What ever happened to Stormy?
*** Update ***
Ok, we found her. We also seem to have lost Sojourner and Nash.
by John Cole| 34 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance
What ever happened to Stormy?
*** Update ***
Ok, we found her. We also seem to have lost Sojourner and Nash.
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I’ve been a very harsh critic of Stormy. I hope it hasn’t scared her off. If it has, I hereby pledge to abstain from giving her a hard time for at least 30 days, and invite her to return. I know I can be obnoxious, but I don’t want to be responsible for her going away.
Come back, Stormy.
Stormy is obnoxious.
Wow, this is service!
The last time ppgaz insulted me with his sharp wit, it took over a week for me to rebuild my shattered self-image in order to post again today..
Is she missing?
Seriously, how long has she been gone? A few days? Maybe she took a long weekend.
Well, I’m glad you made it back, Big D!
Thanks ppgaz. I was able to recover only by repeating: “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone-it, people like me”
Same thing I do every morning, man. We have something in common.
And there I was with my voodoo doll saying: They’re not good enough, They’re not smart enough, and doggone-it, they don’t even like themselves. I want my money back!
Darrell, is that really you? Both of your posts were hilarious.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Who cares about Stormy? The way I see it, one nutcase down, one nutcase to go.
Hint…their name begins with a D.
What, y’all can’t function without Stormy for 3 days? She’s probably starting prayer vigils for Delay.
D for “Disenfranchised Voter”? Hehehe. Thank you! I’ll be here all the week. Please remember to tip your wait staff.
But, seriously, spirited debate is the name of the game.
Come to think of it, I haven’t ‘seen’ Sojourner or Nikki in a while either. Perhaps they eloped into the mountains to raise their cloven-hoofed spawn
Whatever happened to Sojourner? S/He used to go after me all the time. We should start doing roll call every week.
John will you have a thread for me if I leave?
Jinx. Great minds think alike.
Far North
Stormy’s absence is no real loss to informed discussion. But that doesn’t mean we evil libruls dislike her personally.
Wow, my own Plame Flame thread! Noone has scared me off, hi ppgaz! But I may hold you to the 30 days, tick tock.
The fourth quarter is my BUSY time for work. I get up at 4:30 and knock off about 6:00-7:00. Then I have the fall line-up of TV, because I really am a freaking geek. I have a new little black kitten that takes some babysitting, he’s high maintenance. Oh and I have been watching Firefly with a tumbler of scotch on a few nights. Saw Serenity, it rocks! All this adds up to is less time to bring the snark on the blogs. I still lurk, though, just don’t have the time to read and post everything I want, though some of you deserve some good right-wing lashing – Whip Snap!
Then there is that…:)
You got it.
In the spirit of a true Plame Flame thread, the Steelers suck.
Damn, I never got to chime in before she showed. So much for my 2 cents. That has to be an ego booster, however, getting your own thread. No one chimed in when I left for a week or two.
Which goes a long way to feeding my inferiority complex. : )
Did you notice where
was filed? Under MAINTENANCE!!! John, if it EVER comes to pass that you actually miss my humble presence, please, I beg you, do not file me under MAINTENANCE! Pick something unique, like, pain-in-the-ass or even Sine.Qua.Non….yeah, I like that, my own little ‘Must Have’ category!
The Disenfranchised Voter
I gotta hand it to you…that was pretty slick. heh, even I laughed.
But unfortunately I am THE, with a T, disenfrachised voter. :)
I mentioned it a long time ago, but I know you can be a lurker bee on occasion. I figured you were drinking the hard stuff, staring at lefty art or something. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Jon H
So where’s the Amber Alert?
I was faced down in a gutter somewhere in North Miami Beach on vacation. We were there to see a Dolphins game and a Marlins game. The hotel was very understanding, really. As were the police, the S.W.A.T. team, the DA…and the judge.
If I had not made that comment about the Dolphins and “cold day in hell” when asked whether they would beat Carolina, it might have gone better. : )
Incidentally, I learned to love Grey Goose while I was there. It will be my new alcohol of choice now.
What is this football you speak of? The Cowboys are dead to me. Grey Goose, hmmmm….
Grey Goose rocks. Glad to hear you got a new kitty, Stormy.
Hey, Cole, your people’re out t’get me again. Looks like I need to take a break here.
Another soul comes out from the dark side!!!!
I should warn you that Grey Goose vodka is made in France. Or so I am told. Just in case you have an issue with that. I don’t. Where taste is concerned, business is business. : )
Nah. Nothing that interesting. I started a new job at the beginning of September while still doing some consulting for my previous employer, so daily life has kept me pretty busy.
Thankfully, the ranks of the reality-based contingent are growing rapidly, so my presence isn’t missed.
I don’t do boycotts.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Don’t flatter yourself. I wasn’t talking about you. I hardly know you and what your views are.
The person I was refering to has a name that begins with a D and ends with an L. :)