Why aren’t more people watching this show?
Shatner and Spader are just genius.
by John Cole| 27 Comments
This post is in: Media, Popular Culture
Why aren’t more people watching this show?
Shatner and Spader are just genius.
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[…] Somebody made the following comment at Cole’s blog about the show ‘Boston Legal’ that stars James Spader and William Shatner: I have no idea whether Shatner and Spader are genius, but the one time I tried to watch it, the dialog was so bad that I had to watch 45 min of QVC to kill off the memory of the experience. […]
Pan Pan (anon)
It’s kinda dumb.
I simply can’t buy Spader and Shatner as brilliant lawyers. They seem to lack the intelligence and seriousness needed to pull such a thing off. It just doesn’t seem real to me. I have a feeling that some close friend, perhaps the producer, gave them the job because he knew them well and knew they each had a good heart.
Maybe if Spock was on the show…although the whole logic thing may not work as well as the Chewbacca Defense.
They are great together… and Shatner’s a HOTTIE… still.
Because Shatner can only play one character: Shatner.
And that gets old.
Ancient Purple
I’d watch.
But only if Shatner had to sing “Mr. Tambourine Man” on every episode.
pleonastic piranha
i treat it like a sitcom; that way i don’t get annoyed at the antics that would grate on me otherwise. i don’t hate it, which is surprising — i’ve never been a shatner fan, and pretty much used to despise spader. but they do make a fine comedic team here. i dunno. i wish they tuned the comedy down some; it’s gone over the top too much for me to watch it on a regular basis.
today’s show was pretty amusing, what with the skillet murderer getting terminated with a skillet. and the fishing / sealice adventure at nimmo bay (i live on vancouver island) was so very … american.
why should more people watch it? is it not popular?
The country’s going to hell in a handbasket and John Cole wonders why more of us aren’t watching yet another legal drama — this one, starring William Shatner?
God will punish the United States of America.
Shatner is a genius? Bush is a pretty decent guy? I’m really beginning to doubt your judgement Cole.
I’d say its because the show is so smug, in the way that Ally McBeal (from the same producer) became smug. Indeed, Boston Legal comes off as little more than warmed over Ally McBeal as it was during its last seasons, when it had jumped whole schools of sharks and become virtually unwatchable.
(and yeah, I know sharks don’t travel in schools)
OT … what’s up with Sully’s site getting hacked?
Actually, I saw it for the first time last night. I agree with John, it’s pretty good. Spader could do with shedding some weight. It will bring back his amoral look he is so good at.
I have no idea whether Shatner and Spader are genius, but the one time I tried to watch it, the dialog was so bad that I had to watch 45 min of QVC to kill off the memory of the experience.
Emma Zahn
I’ve watched a couple of episodes. It is funny. I especially liked Shatner’s character’s blase acceptance of having mad cow disease and Spader’s reactions as the frying pan murders evolved.
Missed it last night. Just forgot to check listings. Oh, well. That’s what reruns are for.
I don’t understand the animosity people feel for Shatner. He obviously has a sense of humor and a sense of proportion. From Captain Kirk and T. J. Hooker to the Big Giant Head and now whatever his charcter’s name is on Boston Legal. How many actors’ egos could make that transition?
Patrick Lightbody
Absolutely – I was hooked even before the spin-off when James Spader was on The Practice
A friend of mine is of the opinion that Shatner should be on every program on TV. I’m hard-pressed to disagree. Think of some of the dynamics.
Personally, I love the show…I just wish it was on a bit earlier, because I rarely get to watch a full episode. I adore James Spader’s character, and can we please bow to the formerly untapped comedic genius of Betty White?
I adore James Spader’s character, and can we please bow to the formerly untapped comedic genius of Betty White?
untapped? Golden Girls may have sucked as a show, but there is no question that White’s “Rose” was a masterpiece of comic timing. And she was equally brilliant in a completely different role — that of Sue Ann Nivens on The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Hell, she was screamingly funny when she appeared on The Match Game…..
Good point…I hadn’t watched enough to the Mary Tyler Moore show (a bit before my time) to remember what her character was like in it. Golden Girls did suck, and my parents watched it every time it was on, so it rather poisoned my mind against every cast member, unfair as that was.
I love Alan and Denny and think Candice’s role as Shirley is a great addition to the cast…is Tara really leaving??? Too bad if so, I think that’s the reason my husband will watch the show with me! Who cares if they portray lawyers realistically…this show is 100% entertainment, sometimes poignant, and often I find myself laughing uncontrollably! When will it be available on DVD is what I want to know~
What about “Commander in Chief” with Gina Davis that comes on right before BL. Think its some sort of “vast left-wing conspiracy” to prepare us for Hilary in 2008? :)))))
One Correction to a Commenter Above: It is NOT a legal drama, more dark comedy than anything, and the last two episodes have had great stuff with the new Associates.
“JoeTx Says:
What about “Commander in Chief” with Gina Davis that comes on right before BL. Think its some sort of “vast left-wing conspiracy” to prepare us for Hilary in 2008? ))))”
Eh, I can’t watch it.
I like my propaganda in the form of entertainment to be a little more subtle.
Plus I keep expecting Geena to try and solve every crisis by at any moment standing in the middle of the oval office and start chanting “Beetlejuice!, Beetlejuice!, Beetlejuice!”.
I’m a big Spader fan, but that’s because I kinda look like him. And yeah, he should lose a little weight.
That’s like the HBO show, “Dead Like Me”. It’s a great show, quirky as hell, but Mandy Patkinson is one of the main characters, and I keep expecting him to glare at someone, and deliver his Inigo Montoya speech.
I agree. As our current SCOTUS nominee would say- it’s the BEST show EVER!!
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