Go Steelers! Beat the Ravens!
Tim is actually at the game with a camera, so hopefully we will have some pictures tomorrow.
*** Update ***
10-10 at the half. I think the reason so many terrible towels are flying is a commentary on the Steelers play, whch has been less than perfect.
*** Update ***
Thank God. The call from the governor came through in time.
And that is how this game really felt- a last minute stay of execution. Steelers win a squeaker, 20-19.
Raven, go away, we don’t want you here anyway.
With both Lewis and Reed out we better handle these guys easy… I hate the Ravens and relish the chance to kick them while they are down.
Thank god I don’t bet on the team I root for.
haha steelers like keepin these monday night games exciting for the fans, eh?
I guess they weren’t playing in Texas, then… :)
I need to find another team to back. Mine (the Vikings)is self-destructing so fast, I doubt they will finish out the year.
B. Minich, PI
Hrmmm . . . can a team become so bad that they cease to exist, leaving the NFL with 35 teams?
Nawww, the Bengals are still around.