And the games continue:
A new Democratic effort to whip up indignation about the Bush administration’s handling of Hurricane Katrina also tried to raise money for Democratic candidates.
Sen. Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat and the head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, issued an appeal Thursday urging people to sign an online petition to fire the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency over his handling of the Katrina response.
After an inquiry from the Associated Press, the DSCC quickly pulled down the page and said they would donate to charity any money raised by the anti-FEMA petition.
When recipients clicked on a link to the petition, the top center of the screen _ above the call to “Fire the FEMA director” _ had asked for a donation to the DSCC.
Other DSCC Web pages have the same appeal for contributions, but several do not.
Since Katrina, Democrats have charged Republicans badly botched the response, and some have called for the firing of FEMA chief Michael Brown.
In recent days, Republicans hit back by accusing Democrats of trying to use the human tragedy for political gain. The letter, the GOP said Thursday, was proof.
“It’s a disgrace to exploit Hurricane Katrina to raise political funds,” said Brian Nick, spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
“They should halt this activity because it’s way over the line,” he said.
DSCC spokesman Phil Singer said: “While the content of the letter is totally valid, it should have never been linked to a Web site that asks people to contribute to political campaigns. We regret it, have removed the letter from our site and will donate any contributions raised as a result of this petition to the Red Cross.”
Is there anything politicians will not use to attempt to raise money?
DIVERSION 101 – John Cole doing his part. Oh, and John how is Karl fearing these days with the leak investigation about to come to a close?
Since it appears to be a misplaced banner, odds are it was probably a tech goof.
But cited quote even shows that they immediately admitted to the mistake, rectified it, and made restitution by donating the collected money to the Red Cross.
That’s accountability and responsibility. Something that we have never seen from the Republican party in the past 5 years.
Whatcha think about the email from RNC sent last week asking for money to repeal the death tax?
John Cole
Hey Joe- GFY.
You want wall to wall coverage of what you WANT- start a blog.
Silly, childish prick. How you even think this is a ‘diversion’ from the catastrophe is beyond me, but I guess you really can keep only one idea bouncing around that little head of yours.
John Cole
Didn’t see it. What did it say?
Blue Neponset
That was a stupid thing for the DCCC to do, but they corrected their ‘mistake’. I have a hard time believing any politician would be dumb enough to do what the DCCC did on purpose, but I have been wrong about the stupidity of politicians before.
This article is a good example of what we can expect for the next few years, more of the same. If we can’t find common ground after a disaster like Katrina then we won’t find common ground on anything.
Either a dumb idea or a technical mistake.
At least properly resolved and owned up to. As opposed to the photo I received in the mail of George in AF1 after 9/11 soliciting donations to the GOP.
As a matter of fact, I don’t recall any righteous indignation over that one.
RNC Email as posted on DKos Sept 1, 2005:
The outrage over this one was the ill-timed release. But in the RNC’s defense, they did send a email out earlier calling for red cross donations. []
There’s another one out there [haven’t found it again yet] that basically says “Evil Howard Dean will rule the world if you don’t give money to X republican causes in the wake of Katrina.” I’m so not kidding…I will post when I find it.
But its shit like this that is really over the top.
yet another jeff
Linked article notwithstanding, it seems no one has answered the “Is there anything politicians will not use to attempt to raise money?” question.
May be out on a limb here, but I’m going with “No.”
Let me respond on behalf of many of the posters I read here regularly:
“Oh yeah? Is it any different from when [INSERT NAME OF REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN OR CONSERVATIVE PUNDIT] did [INSERT ACTIVITY KOS, DU OR ATRIOS RANTED ABOUT RECNTLY] shortly after [INSERT TRAGIC EVENT I THINK IS ANALOGOUS]? The DSCC is just playing by the rules that the GOP established long ago. If [REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN OR CONSERVATIVE PUNDIT] can manipulate [TRAGIC EVENT] to win the 2000 and 2004 elections, then the Democrats should be able to do what it takes to win as well!”
Another Jeff
Exactly right. Well said.
Ummm, yeah, basically. Sorry if you have a problem with people calling Republicans on their hypocrisy.
Remember when hypocrisy was considered a liability? Now, the cynicism has run so thick that it’s considered tactically acceptable.
In this particular case, i really think it was an honest mistake. And I’m very proud that the Democrats so quickly admitted to their mistake and rectified the situation.
So there’s not too much need for outrage about it.
Mac Buckets
The main reason I like Democrats is their childlike naivety. They’re like a basket of newborn kittens.
Mike S
They’ll all use anything. But I’ll tell you what they won’t DO to raise money. Their friggin jobs.
Too true
Defense Guy
Mac Buckets
Yes, but only when it is a Democrat situation. When it is a Republican mistake, then they are something entirely different from kittens. Unless of course you mean that they will gleefully shit in your shoes while you sleep, in which case, good call.
