Am I the only person on the planet who didn’t know Bush was addressing the nation tonight?
Jeebus. Take a day off reading blogs and watch the news, settle d0wn in front of the tube with some Choco-Mint Chip ice cream and a two-hour CSI (that I missed earlier in the year), and Bush is addressing the damned nation for an hour. Will this really take an hour? I can do it in thirty words:
Howdy folks. Bush here.
A hurricane came.
It was big.
Killed lots of people.
Our response was not what we wanted.
But we will rebuild.
Think permanent deficits.
Now on with CSI before my ice cream melts.
Interestingly, polling found large majorities think Katrina brought America together and that New Orleans will be rebuilt even better than before the hurricane.
Which is nice and all, but I can smell the bacon already…
My poll numbers are in the crapper.
This my speech where I’m suppose to act like I care.
Ron Beasley
You forgot more tax cuts
To answer your original question; yes.
Hold on, I’ll check with Darrell.
Anti-dote, just in case. It has some potty language, but, we’re big now.
Amen, brother, amen.
Katrina Coverage
Think LBJ meets Jimmy Carter.
” …. birds will once again sing over the polished cars of Biloxi, and the sweet sound of church music will once again play in the streets of the ruined city, and I have been talking for a half hour, and I have no idea what the hell I just said, and I hope that you share this with me. Good night, and God Bless America.”
Or something. Am I the only one who was totally confused by this speech?
nice visuals though
Helloooo! Mandate?
general consensus of the talking heads is that this speech wasn’t Bush’s “bullhorn” moment.
i thought he was standing in front of a blue screen….and kept waiting for a bird to crap on his shirt. but that’s something i look for at any out-door speech.
I give him props for trying to buck everyone up and so forth, but he made so many promises to so many groups and interests and signed IOUs for so much money, it sounded like the New Deal and War on Poverty and the Moral Equivalent of War all wrapped up into one giant mass of Pork Roll Potted Meat.
Cost more than Iraq? What the fuck, are we going to invade ALL the oil-bearing countries and take their oil and their money to pay for these things? The country is going broke as it is.
This guy just slays me. Hopefully, not literally.
Ancient Purple
During his speech, Bush said:
Gee whiz, Uncle George, I thought we were already supposed to have done that for the past four years.
Someone remind me why this president is supposed to be a great president.
Didn’t watch it at all. Was it good? Did the president offer any new ideas on how the cleanup effort was going to go? Did he address any of the several spending related issues we’re going to face? Or, should I quit asking these questions and get back to the hooter I was smoking?
John, you left out a few items:
Tax cuts.
Multi-billion dollar contracts to our cronies.
PS: “Surplus federal land”? What surplus federal land? Toxic- and nuclear-waste dumps? National parks? ANWR?
Can we say super-flipper-flopper? Anyway, the real bad news is that we missed a chance to get alchohol poisoning.
We shouldn’t let this happen very often, but since we earlier declared this to be Congenial Thursday or whatever, I agree with you on this.
Bush described a gigantic sea of Pork Gravy that is bigger than anything ever dreamed of by LBJ and FDR put together.
My spouse, who is more Repub than Dem, is shaking her head. “I should cough up all that tax money to rebuild a city that is below sea level and directly in the path of more hurricanes? In your dreams, George! You better have one helluva plan!”
If GWB can’t sell the thing to my missus, he can’t sell it to anybody. Oh wait, I saw Haley Barbour drooling over the Pork Sandwiches coming his way ……..
Mike S
I’m heading to New Orleans. I managed a sporting goods store over a decade ago so I should have the experiance needed to secure one of those contracts.
Seems like an awful expensive way to try to salvage Karl Rove’s reputation.
Why is everything political with this guy? Why not put somebody in that position who knows SOMETHING about re-building devastated areas? How ironic that he chooses somebody best known for his slash-and-burn style.
