Dear Friends,
As publisher of Cindy Sheehan’s new book, Not One More Mother’s Child, I need to set the record straight about a lie circulating right-wing websites that has even made it onto
I donated 100 copies of Not One More Mother’s Child to Crawford Peace House, encouraging them to sell these copies to benefit their work. During her Thanksgiving Vigil near President Bush’s ranch, Cindy agreed to sign copies for those who bought them, as a benefit for Crawford Peace House. AP and Reuters posted photos – I can’t imagine why – of Cindy sitting at the book table between signings, rather than while someone was at the table. And now the smear websites are circulating an article, with these photos, that Cindy gave a signing and nobody came. It’s simply not true! She not only signed all 100 copies and raised $2,000 for Crawford Peace House, she got writer’s cramp!
Apparently that is a response to this.
John S.
Get a grip, John.
If you’re trying to break ground on what constitutes cyberstalking, you’re doing an excellent job.
If Sheehan audibly farted, you’d find a way to do a send up on her.
Sheehan now barely gets mentioned on liberal blogs, but gets tons of notice on conservative blogs and they try to stress that she’s no longer a story. Does that make sense?
cd6, I have a couple of theories. One is the ‘straw man’ theory — Sheehan is an easier anti-war target than Dem politicians, so they take aim at her instead. This doesn’t apply, of course, to Mr. Cole’s posts.
Second theory is that, although vapid, she is actually a _tougher_ target to deal with, and this makes the warbloggers crazy. They can’t deal with it so they keep flailing away at her in hopes that she’ll vanish like Howard Dean and Richard Clarke did. The Democrats, meanwhile, have gotten bored of her act (even Huffington Post!) and have moved on.
Sheehan may make John laugh, but John’s obsession just makes me shake my head and wonder what the hell he’s trying to prove.
Otto Man
Heh, I was just thinking the same thing. If I ever wanted to know what Sheehan was up to, this site would be my first stop.
Sheehan now barely gets mentioned on liberal blogs, but gets tons of notice on conservative blogs and they try to stress that she’s no longer a story. Does that make sense?
it does to people like our host.
see, right wingers know they can’t win a rational argument with liberals, so they go out and find someone to demonize like Sheehan, then criticize her relentlessly.
Why do you think Al Sharpton is now a national figure? It isn’t because the mainstream of the civil rights movement promoted him. Sharpton was never a mainstream civil rights leader, and in the aftermatn of the Tawana Brawley debacle, no one wanted to have anything to do with him. Except, of course, the right-wing media, which found him to be a useful idiot.
The fact that John obsesses about the Cindy Sheehans and George Galloways and Ted Ralls, rather than deal with the real issues and ideas being promoted by progressives, is a demonstration of the paucity of his own ideas.
Another Jeff
Uh, maybe because in 2000, Al Gore, Bill Bradley, and Hillary Clinton all bowed down in front of him.
Or, it could have to do with that prime-time speaking slot at the 2004 DNC.
Or it could have to do with him sharing a stage with all the other Democrats during the 2004 primaries, and apparently being so powerful that not one of the other candidates had the stones to call him on his racist, anti-Semitic, riot and murder-inciting past.
Steve S
Gotta agree. The link to the sweetness-light blog is probably one of the more pathetic things I’ve ever seen.
Thanks for pointing out to what extent the lameness of the right will go to try to attack someone.
Mac Buckets
Can I get a little mindreading with that delusional arrogance? Thanks.
The reason you don’t read about Cindy on leftwing blogs is because the more you read about her, the more embarrassing she becomes. The reason you do read about her on rightwing blogs is that the more you read about her, the more embarrassing she becomes. Was that so hard to figure out?
I’m glad John doesn’t submit his posts for the approval of the rogue’s gallery on the left. Some of us just might, maybe, sorta find this kind of post… funny?
Funny, when I saw those pictures I was wondering where all these people who the polls claim are sooooo dissatisfied with the WoT were.
Surely some of the millions upon millions who have expressed their serious reservations would have shown up.
I mean, that is what all you leftists have been saying, that there’s this massive groundswell of support for your position.
