This is disgusting:
Thirteen-year-old twins Lamb and Lynx Gaede have one album out, another on the way, a music video, and lots of fans.
They may remind you another famous pair of singers, the Olsen Twins, and the girls say they like that. But unlike the Olsens, who built a media empire on their fun-loving, squeaky-clean image, Lamb and Lynx are cultivating a much darker personna. They are white nationalists and use their talents to preach a message of hate.
Known as “Prussian Blue” — a nod to their German heritage and bright blue eyes — the girls from Bakersfield, Calif., have been performing songs about white nationalism before all-white crowds since they were nine.
Because, as you know- the Olsen Rwins were not enough. Now introducing the latest in fall fascism, a new and improved Olsen’s with white nationalist tendencies and race rage!
Disgusting. People who teach their kids this shit should be caned in the public square.
Did you ever see the HBO documentary It had an interview with the young son of the guy that runs This kid could not have been more than 11 or 12 and was already the consummate purveyor of hate. He even had his own section on the website for “kids”. Unbelievable. It’s one thing if the kid became a racist shitheel through osmosis, but for a parent to actively and eagerly teach their kid the finer points of hate is simply unforgivable.
haha, prussian blue is a nod to their heritage??
I remember reading a while back about how proud they were naming themselves after a certain type of gas used in the holocaust. Now that they’re famous I guess it’s changed.
Another Jeff
A white supremacist version of the Olson twins sounds like something from a Saturday Night Live skit.
Maybe they can get together with Sister Souljah and do a whole multi-racial “hate tour” kind of thing.
Remember those ultra-creepy KKK family portraits? There was Daddy in his robe and hood, and all the little boys in their robes and hoods (somehow the women in the family were seldom included – lynching and cross burning bein’ mens’ work, I guess).
This story also makes me think about a stunning bit from a documentary that aired back in the late 80’s, when the AIDS plague was still running very hot. I think the documentary was about social attitudes towards AIDS.
The bit I’m thinking of had interviews with members of a Texas church youth group during a meeting discussing AIDS. One of the interviewees was a girl, maybe 16 or 17, a pretty little thing with a full head of bright blonde ringlets. She said she hoped every gay person got AIDS and died of it, because gays were ‘disgusting.’ She was absolutely vehement about it, eyes glacier-cold and ringlets bobbing madly as she talked. What amazed me wasn’t just the hatred, but the fact that the interview was taking place in the church itself, during a meeting of a youth group, in which attitudes like hers were explicitly encouraged.
You know, I’d like to think that we’ve advanced enough as a civilization to laugh all this off as a big joke, but people were laughing back in the 1930s too. An entire nation devoting itself to the extermination of a people? Haha. That doesn’t even make sense.
I mean, the worst thing about hate groups is how entirely counterproductive they are. The hate logic flies in the face of Capitalism, Evangelicism, Socialism, Environmentalism, Federalism, Nationalism, Intellectualism you name it. Ostrasizing and eventually murdering large swaths of your population on the grounds that you are superior creates nothing of value. It fails to spread any Christian value I can think of. It flies in the face of every civil right. It desecrates are areas of turf for the enactment of the hate – turning beautiful countryside into slums, ghettos, and camps. In short, if there is any one idealogy that repulses American values on every end of the spectrum, it’s the “I hate you” idealogy.
Really sad.
“Lamb” and “Lynx”? Whoa—what are the odds that dope-smoking ex-hippie types waving peace signs end up having neo-Nazi kids?
Um, Prussian Blue is marker dye used to line up differential gears, among other things.
“Prussian Blue”???
I guess they never read anything about Frederick the Great, huh?
“All Religions are equal and good, if only the people that practise them are honest people; and if Turks and heathens came and wanted to live here in this country, we would build them mosques and churches.” (1740)
Otto Man
What, was “Zyklon B” already taken? Or were they worried people would think they were a Limp Bizkit knockoff?
The Disenfranchised Voter
Yes, it’s those ex-hippie parents who made their kids nazis. Give me a break. Next you’ll be telling us that Hitler really was a socialist.
Now John, I’m fairly certain you saw this story on The Huffington Post–as did I–and when I went to comment about the story I read this comment by someone…
“Which one is Barbara and which one is Jenna?”
Heh…To which my reply was:
“As fucked up as that comment was, it was just too funny. Oh brother. Thank you, kind person.
All I have to say about these girls is “wow”–in a bad way.”
The Disenfranchised Voter
Eh that post wasn’t too clear. I do believe it is the parents who are brainwashing them. I just took issue with the idea that they were hippies.
But . . . but . . . the only racism and anti-Semitism in America is on the left! *head explodes*
Bob In Pacifica
Racism is the coin of the realm for for stupid white folk. It’s packaged and sold as an explanation for why they are stuck where they are and who they need to keep down so that they don’t slip all the way to the bottom.
Bob In Pacifica
From their website:
What do you think is the most important social issue facing the white race right now? Do you have any songs that address this issue?
Not having enough white babies born to replace ourselves and generally not having good-quality white people being born. It seems like smart white girls who have good eugenics are more interested in making money in a career or partying than getting married and having a family. And yes, we are working on some new songs about this issue.
Please tell me the significance of the name Prussian Blue.
Part of our heritage is Prussian German. Also our eyes are blue, and Prussian Blue is just a really pretty color. There is also the discussion of the lack of “Prussian Blue” coloring (Zyklon B residue) in the so-called gas chambers in the concentration camps. We think it might make people question some of the inaccuracies of the “Holocaust” myth.
What are the plans for the near future of Prussian Blue? Are you going to make a record soon?
Soon we will be selling our new CD, Fragment of the Future—the title is from a Colin Jordan [Britain’s leading race dissident] quote. It should be out by the end of the year. If you want something now, there’s also a DVD called Gathering of the Gods that was filmed last year in Perris, California. It has us singing a lot of our songs, but we have improved a lot since then!
What are some of your favorite groups, either current or past?
We really like Avril Lavigne, Evanescence, Three Days Grace, Green Day, AC/DC, and Alison Krauss. For racial groups we like Final War, CutThroat, Saga, Max Resist, Youngland, Brutal Attack, and of course Skrewdriver. But our all-time favorite is Barney the purple dinosaur!
Mike S
There’s a reason you only stop in Bakerfield for gas and McDonalds on your way to and from Vegas. The place is filled with racists, inbreds and meth heads. It’s like one giant trailer park.
Alf Rankin
Racism is taught in our universities:
Exterminating Whitey
By Mike S. Adams
Oct 21, 2005
Professor, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Columnist Jon Sanders of the John Locke Foundation in Raleigh, NC has written a blog entry that reveals just how easy it is to get a job teaching Africana Studies at N.C. State University. It also demonstrates how the diversity movement is bringing people together in the great state of North Carolina.
Sanders’ recent blog directs readers to C-SPAN online, where they can click on the recent archives and scroll down until they find the “Black Media Forum on the Image of Black Americans in Mainstream Media.” This was a program presented on October 14th at Howard University. Dr. Kamau Kambon makes his appearance about three hours into the four-hour event.
