Robert George discusses the security restrictions at the ill-conceived ‘Freedom Walk.’
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by John Cole| 45 Comments
This post is in: General Stupidity
Robert George discusses the security restrictions at the ill-conceived ‘Freedom Walk.’
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Looks like the organizers mistakenly thought that the event was being held in Fallujah.
But, they’re doing a heck of a job!
Our Freedom Walk is going to be fenced in and surrounded by cops.
That’s a PR coup if i’ve ever seen one!
The incompetence just gets better and better!
Hey – freedom isn’t free or haven’t you heard?
Hey, you have the freedom to behave exactly how we want you to!
Those New Yorkers who died in 9/11 would have wanted a tightly controlled goverment event followed by a concert featuring country music stars. By criticizing this, you dishonor their memories.
Why do you hate America?
Defense Guy
I seem to recall some other victims on that day that were not in NY. They were however a little closer to where the event is taking place. While the registration and threat of arrest are stupid, the fences and police presence are a fact of life for these kinds of events here in DC these days.
I know what went on here yesterday.
How come y’all ate America?
It is possible the victims at the Pentagon would approve of Soviet-style parade to mark the fourth anniversary of 9/11. But, honestly, I doubt it.
Are the terr’sts gonna get ’em?
While I have never had many kind words for this administration, I have never thought they were stupid. However, upon reading this and other recent occurances, it looks like my opinion needs to be re-evaluted.
Let’s hope they’re using fences and not underfunded levees. The terrorists could probably breach the levees.
Update – I just checked and freedom costs a $1.05 to be exact.
Defense Guy
Come for the 4th sometime and you will see what I am talking about. Security is the name of the game now, perhaps someday we will have no need of it.
I remember during the election that everyone was talking about how efficient and effective and smart the administration was. They can do anything!
I always thought that was a false argument because, from my vantage point, they have fucked up everything that they’ve touched. Anything that requires actually doing anything, they have fucked up. They just do things have assed and on the cheap.
In business, you do all the due diligence and redundancy and pre-planning you can to make the chance of success as close to 100% as possible. You leave nothing to chance
These guys come up with an idea and plan around the best case scenario. Everytime.
Hell, even the re-election was by the skin of their teeth.
Now they’re screwing up the one thing that they’re good at: PR.
I don’t see this as a change, i see this as business as usual for them. They’re incompetent and have completely relied on the fact that they control both houses of Congress. Aside from what Congress has handed him, Bush doesn’t have too much to be proud of.
The point is that we shouldn’t be commemorating 9/11 with a pro-war rally in the first place.
No, I remember how everyone was talking about what a bloviation nitwit Kerry was and his reprehensible choice of J. Edwards as VP. And that at least Bush understood that Islamofascism was more of a threat than say the govt. (which runs the libraries) reading your public library reading list.
Hey, guys, remember that Bush’s is the first Internet presidency. Everything he says, does, etc. is immediately sent for scrutiny over the web. No president in the future is ever gonna look good thanks to you hordes of keyboard commanders-in-chief. And not to mention the 24 news cycles that treat every roadside bomb in Iraq as Pearl Harbor.
After reading this blog for the past few weeks, I’m convinced Doug J and Ppgaz et al. should be president. Why you guys have the answers for everything. Gosh, how do you guys do it? I’m interested in learning more about your organization. May I subscribe to your newsletter?
blovation should be BLOVIATING.
Yeah, we should be honoring Cindy Sheehan and other real heroes, you know, for the children.
Hey Darrell,
I remember both.
And Clinton was the first internet President. Remember when the Starr report was downloaded by everyone in the country?
Thanks, Mom.
Hey, couldn’t you get a dumber handle?
I mean, really, Darrell.
But seriously,
Contributions may be sent directly to the Pat Paulsen for President Committee.
Not many blogs like this one around during the Clinton presidency.
Sure, give me some of your best ideas. You seem to have the “dumb” market cornered.
Otto Man
The rest of you may disagree, but I’m looking forward to America’s first annual Do As We Say festival.
I don’t agree with you. While the Iraq war dead and their families deserve a memorial, it should have nothing to do with 9/11. 9/11 should be about remembering the victims and those who tried to save them, not holding a big rally in support of the war some people claim we started in their name.
Oh I see, this is a “Darrell Thread.”
Sorry, my mistake.
“It’s the Freedom Walk. Freedom is on the march. Get in line! No, don’t look around, keep your eyes forward. Now march. March! Get those knees up!”
Defense Guy brings up a good point about the necessity for security – given that, though, maybe they could have chosen a different name for this little hootenanny?
*dons asbestous suit*
Does anyone out there besides me think it’s past time we start commemorating 9/11 in a more low-key way? A way that’s quieter, more introspective, more truly respectful, and less hysterically overblown (and commercialized)? How long are we going to keep wallowing in our national tragedy? At some point, this kind of behavior begins to impede healing rather than facilitating it.