And yet there sits Cindy, all alone…..
You’re right, everyone is for the war, it’s just a couple of lunatic moonbats who are on the other side. Make sure all the Republicans keep running on how great the war is and how well we’re doing. By the way, there is no “T” in Iraq.
Mac Buckets
I’d worry about her getting enough calcium, if she can’t write her name 100 times without getting writer’s cramp. Unless she signs every book with a four-page rant on the Joooos and Occupied New Orleans.
BTW, for a Press Release from her publisher, isn’t the note very grammatically and syntactically unprofessional? I’d fire my assistant for sending out a PR like that one. I’m not suggesting a hoax, but…OK, I guess I am.
Steve, I think your comment is too subtle for little Jack so let me see if I can spell it out.
YO! Numbnuts! The ongoing military excursion in Iraq has little to nothing to do on the War on Terror. Those that are dissatisfied with Operation Iraqi Liberation are usually not sympathetic towards terrorism, and would like to see a better plan for dealing with worldwide terrorism.
Simplifying it may satisfy the extreme right-wing that is content will labelling and lumping anything left of Reagan, but thats the type of thinking that will encourage party extremists to run for national office, hurting Conservative ideals further.
And for Mac and Cheesy: I’m proud of Sheehan for standing up for what she believes, and I would encourage anyone to do the same. There is no embarassment, except for people like John that feel the need to point and laugh at people like her.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Hey Mac, do you want to substantiate the anti-semetic implication of Sheehan or do you guys want to keep talking out of your ass?
I don’t know why I have to repeat this so many times but criticising our blind relationship with Israel is not necessarily anti-semetic. I’m sick and tired of morons calling any and all criticising of Israel and out relationship with them “anti-semetic”.
I have yet to see anyone provide any evidence of anti-semetic claims by Sheehan. Now, if you would be so kind, either provide some evidence or stop making unsubstansiated claims
The Disenfranchised Voter
*criticism of Israel
Lets use Mac Buckets as the canvas by which we paint the entire right wing.
So here all of the right-wing is full of people that are knee-jerk reactionaries that latch onto a single talking point (the Democrats knew Saddam has WMD’s! or Cindy Sheehan hates the Joooos!) about any single topic, then they mindlessly repeat that point until people get tired of arguing with them.
So essentially, by using Mac like this, we show that the right wing is full of mindless drone idiots without the capability to adjust their thinking. They like to obsess on single issues and single talking points that do nothing to forward discussion of issues because they really never understand the issues.
The reason you don’t read about Sheehan on left wing blogs anymore is because she served her purpose. They/we rode her as long as she was useful to get a point out. Then, as more people heard of her, the more famous she became. Obviously, no one on the left wanted her voice out there. So, they ditched her. It is standard operating procedure for both sides.
I don’t see the right talking about Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman today.
Mac Buckets
Talking about Israel is not what Cindy was designed to do. I never said she was anti-Semitic — you are imagining things. Get your panties unwadded, DV.
Mac Buckets
If the Bushies used my posts for Talking Points, they’d be in much better shape. But then again, they are just government workers, so what can you expect?
What stunning logic. What a superior mind.
The Disenfranchised Voter
You clearly were implying she was anti-semetic…
Glad to see that you are backing off your baseless implication.
Poor Mac doesn’t like it when the same generalization methods he uses to denounce the horrible “left” is turned around to exagerate his side of things, does he?
“p.lukasiak Says:
Sheehan now barely gets mentioned on liberal blogs, but gets tons of notice on conservative blogs and they try to stress that she’s no longer a story. Does that make sense?
it does to people like our host.
see, right wingers know they can’t win a rational argument with liberals, so they go out and find someone to demonize like Sheehan, then criticize her relentlessly.
Why do you think Al Sharpton is now a national figure? It isn’t because the mainstream of the civil rights movement promoted him. Sharpton was never a mainstream civil rights leader, and in the aftermatn of the Tawana Brawley debacle, no one wanted to have anything to do with him. Except, of course, the right-wing media, which found him to be a useful idiot.