Dr. Kambon’s closing remarks – given about twenty minutes before the program’s conclusion – are chilling:
“And then finally I want to say that we need one idea, and we’re not thinking about a solution to the problem. We’re thinking about all these other things, but we’re not dealing with a solution to the problem. And we have to start to think about a solution to the problem so that these young brothers and sisters who are here now, who are 15, 16 or 17, are not here 25 years later talking about these same problems.”
“Now how do I know that the white people know that we are going to come up with a solution to the problem? I know it because they have retina scans, they have what they call racial profiling, DNA banks, and they’re monitoring our people to try to prevent the one person from coming up with the one idea. And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem. Now I don’t care whether you clap or not, but I’m saying to you that we need to solve this problem because they are going to kill us. And I will leave on that. So we just have to just set up our own system and stop playing and get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem and the problem on the planet is white people.”
Dr. Kambon also said that “white people want to kill you … because that is part of their plan” and that “the only n**ger on the planet is the white man and the white woman, and our people are not n**gers, they are imitation n**gers.”
An official at N.C. State University claims that Dr. Kambon – once a visiting professor being paid by the taxpayers of North Carolina – is no longer affiliated with the university. But, if that is true, why is he still listed on the university’s Africana Studies faculty page?
After you visit that site, I bet you’ll have the same question. And, like me, I hope you’ll write the Africana Studies Department ([email protected]) demanding an answer. And, while you’re at it, ask them why they hired a genocidal racist in the first place.
Brad R.
Dude- we wrote about this a while back and got totally flooded with angry comments from Neo-Nazis. Pray you don’t meet the same fate.
Meanwhile kids across the country buy millions of cds by thugs that glamorize being pimps and drug dealers.
Something tells me the little nazis are the least of our future problems. But if it makes you feel better, get mad about it.
Otto Man
Well, for starters, Li’l Eva, the smart white girls would have “good genes” and not “good eugenics.”
You’d think a neo-Nazi, of all people, would know what “eugenics” meant.
Ben Regenspan
Yes, actually. By a Scandinavian death metal group, of course.
Aren’t they afraid Lynx will EAT Lamb? I’m looking forward to it in about ten years.
How many adolescent rappers are out there singing about slapping their bitches, killing whitey, capping the pigs, and doing drugs?
And doing so essentially without significant criticism?
The thing to remember is white supremacist types are severely marginalized in our society, and are so few in number as to be laughable. MeCha and the alphabet soup of black supremacist organizations are often supported with tax money, have offices on campus, and memberships in the hundreds of thousands.
(Side note: Yay! Kimmitt’s head exploded! Now we won’t have too…uh…wait a sec, he wasn’t really using it anyway. Bummer.)
Otto Man
Really? Crap. When exactly did the world move past sarcasm?
Clue phone — the person who said these parents were hippies needs to grab a history book. Any hippie would be much too old to have 13-year olds. (Well, a father, maybe, but not a mother.)*I* was too young to be a hippie and trust me — too old now to have those kids.
Roger Drowne EC
Hay Nazi Girls… CK THIS OUT and
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Very sad. I feel for those kids — and can only hope with age, they see how screwed up their parents are and their views are.
Of course, I was kidding about the parents being ex-hippies. The names happen to fit a stereotype that’s comically at odds with the neo-Nazi image. Further irony is possible–I’d bet that the style of music they play, if it’s anything like current pop, has roots in music originated by black Americans, though it’s probably watered down past recognition.
Bat Guano
How many adolescent rappers are out there singing about slapping their bitches, killing whitey, capping the pigs, and doing drugs?
And doing so essentially without significant …
Blah, blah, blah. What gang managed to kill millions through war and genocide? Hiter’s Boyze, byotch.
One or both of these girls will end up pregnant with a black child, its obvious. People this ignorant and hateful usually do whatever it is they are bitching about.
And if any of those groups/artists knew about these particular fans, they’d probably vomit.
Alf Rankin,
Get a grip.
Because CHASS didn’t maintain their web pages? Wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Incidentally, I graduated from NCSU. Never heard of the guy. I also never took a course in your alleged ‘Africana (sic?) Studies’ department. Go figure.
No, but they are regular listeners to Bill Bennett’s radio show.
Snort. That’s right. The major attraction: “Next services 75 miles.”
(Apologies to Buck Owens.)
The Disenfranchised Voter
Comparing these girls to mainstream gangster rappers is absurd, and sounds like white-supremacist apologetics if you ask me.
Furthermore, Toren–after viewing your blog, I don’t see how you can possibly question others about using their head. You’re about as dumb as a box of rocks, and that is putting it nicely.
Yes, it’s those ex-hippie parents who made their kids nazis. Give me a break. Next you’ll be telling us that Hitler really was a socialist.
You’re joking, right? Nazi stands for “National Socialist German Workers Party”. Hitler instituted plenty of socialist policies – for example, national healthcare.
I don’t generally go looking at pimped blogs in here. Waste of time. But I took a peek at Toren’s after seeing this blurb.
All I say is … Oh My Gawd. That’s really awful.
From what I’ve seen online, “visiting professor” should read “adjunct faculty”, which means teaching on a per-course, contract basis. The documentation required for being hired as an adjunct is your basic academic CV and not much more. To follow up on Pb’s comments, it’s kind of silly to point at Kambon’s statements now and say that they reflect on NCSU after he left their employment. Does anyone think he would have been hired in the first place if his views had been known?
And speaking of Raleigh, NC, what attraction does this area have for libertarian nutcases? Wouldn’t the John Locke foundation be more effective elsewere (i.e., far, far away)?
John Cole
Dear God someone just stake me now.
I beg of you people, not the “NAZI’S are REALLY leftists debate.” Please?
Pretty please?
And for those of you paying attention, that means I have just made two Season 4 Buffy references. One in the original post, one in this comment.
This piece almost came across as a big practical joke on ABC News, it’s disgusting but almost ludicrously so.
“An official at N.C. State University claims that Dr. Kambon – once a visiting professor being paid by the taxpayers of North Carolina – is no longer affiliated with the university.”
Well, I’ve checked the site, and he’s no longer on it.
And I tend to agree with RSA: “Does anyone think he would have been hired in the first place if his views had been known?”
John S.
I second that…
If I may play Devil’s advocate?
This is no different than the race pride bullshit that has been forced down our throats as “multiculturalism” for years. And when the inevitable “I’m white, and I’m proud” happens, it’s hateful?? What the fuck do you expect? Either it’s wrong, and wrong across the board, or it’s all part of that multicultural-diverse-crazy quilt-united colors of Benetton world we’ve been nurturing during our generation.
a guy called larry
The blurb about them on their website mentions a newspaper article they felt caused them to be dropped from a gig at the local county fair. It continues to say the article “…failed to mention, but we will do so here, that both Lynx and Lamb earned the distinguished Principal’s List award for their (…) grades last year.”
What kind of grades? Good? No. Excellent? Wrong again. Outstanding? Try again.
Superior? Had to be.
Another thing…..can you really read that quote from the NAACP ‘tard with a straight face? They’re relevant to the black cause in one way only: perpetuating the victocrat mentality among the black race, all while at the same time claiming racial pride.
