This is great. Nestled in a story on Brown/Blanco’s respective trips to the hill yesterday and today, we find this bolded separation:
Nagin faults federal government
After which, we see Nagin’s quote:
Speaking to reporters Tuesday about Brown’s comments, Nagin said the former FEMA chief was trying to deflect attention.
“The federal government, state government and local government did not have the processes, in my opinion, to deal with a storm of this magnitude,” Nagin said.
“Mr. Brown is maybe under a lot of pressure,” he said. “I feel sorry for him.”
I also love the difference in the appearances yesterday and today. Yesterday, Brown gets anal-raped by several House pols, today, Blanco gets a tongue-kiss:
Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco Wednesday refused to comment on criticism by the former FEMA chief when given the opportunity during a Senate Finance Committee hearing on the recovery efforts.
“Today I came really to talk about job creation,” she said. “I think there will be plenty of time to talk about other issues.”
She was lauded by the committee’s ranking minority member, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Montana.
“Good for you, Gov. Blanco,” Baucus said. “This is not about blame, this is about how we get this job done. I appreciate your response.”
It has appeared to be a senate hearing with the sole purpose of allowing Republicans to distance themselves from the reaction to Katrina: “See, we are willing to beat up on Brown too!” I guess they wanted to seem non partisan while questioning Blanco.
The distinguished Senator from Montana should be horse whipped for her version of “We’re not here to play the Blame Game, there will be plenty of time for that later.”
Call it seeing the writing on the wall, taking stock of the current political winds, or whatever you’d like.
Despite popular belief, these guys aren’t total idiots.
Bruce from Missouri
Aaawwww, poor Brownie….
Well, boy Senators just can’t be caught picking on the girl Governor for her stunning negligence adn ineffectiveness in a crisis situation.
Widdle hothouse flower might burst into telegenic tears.
Tim F
Rick and Bruce, everybody, give ’em a hand. They’re here all week.
I think the point is that the House and Senate are doing two entirely separate things. Besides, I doubt Max Baucus has torn into anyone in his life.
The Disenfranchised Voter
That because your boy Brown did nothing but blame others. Hell, the jackass even said his only real mistake was trusting the state and local governments. Blanco on the other hand did not push the blame on anyone else, even when given the chance to. Brown took no responsiblity at all and pointed the finger and you’re wondering why they gave him a hard time?
Once again your partisanship has blinded you, John.
Far North
Mike Brown:
-Lied on his resume’
-given original FEMA job cause he’s pals with Joe Allbaugh
-given FEMA director job cause he’s a loyal Republican
-demonstrated absolute incompetence as FEMA director during Katrina
Blanco and Nagin are not responsible for Brown being in a position for which he is unqualified for. Those that are are George “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job” Bush and Brown himself.
Yo! Dis.
Thanks for an shining example of selective amnesia. All prior hurricanes, disasters, et all, handled by Brown (and his predicessors I might add, under Clinton) were handedled like he handedled this, with the assumption that the state and locals would be there first and the Feds would come in to pick up what ever slack was nessisary.
Same damn proceedure used by everyone before him. So i think he’s genuine in saying that his mistake was to do what worked all those other disasters prior. I can assume it’s ok to forgive him for not prognosticating the ineptness of mayor and Gov.
heh.. nah can’t do that then we can’t blame Bush.
um, didn’t they appear before different commitees with distinctly different purposes? also, why do republicans consider being held publicly accountable for their actions “anal rape.” is it a sexual identity thing or a political ideology thing? inquiring minds want to know.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Yo gt!
The guy had no experience in disaster relief. The guy ran horse shows, HORSE SHOWS! The mere fact that he didn’t accept any real responsibility is appaling.
Keep towing that party line Bushie.
The Disenfranchised Voter
To further clarify, I think all levels of government: federal, state and local are to blame for the Katrina mess. Sadly in your delusional world “heck of a job” Brownie was a godsend.
Speaking of anal between consenting adults stuff, I hear that Jeff Gannon/James Guckert was at the head of the pro-war rally in DC this weekend. Anyone see any pix of him at the demonstration? And what about Brown’s apparent perjury about Blanco not giving Brownie and FEMA permission to help the po’ folk in Southeast LA? Is the is is, or is the is perjury in front of a committee, and if so what’s the punishment besides getting his knob polished on FOX?
“At the head” would evidently be an exaggeration, but I did pass through a website which had snapped a pic of Gannon in the audience at the rally. (Sorry, the exact site is already lost in the torrent..)
And I think in a recent post Billmon got it right about Brown; this was the man’s show-trial, but Brown wasn’t smart enough to just be a good soldier and play along.
John S.