The fact that John obsesses about the Cindy Sheehans and George Galloways and Ted Ralls, rather than deal with the real issues and ideas being promoted by progressives, is a demonstration of the paucity of his own ideas.”
Cindy Sheehan gets attention because she is the face and much of the focus of the Liberal Anti-War, but-has-no-solutions crowd.
Right-Wingers can’t win a rational argument with Libs because modern Libs aren’t rational.
Al Sharpton is a national figure because he ran as a Democratic Presidential Candidate AND he is given prominent speaking roles at Democratic Presidential events.
If Libs want to be taken seriously they need to PUBLICLY Denounce idiots such as Sharpton, Galloway, Sheehan, Rall, Moore, pretty much the entire readership of Kos, Atrios, the Democratic Underground, and every other Left-Wing Clown out there. Once Libs do that, then we can have a rational discussion. Until then, there is little to discuss.
Ah, so you’re all behind the WoT. Well that’s news. When did this happen? Or is this just one of your typical lies, trotted out when you want to make a distinction that at other times is nowhere in sight? I’m betting it’s that last one.
The situation in Iraq is a battle in the WoT. The thing you refer to as an ‘insurgency’ is led by non-iraqis. The behaviour of the Iraqi people–participating in elections, starting businesses, creating political parties, etc. is at odds with what the purported ‘insurgents’ want.
There is a global war on terror. Global. You cannot exclude a single battle from that global effort without appearing to be a group of brain dead morons–no matter how many political points you think it might score you.
Though, seeing lonely Cindy, it’s pretty clear that you all aren’t scoring at all.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Well there are plently of reasons they don’t want to talk about Tillman anymore. First, the circumstances of his death and the ensuing coverup. Not to mention the fact that Tillman was a fan of Chomsky…
The Disenfranchised Voter
I almost forgot…Source
Mac Buckets
No, I wasn’t. But she was anti-smart to talk about Israel.
Sheehan, John’s favorite new porn star.
Wow, jack, you’re really behind the times.
The anti-Iraq war crowd supported the Afghanistan battle, taking it directly to an area that had direct ties in the training and execution of 9/11. But Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism, and I’m not going to sit here and rehash what has been said a thousand times in a hundred different threads.
Oh, and the military disagree’s with your assessment of the insurgency being led by “non-iraqis”, which is why the right wing has generally given up on that particular angle.
So either you only are let out of the basement on odd numbered months during odd numbered weeks and you arn’t to blame for your lack of knowledge, or you are willfully ignorant, wallowing in your own surety that its impossible to get an original thought to sink into your abnormally thick skull.
John should just replace the outdated tradition of the Daily Plame/Flame Thread with the Daily Sheehan Thread, and we can all call it a day and watch the insults fly.
Mac Buckets
Is that what you were trying to do? Wow, I’m flattered, but it was pretty ham-handed. I actually denied your whole premise, but you must’ve missed it. Better luck next time.
Otto Man
And if conservatives want to be taken seriously, they need to PUBLICLY denounce idiots such as Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Hannity, Falwell, Dobson, pretty much the entire viewership of Fox News, Instapundit, the Corner, and every other Right-Wing Clown out there. Once Cons do that, then we can have a rational discussion. Until then, there is little to discuss.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Ok, perhaps I was mistaken. Personally, I think you are just trying to cover your ass so could you please clarify why you choose to say this: “with a four-page rant on the Joooos”.
And furthermore explain why you chose to spell the world as “Joooos”, which is a common way to spell Jews when the comments or commentors are anti-semetic.
For example: John demonstrates what I mean
Dumbest thing I’ve ever read.
John Cole
For the love of everything holy, I just found the “SHE EVEN GOT WRITER’S CRAMP” quote funny (and stupid).
Mac Buckets
To you, maybe not. To Congress, it certainly did, because they had responsibilities to the American people.
Well, it’s the choice of funny and stupid things that gets the page views.
Why this particular choice? Don’t worry, I am only asking rhetorically. It’s a polarizing issue, so everyone will have already made up their own mind what the answer is, and as it generally works in these cases, your answer won’t really matter. No offense ;-)
John Cole
Heh. Look who is now putting Sheehan in the same category as Ted Rall and George Galloway.