I suggest that you learn the difference between supporting cultural pride and supporting genocide. There’s just no equivalence between the neo-nazis and the NAACP.
John — I don’t know about buffy, but I liked the “latest thing in fall facism” line. Was that it? It sort of made me think of “back to scholl fascism” — that’s gotta be brown or black shirts for the guys, I know, but what would it be for the girls?
And why is it that any discussion of racism brings out the “white power as a response to black claims of vicitimization” kooks? Cole, you’re the guy with the background in communications…any ideas? (Seriously. I’m curious here.)
a guy called larry
last week, Orcinus pointed out this link on the topic, in his
excellentsuperior post on Fascism.Jim Caputo
I don’t understand why anyone here is disgusted or even surprised by this. The republican party strategy for more than 30 years has been to pander to racist whites. When the civil rights act of 1964 divided the democratic party, a reallignment took place along racist lines. The democrats (southern dixicrats) who voted against the civil rights act would nearly all eventually leave the party and join the republican party when Nixon’s “southern strategy” signaled that they’d be picking up the policies of racism for which the southern dems could no longer garner majority support.
Do you think it was just a coincidence that, in 1980, Reagan announced that he was running for president in Philadelphia, Mississippi, with a speech touting his support of states’ rights? Remember, Philadelphia was the town in which three civil rights workers (Goodman, Cheney, and Schwerner) were killed by the klan. That was no accident. That was the wink and the nod to the racists.
The speeches given by republican presidential hopefuls at Bob Jones University over the years amounts to the same thing. It’s the wink and the nod to racists.
And every southern governor who has fought against removing the confederate battle flag symbol from state flags…same thing…the wink and the nod to racists.
So if you’re going to support a party that panders to these people, please don’t feign indignation when you find out they actually exist. They do exist. They’re your political allies. Lift the covers at night and look down; they’re right there in bed with you.
The Disenfranchised Voter
There won’t be a debate about this. I will only take one post to settle it. I just love the fact that B’s main arugment is that they called themselves socialists, therefore they are socialists. Heh, the stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me. Anyways…
Nazism was not pure capitalism (laissez-faire) but it was closer to capitalism than socialism. Socialism by definition is “Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively.” Since this is the case, then it is basically impossible for anyone to even consider Nazism as a socialist type of rule. What makes socialism, socialism was obviously missing from the Nazi regime.
There are many aspects of “National Socialism” which are considered to be capitalist and far from all aspects of socialism. When Hitler finally rose to power, he found it more efficient to let the skilled businessmen keep and run their companies by themselves. Nazi leaders were oppose to the Marxist idea of class conflict and also opposed the idea that capitalism should be abolished and that workers should control the means of production.
A vast majority of socialists consider class conflict and the abolition of capitalism as essential components of socialist progress, thus these factors along are adequate to categorize National Socialism as a compeletely seperate ideology as socialism. Furthermore, established socialist movements did not view the Nazis as socialists and argued that the Nazis were thinly disguised reactionaries.
Historians, Ian Kershaw being one of them, “also note the links between the Nazis and the German political and economic establishment and the significance of the “Night of the Long Knives” in which Hitler purged what were at the time seen as “leftist” elements in the Nazi Party and how this was done at the urging of the military and conservatives.”
This passage explains the purge and other non-socialist moves:
Many theorists argue that there are similarities bewteen the government of Nazi Germany and that of Stalin’s Soviet Union. Most of the time, this argument is not one which states that the Nazis were socialist, but rather that both Nazism and Stalinism are forms of totalitarianism. In closing, the evidence shows that Hitler leaned more towards capitalist ideals than he did towards socialist ones. And most importantly, the main idea of socialism–which is that “the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively”–was not in practice in Nazi Germany.
Gosh, a couple of kneejerk lefties (one of whom who can’t even put together a blog of their own, and both of whom seem to think ad hominem attacks are the height of wit) think my blog sucks.
I think I’ll go cry myself to sleep.
I invite others to visit DisVoter’s lumpen site–full of drab regurgitations of DU talking points and no discernable original thinking–and consider the old saying about people in glass houses.
(“Pimping” my blog? By filling in the website link on the comments form? Touchy, aren’t we?)
And as for comparing a bunch of marginalized losers to the Nazi war machine, GMAFB. Let’s have a sense of perspective here. How many people are killed by white supremicists in America every year, versus how many are killed by ethnic gang violence?
These guys are just a bunch of redneck assholes who should be ignored when possible and humiliated when not.
Looks like your comments section is still infested by mindless DU detritus, John (although it’s improved a lot lately). Guess I’ll go back to reading your posts and skipping the comments.
As a liberal in the South, I think you underestimate what the confederate flag means to people down here. My family isn’t from the South, but I’m proud of my heritage. Many people down here are proud of theirs as well. Some of their ancestors fought in the Civil War. No doubt many of them died. They are proud of their heritage. That doesn’t automatically make them racist.
Let me tell you a story. When I was in high school, there were two security guards that were very nice to us. They were cool people, and in our free time, we’d all sit around and joke to each other and tell stories. Their names were Bobby and Tim. Bobby was white. Tim was black. They were great friends. And Bobby was just as Southern as you could be. He’s a great American, and he’s no racist. He also participates in Civil War reenactments.
So. Supporting the confederate flag down here is by no means just a racist position. It’s a very Southern one, and I would guess not an unpopular one. It’s true that some people see it as a symbol of slavery and oppression. Other people see it as a symbol of Southern pride.
And remember, many would argue that the civil war wasn’t started or fought because of race, and not everyone sees Lincoln as a great liberator due to his actions in the Civil War–for first freeing only Confederate slaves, and then later enlisting them on the front lines to fight and die. I personally like Lincoln, and he’s a very popular president today, but the Civil War is still a thorny issue for a lot of people, and especially down here.
John Cole
The “latest in fall fascism” is the Buffy reference, from Ep. 63, The Initiative, when Xander sees a drawing of the commandoes.
John Cole
Jim Caputo- You might check out Kevin Drum regarding your little Reagan tale (since I know you will ignore my refutation), and as for the rest of your comment, you might look at the comments here- this isn’t a Republican or Democrat issue.
Don’t sweat it, ppGaz throws that hilarious “pimping” accusation at anyone he doesn’t like who has a weblog. It’s pretty funny after the 19th or 20th time.
It’d be nice if people would stop obsessing over minutiae like skin color and focus on character and culture. I think the big problem is that people are too invested in pretending race is culture. Identity politics only hurts us all in the long run.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Heh, I love it when dumbasses call a libertarian, a leftist. Or when I am accused of parroting Democratic Underground talking points–a site that I have never even visited.
Don’t know your politics too well do ya, Toren? I see you’re a fan of the your either with us or your a “liburel” ideology.
The Disenfranchised Voter
I’m wondering what people on this thread think of Dr. Kamau Kambon, who just called for the extermination of the white race in a public debate on CSPAN.
Jim, is the Left winking and nodding at people like this? Or openly applauding them?
