This could get embarassing:
“You are the best governor ever – deserving of great respect,” Harriet E. Miers wrote to George W. Bush days after his 51st birthday in July 1997. She also found him “cool,” said he and his wife, Laura, were “the greatest!” and told him: “Keep up the great work. Texas is blessed.”
It is getting harder to disagree with this assessment (h/t Jeff):
People see Miers get the Supreme Court slot and it reminds them of when they played Little League baseball and didn’t get to pitch because the coach’s son got the slot even though he wasn’t as good.
Wow, you’re clearly an “elitist” who doesn’t “trust” the President!
Seriously, this is like a nomination from the twighlight zone.
I love that Reds vote a mediocrity in and then bitch when he selects another mediocrity for the Court. The cherry on the top is the sudden backdating of outrage about all his other mediocre decisions and purported violations of Republicans’ “core beliefs.”
You voted this government into existence; do something about it or stop bitching and bend over like the rest of us.
Meirs is a tool to frame the SCOTUS debate.
So evidently, to become a Supreme Court Justice, you simply need to have no shame, a willingness to gush like a besotted teenager, and an affinity for poorly applied black eyeliner.
Good to know.
Owww! Good one.
Its a damn shame for Bushco that Miers is single, because it means they can’t pull out the “nanny problem” excuse to withdraw the nomination again….
…and speaking of Miers being single, I’m waiting for the “whispering campaign” to begin that raises questions about her sexuality….
While we complain about this, we should come to grips with the idea she is going to be a Supreme Court Justice.
I do not think there is enough Republicans with backbone to standup to the Administration to stop the nomination. There are certainly not enough Democrats with backbone.
Jon H
“Its a damn shame for Bushco that Miers is single, because it means they can’t pull out the “nanny problem” excuse to withdraw the nomination again….”
Nor can she say she’s spending more time with her family.
Jon H
“There are certainly not enough Democrats with backbone.”
The problem there is that it’s to their advantage to not oppose the nomination.
The GOP and their footsoldiers have spent a lot of time portraying the Dems as obstructionist, especially on the issue of judicial nominations.
Now, the Dems get to sit back, be accomodating, and let the GOP obstruct their own leader’s nomination.
If the Miers nomination is stopped by GOP resistance, then the Dems are freed up to resist her replacement. They could then respond to GOP complaints of obstructionism by simply pointing at the Miers nomination.
Steve S
Jon H – Good point. The Republicans are pretty hypocritical. It’s like Cole here. He argued that Democrats should have voted for Roberts because well, just because.
Now he’s advocating voting against Miers, cause… well he doesn’t like her. Uhh, why was it so wrong for Dems to vote against Roberts when they didn’t like him?
I prefer people who stand on principle, even if I don’t agree with them. But partisan hacks are just hacks.
Now, now, Roberts and Meirs aren’t in the same league; hell, they aren’t even playing the same game. Roberts had a ton of experience arguing in front of the SCOTUS, he had a little experience as an appellate judge, and he was almost universally well-respected by the legal profession. Meirs is the President’s advocate. This is worse than letting the coach’s son pitch; it’s more like getting the pitcher’s dad to umpire.
SomeCallMeTim summed up my views completely. If you didn’t feel Little League about the President in the first place, why the heck are you feeling Little League now? People are so weird.
Well, it’s just common hypocrisy, coupled with the pervasive Ends Justify Means mentality that drives these assholes.
When Ends Justify Means, nothing is “weird.” Only the end matters.
Principle is one thing, but people who are capable of changing their minds on something, or of forming opinions on each topic as it arrives (as opposed to just applying their “principle” to everything, no matter how illogical or inappropriate)…well, I prefer them, even if people like that never get elected.
Well, John did include a few feline-related threads recently, so I thought I’d continue the trend with a soupcon of cattiness.
All in the name of continuity, of course.
But that’s just it — while one can fully describe their behavior using this, they are genuinely feeling upset and unhappy. I think it’s the lack of access to a Democrat to demonize; without that all-important shield from reality, the sun is blinding eyes unused to seeing.