Saddam was a terrorist supporter. He financially supported the ‘PLO’, Hezzbolla, Abu Nidal, Yasin (responsible for the first attack on world Trade Center in 1993), the Taleban, and had a terror training camp called Salmon Pak where many terrorists were trained.
There are so many ties between terror groups and Saddam it is silly to even claim he has/had no connections to terror. If you believe Saddam had no connection to terror and terrorists then you are being willfully blind and willfully ignorant.
Just because we could not find any connection between Saddam and the 9/11 attacks does not mean he was a boy scout. We have tons of evidence that he does have many very public ties with terrorists.
Ok, now you lefty loons tell me it ain’t so.
Here is a nice compilation with footnotes:
Mike S
This is what happens when you are a GOP talking point bukkake recipient. Eventually you become so full that they come out in a vomitous spray. It’s almost as if you typed them directly from 5 minutes of Big Pharma’s show.
John Cole
Because it is FUNNY.
yet another jeff
It was funny, it’s just that we’re all still pissed off at you for making us read Rall.
Mac Buckets
I don’t take “Jooos” as a signifier for anti-Semitism. There are some people make the US-Israel political relationship to be a bogeyman on which to blame unrelated aspects of US policy (like Sheehan did re:Iraq policy), so they howl on about the “Joooos.” I don’t think these people hate Jews or wish harm to them, certainly, although they probably resent their perceived political power.
Shit. Exactly who is left to do the talking then? Perhaps we should only allow individuals with Ph.Ds from accredited Ivy League Universities to publicly voice their opinions on policy. I mean, seriously, what’s the endgame here? I’ll stop promoting my single-minded ideaologies if you stop promoting yours? Right right. Sure sure.
Should we start banning Harry Reid and Bill Frist next because they’re both too damn partisan? Perhaps have an outright denouncement of Tom DeLay’s freedom of speach or tell Nancy Pelosi to stfu. Seriously… I think the problem here is that alot of you guys don’t like hearing people say things you don’t agree with regardless of their veracity.
yet another jeff
I always thought that the use of the spelling “joooos” was for mocking those that think that there is a global jewish conspiracy.
yet another jeff
Zifnab, don’t worry, you’ll be getting a long long long list of people to disavow. Sure, it may take up all your time for years, the disavowing. Maybe it could be done in a bulk manner, like those ads in the classifieds “I am responsible for no one’s opinions but my own….”.
The requirement for mass denouncing is one of the sillier things I’ve heard in a while. Screw that, anyone that falls for it is as much of an idiot as the person asking them to denouce.
It’s not anti-Semetic to fantasize a Jewish cabal at the highest levels of government who conspired and lied to push America into an illegal war to protect the interests of Israel and America’s Jewish masters.
Mike S
Let’s look at that list again.
The list gets a little hyperbolic at the end but I sure hope you don’t think the first five have any “veracity” to begin with.
Otto Man
Agreed. And it’s usually someone I’ve never heard of before that I’m supposed to denounce. Like a third-rate ethnic studies professor at the University of Colorado. Man, did that guy give conservatives a hard on.
yet another jeff
My bad, I thought it was always anti-Semetic to fantasize about any sort of Jewish cabal.
Otto Man
Well, first, that whole rebuttal was sarcasm.
But, since you ask, no, I don’t think any of them have veracity at all.
Mike S
I was asking zifnab.
yet another jeff
Yeah, who has time for researching and then denouncing all these random people being thrown at us…that’s the spineless position, and that’s just playing into the weak position. First time I ever hear of anyone is when I’m supposed to denounce them. I think those conversations should go like this:
“Denounce so and so!!!”
“I don’t know who that is and I don’t care. You’re a moron!”
Hope this clarifies that Rall thing that DV was asking about in the other thread.
I’m just impressed that the publisher of Koa Books took the time out of his busy schedule to issue a statement.
If you enjoyed Not One More Mother’s Child, you should check out other the remainder of the entire line of Koa Books publications: The Official Not One More Mother’s Child Companion and Not One More Mother’s Child (Used).