Getting back to the original topic, strangely enough: I too, think that parents who teach their children to hate other people…well, I don’t have words to describe my revulsion. Kids aren’t born with prejudices. When I was little, my best friend was of East Indian descent. We were friends for 4 years until she was killed in the Air India crash. 20 years later, I was talking about her to an acquaintance, who asked if my parents had any issues with me being best friends with someone of “a different race.” My initial reaction was, “What? What are you talking about?” To that very day, I had never even thought of her as being of a different race, because I was viewing her through the eyes of my childhood. She was my friend, that’s all that mattered. Fortunately, that’s all that mattered to my parents too. That’s all that should matter to anybody — what is that person like?
To some people the Confederate Flag is a sign of southern unity and a shared remembered history. It, much like the Texas Flag, harkens back to the “good olde dayz” myth so some people keep it on their cars and hang it from their doorways as a sign of community pride rather than white pride. These are the people Howard Dean was refering to when he talked about people with Confederate Flags in the back of their pickup trucks. These are some of the people.
Other people in the south dress up in white sheets, burn crosses, and wave the Confederate Flag as a sign of White Supremacy. These are the guys who will pull you over for Driving While Black, the ones who spit in your food at resturants cause you look Jewish, the people who sodomize you with beer bottles and drag you off the back of their trucks when they find out you’re gay. Sadly, these are the guys who get elected into government office. These are the guys who win the hearts and minds of the Southern people. These are the guys who defend the Confederate Flag the loudest.
I’m not saying that a blue cross on a red field is a sign of Satan, or that only Hitler could love that piece of cloth. I am saying that for every couple guys who wave it cause they think it’s cool, there’s one more who waves it cause he thinks lynching is cool, too. It’s sad. It’s stupid. It sucks. But there you have it.
Found this link on Crooks & Liars.
Unbelievable. Not that they’re racist but that they’re twins and still can’t sing in harmony.
It’s nice to see Krista and I agree on something.
I can’t speak for the entire left, of course, but this particular lefty is shaking her head in disgust…hate-filled speech like that accomplished nothing except to perpetuate more hate. I can only hope that those who were applauding were doing so out of a very misguided sense of embarrassed politeness.
Felix Deutsch
I’d hit it (both of them).
I think Dr. Kambon is coming out of a region in Sub-Sahara Africa where white people and black people routineely exchange acts of the most reprehensible genocide. Take a look back into the history of aparthide South Africa, the events in Darfur, in Zimbabwi, in Niger, in the Congo. There is a long and complex history of racial murder on the grandest scales. This sort of history is enough to drive a man crazy – which I think Dr. Kambon is, if he’s serious. But research the region long enough, and you can’t come away without thinking that maybe he’s on to something. It sure does look like whites and blacks have made significant strides in wiping each other off the face of that region of earth.
19 or 20? That’s about how many hits you get every couple of weeks, isn’t it, Dave?
Snort. A political lecture from you, Dave?
What’s next …. topics in veterinary medicine? How about a quick seminar on road construction?
Bwaaaaaaaahahahaha! The guy has posted about articles all summer, Dave. He seems to be headed for the same level of fame and relevance that you have achieved.
Advice from you, the Master … that’s what he desperately needs now.
Hey, how’s your comparison of Iraq to early America going? You should turn it into a series, and then a book ….
But research the region long enough, and you can’t come away without thinking that maybe he’s on to something.
I bet those racist white twins say the same thing about blacks.
Excuse me, it’s “about 5 articles all summer.”
They were so thick and fast, I had trouble counting them….
See what I mean Toren? ppGaz isn’t worth taking seriously.
LOL He has a lot of amusement value though.
I’m out!
What a wanker.
Mike S
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz snork, What?
You never fail to crack me up Davey. I suppose a member of a party that has David Duke and Hal Turner as actual candidates needs to find someone on the left equally idiotic. Funny how you need to search for people that were never heard of before the message machine found them.
My granddaughter just read your blog, TallDave
Steve S
Ever notice how Southerns are a lot like the French. They look for symbols of when they used to be great, rather than looking for ways to be great.
Never heard of him.
Are you implying that I agree with him? That’s interesting. I supposedly agree with someone I’ve never heard of.
Can the right get any more whacky?
People have to find a way to be proud of their heritage without excluding/blaming/demonizing other heritages. I’m of Acadian descent, and if I wanted to have an automatic hatred for anybody of British descent, there would be those that would support me in that. But I see no reason why I can’t be damned proud of my culture, but not let it be the prevalent characteristic of me. My race, or cultural background, is only one part of who I am. We should be very proud of our respective cultures, but when it really comes down to it, we’re just all human beings, with the same wants, needs and desires – a roof over our heads, food on the table, health for our loved ones, and good hair days.
Heh. You have no idea.
Greatness comes at a cost. When your land, and the land of your ancestors, has been torn to ratshit because of war, your priorities tend to shift more towards comfort and security than towards greatness.
Can you elaborate on the claim that white people have engaged in genocide in Africa? I know whitey is guilty historically of the most egregious forms of exploitation in the subcontinent, but genocide? All of the examples of African genocide I can think of are African on African–Rwanda and Darfur spring to mind. Not being snarky, btw.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Fuck Him. Is that good enough for you?
Or were you stupid enough to think I’d support the extermination of my own race?
The point about these girls is that they are being manipulated by their mother. That guy is a professor. He is a big boy. Of course I think he is a peice of shit, that goes without saying.
I assume this is a sick pun on the name of this breed of cats.
Bob In Pacifica
I would like to enter the National SOCIALISTS were socialists debate. No, I wouldn’t. Let’s try this:
Republicans are all drunkards because “pub” is in their name. RePUBlicans. If you notice, there’s lots of liquor and beer and wine being sold as we speak because of the RePUBlicans! On election day they drive people to the polling places to vote. The rest of the time they drive the rest of us to drink! The RePUBlicans.
By the way, has anyone heard the theory about the connection between the Democratic Party and the genre of pop music known as “Emo”?
Aop said:
Here is an example.
Yeah, if for example the congo one tribe is a “white” dark as night african, and the other ‘genocided’ tribe is a “black” dark as night african.
If for example in dafur one tribe is a “white” black as night “arab”, and the other ‘genocided’ tribe is a “black” dark as night african.
I rather be manipulated by my parents, then those who OWN and control western civilization to do their unholy bidding: Summer Redstone, Paul Wolfowiz, Morris Dees, Abe Foxman, Douglas Feith, and thousands of others similar in a global oligarcy.
We also got the Congo Free State.
Try looking at the Belgian Congo under King Leopold. Was it genocide in the sense that the term is popularly understood (ie in the Nazi model)? No. Was it genocide in the specific legal sense of the word as say in Darfur or in the former Yugoslavia? I’d say probably yes. Even if it wasn’t genocide, it’s a major atrocity with deaths into the millions.
I’m guessing that in TallDave’s delirious mind these evil liberals who hate their country obviously also must hate themselves so much that they strongly approve of any movement that will get themselves exterminated.
Interesting. Thanks for the links. The Herero thing seems to fit the bill. The Belgian Congo, not so much–seems more along the lines of standard colonial exploitation and the atrocities that seem to accompany it.
