An interesting solution to the problem of school truancy:
An Australian high school hopes to stop beach-loving students from bailing out of class by making surfing an approved subject.
Byron Bay High School will offer surfing as part of a recreation course that from next year will count toward a high school certificate in New South Wales state.
“You’ve got students who are at risk of dropping out of school and the school has developed this course as a way to provide a pathway for these students into future employment and keep them connected to education,” state Education Minister Carmel Tebbutt said.
Great, now if they just make sex, gangbanging and drug use approved school subjects, our kids will be set!
Somewhere, Prof. Victor Hanson is quietly banging his head against a desk.
Mike S
It worked for my brother. He was going to drop out and go pro, yes he was that good, until his high school offered it as a club. To stay in the club he had to stay and pass in school.
Jeff B
It is already pretty common to have it as a sport or PE in schools in California. The kids take it early in the morning (around sunrise) to get the best waves.
They teach soccer and tennis and, hell, even ballroom dancing in highschools and colleges. I don’t see anything wrong with a beachfront school having beachfront extraciriculars.
As for sex, drugs, and rock&roll being offered in future semesters, Human Sexuality, Pharmacy/Chemistry, and Guitar are some of the more popular classes and electives down at the University of Texas. Been there, done that. It’s actually worked very well.
Is our children surfing?
yeah, I suppose it’s not that bad. I just wish schools would focus on teaching. If kids want to drop out and do other things, that’s their choice to make in a free society.
This is no different than how football or basketball operate for some students. If a kid shows up to class and does his homework because he needs the grades to stay on the football team, that’s a win. It’s a pity that some of our schools can’t afford arts and athletics programs, because they’re such key components of keeping kids interested.
I don’t think they actually have sex and do drugs for credit, though.
Yeah, except you don’t school credits for playing football.
Not yet, anyway…
“Dude, I totally aced the practical. Hey, are those potato chips?”
My high school did. One credit per semester for football players, last period of the day.
Off Colfax
All I can say is this…
Good on’yer, mates!
Here in San Diego & at the high school I attended, Surf PE was available & very popular. Students met & signed in & were supervised. It didn’t seem to hurt academics & cut down on surfing related truancy & tardiness. Not to mention, it beat the hell out of running around the track or playing soccer or such. We also offered Tennis for PE, can’t imagine that too many people would complain about that, especially since the school produced Michael Chang & several Professional Surfers.
goonie bird
Holy cowabunga batman the ausies are holding surfing classes in their schools and to think that some of our schools are teaching kids this animal rights crap or how to use a condom