No no! It’s not anti-Semitic to criticize the Jewish cabal that has been secretly manipulating the government of the United States to follow the interests of Israel above its own. I mean, if we can’t criticize Zionist conspiracies, what can we criticize?
Ah, see, I must be ignorant, I seem to remember your anti-war protests starting before we ever set foot in Afghanistan–but I–and all those protesters must’ve been mistaken. They were all protesting the coming war in Iraq. Silly me.
And just a little bit of googling says the same thing–I bet those people were fooled, too.
You guys always backed the War on Terror. You guys have always backed it.
It’s creepy when one runs into this. The left controlled the information flow for so long. They edited and shaped. They kept things they decided should not be known from the public eye. And they still try. Even though their words can be dregded up and tossed in their faces now, they still try. Even though they sit exposed as liars and frauds, they still try. Ever louder and shriller.
Those days are over, boys.
They’re bigger on the spin than the outright lies. Case in point: The ten-minute sob-a-thon on Fox News regarding Cunningham’s resignation.
It’s not necessarily spin we’re fond of. But they’re more guilty of bullshit than of lieing.
John S.
Spoken like a true goy.
Speaking for myself (a Jew) and my cadre of Jewish friends, the term “Jooos” is insulting in an “I’m an anti-semite making fun of other anti-semites” sort of way.
I”ll do one better…I wrote some comments on that lame Sweetness and Light blog supporting Cindy Sheehan…they were removed. I even went through all the trouble to register as so many Right wing blogs make you do…mindless boobs that they are.
Thanks for pointing out to what extent the lameness of the right will go to try to attack someone.
um, isn’t ‘KOA’ Kampgrounds of America? You know those places where you can pull your RV up to get fresh water and electric hookup for the night?
Now they are publishing books written in ditches. Cool!
James C.
Now that Ms. Sheehan has proven to be something of an embarrassment to the Loony Left, it’s almost funny to see them try to shift the discussion to some other topic.
Therefore, it’s worth reviewing some of the things that this useless piece of crap said this past summer: “The neocons deliberately allowed the terrorist attacks of 9/11.” American soldiers are “being sent to kill innocent people” in Iraq. Her son, Casey Sheehan, “died for oil” and was “murdered” by President Bush. The United States is “not worth dying for.” The president, who “stole the election,” is part of the “Bush crime family,” a “lying bastard,” a “f?,” a “filth spewer,” “the biggest terrorist in the world,” and an “evil maniac” who is guilty of “blatant genocide.” Sheehan also compared Lynne Stewart, the radical lawyer convicted of aiding terrorists, to Atticus Finch, the heroic lawyer who battled racism in the book and movie To Kill a Mockingbird. She has been accused of making vaguely anti-Semitic remarks, but she attributes those remarks to her political opponents.
yet another jeff
John S.
Sorry for that, I missed the memo, I just thought it was more of a phonetic thing, for those that whine and stretch words out. Didn’t know the spelling meant one was an anti-Semite, even if only using it to make fun of anti-Semites.
Al Sharpton is a national figure because he ran as a Democratic Presidential Candidate AND he is given prominent speaking roles at Democratic Presidential events.
nice try. Al Sharpton was considered a pariah in 1987 after the Tawana Brawley incident…..but right wing media kept pushing him on the public. He didn’t just show up in 2000 a fully formed idiot.
The reason you don’t read about Cindy on leftwing blogs is because the more you read about her, the more embarrassing she becomes. The reason you do read about her on rightwing blogs is that the more you read about her, the more embarrassing she becomes. Was that so hard to figure out?
Good insight, Mac Buckets. So what would you conclude from the fact that she was the first war critic to get major MSM coverage?
Therefore, it’s worth reviewing some of the things that this useless piece of crap said this past summer…
Remember back when we were supposed to be nice to her because she was a grieving mother? Man, those were the days.
yet another jeff
Yeah, neil…good times. But, if she was hotter…and missing in Aruba, I think she’d be getting more air time.
Otto Man
There were antiwar protests against the Afghanistan operations, but nothing on the scale of the ones against Iraq. I supported the Afghanistan invasion because there was — get this — an actual direct link between the people who hit us on 9/11 and the people in charge there.