Guys, there is no good reason for racism. We are all just people.
suppose a member of a party that has David Duke and Hal Turner as actual candidates
I’m not a “member” of the GOP but I note that the Dems had Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson running for President, and they back race-based preferences. If I based my vote on who was less racist that would be no contest.
Fuck Him. Is that good enough for you?
Well, it’s better than those at the event who applauded. Thank you for demonstrating some sanity.
Guye, the whole “Whitey engaged in genocide thing” is the same behavior you condemn from white racists. Don’t you realize this is exactly the same type of “they’re bad, so we can treat them badly” reasoning racist whites use to justify their beliefs? People have done bad things to people, race is irrelevant. Only racists focus on race.
Thanks for bringing another fan on board. I appreciate it!
Sorry, she exceeded data transfer limit and I was unable to read it.
John S.
Judging from the number of comments on your site, it looks like you can use all the help you can get your hands on.
Uncle Elmer
Hal Turner for President in ’08
Hey, one new fan every six, eight months …. you’ll be famous in a couple of centuries.
The link was just to a baby picture. Smiling cherub. Apparently it has bandwidth limits. Didn’t know that, the grandparents don’t get all the info, apparently.
Pete Hayden
What’s everybody so upset about? That their guitarist is out of tune? That they can’t sing?
As others have noted, on October 14, 2005, the C-SPAN forum “Black Media Forum on Image of Black Americans in Mainstream Media,” had black activist Kamau Kambon state “[w]e have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve the problem.” But no one seems to take note that for years we’ve been sending billions of tax dollars to Israel, which is a supremacist, racist state. (Or is there anyone here who honestly believes the contrary?) And yet, those stories not worth ABC News’s attention, ever wonder why?
In 2004, the monthly “New African” asked its readers to name the “100 greatest Africans.” Comrade Bob, as Robert Gabriel Mugabe is known, came in 3rd place, just after Nelson Mandela and Kwame Nkrumah. The same Mugabe that has ruined Zimbabwe: 70 percent unemployment, inflation rate of 350 percent, a million displaced people, 500 000 students driven from schools, 200 000 farm workers without a job because 4000 white farmers, the former backbone of Zimbabwe’s economy, were expropriated–though most of them have gone to Zambia, where they have since assured Zambia of record crops. (Without avail Gideon Gono, Zimbabwe’s Central Bank Chief, has urged Mugabe to invite those white farmers back.)
And yet what is the reaction of Africans, of official Africa, not to speak of their “African brothers and sisters” outside of Africa?
South Africa, which could simply cut off Zimbabwe’s electricity and quite literally leave Comrade Bob and his gang in the dark and without air conditioning, thus at least constraining Mugabe–who, lest one forgets, calls himself “Hitler of these times”–has its President, Thabo Mbeki, who in the eighties found refuge as leftist guerrilla in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, grant Comrade Bob’s regime financial aid equivalent to a half a billion US $. South Africa’s Minister of Mining, speaking on behalf of the Southern African Development Community, said Zimbabwe’s elections of earlier this year “reflect the will of the people of Zimbabwe,” and he even echoed the African Union, which called said elections “free and credible.” (Did he ever wonder why 8 soccer players from Zimbabwe National Soccer Team, all “stars” in their native Zimbabwe, preferred to disappear after a game in the UK? What made them decide to become illegal migrants living underground in Britain?)
The African Union refuses to act on the destruction of the slums in Zimbabwe, and the subsequent displacement and homelessness of well over a million fellow Africans; it ignores that 500 000 students were driven from schools. According to the African Union, it’s simply a matter of sovereign politics not to be meddled with or protested against. The South African “Mail and Guardian” defends such displacement by stating that every year on the globe “millions of people get resettled to make room for tourism, dams, streets and airports.”
One could continue with statements by Sam Nujomo, Namibia’s first president, or opinion makers in Nigeria, or about signs reading “kill all white people,’ as they can be spotted in Namibia (again), …
So much for African political leaders supporting African people, so much for their promise of an “African Renaissance” and “Good Governance.” It used to be blamed on or simply called colonialism, racism, Apartheid. What does one call it today? Does the answer lie in looking away because it is inconvenient, like looking away at the fact that African Americans were sold into slavery by their own people, that the sellers were black?
Kamau Kambon appears heavily influenced by the wrong kind of African leaders. May be he should take as an example the archbishop of Bulawayo, Pius Ncube, who has said: “I pray that Mugabe may die.” On the other hand imagine the outcry of someone stating that s/he prays that such a racist as Kamau Kambon may die, especially if such a person were not black.
The main thing that bothers me is that people here don’t get the sarcasm from the poster who said the parents must have been hippies because of the little nazi’s names. Why can’t you idiots get sarcasm? The post OBVIOUSLY wasn’t seriously saying the little nazi’s parents were hippies… IT… WAS… SARCASM… I… D… I… O… T… S…. God damn… people have dumbed down so far much now that you “seriously” can’t use sarcasm any more because it takes remotely complex thought to understand and appreciate it. It’s like people need everything simple and spoon-fed to them nowadays. Nevermind these stupid nazi bitches, what about all these morons who can’t handle critical thought anymore!!! Ahhhrrrrggggg!!!!!!! Slow down… READ.. and THINK… THINK.
John S,
Well, I get a few thousand readers at Dean’s, so it’s all good.
But even one reader is a compliment, really. I have no desire to be famous, I just like to see the message get out there.
John S.
I can appreciate that, though I have little appreciation for your message most of the time.
Jim Caputo
Jim Caputo
Okay, I did. Are you sure you read it because it doesn’t seem to dispute what I said at all.
What exactly was the point you were trying to make? That Reagan didn’t speak in Philadelphia proper, but a few miles outside of Philadelphia where they were holding the county fair? He was speaking to THE PEOPLE of that area. He knew what they were. He knew what they had done just 16 years before. He knew what the phrase “state’s rights” meant to them. And he knew to whom and to what he was pandering when he used it.
This is from Drum’s article…
“Why did he choose this place to kick off his campaign? And how could he have been insensitive enough, even in passing, to talk about “states’ rights” — obvious code for white segregationism — at a place like this?
Frankly, there’s not much excuse. Reagan obviously knew the racial baggage of a phrase like that at a place like Neshoba, and it’s a genuine blight on his record.”
I’m sure there’s some nuance in the article that you think is of major import, but since you lazily didn’t point it out, it will have to continue to remain hidden in the dark recesses of your confused mind.
Oh spare me. The big bad scary white supremacists are coming! Meanwhile, Al Sharpton and Louis Farakahn are spreading anti-semitic filth everywhere. That doesn’t seem to bother anyone here.
John S.
No, spare me.
Everytime these topics come up, someone feels compelled to drag out some relativistic bullshit argument. How about this:
1. The big scary white supremacists are already here and here (enjoy the Nazi-style rally music on the latter).
2. I have no love for Al Sharpton, and if he ever referred to the “so-called gas chambers in the concentration camps” and “the ‘Holocaust’ myth” then I would definitely take equally major offense.
3. As far as people not being bothered by hate messages when they come from someone other than little “Aryan” girls, well, that is just pure bullshit. Racism and bigotry are concepts that are intolerable regardless of who they come from.
