Hurricane Katrina refugee Valerie Bennett, of Slidell, La., presses her face to her dog, Lady, after they were reunited at Emory Hospital in Atlanta, Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2005. She and her husband, Lorne, had to leave behind four of their pets when Lorne, a liver transplant patient, had to be evacuated in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, to a liver specialist for supervision. (AP)
I just don’t think I could leave Tunch behind. If you want to give to help the animals, contribute to Noah’s Wish however you can.
And how about a moment of silence for Stormy’s kitty, who had be put down yesterday.
Defense Guy
Sorry to hear that Stormy.
Sorry to hear about your cat Stormy. It’s hard losing a member of the family.
Sorry Stormy. I have two cats. I’d hate to lose either of them. The bird population in my neighborhood wouldn’t mind so much though.
I think the pet angle in this catastrophe must be explored in the future. How many people stayed behind with their pets rather than lose them in an evacuation? I don’t think the number is insignificant.
Seal Pool
Animals aren’t really much different than humans, they just don’t have sin in them.
So it’s much easier to prefer them to other humans.
Seal Pool
to JG:
I recommend putting collars with bells on your cats. The sound will warn the birds, but your cats can still stalk them to some degree.
Outside cats can sometimes be a threat to native bird populations.
{sniff} thank you.
John – did the terrorists win? Or did you adopt those kittens?
I saw Noah’s Wish profiled on Fox, and they had rescued a warehouse full of pets, including the birds. Pet Smart is also taking donations for the Katrina pets.
John — I can see why you want to save animals so much now that you’ve become Karl Rove’s lap dog.
John S.
Well I’ll be….
That looks exactly like my dog.
I’m glad that little dacshund got her mommy back.
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat… I had to have my 12 yo Basset put down in March and it was the most awful day ever. I’ll be thinking about you.
Yeah, condolences to you, Stormy. Pets never live long enough. (Although my wife might disagree when it comes to my dog.)
Jay C
Yep: saddest days of many sad days are when you have to let go of a longtime pet…. My wife and I (determinedly non-sentimentalists both) cried like babies when we had to take our Max (basic orange tabby cat – 18 yo) on that one-way trip to the vet. It may seem petty or stupid to get bent-out-of-shape over animals after a tragedy like Hurricane Katrina (especially if you have human dependents to look after): but the loss of any creature one has responsibility for is still a hard thing to bear. It’s tough: and neither sentimentalizing/anthropomorphosizing OR dismissal ever helps you deal.
(Just thank the Intelligent Designer that puppies and/or kittens are never in short supply!)
Condolences, Stormy. I still miss my childhood cat every once in a while; she made it to nearly 20.
But huzzah for the wiener dog!
Justin O.
I think the whole pets being lost-ruinited thing is getting way too much fucking press….with respect to the pets and all.
I don’t think it’s petty at all. I like dogs much more than I like most people. Who else is so damned happy to see you at the end of the day that they run around the house like idiots? My Dreyfus is 13 years old, and I know that when he goes, my heart will break.
Stormy70, sorry about your cat. I’ve lost two so I feel your pain.
Seal Pool, I would say that there is a lot more that seperates us humans from animals than sin. Also I would never put bells on my cat. The consequence is that she’ll catch mice and bring them inside the house. Which is fine as long as I find them before she either kills them or they start to smell.
I’m guessing Noah’s Wish doesn’t help all the animals, probably just the cuddly ones. Who do I donate to so that the police doesn’t kill all the alligators? Or the snakes?
Justin O.
Pee Wee’s Big Adventure pet rescue scene cut 2