And a little bit of googling shows I’m not alone in supporting the war in Afghanistan but not the war in Iraq. In October 2001, 88% of the American people supported the Afghan invasion; in November 2005, only 38% of Americans think it was worth going into Iraq. In other words, half of the American people supported the Afghanistan invasion but don’t support the Iraq war now. Got it?
I’m not anti-war. I’m anti-incompetence.
Mike S
There’s something charming about projectionism.
So, this “need to set the record straight” consists of one (1) person who bought a whole bunch of books to sign.
And that contradicts the photos showing virtually no one there how, exactly?
jack is just a troll, shovelling his useless old biases when so much more is at stake.
Isn’t it almost time for you to go live in the basement and ignore the real world some more, jack?
As a Joooo myself, I find that less insulting than Jooos who throw down the race card at anyone they happen to disagree with, while at the same time ignoring objectively anti-Semitic comments conjuring up backroom Zionist conspiracies to take over governments and force them to do their wetwork.
That’s just me though.
I’d conclude that’s an inaccurate statement–Sheehan only became a vocal anti-war critic recently, and there were plenty of well-publicised war critics who popped-up before the war even started.
yet another jeff
There were people that criticized the war before Bush went to Crawford in August? That’s just another liberal lie!
The world existed before the length of my attention span???
To be fair, not all Dems are Sheehanesque moonbats. For example, there was a great WSJ piece by Lieberman today.
It’s nice to see there are still some patriotic, freedom-loving, reality-inhabiting Democrats out there. Reading his words, I’m filled with the sense that someday, when the Nancy Pelosis and Ted Kennedys and John Kerrys are gone, the Dems may actually return to power.
Mac Buckets
The root of my biggest complaint of the left is that they were never interested in politics until a guy they hated won, so their knowledge of pre-November 2000 history tends toward the appalling. For example, dozens of times, I’ve been made to prove with links that Clinton bombed Iraq, or said Saddam had WMD, or advocated regime change, because some newbie Democrat didn’t believe those things could’ve possibly happened. After all, the media pretends it never happened, so how are they to know?
Otto Man
Yeah, the Democrats should get Lieberman on the national ticket next time. Then they’d win!
Haha, the gap between TD and DougJ grows ever smaller.
Mike S
Poor little Maximus. Not an honest bone in his body. No one claims that Clinton didn’t bomb Iraq, say there were WMD’s or advocated regime change. Do you believe your own lies?
yet another jeff
Mac Buckets, can you provide links to anyone on here that didn’t believe that Clinton bombed Iraq, or said Saddam had WMD, or advocated regime change?
yet another jeff
Mac Buckets, can you provide links to anyone on here that didn’t believe “that Clinton bombed Iraq, or said Saddam had WMD, or advocated regime change”?
John S.
I find it to be disrespectful, and since it is bandied about the MOST by folks on the right, I have little doubt that they are really concerned with the alleged anti-semitism that they are ‘poking fun’ at.
And I find it insulting when Jews pretend that someone is playing the race card when they question neo-conservative orthodoxy, while at the same time ignoring the fact that the large majority of them aren’t even Jewish and their policies have nothing to do with religion – unless you count backing Israel no matter what they do as a matter of faith.
But that’s just me.
Mac Buckets
You’re wrong, but I wish what you were saying were true. I’d have a lot fewer bookmarks! You see, there are Democrats who are dumber than you think.
John S.
I’d bet you can cram a LOT of bookmarks into the realm of fantasy.
(Cue the portion of the programme where Mac links to one Democrat who says something foolish to prove that they are somehow representative of most – or all – Democrats.)
Yeah, the Democrats should get Lieberman on the national ticket next time. Then they’d win!
If you’ll recall, they did win the popular vote with him last time he was on it.
Too true. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been told I was lying here before three seconds with Google proved I was right. (And no, I won’t go dig up examples, because…) And if you go to the trouble to find and post the proof, they never admit they were wrong, they just pretend they never said it and change the subject. So it’s a lose-lose proposition.
