Camp Sheehan is no more:
The Camp Casey Memorial on Prairie Chapel Road was removed by thieves earlier today. Not a single item is left at the memorial site.
Crew members working for McLennan County said they witnessed items being removed by an unidentified individual and contacted their office to inform commissioners.
Upon arrival at Camp Casey, honor guard members who had been at the Crawford Peace House immediately called McLennan County Sheriff’s Deputy R. Polansky to report the theft.
Has anyone seen Karl Rove in the past few days?
Or Defense Guy?
Geek, Esq.
Time for an intervention, JC. You’re addicted to posting about Mother Moonbat.
goonie bird
Time for the crew of camp crazy to go home and start leading productive lives instaed of a burden on the nation
eBay will show the way.
Though I’m still trying to figure out how this part:
That editor.
They sure are good at what they do.
Honor Guard Members at the Crawford Peace house?
What might an Honor Guard member be?
a guy called larry
This is the how:
Defense Guy
Good one ppGaz!! Your obsession is a little spooky. Does your wife know?
Far North
One little woman asked a simple question, “for what cause did my son die?”. Those that just can’t accept that the Bush doctrine has been a complete failure in Iraq have become unhinged. They just can’t understand how this “insignificant tool of the left” has resonated with, what, 50% of Americans? 52% of Americans.
Folks, it’s just like those of us who can’t understand how you could re-elect the POTUS in 04. Do results mean nothing? Does competency mean nothing?
It’s just amazing the effect that Sheehan has on people that you would otherwise consider reasonable (hello John Cole).
ppGaz & Defense Guy – do you two ever give it a rest? :)
I know you don’t like each other, but I do think it’s time to at least TRY to rein back on the personal attacks and name-calling. You’re not accomplishing anything other than raising each other’s blood pressure.
So let’s take a deep breath, and remember that we’re all adults here.
Defense Guy
He started it. *Sulks*
I think someone has a little crush ;)
Well, I know that you two derive a certain perverse enjoyment in taking chunks out of each other, so far be it from me to spoil your amusement. But I know that you’re both smart guys and sharp debaters, and lowering things to the “Fuck you! No, fuck YOU!” level is just unworthy of the fine minds you both posess.
Defense Guy
Far North
Let’s try a little expirement. Let’ ask the MSM to NOT filter Ma Sheehans message and then see what the public thinks.
Jane Finch
The only people who have given one, much less two hoots about Sheehan for weeks occupy a certain part of the blogosphere. Time to delete that Google Alert, John.
Bruce from Missouri
Really, I don’t know why anyone would be surprised. The republicans have never had any shortage of redneck hoodlums to go out and destroy or steal stuff belonging to the opposition.
Another Jeff
You mean those who occupy the same side as Kos, Arianna Windbag, and Michael Moore, all of whom let her post at their sites.
Holy overstating your case, Batman. So now she’s “resonating” with half the country?! I hate to be the one to explain this to you, but the fact that people might agree with her on the basic point that we shouldn’t have gone into Iraq doesn’t mean that she’s resonating with them, unless you think everyone who opposes the Iraq war also believes, like Ma Sheehan does,that protecting the evil Jooooooooos was one of the reasons we went in.
You’re exactly right. Public support for the war was headed into the tank long before anyone ever heard of her.
Out in the “real” world (away from the blogosphere) people mostly don’t know much, if anything, about her.
The right needs to believe that demons are at work — a “liberal” media, or a mad Cindy sheehan — to explain away what they don’t want to confront. Namely, that the people have the ability to figure things out for themselves, and are not easily manipulated over the long term. Short term, yes. Long term, no. That’s one of several reasons why support for the war is not coming back.
No, but I’ve read about him.
I think that’s the latest.
B. Ross
Not “thief.”
Far North
OK, Defense Guy, let’s try it. Let’s get the MSM / corporate media to quit filtering Sheehan’s message. I’m sure all of us will come to our senses and say, “you know, Bush is right about Iraq after all. Boy were we stupid.” Good thing folks like Defense Guy can see right through it all and set us straight.”