I don’t know, what would you expect from a group predominately made up of Republicans?
I suppose if you expected better, then you should be outraged that Bush and the GOP are opposed to an independent review – sound familiar?
John S.
I know you want to play up the “Democrats are scum” card with your quote from Max Baucus, but you do realize the difference between the two forums?
Brown got reamed out in House select committee specifically probing the federal, state and local response to Katrina, in which the Democrats have no official capacity:
While Blanco was appearing before a Senate Finance Committee hearing on the recovery efforts, where even she seemed to realize the difference between where she was and where she could (and probably will) be heading:
Oh the outrage! Brown gets grilled before a committee looking at who is responsible for the botched Katrina effort while Blanco gets to skate on job creation in a committee on Katrina recovery.
Far North
Why do you republicans have such a major problem with accountability? Mike (you’re doing a heck of a job, Brownie) Brown was an appointee that got his job, not because of his experience, but because he was a loyal soldier. Clinton appointed a loyal soldier as his FEMA director too, only in Clinton’s case, James Lee Witt was qualified, having served in emergency management in Arkansas.
Bush awards his loyal republican soldiers with high paying government jobs without concern for their qualifications It’s very similar to the old Soviet communist party where they put loyalty over competence. Bush was bitten in the ass on this. Katrina came along and showed the result of placing an incompetent, unqualified man in the FEMA director position. So now, it’s accountability time.
“Heck of a job Brownie” fed at the federal trough. He cashed his paychecks from the Federal Govt (aka the US taxpayers) every two weeks. In return, has was to perform as the FEMA director. He was an absolute failure when it was time to lead the federal agency he was charged with running. When his country needed him most, he wasn’t up to the job. What level was he, a GS 15? At least. Any idea what a GS 15 makes?
What the hell is it with you republicans and accountability?
You mean like when I abuse young interns, lie about it, and then get off scot free? That kind of accountability?
But seriously, “Give me all you got” is just such a clear request that exudes responsibility.
John S.
What’s the expiration date on Clinton? Seriously.
Yes, and we all know how many people died, suffered or lost their homes as a result, don’t we?
“You mean like when I abuse young interns, lie about it, and then get off scot free? That kind of accountability?”
1)is oral sex between consenting adults “abuse?” (if exploring this connection between republican sexual and political identity is too tender a subject, you may treat the question as rhetorical.)
2) perhaps it’s the flouride in the tap water, but i have a vague recollection of an impeachment trial over clinton’s oral sex with an adult woman. given that it was only the second impeachment trial in the country’s history, i would be fascinated in hearing your argument that he was not held accountable for his actions. the fact that the senate declined to remove clinton from office for lying about oral sex with an adult woman indicates that those who argued that lying about oral sex with an adult woman is an impeachable offense failed to meet their buurden – not that clinton was not called to account for his actions or lies about them.
Defense Guy
In Kosovo or Somalia?
I’m not going to get into the “it’s just about sex” argument… Gawd, y’all are shallow. Let’s move on.
But Brown’s statements aren’t inaccurate. You harp on his resume and I won’t deny that, but it’s not like he was put in his position in order to deal with Katrina. Does anyone remember the “worst season of hurricanes” last year? Hmmm … not much? Do you remember that Brown was the head of FEMA then? Things went pretty smoothly, actually. (Yup, there ARE allegations of fraud against FEMA, but aren’t there always? We don’t know the answers to THAT, so we can’t yet point a finger at anyone. So don’t)
Yes, Brown should have acted faster. But did he know that at the time? We’re having a grand time blasting him with our astute hind-sight. Yes, it was the right thing to do to step down or be fired. But this guy is NOT the only one to blame; he’s not the anti-Christ. (Just the anti-Dem, I guess)
Um . . . what? If he wasn’t put in his position to deal with major natural disasters, then what the hell was he doing there?
No, but oral sex with a subordinate in a government position is a felony signed into law by Bill Clinton. Man, it never had anything to do with sex. We all realize the skank he’s married to. It is all about powerful people abusing their position to solicit sexual favors. It never, and I mean never ceases to amaze me the mendacity of the democratic party. If you’re telling me that we can all slap the women on the ass at work now, and brow beat and hound them into blowjobs in the office, then great! But if you’re not, you don’t have the basic thinking skills to exist.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Evidence please…
John S.
Evidence, schmevidence!
OH, yeah, just another super man with a large sexual appetite for skanks. Bill Clinton campaigned for and signed into law sexual harrassment legislation. That has always been the beauty of it all. Bill Clinton, probable rapist and physical assaulter of women signed the law into being. Course he aint George Bush, so it really doesn’t matter to you VERY, VERY, mendacious and stupid people.