My favorite leftism is the “there was no connection between Saddam and Osama!” canard, which is easy to debunk, but for added fun toss in the fact the Clinton admin asserted al-Qaeda was working cooperatively with the government of Iraq. That always spurs the most amusing outrage, disbelief, and accusation of lying, replete with capital letters, exclamation marks, and impolite words.
yet another jeff
Got it…people get insulted when other people insult the people that are doing the initial insulting in the first place, if they use the language of the insulters to mock the insulters.
I see, your point is it’s not anti-Semitic to suggest that a secret Zionist cabal has hijacked American foreign policy to force the country into an illegal war for Israel’s gain, but it is anti-Semitic to use the word, “Jooos” as a jab against people who fantasize about Jewish conspiracies. You are clearly a rational and intellectually-honest commenter; well-played.
Mike S
A love fest between two of the biggest liars on this board. Both are poster children for the New GOP.
Mike S
It’s almost a set rule that when someone starts a post like this they have anti-semetic tendancies. Sometimes they don’t realise they have them and other times they are proud of them.
Tell me more about my “anti-semetic tendancies.”
yet another jeff
APF, maybe you’re forming a secret cabal within yourself?
Thanks for proving my point Mike.
Mac Buckets
I think everyone on BJ probably knew Clinton bombed Iraq (the reason I now come to BJ and not other blogs/boards is because the idiot quotient is smaller, though not non-existent…JohnS). On WMD, I’m fairly certain I’ve made posts on BJ in the last year where I had to provide links to somebody who was in denial or, more likely, playing semantics games. On regime change, I know other BJ commenters and I had to post the ILA in the last few months for someone (or two) who insisted Clinton was an advocate of containment rather than regime change.
Could I provide links? No, I have no idea how to find old comments posts. I’ve never had much luck with the search function here — I don’t know if it even extends to the comments.
Mike S
What point is that Davey? When your name shows up in a thread the best bet to make is that you will have at least one lie in the comment.
Mac Buckets
Let me guess, they just say you have a blowjob obsession, and that Clinton isn’t president anymore, or that Clinton didn’t invade Iraq!
I did secretly plot to take my own body over in a conspiracy to advance my agenda above that of myself.
So uh, there you go.
Mike S,
What point is that Davey? When your name shows up in a thread the best bet to make is that you will have at least one lie in the comment.
I can’t count the number of times I’ve been told I was lying here
Mac Buckets
As Krusty the Clown said, upon finding out he’d never been Bar Mitzvahed and thus was not considered to be Jewish, “All this time I thought I was a self-hating Jew, and now I’m just an anti-Semite!”
yet another jeff
APF, I knew it! So, is it indeed possible for a person to rant about secret Jewish cabals and be Pro-Semite?
John S.
You are a loon. I have never seen someone so willfully and grossly distort someone’s comments (since Darrell, Mac or TallDave), so I’ll make it crystal clear for you:
– I don’t like the term “jooos”
– I don’t give a shit about Cindy Sheehan
– I don’t believe in Zionist cabals hijacking America
Which renders about 90% of your comments towards me as utterly pointless and without merit.
John S.
Funny, I come to BJ to watch you make a complete fool of yourself – which you are generally 100% successful in doing.
We can’t BOTH be right, can we?
For more snickering: This never gets old. Sheehan on Bush, before she was separated from her family, hollowed out, and re-filled with slogans by antiwar groups who wanted her as their poster girl.
Mac Buckets
Ewwww, my posts are enabling a male stalker! All my posts seem…dirtier now. Note to self: Must. Wash. Keyboard.
John S.
Er, ok. I’d say your posts are enabling a male heckler, or would you consider people that stop to gawk at a spectacle “stalkers”?
That’s true, the VP under a (at least somewhat) popular president running in a climate of almost unprecedented peace and prosperity managed to scrape together a .5% (or something) popular vote advantage against a man with half his leadership experience who said Africa was a country, proudly visited Bob Jones University, and generally made Dan Quayle look thoughtful and articulate. And you think that speaks well of Lieberman… why?
And I don’t give a shit about you.
Which renders you utterly pointless and without merit.
John S.