One little woman, one little qestion…BOOM..conservative meltdown.
Meanwhile, stories abound about the deconstruction of FEMA, a major poll reports that a majority now favor early withdrawal of troops from Iraq, the Justice Dept has time to go looking for any old records of environmental litigation involving the levees, so as to be able to play the “blame game” on Bush administration terms, the federal budget has been blown so wide open that a future economic meltdown is more likely than ever, Iraq teeters on the edge of civil war, Iran is holding a “build your own nuke” state fair out in full view of the world, and here at Balloon-Juice …
….John Cole has nothing better to do that to scour the Internets looking for ways to have a good locker-room yukk about Cindy Sheehan.
Far North
Defense Guy
Simply being willing to take an opposite stance does not a meltdown make. I do appreciate the dishonest position you are willing to cling to that the poor woman hasn’t had her questions answered. She is not entitled to an answer that she agrees with, and she did have her qustion answered. But don’t let that stop your attempt at ‘framing’.
Good job, 10 Screaming Deanie points.
Com Con
Ha ha, like Karl Rove would do something like that. The “boogeyman” of the left has been getting treated for kidney stones recently, FYI.
I’ve got $10 for anyone who can figure out who the hell you think you are talking to. The beauty part? You yourself are eligible for the prize.
Uncle Karl has kidney stones? I wonder if they hurt anywhere near as much as mine did.
Am I a bad person for hoping that they do?
I fully endorse expiration.
I have a simple strategy for adversarial conversations:
I respond in kind. Flame me, be flamed. Call me names, be called names. Impugn my parentage, citizenship, patriotism, be impugned in return.
Simple as that. It works in all contexts.
Speak reasonably to me, be spoken to reasonably.
“Nice” is not on the table, unless there is agreement on what constitutes “nice.”
Anyone who wants rules of engagement is more than welcome to ask for them and propose them and negotiate them with me. In that regard, I’m the easiest person here to deal with.
When DG wants to go down that road, I’ll be more than glad.
“ppGaz Says:
Out in the “real” world (away from the blogosphere) people mostly don’t know much, if anything, about her.”
Well hopefully someone in the RNC is keeping copious notes of what Sheehan, Kos, and all the rest of the Moonbats are saying so they can make sure it all gets aired in 2006 and 2008. People know the mistakes the Republicans have made, they are on display everyday. But since Democrats are pretty much out of power except for having no plans and partaking in useless sniping on the sidelines, we need to ensure folks know what they might be voting in.
That’s right, you wouldn’t want the “Uniters-not-Dividers” missing out on a chance to turn every contest into an opportunity to make other Americans look like bad guys. It’s a divide-and-conquer strategy. It’s “I’m a uniter — of my followers — against anyone who disagrees with me.”
Americans are pretty restless, and getting pretty tired of being told that all their problems are caused by …. them. Maybe they are beginnning to reckon that the lying politicians might be the problem. Maybe they are starting to wonder if “defense of sanctity” and “values” lines of crapola really feed the bulldog? Because they are aren’t seeming to improve a fucked-up war, or a fucked-up disaster response, or the real wages of middle class people, or the lack of health care for working Americans, or bankruptcy laws that seem to help only banks but fuck over citizens who go broke because they can’t pay their medical bills, or ….
Well, you get the idea.
I think RNC and GOP should keep right on keeping on, they are on a roll right now.
Mike, I’m hope you’re right that the GOP keeps the public informed about the doings of Sheehan and the Daily Kos crowd, because in 2008 Sheehan will be the Democratic nominee and the Daily Kos guy will be her VP. These people are unbelievably powerful. They’re like Karl Rove, the Pope, and John Gotti rolled into one. Look out America!
My second prediction on this site (First…Joe Wilson/Plame were the actual leakers, never refuted). The republican party proceeds with their domination of the democratic party, because no matter how stupid and venal they are, they’re still just taking lessons from the democratic party.