting confused with impotent and incontinent.
I’m pretty sure they both mean you have a small penis.
hehe. Nukular.
John S.
I get this mental image of John sitting on the virtual roadside with a sign that reads:
That should be spelled ‘nucular’. President Eisenhower pronounced it that way, too. Must be a Republican thing.
One Pogo comic strip had Owl reading a book titled ‘Nuclear Physics’ and commenting “‘Tain’t so new and ’tain’t so clear.”
the friendly grizzly
Narvy: repetence? I was thinking about getting another dog…
Lazarus: A Vietnam veteran I know said he often wondered if it is was worse being in-country than incontinent…
John, it doesn’t get any better when you’re a copy editor by trade and can’t shut off the part of your brain responsible for copy editing and therefore correct spelling and grammar mistakes nonstop. Just browsing the web can be enough to cause conniptions. I mean, l33t-speak? Good gravy.
Speaking of editing, I once worked with a technical writer who had a sign on her wall reading
“The urge to edit other people’s copy is stronger than the sex drive.”
John Cole
I find it hard to believe any copy editor could read this site…
Dude, that’s what they do. Why would a copy editor read a site where spelling and grammar were always correct?
Bob Munck
Firefox has a plug-in to spell-check the contents of a text box. Maybe there’s some way to connect it to the Submit button such that the form isn’t transmitted until the spell checker runs. A tad of Javascript, perhaps. I’ll do some research.
(Interesting. The Firefox spell checker flags both “Javascript” and … “Firefox.”)
Old entry from a word a day — looks like definately will be coming to a dictionary near you someday, just like miniscule :).
summr, this looks like language evolving. That can’t be, language is intelligently designed.
That’s a good one :-).
Fortunately, language is not “irreducibly complex” and does evolve.
Sort of like how we now have both “inflammable” and “flammable”, “the latter supposedly due to the lack of people recognizing ‘in-‘ as an intensifier.” Paul Fussell, who has some wonderful swipes at the American use of the English language in his book “Class.”
I flip out at the word “momentarily”, which the bloody airlines continue to use instead of “shortly” as opposed to “for a very small period of time.” Also have noticed a lot of “home” instead of “house” (probably usage invented by people in real estate for use in ads.)
There’s also the U.K. vs. U.S. spelling thingie, which is why I end up triggering spellcheck programs all the time.
Ah well, go read a bunch of medieval Latin and you’ll discover the same corruption from the original…
Vladi G
People really ought to learn how to spell “hypocrisy” while they’re at it. It’s not “hypocracy”.
Democracy: Government by the people.
Theocracy: Government by religious authority.
Plutocracy: Government by the wealthy.
Hypocracy: Government by hypocrites.
I say we devise a strategery for this spelling mess.
Shouldn’t that be “device a strategery”?