Now go pimp your RAHOWA elsewhere.
Yes, and I’m sure that those millions of voters who are always voting wrongly for “socialism” will flock to your site to be lectured appropriately!
Wouldn’t it be easier for people who don’t like America to just move, Dave?
Tim F
On topic, I think this story underlines the ‘net lets people find other people like themselves, for better or for worse. When you’re a lonely gay kid considering suicide in a repressive speed trap of a town that’s probably a good thing. Sometimes, though, people are lonely and repressed for perfectly good reasons. Technology doesn’t care if you’re looking for love or looking for hate, it’ll facilitate your community just the same.
Off-topic, I think that this my-dick-is-bigger-than-your-blog fighting is tasteless. If somebody is full of shit, which describes all of us at some point or another, there have to be more direct ways of pointing it out.
Tim F
…underlines how the ‘net lets people find other people…
The Disenfranchised Voter
John S.
My guess would be the VictorRay thinks criticizing of Israel and our blind support of them is anti-semetic.
Once again the good ol’ “you’re either with us or against us” theory.
If you ask me, a reassesment of our relationship is not only long overdue, but vital to our democracy.
The Disenfranchised Voter
A lot of it quite frankly *is*. The winking references to neocons, the pro-Palestinian bent of much of the television media. You tell me what you call that.
Tim F
Sounds more like paranoia to me. Are you suggesting that anybody who criticizes neoconservatism is anti-semitic?
Which is to say that Southerners want 3/5ths of greatness.
The Disenfranchised Voter
As I predicted John S. You see criticizing our blind support of Israel is just about always anti-semetic.
Gotta love how delusional VictorRay really is though. I almost feel bad for him…”The pro-palestinian bent of much of the media”…give me a break.
That is what blind support of Israel will do to you. You start calling support for Israel, pro-Palestinian because it isn’t blind support.
John S.
So it would seem…at least the more rotten apples are easier to pick out the bunch than the ones that appear to be ok on the outside, but are rotten to the core…
And funny, as a Jew I do not consider neocon critics to be anti-semitic – generally speaking, of course.
Jim Caputo,
I don’t really want to have a long discussion about this either. I’m no historian, and as to what the true causes of the Civil War were, well, that’s a question best left to them. But then again, most people aren’t historians, and we all have our own opinions on these issues. I just don’t think it’s fair to tar so many Southerners (or even Southern governors) as racist for supporting the Confederate flag. It just isn’t true.
Which confederate flag? Do you mean the Stars and Bars? The battle flag of Nathan Bedford Forrest? You know, the founder of the KKK?
I don’t now about you, but I somehow don’t think that there’s much ambiguity about the meaning of “The” confederate flag.
Andrew J. Lazarus
What’s worst, pro-Palestinians have taken over in Ariel Sharon’s office. Look what happened to Netzarim!
yeah right
I see at least 2 things wrong with this blog.
1. This is America and people have a right to be racists.
2. I don’t see anyone on here condeming Louis Farakahn or the numerous cRap artists who are calling for killing White people.
Seems to me that if you are going to comdem racism, you would condem all racism.
John S.
I haven’t heard anyone screaming about “kill whitey” in ages, but most of us here did condemn all forms of racism. Or perhaps you can’t read:
And you seem to be mistaken here as well:
The Constitution protects freedom of speech – to an extent. Racism and a call to genocide are not Constitutionally protected freedoms.
Where the hell do you people come from?
I see 2 things right:
1. This is America, and people have a right to voice criticism of people whose philosophies they find abhorrent.
2. Louis Farakhan was not mentioned personally, but several posts on this blog expressed the sentiment that racism is wrong, no matter from whom it’s coming, be they black or white.
Tim F
Dude doesn’t “see” anyone condemning Farrakhan because he didn’t bother reading the comments. Not worth responding to.
The posts are poor today. I don’t like these easy target posts. Obviously, we all agree this is f–d up. Next topic.
It’s only disgusting if they’re white.
If they’re black it’s just “hip-hop culture”.
Dan H
The only hate I read is here!! Most of you have more hate than these twins. It rally takes balls to talk about these kids while at the same time RAP music is being beamed all over the world with all its anti white racist crap. Where’s your out rage about that? Selective in whom you spit at arn’t you?
Darned liberals and their hatred.
Just trying to help, DougJ.
John S.
Ok, seriously…
Who are all these buffoons popping up bitching about rap music? I’d wager none of them have ever actually listened to a rap album to know what the hell they are talking about. The last time I heard someone rapping about killing whitey was Eazy-E, and he died a long time ago. Nowadays, most rap is about bling, making money and
bitchesdegrading women.Get a clue before you people start trying to compare these two little bigots to an entire genre that includes whites, latinos, blacks and others. White pride music is only created by white bigots. There is little comparison to be made here.
These generalizations everyone is making about rap are incredibly stupid. You know how they say guns don’t kill people, people kill people? Well, rap doesn’t degrade women, sucker MCs degrade women.
There’s plenty of any kind of music you want to pick that puts out all kinds of assinine messages. Many contemporary country musicians glorify the worst kind of idiocy and jingoism (Clint Black’s “Iraq and I Roll” takes the cake), but that’s not going to make me throw out my Willie Nelson CDs anytime soon. (BTW, if you’ve never listened to early Willie, or think of country music as redneck or whatever, you owe it yourself to listen to Willie Nelson’s The Red-Headed Stranger sometime)
And anyway, when you get right down to it, can you really aruge with Ice Cube’s assertion that “life ain’t nothing but bitches and money”?
This is just a sign of american ignorance in todays world!
These young girls dont know shit about history obviously!
I find it a total insult to our forefathers who died giving these idiots a place to sing this shit! Its a well known fact that the arian brotherhood,neo nazis are made up of a small group of cowards! They arent half a human it took to go and defeat the nazis! I am a white male and i can tell you who im gonna shoot first if their is ever a real race war in this country!THE SCUMBAGS that disgrace every veteran that has served this country! THATS ANYBODY TATTOOED WITH A SWASTIKA! id bet money that the only good the parents of these two children have ever done for this country was to roll up into p.c. when they hit county for meth possesion! Go ahead and put dumbshit tattos and shave your heads itll just make it easier to identify your stupid ass!!!
What a crock of crap, Jim Caputo. Republicans are in no way responsible for these childrens’ hatred. Ignorance is.
— God is a Jew. On judgement day they’ll all be face to face with Him.
Has anyone heard the music and singing? ha ha…. they suck. Not only are they completely ignorant, they sing like 4-year-olds. They’ll be boozing it up and on welfare soon enough, just like their white-trash realtives.
Tim F
Hell yes I’ll aruge. Ice Cube can pry my dram of Talisker out of my cold, dead fingers.
I heard that’s really good…I’ll have to check it out.
BTW…maybe I haven’t been reading enough People magazines, but since when do the Olsen twins sing?
Now that Ice-T and his “cop killah” attitude is playing a cop on Law and Order, isn’t that the signal to the rest of the “niggahs” to overthrow whitey?