Oh, forget the sexual harrassment charge. Clinton was impeached because he suborned perjury and obstructed justice. That’s why he copped the plea that suspended his law license.
For cites, Google “Clinton” and some other terms. Us wingnuts aren’t research assistants for moonbats.
The Disenfranchised Voter
And with that statement you lose all credibility in my eyes.
Furthermore, sexual harassment and consensual sex are two very different things. Your claim that Clinton made it a felony to recieve a BJ from a government subordinate is obviously bullshit.
But as Rick said, that is not what Clinton was impeached for, he was impeached for perjury. However, I just wanted to show that your claim was nothing but a fabrication by someone with a hard-on for Clinton bashing.
John S.
Rick provided accurate information?
I’m fucking amazed.
I can sympathise with Mike Brown. People love to get on this bandwagon mentality without any proof. What did specifically Mike Brown mess up? Can anyone tell me? Probably not. People just want to take him down cause he’s a symbol. Like burning witches at the stake. I’m not saying he didn’t mess anything up. I just don’t think we know what yet.
Anyway, my point is people get hung up on “perceptions”, basically another word for stereotypes.
The Disenfranchised Voter
So am I.
Far North
WTF do you mean “I just don’t think we know”. I’ve worked in emergency management / emergency response for my entire adult life (30 years). Let me spell it out for you.
Brown was in charge of the full force of the federal government when it came to Hurricane Katrina relief. That is to say that he “controls” the resources that are available to the federal government. It is through his leadership and direction that those resources are deployed and utilized. As FEMA director, he was the leader of the federal response. A leader leads. A leaders does not trot out excuses and say things like “they didn’t ask right” or “I didn’t realize how fucked up the leaders of Louisiana and New Orleans were”. A leader leads.
For all intents and purposes, local resources were obliterated and nuetered by the hurricane. A leader would have recognized that and put the full resources of the federal government to work immediately. Heck of a job Brownie had access to the greatest pool of emergency response resources the world has ever known. He stood there like a deer in the headlights.
He either didn’t recognize this or he was incapable of making it happen. Or maybe both.
Yes, it was for perjury and obstruction, sorry bout that, I wasn’t clear. The perjury and obstruction charge stemmed from actions regarding sexual harrassment charges.
You can choose to deny that he’s a sexual predator, but I guess maybe you could ask Kathleen Willey, Monica Lewinsky, and Juanita Brodderick. Let’s face it, on the one with the semen stained dress he had to admit it. Once that happens, you got a little problem with credibility. Unless apparently you’re a democrat. For the others, he denies, denies, denies. My judgement, which is better than some others apparently, is sexual deviants are pretty consistent in their actions. And if your raping and assaulting people with out power, you are definitely a deviant.
There is nothing worse than a powerful person that preys on the weak. Your defense of him is apalling. That people would go to the mat for that kind of behavior is unbelievable.
John S.
Donald, you win the prize for Over-the-top Bullshit Post of the Year.
In regards to Delay, you are absolutely right. Too bad your foaming over Clinton. Still.
Far North – You still didn’t give me any specifics. Yes he was the leader, but he’s only one guy. I’m not a real “buck stops here” kind of person. I think you should find out who specifically messed up, or what specific system messed up. Its too easy to keep the leaders changing like revolving doors, but that still doesn’t fix the underlying mistakes.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Well for starters he didn’t do shit about all the people at the superdome for three or four days and he apparently didn’t even know about it until that time.
The crisis at the superdome was all over the cable news networks for 3 days and he didn’t know about it? I mean, come on, that is just pure laziness; actually it is worse than laziness, it is neglect.
I wasn’t speaking of Tom Delay. He’s a cheap political hack. Bill Clinton is a sexual predator, which to me in my cro-magnon, neanderthal thought process is a bad thing. Too bad I’m not an enlightened “progressive”. Maybe then I could rape and assault every fat or troubled chick I could get my hands on. Unlike you Doug J, Disenfranchised pussy, etc…I see something wrong with that. Maybe you guys are sexual predators also and it hits a little close to home. Maybe you have no conscience when it comes to preying on vulnerable, powerless women. Not me, I respect and love them. My vitriol towards ya’ll is simple. You are not honest people, and would demean yourselves for cheap hack politics. Go fuck yourselves, you are scumbags.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Donald, you are pathetic, seriously.
Not only are you a deranged lunatic, you have no idea what my beliefs in politics are. I think Clinton was a peice of shit for lying to the country. Just as I think Bush is a peice of shit for lyign to the country.
The difference is, Bush lied in order to gather support for a war. Clinton lied to save his own ass about a private matter.
Now kindly, go fuck your mother.