Free vacations for New Orleans police:
A day after two police suicides and the abrupt resignations or desertions of up to 200 police officers, defiant city officials on Sunday began offering five-day vacations – and even trips to Las Vegas – to the police, firefighters and city emergency workers and their families.
The idea of paid vacations was raised by both Mayor C. Ray Nagin and senior police officials who said that their forces were exhausted and traumatized and that the arrival of the National Guard had made way for the officers to be relieved.
“I’m very concerned about individuals who have been here, particularly since the first few days, and have been through a lot of hardship,” Mr. Nagin said in an interview.
He said most of the police officers, firefighters and emergency medical workers “are starting to show signs of very, very serious stress, and this is a way to give them time to reunite with their families.”
Mr. Nagin, who has been demanding more federal assistance for days as his city struggled with despair, death and flooding, said he had asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency to pay for the trips but the agency said it could not. He said the city, therefore, would pay the costs.
My initial reaction to this was surprise, thinking this was a really bad idea- at least politically tone deaf. The more I think about it, though, Paul at Wizbangblog has it right.
Tim F
The PD who stayed though the crisis should get a paid vacation, a big horkin’ medal, lifetime season tickets to the Saints and a special t-shirt that entitles them to free booze for life.
On a practical level the mission profile probably fits the National Guard as well as it doesn the NOPD at this point. It really isn’t the time for a drug sting or a hooker sweep.
Mike S
I agree with Paul as well. The absolute hell these guys went through is unimaginable for most of us. I’m not sure Vegas is the best place though. I would think someplace quiet would be preferrable. I love Vegas, I’ll be there in two weeks, but the place is chaos defined. I would think some sort of mountain or ocean retreat would serve them better.
Having lived in Miami during the Hurricane Andrew aftermath I’m inclined to agree as well. From my office chair it’s been a quick week. For them it’s been a long and dangerous time. Additionally, we don’t do anyone any favors having law enforcement officials out there in the chaos past their breaking point.
A great idea. A little R&R willl do them good.
I hope they get some tickets to “Nudes on Ice” or whatever floats their boat. They need to escape reality including news of any type.
Vegas is a peculiar choice (a place to find hookers and gamble your remaining money away, ha!), but these guys are heroes akin to the FDNY. (As corrupt as they might have been…) Ignoring their own loss of home and family, these guys continued to serve and protect the city of New Orleans.
I can’t imagine anyone begrudging them a trip to clear their heads.
Yes, but I saw yesterday that most officers want a quiet place to rest and see their families. Then they want to get back to work in NO. These guys did not desert their jobs, despite having lost everything in the storm, as well. Awesome men and women.
i think a trip to a nice caribbean island (other than Aruba) would be more appropriate. Maybe Jamaica could extend their hospitality to them as a thanks for the help we’ve sent them over the years. (Since BushCo rejected their offer of direct aid.)
Mr Furious
Sounded good to me at first glance, I was all set to endorse the idea of the paid vacations, but after reading the whole comments thread at Wizbang, I’m not so sure.
I AM sure that Vegas is not appropriate. If some of these guys need personal time (paid) to get affairs in order, fine. Counseling should be made available, and financial help, etc. But gambling junkets? No way.
That thread over there quickly devolved into 9/11 & NYPD vs. NOPD and I don’t think that’s fair. These aren’t parallel situations. In many ways the scenario for the cops in NO is worse.
If the city is secured by the Nat’l guard and some of these guys can get a chance to recharge, do something for them. I’m just not sure this is the right solution.
I read those comments as well…one from Bryan, I believe, was very good in explaining the huge difference between N.O. and NYC. The huge amount of immediate support the police and firefighters received in NYC was wonderful and made me proud to be an American. They also had the rest of the city to “escape” to and most likely a place to go home to. The NOPD did not. The horror at ground zero must have been enormous, but for the NOPD, the entire city, including their own homes and family was ground zero with no end in sight. I heard someone describe it as “ground below zero’.
Something else is the sheer numbers. I don’t know the exact number of NYC policemen was at the time, but I am sure that their force is huge compared to the, what? 2000 total that N.O. had before the flood hit.
Yeah, Vegas seems odd, but then when I go to Vegas, it is for the hotel room (cheap, but very very nice, the food, and Red Rock canyon and places like that. Vegas may be the place where these officers can be sent cheaply.
Just a thought for John.
The next time you feel a need to complain about the commenters on this site, head on over to see the cretins commenting at Wizbang.
Geez, talk about sadistic scum of the earth. You should probably post a warning for those who’ve just eaten lunch before directing them to that vile cess pool. Makes the water in NO look like spring water.
Yeah, anybody who stuck it out deserves something special. They put up with a lot of crap to begin with. New Orleans was already supposedly one of the worst cities in the U.S. to work as a policeman in, and the endemic public corruption probably didn’t help much either.
