Lots more on the Plame front:
The special counsel in the C.I.A. leak case has told associates he has no plans to issue a final report about the results of the investigation, heightening the expectation that he intends to bring indictments, lawyers in the case and law enforcement officials said yesterday.
The prosecutor, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, is not expected to take any action in the case this week, government officials said. A spokesman for Mr. Fitzgerald, Randall Samborn, declined to comment.
A final report had long been considered an option for Mr. Fitzgerald if he decided not to accuse anyone of wrongdoing, although Justice Department officials have been dubious about his legal authority to issue such a report.
Murry Waas reports that things are heating up for Libby:
As federal prosecutors in the CIA leak investigation reach the critical stage of deciding whether to bring criminal charges, they are zeroing in on contradictions between the testimony of I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, the chief of staff to Vice President Cheney, and that of New York Times reporter Judith Miller, according to sources close to the investigation and attorneys for individuals enmeshed in the probe.
The prosecutors and the federal grand jury are also scrutinizing whether Libby, or his attorney, tried to discourage Miller from giving testimony to the grand jury, or tried to improperly influence what Miller would say if she testified, according to the same sources…
Evidence indicating that Libby or his attorney may have tried to discourage or influence Miller’s testimony is significant for two reasons, outside legal experts say. First, attempting to influence a witness’s testimony might in and of itself constitute obstruction of justice or witness-tampering, said the experts.
More important, evidence that Libby might have tried to discourage Miller’s testimony has put Libby’s testimony in a worse light, according to government officials briefed on the matter. Potentially misleading and incomplete answers by Libby to federal investigators are less likely to be explained away as the result of his faulty memory or inadvertent mistakes, the sources said.
According to a Justice Department official not directly involved with the Plame case, “Both intent and frame of mind are often essential to bringing the type of charges Fitzgerald is apparently considering. And not wanting a key witness to testify goes straight to showing that there were indeed bad intentions.”
Tom Maguire goes through it all with his red pen, so you don’t have to.
You know what…someone IS going to make a movie about this someday. It’s just too damned riveting.
Without Deep Throat, there is no movie.
Except Deep Throat, or at least the idea that he was a critical part of the story, was invented for the movie. You can always make a movie if you’re willing to sex up the facts a little.
If this is going to be a movie (at least, a decent movie), someone will have to die. Any nominations?
I got your red pen right here
“Even though I’m a tranquil guy now at this stage of my life, I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the name of our sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious, of traitors.”
Remarks By George H.W. Bush
41st President of the United States,
At the Dedication Ceremony for the George Bush Center for Intelligence, 1999.
I’d give you a wish list, but I’d prefer not to have a CIA file, thank you very much. :) Actually, I don’t want any of these guys to actually die…I just want their careers and their power (and their riches!) to disappear in a blaze of headlines and humiliation.
John, I’m curious as to your take on this seemingly big story that Bush knew about Rove’s involvement in the Plame leak two years ago and then proceeded to lie to you and the American people. It’s even worse that he seems to have been more angry at them getting caught than the with actual act.
Tim F
We do not know whether any intelligence assets died as a result of the leak. Particularly if we lost a US NOC, the circumstances of his or her death would make a potent film in their own rights. We know that a star went up on the wall at Langley but we don’t know whether it was related. If it was, …
Someone help me with this as I continue to struggle with this notion –
If nobody actually committed a crime, here (outing Plame), whether it be in a technical, indirect, or directly overt nature, then why would they lie or obstruct justice to cover it up ?
I presume all these people are represented by smart lawyers who would demand the outright truth of the matter. And if no actual crime were committed, that fact would have become readily apparent, at least to their own lawyers. At which point – if it were me – I would have recommended that they be completely forthright with the Grand Jury. They didn’t commit the crime they were being investigated for, best to be honest and not put yourself in a position where you might be found to have committed perjury or obstructed justice.
Something here just doesn’t make sense.
can we also have a little penitentiary rough sex as well thrown in? Just to spice things up a bit?
I think a few thousand in Iraq will cover it.
If you’re not reading the Free Republic threads about this, you’re really missing out — some of them still think Wilson will be indicted. The Fitzmas carols at Daily Kos are pretty good too on the other side.
There should really be a place where those two groups come together.
Not if one assumes they knew they have violated the law.
Ben Gazzara would be a great Ahmed Chalabi.
while we are engaging in wild speculation, here is something new from Andrew Sullivan:
Man, this is exciting. Ok, your nominations for the actor playing Colin Powell?
Colin Powell = James Earl Jones? (he is still alive right?)
The noose is tightening:
They’re both alive as far I know. That would be excellent casting.
Morgan Freeman would be good in that role, too. Though maybe he should narrate. That guy can narrate like nobody’s business.
Who to play Bush? Other than Will Ferrell of course.
A key addition:
The Israeli Spy Ring
Word is that Fitzgerald asked for and received permission from the Italian Parliament to share the report on the Nigerian forgers with Paul McNulty, the prosecutor of the AIPAC spy case.
This sends a strong signal that the link between Israeli spying and the lies that led to war forms a part of their respective investigations.
Agreed. A story like this definitly needs a narrator and he would be great.
slide –
If I could arrange it, it would be done. :) I’d even let you spectate, darlin’.
WaPo editor Barry Sussman:
As the bloggers say, read the whole thing.
skip yes, I just caught that too in the Raw story about Wurmser. This is really getting facinating. Lots of dots being connected by Fitzgerald it seems. From the article again:
Ok, I know this is coming from out of right field, but I nominate…
Mr. T.
The Greatest Actor Ever to play the Greatest President Ever.
What do you think?
promises, promises Krista
Speaking of casting, has any of you ever read Mark Leyner’s The Tetherballs of Bougainville? It ends with a 120 page review of a (fictitious) movie made by the young Mark Leyner. I’m pretty sure Mr. T is in there somewhere. My favorite is “a woefully miscast Willie Nelson as Mark’s biophysics professor.”
Who to play Jeff Gannon (speaking of rough sex)?
James Guckert
Tim F
I nominate Nicholas Cage for Bush. He can do insecure-loser-burying-his-alcoholic-demons-behind-a-thin-veneer-of-machismo better than anybody. If he’s busy then Christopher Walken is always game for that sort of role.
I nominate John Stewart to play Bush. Have you heard him do the laugh? No ONE can do the laugh like Stewart.
Tim F
Previously a lurker until called up as a potential casting director for the Plamegate “morality play”…
My choices:
Fitzgerald: Daniel Day Lewis
Bush: Tim Blake Nelson (Oh, Brother Where Art Thou). Has that truly unique “deer caught in headlights” gravitas.
Powell: James Earl Jones
Libby: Ed Harris
Rove: James Gandolfini (or Michael Moore)
Cheney: Christopher Walken
Chalabi: Ben Gazzara (agreed, great casting!)
Miller: Rosalind Russell (isn’t technology grand) or Candace Bergen
was he the one that was turned into a frog?
“liberals are dumb as dirt”
Which must be why they hold 8 out of ten Ivy League professorships, while the saviest savants are perched in the elyssian ether of the New Athens in Morgantown.
Its actually reassuring to be a liberal. I don’t have to go to bed with the light on, fearing the 49% of my nieghbors that are made up of “kooks” and “traitors.”