Does anyone want to place a wager on how long Greg Gutfield is going to last at HuffPo if he keeps throwing grenades like this:
was just thinking, if Randall Robinson wasn’t at the Huffpo, WHAT would he be doing? If Gene Stone wasn’t blogging, WHO would he be doing? If Eve Ensler wasn’t here, how many other talking vaginas will we be faced with, not counting Gary Hart?
I now realize that Huffpo is like a bug zapper. It attracts all the pests in your big backyard to one little blog where they can be safely ignored while they die their little bug deaths. It’s what I call the Huffpo Attractive Nuisance Strategy.
Anyone want to post an over/under on Gutfield being thrown under a bus (or large SUV) by Arianna?
Considering that he may be the worst writer in Christendom, the sooner, the better.
John Cole
I guess I am off the hook.
Have you read any of his other posts?
This isn’t exactly out of character for the man.
If he hates it so much, why is he writing there? Let him go start his own blog.
He’s the Kathy Griffin of HuffPo.
He’s the only guy there Speaking Truth to Power. Or at least, Truth to Hallucinators.
So he’s toast.
P.S. The worst writer in Christendom (however defined) is Dorothy Gilliam of the WaPo. As I told you knucks some days ago in the John’s post calling attention to Bob Herbert’s ‘tardedness.
That Gutfield dude has been there since day one. I don’t think he’s going anywhere.
Sometimes he’s funny. Mostly he’s funny about boring things like the Huffington Post. So its all a wash.
Arianna is eastern European originally, right? Here’s what they do in Bulgaria when somebody needs a brush-back: they go after the man’s car with pickaxes.
So if Gutfield’s ride gets adjusted, we’ll know who to blame.
Hehe, Gutfeld is a gutbuster.
He’s already lasted about 5000 times longer than Justin Raimondo/Lew Rockwell/Paul Findley.
Greek. Or Grecian? From Greece.
OK, John, I went over there and read it. It was singularly unfunny. I don’t care much for HufPo, but this was … was … blecch!
I do like Harry Shearer, though. Jon Stewart’s godfather.
What a dick this guy is. I seem to recall that he is/was the editor of one of the ubiquitous lads’ mags out there — Stuff, maybe? I went to click on his bio, and instead of a bio, it’s another blog, and one of the lovely comments that jumped out at me was from back in August, commenting on Jessica Alba saying that she had had an eating disorder. He was of the opinion that she looks pretty damned good, so obviously, eating disorders work. Charming.
Jessica Alba’s indisputed gorgeousness notwithstanding, it’s just such a shithead thing to say. He sounds like the type that would allow himself to grow a massive beer belly, and then bitch at his wife if she gains 5 lbs. on her ass.