Why does Vegas have to be about gambling? I go to Vegas regularly and I don’t gamble. The rock climbing, the desert scenery, the shows all make it worthwhile from my viewpoint.
But I agree with one of the posters above that said that its the best place because the rooms are available and inexpensive. Sounds like a decent plan to me. Stop trying to throw your moral code at it, it just makes you look like a sidewalk preacher.
I just realised that while most of us think about only Las Vegas (or maybe Atlantic city as well) forgambling…didn’t N.O and certainly MS have gambling right there? It’s not like it is some exotic thing to them, so maybe it is just because the group rates to Vegas would be the best deal for the city.
Mike S
It’s not a “moral” issue for me, but a peace and quiet one. But if any want to go there I think they should.
I can’t remember the last time Vegas was cheap though. Maybe the down town hooker motels are but the strip has gottn quite expencive. And I haven’t see the $1.99 Prime Rib dinners in years.
Most of the hotels any closer are full of evacuees, Vegas may be the closest vacant hotels with decent things to do.
i think a trip to a nice caribbean island (other than Aruba) would be more appropriate
Why not send them to Aruba? They would have a better time finding Natalie than the Aruban authorities are.
John S.
I’m not sure about that Stormy. Is Las Vegas closer to New Orleans than Orlando? Not according to GeoBytes:
New Orleans >> Las Vegas: 1509 miles
New Orleans >> Orlando: 557 miles
New Orleans >> New York: 1172 miles
New Orleans >> Miami: 667 miles
New Orleans >> Boston: 1360 miles
So, Las Vegas is further away from New Orleans than just about ANY place in the Eastern United States. Are all their hotels filled up with evacuees? Is there nothing decent to do East of the Mississippi River?
Sounds like Las Vegas just has a better Board of Tourism.
And it’s a DRY heat…
And no water for miles and miles…
Actually, Lake Meade is beautiful.
Patrick Lightbody
Wow — the people commenting on that site are real assholes. I can’t even try to fathom what NO must have been like — for victims or for first responders.
Gary Farber
As I said when I commented on this policy about 32 hours ago, I entirely approve. People who spent/spend a week, or five days, doing that stuff non-stuff absolutely deserve such a break, and anyone who says different is extremely unlikely to have been even close to any such circumstances.
Being left alone completely is probably the worst thing that can happen to people who have been thru a weak of hell and lost everything. How would the military deal with it? They should get housed in a military base and cared for for some time? Even if only for a day, then take it from there. People who have their family can probably deal with it better though. All of these people need to mourn. Having said that, considering that NO is trashed beyond recognition and each individual has a different situation, what can the Mayor do? Where is FEMA/DHS again?
Because you’re too self-absorbed. Try joining the human race for a day.
pleonastic piranha
i’m all in favour of vacations for cops who have been through that sort of hell. people who think they don’t deserve it suffer from a severe lack of imagination. it does nobody any good to burn out people who work in such horrid conditions. they ought to be rotated in and out as soon as there is enough manpower to do so.
i would, however, leave it up to them how they want to take such a vacation. each individual deals with this sort of thing differently; some might not want to leave because their families are not found yet; some might just want some peace and quiet.
I do think there should be some mandatory counselling going on to help them deal with what they’ve been through. After that…why not give them travel vouchers and let them go where they want? For some people, Vegas might be just the thing to blow off some steam, and for others, it might be the last place they’d want to go.
Funny.. when you’ve lost everything, that generally means it’s time to _leave_ Las Vegas, not time to _go there_.
I’ll just agree that this is a very good idea, and leave it at that.
Hmm? Questioning the right of N.O. police to take a vacation makes you more human? Interesting theory.
There are legitimate reasons to question a trip to Vegas under a ton of stress; gambling, hedonism, etc. I don’t know if it makes sense. I’m not a therapist.
But let’s be honest. The real criticism is that the police somehow don’t deserve the vacation. Frankly, I find it mind boggling that that would be someone’s first reaction.
Mike S
Oh I don’t know. Nothing relieves stress like a good Lewinski.
I’ve felt that your initial reaction to many situations is wrong–it’s a product of the combination of the “blurt-it-out-now” thing we call “blogging” (which is true for every blogger) and your particular penchant for righteous over-reaction . It’s why we so often find you in high-dudgeon over comments you elicit–the first step is your over-reaction and granting of “heh, indeedy” status to something not deserving of it, the second step is an escalation of out-of-proportion outrage sliding into silliness by someone in a comment, and the third step is your going irrevocably over-the-top in response to that.
But, what I see as your major weakness is so frequently trumped by several of your major strengths–self-awareness and self-evaluation. If you were always simply about the first reaction you supply here, you would not be interesting, because your first inclination is so frequently badly and thinly drawn. It’s the second step that gives you your humanity and makes you interesting.
So, I’m learning to count to 1.5 days when I read your blog.
