Cathy Young has a great (as always) piece up on identity politics which is (as usual) better than my response and well worth your time.
More here from David Schraub.
by John Cole| 6 Comments
This post is in: Excellent Links
Cathy Young has a great (as always) piece up on identity politics which is (as usual) better than my response and well worth your time.
More here from David Schraub.
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If I hadn’t been ignoring these posts for want of time, would I have discovered who actually supports “identity politics,” besides the Jesse Jacksons and Ward Churchills of the world?
I mean, it’s not a straw man or anything, right?
Actually, not a straw man, except that the definition of it is manipulated.
“Sanctity of {whatever}” is an identity-politics ploy.
Gay-bashing is identity politics.
“Family values” is identity politics.
The entire evengelical movement is identity politics. “If you are a true Christian, you must have this set of politics, and vote in this manner.”
Al Maviva
You know, I think I’m with Gilliard on this one. He’s right to call Lt. Gov. Steele a Sambo and support Dem activists pelting him with Oreo cookies at public events, because Steele isn’t authentically black and doesn’t support black people enough. I’m also thinking about hammering on those black attorneys I work with for “speaking and writing white”, which I’m starting to understand is a real mark of inauthenticity – never mind the button down Tom James suits which are just *incredibly* white of them.
Meanwhile, I’d better look into getting some white sheets and joining a “christian identity” (i.e. white supremacist) church, since I’m starting to think that my Catholic faith, with its message of inclusion and utter failure to address racial issues in its doctrine, may not be authentically white. I need to look out for the interests of my community, and if I fail to do so, somebody had probably ought to pelt me with reverse Oreo cookies – they have them, right – with vanilla on the outside, chocolate on the inside.
Hey, could somebody pass me the American cheese and mayo on Wonderbread sandwiches? More mayo please… mmmm… yummy.
Yum, do they make those? If so, PLEASE pelt me with them! They sound great. Or better yet, pelt me with white chocolate-covered Oreos–see, I look like a white man, but I push policies that are pro-diversity, so I’m black under the skin. But beneath that, I’m secretly a hateful racist. So let me put down some clean plastic on the floor, and then start pelting me with that yummy racial goodness.