Condescending snarky prick.
How about the naivete that explains why Pat Robertson’s charity was prominently listed on FEMA’s website, second, right after the Red Cross?
That was just an honest mistake, right?
Mac Buckets
Calling your comment “naive” was the only thing I could think of besides “intellectually dishonest zombie.” I was being kind.
Ummm, that’s not naivety. Pat Robertson’s charity, Operation Blessing, helps victims of the hurricane/floods. The Democrats were raising money to win the next election. See the HUGE difference? Of course you don’t.
The fact that you would even raise this point illustrates how far the Kool-Aid drinkers will reach to excuse their own abominable behavior by using the fourth-grade “They’re doing it, too, kinda, but not really…but I’ll say it anyway!”
Do you really think Operation Blessing is the second most notable charity in the country? The charity of the man calling for the assassination of foreign leaders. That charity?
I guess the KoolAid gives one a bad case of the bullshits.
Do you really think Operation Blessing is the second most notable charity in the country? The charity of the man calling for the assassination of foreign leaders. That charity?
What does that have to do with the Democrats using the issue to raise money?
As for the link, good Lord!! FEMA posted a link to a charity that is run by Pat Robertson!! The HORROR!!
Hell, we had better get right down there to NO and let people know about that!
“Don’t accept that water!! Don’t take those blankets!! Don’t dare eat that food!! It came from an organization run by Pat Robertson!!”
You know, I don’t like Pat Robertson. But OB is helping people. Would you rather their operations just be shut down?
Mac Buckets
Let’s see: Irrelevant, Irrelevant, and Irrelevant.
It might be the second-biggest charity helping out, it may not be. It may even be run by a loon. It is still a disaster relief charity helping those in need on the Gulf Coast, which was why, if you are to be believed, it was featured prominently on the FEMA page.
To conflate that charitable effort with the Democrats’ election fund fiasco is either desperate straw-grasping or intellectual dishonesty.
Masterful snark.
Come on, you already know the answer to that question! ;-)
Well, if you say so three times… I guess you’re right!
Mac Buckets
Typically, you ignore the full explanation just after that snippet, and go straight for the weak snark. Lightweight stuff, my friend.
You’ve done that to me this entire thread, bucko. You’re the one who refused to address why OB is situated so highly in the list of charities. You admit that “It might be the second-biggest charity helping out, it may not be. It may even be run by a loon.” but eh, well, eh, whatever! It’s a charity! Charities belong on a FEMA list of charities! There is no rhyme or reason to how things are listed there and why would there be??? Who are we to think? Everything is random!
The analogy to the DSCC’s situation is clear: You’re accusing the Dems of trying to profit from the hurricane tragedy by tricking people into donating money to them while they are signing a petition to get rid of Brownie.
But i view it as far less disingenuous than FEMA listing OB so prominently in their charity list. OB, while a valid charity, is hardly on the scope or level of credibility as many, many other charities.
People on the DSCC site know where their money would be going. People on the FEMA site don’t necessarily know what OB is. (I wouldn’t have had i not read an article about it.)
btw – I’ve already said that it’s wrong and i’m glad that they addressed it so quickly and honestly.
Meaty enough for you? The selective quoting and thinking is on your part.
OB, while a valid charity, is hardly on the scope or level of credibility as many, many other charities.
According to whom?
Why don’t we get back to the heart of the difference. When the Dems were caught (be it an honest mistake of using the wrong web template, or an underhanded attempt to raise money), they apologized, fixed the problem, and made restitution. When is the last time the national Republican party did anything of the sort?
(crickets chirping)
There were only three charities set apart from the alphabetically ordered list. It was one of them.
I would think that the Salvation Army would be above them.
And if Operation Blessing was such a top-level charity, why is it no longer on FEMA’s list of charities? Not even on the list, let alone at the top.
Oh yea, and the head of OB is a wannabee-assassin.
Often true – charity in one’s heart and misplaced trust do frequently go hand in hand. This is the same reason I like fundamentalist Christian Republicans. The Republican leadership takes massive amounts of their money and uses them to organize voting turnout that tips elections. Their reward: A pat on the head and an occasional declaration that they are on the right path with their beliefs from some party poobah. Politically, has so much ever been purchased at so low of a cost?
That’s outrageous — what kind of people would attempt to politicize a national tragedy like that? Don’t they know that 9/11 changed everything?
Mac Buckets
No, the heart of the difference is that the Republicans don’t attempt to raise funds by fingerpointing during a natural disaster. Democrats do. And no credit given for “Well, you caught me! We’ll stop now,” because if they hadn’t been caught, Slime Schumer would still be at the cash register.
They never would try. That’s my point.