The original story suggested that the NOPD would be sent to places that had a large block of hotel rooms available on short notice. Las Vegas and Atlanta were two of the cities suggested. All of a sudden it’s become “NOPD go to Vegas for R&R”, which is not correct.
If they were to come to Vegas, i’m sure they’d all be welcomed with open arms.
I live in Las Vegas, and I can tell you that there are many more things to do than go down to the Strip, or spend time in casinos gambling. It’s a beautiful area, and it’s definitely a 100% change from what they’re used to. I’m sure they’ll enjoy being someplace dry for a few days.
Please give my posts another read. I said something similarto what you said. I was responding to:
Jim Anchower
Mike S Says:
I agree with Paul as well. The absolute hell these guys went through is unimaginable for most of us. I’m not sure Vegas is the best place though. I would think someplace quiet would be preferrable. I love Vegas, I’ll be there in two weeks, but the place is chaos defined. I would think some sort of mountain or ocean retreat would serve them better.
Las Vegas has one strong advantage going for it – there is no way on Earth that the place will get hit by a hurricane and flood.
Rome Again
I hope they include tickets to Cirque du Soleil, that will take ones mind off of anything. Come to think of it, there are multiple Cirque shows in Vegas, that might be just the ticket!
Give them a free pass to ALL Cirque shows!
Gary Gray
I wonder how many of the “deserters” are actually victims. There have been some reports of desertions, but no mention of those who may have died.
Rocky Smith
Send some of them up here to Montana. We are a low stress location that ABSOLUTELY doesn’t do hurricanes. There are plenty of things to do (including gambling) and see. Our tourism board sucks air though, so don’t expect to hear any plans from them. Unemployment is low too, so some might even find jobs.
Mike S
You would be surprised. I’ve seen some pretty serious flooding in Vegas.
Rome Again
My initial instinct (before reading any links) is to say that it seems to me this may not be about whether someone deserves a vacation or not; but rather if they get an all expenses paid (by the taxpayers) vacation! Just my feelings, as I’ve come to understand the importance of carrying your own water in this capitalistic society we live in. Maybe I’m wrong… if I am, I apologize!
Rome Again
Red Rock is a great idea, they should hold a “for the NO Cops” concert and let them take in the beauty of the place.
I saw where they were going to get some immediate counseling, in Baton Rouge, I think. Now Montana would be the dream state to move to, and one day I will. Or Wyoming in the Wind River Range up by Dubois.
Rome Again
Sorry Stormy, you don’t now Vegas. Lake Mead is close by, so is Hoover Dam. I lived there for nine years, it was awesome. I have a son who is there now. When it rains, there are some flooding issues, I once saw a flood so bad that people were swimming trying to get away from the water right under the Imperial Palace garage. Doesn’t happen often though.
Well… being from Texas while also being a reasonably serious poker player who loves Vegas, I’d have recommend they to head to Austin instead of Vegas. Lots of great bars and music to recharge in, while also being reasonably close to get back as soon as they feel back in sorts. Austin is one of those cities that has plenty to offer while still feeling lke a quiet town on the outskirts.
Rome Again
Actually, they have better air fares to Vegas, they have junkets that go all the time and are very cheap!
Rome Again
neither have I, but I lived there for nine years and enjoyed $4.99 Prime Rib several times a month. I can’t get $4.99 Prime Rib where I live, try $13.99.
The guys are being taken up to Baton Rouge for counselling and then given a choice of place to go for R&R — Atlanta or Vegas. As others have mentioned, Vegas has one advantage over Atlanta for helping guys get over New Orleans: it’s dry, dry, DRY :-). A lot of the guys, however, according to, are choosing Atlanta because they want some place a little quieter.
As for the scum who say that somehow these men “don’t deserve it” because they “didn’t get the job done”: go to and read. READ. These men have seen the destruction of their city, the drowning of close to 100 of their own when the levees broke on the East End, the loss of their homes, the loss of their families, these men have been victims of the biggest disaster to hit America since the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake (which destroyed a city of 300,000 people), and you’re going to begrudge them a little R&R?! What kind of inhuman ANIMAL can be so compassionless as to believe that men who have been through HELL should not get a break?!
As for the notion that the NOPD didn’t get the job done, as if they’re slackers or something, why don’t YOU try to get the job done with no communications, running out of ammo, no backup, 80% of your resources underwater, no fuel for your police cruisers, outgunned by hundreds of gangsters armed with automatic weapons. You do that for six days straight with no rest other than catnaps here and there. You do that. Then, and *ONLY* then, do you have a right to comment on the job these men have done over the past week. Until then, I call bull****.
Every New Orleans cop who stayed on the job and did their best to serve and protect their city when any sane person would have thrown down their badge and run like h*** ought to get a medal and a $50,000 check ASAP. Period. Begrudge them a few days vacation in Vegas or Atlanta? No freakin’ way!
– Badtux the Appreciative Penguin
I am glad I didn’t read all the comments I just posted my positive feedback on his comment.