The Confederate Yankee reports of another possible ‘chemical weapon’ being deployed by the US military in Iraq, as reported by Think Progress:
Think Progress has intercepted the following communication and warns of L-tryptophan deployment by U.S. Forces today, and called for our immediate withdrawal from both Iraq and New Orleans.
Shocking! L-Tryptophan apologists everywhere are reporting that the chemical has been in our current inventory for centuries.
Well, it is a chemical. And I’m sure if you aerosol-ized it, you could use it as a weapon. It has caused the death of humans before. :) Oh, but it doesn’t do what people think it does (i.e. put you to sleep).
On an related note, eating my aunt’s green-bean casserole is definitely torture under the Geneve Conventions (Article 93, Subsection 11, Paragraph 2).
More seriously, everything is made up of chemicals. That’s why I always laugh when people describe medicines as “unnatural” or “man-made”, even if they are identical in chemical composition to the chemicals found in nature.
but, John, plastic turkeys don’t have L-Tryptophan.
And, that’s what Bush served.
Plastic Turkey.
You could read about it on dKos.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Well, then I’m a criminal. This weekend I’ll be making up a batch of L-Tryptophan Tetrazini to victimize my relatives.
We shouldn’t come to premature conclusions about L-Tristophan. We should wait until the DoD issued a statement denying that US troops ever handled L-Tristophan. Then we’re gonna crucify them with the picture of GWB cutting that turkey during his visit of an Iraq base :)
Look, we know that none of the people worrying about L-Tryptophan are turkeys.
Why aren’t we hearing the good things about L-tryptophan?
L-tryptophan is a natural part of life.
“L-tryptophan is a natural part of life.”
Now that’s really total spin form the L-tryptophan apologists!
Uranium is a natural part of life, too. Why don’t you put some 50 lbs into your cellar?
I call Godwin’s Law on this! Reductio ad absurdum! E tuo quoque! Ad hominem!
Errr…what were we talking about, anyway?
“Errr…what were we talking about, anyway?”
Grrr. First you wanna downplay the clear and eminent danger of L-tryptowhatever and now you start asking sofishtikayted questions. But I’m up to this task: The topic was, erh, just a second, it’s on my tongue, yeah, balancing a box of wine on your belly. I’m quite good at it, actually. Personally, I prefer a bottle of wine in my hand, cause doin it John’s way it’s difficult to drink and there’s lots of stuff sipping out of the bottom of the box but we liberals are never afraid to try something new. Ha!
“Eating turkey makes you sleepy” is bullshit.
…kind of as funny as the guy that came through my neighborhood last night with a bull horn yellllingggggggggg:
IRAQ is BOMBING America! ha…ha
Turkeys eat Turkeys.
Ha ha ha! Oh, that’s really funny.
Seriously, nothing is quite as great as when people make funnies over the U.S. killing large numbers of civilians. I really have to hand it to conservative humor, this one was _so_ much more witty than the “lead is a chemical”, or “water is a chemical”, or “pie is a chemical”, or any of the other really hilarious posts that make this into a funny joke!
Of course, we could argue whether “eight hundred” is a large number of civilian casualties in one assault, and if the United States should bear criticism for conducting assaults that have a 1:1 or 3:2 ratio of insurgent-to-civilian deaths, or what the f–k these people died from, if it wasn’t the stuff raining on their heads — hey, maybe an advanced state of decomposition just spontaneously erupted on thousands of healthy people! You know, like during a Pat Robertson telethon!
Or, what the hell, let’s all watch some dumbass redneck make farty jokes instead. Yay America! Conservatives are 733t!
Sheesh. I can see there’s no point to this anymore. Fine, so be it.