Come on, people, don’t you know that elections have consequences? One of those consequences is the suspension of a free press and the right to dissent. He has a mandate you know.
Full coverage of the Freedom Walk would make us look weak and give aid and comfort to the insurgents. If we didn’t have the fences, Cindy Sheehan might show up and plant white crosses everywhere. Then someone would have to run them over in a truck. And with the media there to see all of this and take pictures, it could spark riots throughout the Islamic world.
And why isn’t the media reporting all the good news about the Freedom Walk, anyway?
Sure, send me an email with the word “subscribe” in the subject line. The email address is [email protected].
Oh Boy! I can’t wait!
And I think we should show the world our military arsenal so that the evil people won’t dare to attack us. Maybe we could put some nukes on some lorries? And tanks. Tanks are nice.
And we should show of our fighting men and women, maybe they could parade before all our mighty weapons. Nice cordinated marching soldiers will inspire the people.
And then Bush, our leader, could be standing high up with Rumsfeld and Cheney and wave to the patriots and inspect the military might.
Oh Boy! I can’t wait!
We chould move the Kremlin palace to Arlington, so that they could stand on the balcony, too!
Does this remind anyone else of the “Freedom” episode of Strangers with Candy? The one where Jerri Blank spends a good portion of the episode confined in the Freedom Cage? Where the sculpture dedicated to the concept of freedom is an eagle attempting to soar majestically that is unfortunately tethered by a ball and chain? Yeah.
So they are going to hand out little plastic dog tags to the registered participants…
Defense Guy
Well, even though it says registration is closed after 10am today, it let me register. I will be going with my wife (a lib democrat), and if they really do let us in, I will let ya’ll know how it was.
What kind of people would even go to such a grotesque event, anyway?
Defense Guy
Why do you hate your country and your troops? Hope that hate keeps you warm at night. Traitor. Love it or leave it.
Am I missing any?
W.B. Reeves
Is this one going to be excused as an attempt at humor as well?
Anyway, the event sounds likely to be pretty dismal. It isn’t even clear what the purpose is anymore. Doesn’t sound much like a spontaneous show of public support. More like an extremely long ticket line. Hope the concert is worth it.
Why do you puff yourself up so? I only hate you.
You got an army of mice in your pocket?
Didn’t you just get married? Aren’t you going to miss your new bride when they haul her off to the
Re-education CampFreedom Park?tBone
btw, DG – I’m trusting that your sense of humor isn’t as frayed as, er, certain people here.
Defense Guy
It isn’t. I can’t keep up the vitriol for people I don’t even really know. I did just get married, and given her status as a veteran, I doubt they will be dragging her anywhere.
The walk has no political ramifications for me. I am doing it exactly to show my support for the troops. Plus it comes with a free t-shirt. I’d do almost anything for a free t-shirt.
If you leave out the ‘Am I missing any?’ on the next line, then I can see how you would read it as not an attempt at humor. If you didn’t find it funny, you can have double your money back. You scum sucking leftie you.
Defense Guy
No, only the army of voices in my head.
What? No. We hardly know him. I will not.
Phew, that was close.
After the Clint Black show, everyone between 18 and 42 is hopping onto C-130s and shipping out to Iraq. Support the troops!
You go, girl!
I can’t wait to see what Worst POTUS Ever has in store for 4th of July. What are we suposed to remember on memorial day again? Ah, yes, Katrina, the day Dear Leader saved us from satan’s tsunami.
P.S. Cole, no mind reading, chill.
W.B. Reeves
Doing the dozens can be fun when you’re hanging out having a beer with friends. The key requirement being that everyone is on terms of familarity if not intimacy. That’s why you can say things like “Your mamma’s so poor, the cockroaches have to line up to get in her house.” Cracks can get gammier than that and it’s ok because everybody knows everybody and nobody takes its seriously.
What you appear to be doing is something all together different. A technique popular with certain media stars. You make insulting, even vile comments about those you disagree with. When they complain, you say you were just joking and gosh aren’t those (fill in your favorite ideological whipping boy) such a bunch of humorless you know whats! The angrier the complaints are, the more fun can be had.
The trouble with this kind of humor is that it is only funny to people who enjoy the invective for it’s own sake, either because they think it damaging to the opposition or because they actually believe the insults to be true.
In my view, this sort of humor appeals to a bigoted mind set. It works for those who find it funny because it validates their existing prejudices.
It’s similar to the way racist “jokes” work. Something manifestly unfunny becomes hysterical when targeted at the object of prejudice. One example from my Southern Childhood:
This gem used to evoke everything from sly smiles to gales of laughter amongst my white southern brethren. Here’s a thought experiment for you. Substitute any group for “nigger kids”. See if you can come up with one that makes the joke funny to you.