Big E
I was waiting for someone, to yell from somewhere,
a certain ‘colorful metaphor’ that was expressed
to V.P. Cheney…
Well, it’s only 3 or 4 states that qualify, right? So, how is that supposed to save so many congressional butts and keep him from getting impeached? Where did the majority of the survivors go? Red states? Worst-POTUS-Ever bleeds alot of money out of the Northeast onto the red states as it is. Then they hate the northeast and think their good fortune is due to tax cuts, now that’s wankertude. There is also the issue of drowning the government while they can.
Message: I’m a heavily sedated lavender ninja.
Did he discuss accountability at all with respect to the expenditures though? I’m still smoking and stupidly waiting for an answer. What’s even more worrisome for someone who didn’t watch the speech, is this quote from Josh Marshall:
Does this guy really need anymore power?
Did I ever tell you guys how much Wanker In Chief looks like Pat Robertson?
I think Mike S has the spirit.
Watch half the Coast Guard get shipped to Iraq.
Interestingly the sharpest crituques of Bush’s speech is coming from the right. Fiscal conservatives (any of those left?) can’t be happy with the big federal expenditures Bush outlined. Locals are not too happys since most of the contracts to date have gone to out of state companies (curiously many from Houston).
And what I see as a big problem for bush is that he is not naming a Czar the run the whole thing which means he is going to be held accountable of things don’t go too well… And can ANYBODY be confident that things will go well? These are the same guys that gave us Iraq.
If I was a Republican congressman right now I would be downing tums by the handful.
Jimmy Jazz
“We are going to borrow tens of billions from China and we’re going to give it to our loyal campaign contributors, who will provide jobs for thousands of imported Mexicans, and they will kick back 10% to the RNC so we can continue to tell everyone what a great job we’re doing. Goodnight, and God bless America.”
This is the last nail in the coffin of fiscal conservatism. I can’t even begin to think of what the consequences of these policies will be, on top of all the other challenges we’re facing. GWB and his cronies will bankrupt us.
The Republican party has betrayed its own principles.
I thought it was a good speech. It wasn’t so much what he said as the tone; when he apologized for the inadequate response, he seemed legitimately pissed off, which isn’t normally his best emotion. As a confirmed Bush-hater, it seemed to me like he was finally taking his job seriously.
When all is said and done, pols are pawns. Maybe, it’s all Clinton’s fault. I should go look up what the DLC has to say. A fattening sow raises all boats as opposed to trickle down pork?
Follow the money.
I think I speak for all of us when I say: Wow, that was one helluva speech. I’ll admit I had my doubts beforehand, I’d been begining to wonder about this administration, how they handled the hurricane, and how they’ll handle the aftermath. But not anymore.
As Bush strode to the podium, his blue-gray shirt the same hue as the beautifully backlit St. Louis church, I realized that he was a leader I could trust. That, in in this as in Iraq, we would stay the course and build a stronger, more vibrant, but less corrupt and sinful, New Orleans. I have never been more proud to be an American.
May God bless these United States of America.
Freedom is on the march. We will invade them, liberate them from their own governments and begin pumping the cheap oil our economy so desperately needs. That sound you hear in the distance? It’s freedom on the march.
Crap! We lost DougJ again.
Jesus Himself could not have spoken more eloquently than our president did tonight. In fact, if you forgot for a moment that he was wearing a blue oxford shirt, instead of a cloth robe, and that he is clean shaven rather than heavily bearded, it was easy to think that what we saw tonight was Jesus come down to comfort the people of New Orlean. Not a second coming per se, but a comforting and merciful appearance by the Son of the Almighty.
2nd coming jesus is pat robertson’s love child.
I will admit that there was one thing that disappointed me slightly: coudln’t they have hung a banner saying “Mission Accomplished” on the church? It would have been a nice touch.
Big E
uploading a beer to you :::::::> just too good..
and then I was wondering….
Why isn’t the NRA going down to NOLA to help in resisting the confiscation of firearms by the military? What happened to that ‘pry my cold dead fingers’ stuff?
“Mision Cumplido”
That gets the Hispanic vote and also gives the church a nice new name.
If another hurricane heads up the Gulf, Bush can stand on the levee and declare, “Bring it on!”
With friends like us, he doesn’t need enemas.
