Your roundup of everything Abramoff, summarized because there’s no way I’m writing an individual post about every one of these.
* The WaPo on David Safavian.
* The NY Times is not amused.
* CNN: Abramoff, Delay, Gale Norton and a phony environmental advocacy group. From last week, but news to me.
* Speaking if which group, a key witness will testify before congress today. I’ll be shocked if she doesn’t take the Fifth.
* The AP reports on something that we already knew was going on, but nonetheless it’s nice to see it aired out:
Nearly three dozen members of Congress pressed the government to reject a Louisiana Indian casino.
Meanwhile, they collected large donations from rival tribes and their lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
* The Osecola News-Gazette summarizes the Florida angle of the Abramoff saga, with bonus outrage.
* Resignations and disgrace at Abramoff’s former firm, Greenberg Traurig.
* Captain Ed has more on Democrats who stand to go down over Abramoff. Good.
I haven’t heard much about the Ralph Reed angle in a while, but as the race for Georgia lieutenant governor heats up you can be sure that’ll change. My money has his primary opponent mentioning ‘culture of corruption’ before the Democrat does.
T. Miller
Let’s get the whole sorry story out into the open now, in time for the bought politicians – from both parties – to be replaced in the 2006 elections (and if they are Senators not facing re-election in 2006, maybe they can be humiliated enough that they step aside).
Don’t forget about Randall “Duke” Cunningham and his bribery scandals. Oh, and the odd-ness relating to some “mob crimes” in Florida that are tied to Abrahamoff and associates. And that Grover Norquist is tied in deep with Abramahoff and Reed.
Wonder if “K street” will end up as synonymous to “The Gambino Family”
Oh, and any Democrat who’s done something illegal relating to Reed, Norquist & Abramahoff, they should be drummed out of office too.
Hell, the Democrats piss me off MORE than the Republicans. I supported them, and they betray me. Screw ’em–run ’em all out of the country on a rail, and burn K Street to the ground while you’re at it.
It’s crap like this that convinces me that we will never have anything close to honest government until all elections are run solely with public funds.
The AP story lists Harry Reid as one of the legislators who got significant contributions from Abramoff’s clients after writing a letter advancing their agenda. Noteworthy is the fact that this was in 2002, before he was party leader – but of course, a senator from Nevada is a logical go-to guy on any gambling issue.
The Dems involved ought to be hung out to dry, but Abramoff was an integral part of the Republican K Street machine.
It is going to be fun to watch all the values politicians (mostly Republican) explain their connection with Abramoff to constituents.
Aw, they didn’t do anything dishonest. They just had the same bad intelligence about Abramoff that we did. Give ’em a break.
It’s the Brave New Republican World …. nobody ever has to take responsibility for anything. This will all blow over … as it should.
Hey, isn’t there a Sanctity of Something Or Other measure on the table??
Otto Man
Did anyone see this Sirota piece on the fact that lobbyists are in a snit because Pelosi won’t bow and scrape to their every need? The Hill article actually makes it sound like it’s a bad thing that Pelosi isn’t in bed with the lobbyists like DeLay.
Perry Como
This is nothing more than partisan posturing. Tim should be ashamed. He never points out the good things that Abramoff, Reed, Norquist, Burns, Safavian, Cunningham, Fletcher, Libby, Pombo, Delay, or Ney have done.
Otto Man
Agreed. Why not write about the crimes they haven’t committed?
As far as we know, Grover Norquist has never strangled a hobo to get an erection.
As far as we know.
Hey ppGaz,
How about that Harry Reid taking $66,000?
Anyone who doesn’t understand how pervasive and destructive
this is to our country, and can only stand back and throw out partisan
b.s. clearly has no interest in the truth. People who buy into choosing one side or the other (that means a LOT of people) will be seriously confused when it turns out these people sold out this country 10 years ago.
Within two years this country will be bankrupt.