Yes, thats twisted f’d up logic, and thats what most white supremacists use in order to justify their hate. White Supremacists are much much more dangerous than any rapper, given the lobbying power and money that is fed into the supremacist groups. Read Orcinus if you want to really understand why its dangerous in this country for any type of white-supremacy to be accepted in any form.
And yet you fail to see how there’s a common theme running through them all – attacking another group (marginalized or not) and sometimes in order to make themsevels feel better. You do have a point that in the rap culture, it’s entirely possible for there to be representation from blacks, whites, women, men, etc. Just like in the racist culture, it’s entirely possible for there to be white and black racists.
The issue shouldn’t be so much about the performers, but about the culture they pander to. Artists are like politicians – unless they have a support base to pander to and make money off of, they are powerless and voiceless. I can’t exactly blame racists for making money off of other racists, regardless of what skin tone they have. Their success says more about the general poluation at large than it says about the individual artist.
How much you want to bet these two wind up in one of Nelly’s home-made videos?
Sorry that I saw your comment so late.
Please keep your “suggestions” to yourself. The NAACP’s efforts at cultivating and advancing “black pride” are little different than any “white pride” advanced by these teeny-boppers. The difference is, the NAACP is an internationally recognized organization, whereas the latter are a couple of twerps. But the twerps’ message is called “hate” while the blacks’ “pride” is considered healthy and given a a place in the public square.
Ah, false equivalency, the handmaiden of the Eternal Conservative Victimhood Complex.
Here’s what I want to know: how are these two different from the Wayans brothers and their message of anti-white hatred? How is the much maligned Aryan Television Network different from UPN’s Thursday night line-up featuring the black comedies “Sister, Sister” and “Girlfriends”?
Tim F
On a hunch, I’m guessing that you are VictorRay.
Tim, if I were to pick a name like that, I probably would have gone with SisterRay, especially in an argument about music.
Every appearance of a new “handle” here must be put on the DougJ Spoof Alert milk carton (Have you seen this poster?), until the new “poster” has established that he/she is an actual person.
Well, ppgaz, that is my goal — to make every right-wing nut who posts seem like a possible parody or joke. I think it’s fair. The Stormies of the world (and maybe the Darrells, I go back and forth on him) deserve to be confused with assinine parodies.
It’s certainly a well intentioned scheme, Dougster. Of course the Darrys and Stormells won’t get it and will be energized, thinking that your characters are their new friends :-)
What mindless horse puckey. I’ll phrase this in a way a third grader could understand, just for you. The NAACP says “being black is part of who I am, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of – in fact, I’m proud of who I am.” Neo-Nazis say “being white is part of who I am, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of – in fact, I’m proud of who I am. Oh, and everyone who isn’t white should be killed.” Do you see the difference in those two statements?
And yes, of course blacks exist who actually do advocate the same kind of thing as Neo-Nazis and the KKK. So let’s play a game. You give us quotes from those people, we’ll give you quotes from Neo-Nazis, and we’ll see who runs out of people to quote first. And we’ll also see which of them are hopeless wannabe politicians and former professors at two-bit colleges, and which of them are millionaires and democratically elected officials.
Well, considering that the twerps self-identify with a belief system that got about 11 million innocent people killed and still has plenty of sympathizers, while the black pride movement has caused the death of, oh, gosh, maybe a whole dozen people in a country that has anything like law and order, the relative response seems if anything inadequate.
Tim F
Damn, looks like my hunch is on the fritz again. That explains why I bet on Fitz listing Oprah as a co-conspirator.
This is about the same as the government schools teaching how evil Americans have been under the guise of multicultural of afrocentric studies. You get anti-white propaganda shoved down your throat in the government school and you expect these white kids to like the lying minorities and white liberals that preach government sanctioned hate against whites.
Robert Byrd! He’s a former member of KKK and you Demoncrats love him!
I can’t believe no one, in 141 posts, mentioned Byrd as a defense of these two little twit girls. Come on, arn’t you “Conservatives” even trying?
Tim F
Yessir, America would be a beautiful place if it wasn’t for the lying minorities and the white minority-lovers.
That must be a spoof, too.
for TallDave — his new fan
Trying a different link, Dave.
Bush is the most anti-white (same as anti-magog, christian assholes) israeli asshole licker there ever was. The rest of our government is no better.
Don’t tell me we whites have support: BUSH IS NOT ON OUR SIDE, stop using the straw man argument, Bush’s only ally is Israel, placed in priority long before the US, infact undermining the united states for the benifit of israel is all that this tool and the tools in congress do.
Are the people that are attacking the “kill whitey” message of rap music really listening to it? I listen to all kinds of rap music and I haven’t heard one song where anyone is calling for the destruction of the white race. Ice-T made a rap album like 10 years ago talking about killing white police officers and ever since no one has been able to resist grouping all rap music as the same. Just like every country song is not a whine-fest about losing your dog and your truck, all rap music is not about that. Rap comes in all types and 99% usually says nothing about the white race. Gangsta’ rap may talk about bitches and dealing and all that crap, but mainly it talks about experiences in the poorest of black communities. It may glorify a violent lifestyle, but it has nothing to do with hating whites. Mostly it’s about hating the RICH. LISTEN and do a little research first.
This seems as good a place as any to ask this question: Does anybody understand the logic of Nazi Holocaust deniers? I mean, they’re Nazis, so they aren’t exactly shy about their racism, in particular their hatred of Jews and belief that they (the Jews) should be exterminated. So shouldn’t they be pleased with the Holocaust? Shouldn’t they be saying, “Hitler started it, we plan on finishing it?” You’d think people who want Jews wiped off the face of the earth would point to the Holocaust as one of their greatest triumphs; instead, they try to pretend it never happened. I don’t get it. Then again, nobody ever accused people that far gone of being logically consistent.
Also, people who have only a nodding familiarity with rap music probably shouldn’t opine too strongly about hip-hop culture. It’s a really bad look.
SeesThroughIt, hip-hop since 1985.
Here’s some pretty offensive lyrics from a reggae guy named Tyrone Green:
I live in a shanty in the shantytown.
We have no money so we had to sleep on the ground.
I played the music. My father he dig a ditch.
My mother she do laundry life sure was a bitch.
But soon we killed the white people. Ooh we gun make them hurt.
Kill the white people yea. But buy my record first.
Ooh yea. Why don’t you buy my record?
We sing of freedom and ooh equality.
But we really don’t care we just want money money money.
We want to drive in a big black limosine.
Get so high off ganja we cant even see.
Soon we kill the white people. Ooh we gunna make them hurt.
Kill the white people. Yea. Ooh but buy my record first ooh.
When u go in the record store. We gunna wait outside.
We gunna hit them in the head with a bat and make them cry.
Soon we kill the white people.
Yea but buy my record first.
Why the insult? It’s amusing to see how people throw such childishness around in the comments section of blogs, when I doubt they’d have the nerve to say it to the person’s face.
You’re a coward.
That said, getting into a tit-for-tat about who said what from which race is avoiding the point, which is: hate speech is hate speech. But when it comes from minority groups, it is allowed and considered somehow genuinely reflective of that minority’s downtrodden position in this country. After all, we’re supposed to be guilty for slavery and for taking the Southwest from Mexico, right (to cite a couple of examples)? And besides, we can’t begin to know their struggles, can we, so it’s best to give them a wider berth for their anger, because it would be racist of us to criticize something we can’t truly understand?