Well, hold on. What’s ancient Hebrew for “helicopter?”
That’s exactly what they’re doing. The NRA approves.
hmm, so Bush takes a lot of heat for having an incompetent political guy at the head of FEMA, and what does he do next? Name another political guy to lead the reconstruction. Way to take responsibility…
How is this business of rebuilding based on controls from DC anything other than rank socialism?
The whole concept should be focused on loans – to private parties, to NO, to the states, at low rates, guaranteed. If they know they need to pay the money back, even over 30 years, we will see more intelligent investment. FEMA in CA after fires etc. makes loans. Why anything more for long term projects in the Gulf area?
On a side note, NO has large risks from the Mississippi River, which is likely to flood and/or change its course. For at lest 100 years, the M River has wanted to flow down the Atchafalaya River distributary to Morgan City, about 140 miles west of NO (shorter and steeper route to the sea). Good snow melt in the midwest and rains 30% above normal could easily cause 90% of the main river to change course. Almost happened in 1973. Corps plan is to send 50% flow in a design flood (which is less than a 100 year flood) past Morgan City. Normal flow away from NO is now 30% of total flow.
Using the socialist approach (control from DC) is asking for huge troubles. Better to let private parties borrow and take the risks that make sense, after full disclosure of risk of floods, hurricanes, river course change. After all, the money is not free if it comes from DC, it is just borrowed in bigger volumes.
The flooding is in its last throes.
I’ve said it before but I think it bear repeating. Imagine how much worse this could have been if Kerry had been elected. Saddam himself could have been right there in New Orleans, putting toxins in the water, setting water moccasins loose, encouraging looting, and chasing the staff out of nursing homes. Just think about that for a moment.
China called. They’ve decided to pull out of the deficit
support business next year. Now how’s that cut taxes but spend freely magic going to work?
I’m all for rebuilding New Orleans and I don’t mind paying more taxes for that or for universal healthcare. If only I could specify exactly how my tax dollars get spent… :-).
You got that right, kemo sabe. Who wants to hear:
“I actually told Brownie he was doing a heck of a job, before I told him he was doing a terrible job.”
That’s the kind of wishy-washy leadership we can’t afford.
“I actually told Brownie he was doing a heck of a job, before I told him he was doing a terrible job” is flip-flopping, but
“I actually told Brownie he was doing a heck of a job, before I fired him” is leadership. I feel more than a little sorry for Drownie, truth be told. He never should have been in that job in the first place.
But, in fairness to Bush, no one could have anticipated that an unsuccessful lawyer and disgraced former head of the Arabian Horses Commission would fail as head of FEMA.
Well, I agree. A failed alcoholic oil driller who was given a stake in a baseball team by his rich dad and raised himself up into the White House by his own bootstraps and by the dint of his father’s connections and his brother’s state’s electoral votes bought and paid for after the election was over ….
well, this says it better than I can ….
Really, I just think that he was trying to help Brownie pull himself up the way he himself was pulled up.
A “pay it forward” sort of thing.
Jimmy Jazz
No one expected that when the levee breaks, we’d have no place to stay.
And nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition.
And no one could have antipicated that those Arabian rescue horses would have so much trouble swimming.
There’s always discussion about raising taxes but right when businesses and people are trying to get back on their feet in the gulf coast region, the worst thing we can do with these families is pop them with another tax.
This is going to require difficult decisions in Washington. It’s going to be important that we don’t have the same ol’ same ol’ that we see in Washington. Tough choices will be to have made and President Bush is willing to do that.
John, I bet you are as annoyed as I am that they did not actually re-air last seasons C.S.I finale…I also missed it the firt time around. Grumble, grumble, maybe next week? One can hope.
Ancient Purple
You mean like which places he will be vacationing or politicking at the next time a disaster happens?
Obviously, people have not been laying stores of the proper disaster-abatement materials.
Tums? Americans turn to real medications in times like these: bourbon, gin, or very strong IPA. And not just Republicans, either. Hell, as far as fiscal conservatives go, the cirrhosis rates must have been skyrocketing since 2001. Tonight might have winnowed their ranks by the tens of thousands.
