The Roberts Hearings are ongoing, and unavailable anywhere. I was watching on MSNBC, and Judge Roberts was in a detailed discussion of how to ‘reign in’ (it was a response to a Brownback question) the courts through legislative action, and apparently the producers at MSNBC got bored. They cut away in mid-sentence and went to some coverage of Hurricane Ophelia.
I threw the remote.
*** Update ***
And no, it is not on C-Span. Apparently it is on C-Span 3, which I do not get (and, for that matter, was unaware existed).
That is why God gave us CSpan.
Ah, a topic!
Like the first cup of coffee in the morning…
Thanks John.
It’s on NPR at least.
It’s on NPR, and you’re not missing much.
We’ve had one Senator go off on a paegn to the Senate’s elevator operator, who has Down’s Syndrome, in order to lament abortion of fetuses diagnosed with DS. Apparently, persons with DS exist in order to uplift society, and aborting fetuses with DS is therefore preventing society from being uplifted. Or something.
Now we’ve got someone who’s really pissed the SCOTUS said executing minors is unConsitutional, because SCOTUS referred to international norms in the process of reaching that decision.
It makes an interesting juxtaposition: the Protection of DS fetuses versus the RIght to Execute Teenagers.
The Dumbing Down of American. Yesterday, the local PBS cut off the hearings at 6:00 pm for their series of newscast. History is being made, but, nah, it’s “news” time. Fucking clown show.
To those who can afford it. You know, the ble$$ed ones.
Doing otherwise would mess up my TiVo.
It blows my mind how someone can hold both of those views in their head at the same time.
I think the logic is, they’re pro-life until you sin. Then you deserve to die. Even though we’re all sinners. And we’re all born with Original Sin.
Makes Scientology sound intriguing.
I don’t mind that this isn’t being covered by mainstream networks (as opposed to CSPAN which is missing out). Barring Roberts jumping up and screaming that he eats babies, his confirmation is pretty guaranteed. He’s going to give vague answers for a few days, the Democrats will know they don’t have the votes to do anything without a smoking gun, and that will be it.
Make the information out there for the diehards who want to know exactly what is being said, and make sure there’s someone listening in case Roberts does say anything news worthy, but this is more a game for the political junkies than the “Dumbing Down of America.”
I don’t remember the networks covering gavel to gavel confirmation hearings of Supreme Court justices in the past after all.
It is so on CSPAN…CSPAN-3 that is.
It prolly wasn’t on immediately [cut in] and sometimes they forget to update their listings.
Thats what’s listed on the CSPAN website for CSPAN-3, but it really is the Roberts hearings. Guess they need a better content manager.
[Sorry for double post Mr. Cole]
Mr Furious
I’m at work so it doesn’t matter. But I really want to know what the hell is on CSPAN 1 and 2 over hearings for the Chief Fucking Justice?
There’s a CSPAN-3? Three entire channels devoted to congressional windbaggery? The mind boggles.
C-Span 2, (?) Channel 99 here, is televising a minor House Committee hearing in a room with poor lighting and few participants. Otherwise we get to watch either the House or Senate in regular session or paint drying. Gotta agree with jobiuspublius on the history-in-the-making aspect.
The Comish (sic)
Sombody from my office was watching the confirmation hearings today on C-SPAN … which were being broadcast over the internet.
It is truly a brave and wondrous new world.
goonie bird
Whens he going to throw capt kennedys damn palm tree overboard?
I believe the two CSPANS are contractually obligated to cover the House (1) or the Senate (2) whenever they are in session, though I could be wrong.