If things work out, I should be on the radio discussing my dismay over the Mier’s pick.
I believe you will be able to listen here. And, I might add, they have a blog themselves, and you can read about this episode/topic here. Go leave your comments at their website, because they like the feedback and they read the comments on the air if they find them worthwhile.
This could be entertaining, since this is not my field of specialty (law), and I have little to offer other than that she is a crony, unqualified, and, from what I fear, will be prone to be entirely too deferential to executive power.
*** Update ***
Randy Barnett is a great guest. Me- not so much.
John S.
So it is true…
The media does book pundits that don’t really have more to offer than their humble opinion.
Good luck out there, John.
What time, John?
Don’t worry. We’ll get you in shape. The first thing you say is that she looks like a racoon. Who trusts a crony that looks like a racoon? And what’s this non-sense about Worst-POTUS-Ever wanting a judge that doesn’t change? Doesn’t he have a clue? Judges get old and die too. Look at Rehnquist.
P.S. I told you guys Putz in Chief was stalling to see how Roberts performs.
My good ear is pressed to the speaker. Yes, what time?
And if anybody steps out of line, inform them that they are a fucktard.
Oh. Never mind. You sound very … sensible.
And you have a slight Pennsy accent. I guess I never realized that WV-ites would have that touch of Pittsburgh western-PA in their speech. Quite charming.
Excellent job.
John Cole
Thanks. I think Randy was misundertsanding me for a while there- for many on the social con right, this is ALL about abortion. Not so among the general blogosphere, though.
John Cole
BTW- Bethany WV is 5 miles from Ohio and 7 miles from PA. The Pa accent is unavoidable.
Blue Neponset
I wish I checked this out earlier I would have called in. So that is what happened to Christopher Lyden. He used to be a big fish on the public radio dial.
I left you and Erick a lovenote on their blog. Good job.
Tom Grey - Liberty Dad
John, please look at Beldar’s blog on how well qualified Miers is thru her private practice.
How many other candidates have actually been managing partners of a large firm?
If it’s all about abortion on the social con right — isn’t that the key litmus test to be a Dem, today? Unwillingness to overturn Roe? Pro-life does NOT mean merely against partial birth abortion. And Ginsberg, for instance, seems to think it’s a constitutional right to abort up to the day before natural birth, doesn’t she? (I really don’t know of any limit set by the Court.)
Miers prolly has little paper trail on it, but that makes it harder for the Dems claim she’s outside the mainstream, especially if Reid sort of pre-approved her.
Plus, if the Dems don’t accept HER, why not Brown or some other “more qualified”.
Beldar’s post about intellectual prima donnas, and the mess they’ve been making in decisions with dissents and concurrances of various paragraphs — makes me think more academic egos is NOT what is needed on the SC.
Another Jeff
Actually, that would be “western PA accent”.
When I was at Penn State, obviously the two biggest places for where students were from was the Philly area and the Pittsburgh area.
You wanna talk about two totally different accents, but two accents that wreak havoc on the English language.
Pittsburgh guy: “You want a drink of PAWP”
Philly guy: “No, I’ll just have some WUHTER”.
(And I’m not mocking either accent, since i say “wuhter” too.)
John Cole
There is no such thing as ‘pawp.’ There is soda.
I don’t think I have much of the PA accent at all, and both my parents were English teachers, so I would not be allowed to become a straight-up ‘yunzer.’
Another Jeff
LOL. Is that Western PA’s version of a Straight-up Gangster?
I just think it’s funny because when people think of accents, Boston or Southern accents are what would seem to be the most noticeable when comes to the U.S., but i can tell when someone is from Pittsburgh within about 30 seconds of talking to them.
Two good examples would be Bill Cowher and Dennis Miller (and Miller’s kept his despite the fact that he probably hasn’t lived there for thirty years).
I keep forgetting that you guys call it “soda”. You wacky Americans. :)