And then CFW says:
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Someone is channeling Herbert Hoover! You know, he did the same damned thing after the 1927 flood. There were a bunch of problems with this, but his reputation for “helping” was enough to put him into the White House in 1928. And then he took the same do-it-yourself, no-socialism approach to the Great Depression.
And it turns out, “pulling yourself up by the bootstraps” just plain doesn’t work when the country faces a massive calamity.
Jimmy Jazz
And no one could have anticipated that the National Disaster Recovery Plan was the script for The Ring. Cue Geraldo: “seven days after seeing this tape, everyone in the Convention Center is dead! Oh, the humanity!“
We don’t need to raise taxes. We need to cut pork.
And we need to make sure that we don’t cut anymore taxes.
I know the Paris Hilton Estate Tax Cuts are a priority but this might not be the right time.
Tim F
Same Patrick who called Balloon-Juice a moonbat-infested swamp of mongoloidism, or different Patrick? A priori I would think not but I might as well ask.
Tim F
FEMA didn’t know they’d lost the horses until they saw it the next day on the news.
Bush’s real failure was failing to anticipate all the state and local screwups would be blamed on FEMA.
I mean, come on, we’ve had this media for decades now. Get a clue already!
Next time, appoint a Democrat. Then the media will shake their heads and talk about how a natural disaster is no one’s fault, really.
Tim F
Well heavens to Betsy, TallDave and I agree about something. Setting aside the cynical sarcasm and uninformed blame-shifting, he almost made perfect sense with that post.
TallDave once again with an astute observation:
You see, the only failure of this adminstration is not realizing how he would be unfairly blamed for failing. The man is near perfection. A president that will go down in history books for his great and wide ranging accomplishements. A united country that won a glorious war in the middle east bringing peace and democracy to millions. A president that has united the world in our joint effort to defeat terrorism. A president that has hunted down and eliminated those that dare attack us on 911. A president that has managed our economy with exacting fidelity, cutting fat and excessive government spending at every opportunity. And his selections to high ranking government positions? Impeccable. Unparallelled in the history of our great nation. Only the most qualified professionals with extensive experience and expertise should even apply with this president as he always, always put the needs of our Great nation above petty politics.
Is there room on Mout Rushmore for an additional head you think?
Then when all the levee money disappears into Mardi Gras fountains, it will be business as usual.
According to ABC’s evacuee panel, not many are angry at Bush. They are mad at the local and state governments for not using the buses before they were flooded. They also said the speech gave them hope.
Oh yeah, B_B_B_BUSH! {tourettes kicking in} ;)
I know it gave me hope, Stormy. New Orleans will come back stronger than ever, just like New York did. In a way, the poor government response may end up being a blessing in disguise. I thought this was perhaps Bush’s finest hour since the days after 9/11.
Defense Guy
I didn’t watch the speech. Judging from the reaction of many it was essentially a ‘here comes the money’ moment. I’m torn, because part of me likes the fact that the rest of the country is going to pony up the costs for reconstruction, and part of me just wants to hang my head in shame, that we as a country continue to throw good money after bad in areas where mother nature will not be denied. I do not think the reaction would be any different if the person in the WH was a Dem. The money would be spent anyway, IMO.
It makes me want to act completely fiscally irresponsible with the knowledge that good old nanny government is going to come save me. I won’t, of course, because my actions should never be based on the bad models that others provide for me. I’ll try to track down a transcript as his speeches are always better read than heard.
Two fine hours, in only 5.5 years.
Now that’s a legacy!
Defense Guy, from what I’ve heard, you could get levees that would withstand a Cat 5 and restore a lot of the wetlands for $5 billion. I can live with that expenditure.
I’ll be honest with you: if Bush hadn’t put Karl Rove in charge of reconstruction and there wasn’t all this talk (from the White House) about how this is going to be an example of compassionate conservatism in action, I’d be completely behind the president’s plans. As it is, I expect a disaster of waste and mismanagement. I really hope I’m wrong.
Adding insult to injury, CSI was a rerun.