Zod for President.
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A True Alternative for 2008
Vote for your ruler When I first came to your planet and demanded your homes, property and very lives, I didn’t know you were already doing so, willingly, with your own government. I can win no tribute from a bankrupted…
Uh, been there, done that.
Thanks anyway.
I think he’s a centrist. He’s got my vote.
Mr Furious
Good stuff, John. Do yourself a favor and rent “The Limey,” Terrence Stamp (Zod) is just as cool as an older, non-superpowered bad-ass.
Q: General Zod, I am voting for your esteemed opponent, Hillary Clinton.
A: Why do you say these things to me when you know I will kill you for it?
Q. General Zod, what is your opponent’s weakness?
A. She cares for these peop…hahaha I almost got it out with a straight face!
A more stylish choice.
I can see it now: “A cowbell in every home”
Speaking of Zod’s health care plan, here’s a plan from Walmart to control health costs (by hiring more part time workers, firing older workers and making workers pay double for spousal coverage… oh, and shrinking 401k coverage). I was (seriously) shocked to find out the following:
Go free market economy, right?
John Cole
Already saw the Limey- great flick.
Look, everyone knows that Zod is just your typical wine-sipping East Coast effete liberal. I heard that he even faked the wounds he claims to have suffered in the Great Vooron Uprising of 2302! Sure, go ahead and vote for Zod if you want the provinces of Upper Darbonia and New Gelflag to be attacked by Mutant Lizard Terrorists. But those of us who are loyal to The Second Galactic Quadrant and who truly love The Great And Beneficient Entity From Above will vote for Vice-Admiral Blegnar in the upcoming election.
Otto Man
I hope he picks Luthor as his running mate. Or at least lets him rule over Australia.
I’m more of a Kang guy.
physics geek
I’m a Chtulu 2008 man myself. Why vote for the lesser evil?
Mac Buckets
Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos (slogan: “I am looking forward to an orderly election tomorrow, which will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath.”).
What about the takeover by our robot overlords? I await their orderly rule.
Finally, a candidate who understands the true nature and purpose of the State.
Jack Roy
Walken‘s gonna crush him. Zod doesn’t have a chance.
John, you got mucho balls for filing this under humor. Zod is gonna crush you like a grape.
Bruce Moomaw
“I offer you a chance for greatness, America. Take it!”
No, come to think of it, that one’s old.
Bruce Moomaw
“I’m a Chtulu 2008 man myself. Why vote for the lesser evil?”
Pah! Physics Geek, do you actually think the Great Old One will forgive you for misspelling his sacred name? Miserable, arrogant fool! Not even the Little Old Ones will do that!