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[…] Separated At Birth? Andrew Sullivan and Rob Corddry? […]
by John Cole| 34 Comments
This post is in: Humorous, Blogospheric Navel-Gazing
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[…] Separated At Birth? Andrew Sullivan and Rob Corddry? […]
Uhhh… No.
I’m not really seeing it, but maybe if we could find a picture of Corddry with a similar facial expression to Sullivan…
Corddry’s a riot, but I definitely think Colbert is absolute gold.
Well, what does John Cole look like?
David Ehrenstein
Rob lacks Sully’s Testosterone-engorged neck.
You have to get Andrew’s current look, shaved head and all.
Ok, now seeing the current pic, its possible to see the slight similarity. If Rob trained for the UFC…
Ok, now seeing the current pic, its possible to see the slight similarity. If Rob trained for the UFC…
Rob is much, much funnier.
No way.
Besides, everyone knows that Andrew is Bob Wickman.
HOLY CRAP! He *is*!
Course, this is still Sullivan’s best picture….
James C.
I doubt that Rob could top the original’s remark: “…killer muscle ass that loves to milk loads with my power glutes,” demonstrating once again that the original is quite an asshole!
Um, Clark Kent has AIDS, Superman does not.
Steve S
Rob is much much more intelligent. Even when he’s not making sense, he still comes off as more intelligent than Sully.
Apparently Cole seems to be a bit jealous that Sullivan is making more sense as a conservative these days than Cole himself. Always fun to watch a catfight in action.
Andrew Sullivan should be HONORED to be compared to Rob Corddry.
……….But I’m sure he’ll be filled with indignant outrage.
Have you seem Andrew Sullivan’s EmotionAlert level chart yet? Hilarious stuff from wuzzadem
Harry Atkinson
The mystery has been solved. He’s drunk.
Yes, very funny. Luckily, Lord knows Andrew’s not the easiest person in the world to offend. Only the easist to mock.
Sully looks like a steroid-bloated, overpaid baseball player, and analyzes politics with all the astuteness of one. Corddry may not be Colbert, but he’s closing in. Great humor and better, more trenchant political commentary than bloated, pompous sadsack NR leftover.
In that second picture, Andrew Sullivan actually looks more like “Dr.” Phil than like Rob Corddry.
On the subject of seperated at birth, has anyone noticed that James Carville ( looks a lot like Billy Corgan’s ( much older identical twin brother?
That was very funny, Darrell. I’m going to have to give you a second chance.
Anyone notice John Roberts long-lost brother Larry Linville (Major Frank Burns)?
Anita Drink
Sullivan has “the look” – it comes from steroids, growth hormone, and the AIDS cocktails. Alot of HIV+ gay men (with money) do the former to avoid the “wasting” effect that happends with HIV.
Cordry is way funnier and smarter than Sullivan.
Damn cuter too! But there is definitely a resemblance
(not really found in the pix shown here, but I saw it awhile back too).
As for Roberts, I’m sorry – he has “crazy eyes”
It looks like he’s wearing ice blue contacts made out of candle wax. Creeps me out….
I think Sully looks more like Bruce Willis (ugh) than Rob Corddry.
goonie bird
Could he be a second cousin once removed?
Jack Roy
Bite your tongue. Corddry is actually interesting.
Aw.. Y’all need to cut sully some slack. He managed to maintain some semblance of a principled position on certain issues. Well.. At least for a while. Ya gotta realize.. For him to be right on the issues means being completely opposite 95 percent of the gay community. Which essentially makes him persona non grata anyplace where more than 10 homosexuals gather socially. No clubs. No cocktail parties.. Nada. So I give him credit for holding out as long as he did. Unlike his buddy Dan Savage. This guy prints in his Seattle alt weekly, the stranger, a couple of outstanding essays laying out the reasons why opposing fascism and taking Saddam down are complete no brainers.
Seattle, being the ass end of American politics, saw things the complete opposite. Dan lasted about 3 weeks. Printed a sort of retraction basically saying he wasn’t thinking straight. Launched into a litany of cliché bash bushisms and hasn’t looked back since. So what if the Iraqis would’ve been doomed to life under Saddam. What’s that compared to being 86’d from Seattle’s cocktail party circuit?
So ya see what these poor slobs go through? What fun is it opposing fascism, supporting the spread of democracy and the removal of mass murdering regimes when everyone calls you names and no one invites you to their Saturday evening cocktail party anymore?
Mr. Sullivan is bald and, of course, Rob isn’t.
I love Rob Cordrry but, still, Colbert has a slight edge. Why, you ask? Because Colbert is French. Bitch.
I hope corrdry was first out.
I’d like to fuck with both of them