In Europe, they’re going through the same thing, but with the Muslim population. It all leads down a very dangerous road when a nation’s culture is subordinated, and a large segment of a population is segregated in favor of group politics. What these girls are engaged in is a very unfortunate consequence of this cultural Balkanization.
Brian, I agree with you. I can’t imagine that, say, a white country singer singing lyrics like that reggae song and not getting tarred as a lunatic. But I’ll bet Green sold a million records and no one said boo.
Pick up any rap cd out there now a days and they are singing about raping their moms, slapping hoes, getting high, it goes on and on…. Nobody tries to stop them. Yes these girls are not singing a very positive message, but alot of music out there is not sending out positive messages. If you don’t like it, ignore it. People do have freedom of speech you can’t take that away from them.
Re: Tyrone Green killin’ da white people
I see that some here have missed some old SNL episodes. Way to hook at least one fish, Doug. :-)
Couldn’t decide between that and Kill My Landlord.
Poor Brian, a lone racist prick amongst a bunch of diversity loving tree hugging liberals.
How does it feel to be an endangered species, Brian?
Well, as for calling me a coward, I like to think I’d only tone it down slightly in person, but realistically you’re probably right about me. The funny thing is, I’m far from the worst. Even our host is no model of civility – he gives as good as he gets, and he gets quite a bit. And I’m as open as I could get without actually typing my full name.
But that doesn’t negate my point. A message is true or false independent of whether its speaker is a brave person. I insulted you, but I also said why you are wrong.
“Getting into a tit-for-tat about who said what from which race” is not avoiding the point at all. You’re saying that hate speech is more tolerated from one group than from another. I’m asking for evidence. It’s not an unreasonable request.
You have provided no reason to believe that hate speech really is any more accepted from minorities than from whites, just “everyone knows it is” or something. Is there a poll, survey or scientific study that I’m not aware of? Is there a vast underground conspiracy to hide the popularity of the Black Panthers? Or is it just an article of faith, beyond question or reason, that minorities and The Left (TM) want to kill white people?
You have provided no reason to believe that Europe’s problems relate to ours – I’d say their problems with their Arab/Muslim population have a lot more to do with the specifics of the immigrant cultures and the choices made by European politicians than anything universal. You have provided no reason to believe that cultural “subordination” is happening, or even that it’s bad. If WASPs are whining about cultural subordination in 100 years, it will probably look as dumb as Irish and Italians whining about it would look today. Which I don’t see too much of.
To summarize, you seem convinced that “reverse racism” is a bigger problem than actual, you know, racism. Is that correct? And if so, why do you believe it? If evidence exists, you didn’t bother to share it.
Jim Caputo
No. The democratic party has never courted the anti-white vote. However, the republican party has actively and openly courted the racist vote. And if you dispute that, what was Mehlman apologizing for back in July?
Here’s what he said…”By the ’70s and into the ’80s and ’90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out,” Mehlman says in his prepared text. “Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong.”
Now while he didn’t mention the Klan or the CCC or any particular racist piece of trash by name, we all know who and what he’s talking about.
You people either have incredibly short memories, or you’re going through life with blinders on regarding the party at whose altar you worship.
Now let’s talk about the genesis of the anti-black and anti-white mindset. There’s an effort being made to characterize racism on both sides as being equally offensive and equally meritless. I have a hard time agreeing with that. To do so would require that I only evaluate the two positions in the vacuum of present-day society and ignore the events and influences that brought people to either position.
I can understand how a black person in this country can come to hating white people. There is certainly some justification for it considering the abhorent treatment blacks have received in this country. However, where is the justification for the anti-black mindset? Were whites brought here by blacks against their will and forced to work the fields from birth to death? Were whites legally excluded from schools, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, sports, etc. so as not offend the preferred black clientele?Were whites not permitted by law to testify against black murderers and rapists in courtrooms throughout this country? I could go on for quite a bit about this but I think you’ve gotten the point by now. Whites have always been the priviliged race in this country, and still are. Explain to me what justification there is for being anti-black and explain to me what Mehlman was apologizing for.
“Next you’ll be telling us that Hitler really was a socialist.”
Muslims are “Balkinizing” themselves in Europe.
And Europe is our white land.
Racism is never okay. I lived in a “ghetto” in Kansas. I was literally the only white family on the street. I saw drug deals going down all the time, kids running up and down the street naked, but for a dirty diaper. And it was there I discovered that blacks can be racists too. We were not accepted into their “group”. Let me guess it is because I am white. But I am not white. I have extremely mixed blood. But I mostly look like my strongest ones, all Native American. Anyone can be racists. No matter what race, no matter what political party. And their right to be racists end where everyone else’s right to live in peace begins.
It is so easy for white people to say that they don’t understand this situation. It is so sickening to have rap music, which I hate by the way, compared to what the Nazi twins are singing. There is no comparison. The Nazis believe in death for everyone but them. Their founder, Adolf Hitler, was a Jew himself (lmbo) and definately not blond hair and blue eyed. Rap is sick and wrong, but it is seriously a view into how a lot of blacks view the world. It doesn’t usually talk about genocide of the white race. Although there are I am sure a few exceptions. It talks about the situation of a people who has no homeland anymore. They were brought here by “whitey”, and they were changed forever, they are literally not welcome in Africa. Although we are not sure they want to go back, after all it was other blacks who sold them into slavery. So why do Africans not welcome back American blacks? Because they are hard workers who believe in working for what they have. While American blacks believe they are entitled to a free ride, and gripe about the suffering they have endured. This is not my opinion. This is the opinion of a African port master, yes he is black.
Why is “color” pride okay? Mexican pride, Black pride, but white pride isn’t? Because the other pride’s usually don’t teach genocide of every race but theirs.
Newsflash, Hitler wasn’t a conservative, or a liberal. He was some kind of screwed up thing all his own. But he did create reasons why the Jewish race was to blame for all the ills the Germans dealt with. The blame game is the liberals favorite game, not the conservatives. No, I am not conservative; so save your breath. I vote my values, which splits between both parties, and isn’t really either.
Now the most important question that no one has asked is why white supremacy even exists? Why do they preach the death of everyone but themselves? It is because they are scared. Their race is doomed because they are attracted to the dark races. No more natural blondes will be born after 2030. This is a scientific fact. The white race will soon be extinct. They are more interested with their own selfish persuits; having two brand new vehicles per couple, a huge brand new house, being aestetically attractive(surgically enhanced of course) than in having children. Most of them either don’t procreate or have only one or two children. Mexicans and Blacks amoung many other minorities breed like rabbits. It is proven that minorities are more fertile than whites. Plus whites don’t really have a culture. They are not united, and white supremacists know it. They are desperately trying to keep a dying race together. But what they don’t see is that the race is dying because of its own members, not because of minorities.
Those girls make me sickkkkkkkk
what bitchesss!!!
that is just sick and rong those bitches what type of parent teaches this to there kids Assholes