Carpetbagger has a rundown. Kos has another.
More in sorrow than in anger, my advice to Republians is that if you want to start winning elections again then you’ve got to stop wearing pants.
I should add that this post is a riff on the endless offerings of insipid more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger ‘free advice’ tossed out after the last two elections by pundits who wouldn’t care if Democrats never won another election. My point is just as valid, from a post hoc ergo propter hoc perspective, as any of the others.
I will vote for any candidate willing to campaign in a kilt.
a George Galloway fan, i see.
If the Republicans want to get back to their winning ways, then they must push for a Cabinet-level Department of Armageddon and the Coming Rapture. That’s the only way they will be able to win the hearts and minds of the country.
Jimmy Jazz
Hey Arnie, what’s your favorite TV show?
“Lost! Vait! I vish to change mein answer! Gahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!”
Yeah, you have one very happy Californian here. :)
don surber
93 Republicans took NJ and Va. guvs, took the house the next year
05 Dems …
Jimmy Jazz – nice Monty Python reference.
a guy called larry
Past performance does not guarantee future results…
More in sorrow than in anger, my advice to Republians is that if you want to start winning elections again then you’ve got to stop wearing pants.
Close, but if they want to start winning elections that have to start wearing pants.
And grow a pair.
The state of the Democrats today can be summed up by their excitement in keeping seats they already had.