The feeling is mutual, I assure you.
Mike S
Ah, how we drift…
I am still wondering, in my infinite trollishness(thanks, Lines, but I prefer ‘orc’) where all the Americans have such severe misgivings about the war were when Cindy held her little book-signing. Surely some of them could’ve shown up? You keep telling yourselves(and us, unfortunately) that you’re in the majority now, that your point is being proven correct. So why was Cindy sitting there all alone? Why weren’t there crowds protesting, screaming about what a mistake the Iraq war was?
That’s the crux of it, if you’re so right, why doesn’t reality bear that out?
Mike S
By your “thinking” the enlistment offices should be over flowing with supporters of the war. But “thinking” is relative to the brain size of said thinker. Maybe a Bush loyalist like you thinks Crawford is a destination but most of us wouldn’t be caught dead there.
Otto Man
The whole point of a protest like that is to get people to come around to your point of view. And they have. Why keep protesting?
Mac Buckets
John S, do you know what a “petard” is?
Look at the top of this comments section.
Isn’t John actually “heckling” Cindy, gawking at the spectacle of her book(not)signing? Why do you feel compelled call him a stalker?
Because they won the popular vote. Duh.
Oops, Cyprus, not Otto.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Because the photos were taking before the book signing you fucking retard.
Jesus christ, can you read? Even the site they were posted at acknowledged this.
Oh and James C. You sure make a lot of accusations about what Sheehan said, but you seem to have forgotten to provide evidence or sources for your qoutes.
I know you’re not a fan of sources or “facts”, but could you please give me something to work with so I can be sure you’re not just talking out of your ass?
Okay! Good enough for me.
yet another jeff
Because one can be against the war but not give a damn about Cindy’s book?
To be fair, Crawford is a decent little town. I’ve had some great times in that area.
Tex MacRae
And furthermore explain why you chose to spell the world as “Joooos”, which is a common way to spell Jews when the comments or commentors are anti-semetic.
Google it. The only people who write “Joooos” are accusing someone of being antisemetic, usually right-wing Americans.
You can google it with varying numbers of O’s – same thing. Here’s a fun one:
Free Republic – 4 O’s
Here’s a generic google. Notice all your favorite American wingnut blogs come up on top.
And so on. I’ve never seen the spelling used any other way.
Free Republic – 5 O’s
The Disenfranchised Voter
Which was my point. Mac made a statement about Sheehan going on a 4 page rant about “Joos”. I think it was rather obvious that he was implying Sheehan is anti-semitic, or has made anti-semitic remarks.
Of course, when I called him on it and asked him tp provide evidence to back up his implication, he denied that he was implying anything of the sort.
Why not do a Google search for “Sheehan” and “Jew?”
Well, Jews are the ones leading the war against Christmas, at least according to ATS on the O’Reilly thread.
120 posts of right wingers telling left wingers that the left loves Cindy Sheehan. Weird.
John S.
Yes, Mac sure does remind me of one of these things.
The harder you try to ‘squeeze’ him, the more he ‘slips’ out of your hands.
Maybe no one was there because of silly little things like…oh, say A JOB?
I thought “Jooos” came from Protein Wisdom, himself a Jew.
I prefer the J-E-W-S immortalized by Cynthia McKinney’s father as the reason she lost her congressional seat in 2002. He was good enough to spell it out.
Oh, and I think Cindy is anti-semitic, and she is running with a group in Crawford that removed the anti-semitic literature from their website when the media spotlight hit them. She is a L-O-O-N.
Gotta go Raclette, Good night!
Otto Man
Let’s see…
David Duke, The National Vanguard, The Jawa Report, a right-wing spoof of the Huffington Post. Yeah, a lot of liberals there.
Media Matters comes up on that Google search, but only because they’re reporting remarks from another well-known left-winger, G. Gordon Liddy.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Ahhh! Well, well, well. I’ve been anticipating your arrival, Stormy, as you’ve made the claim before that Sheehan is anti-semitic and has made anti-semitic remarks.
I am going to ask you to provide evidence just like last time. And my guess is that, just like last time, you won’t provide any.
John S.
Highly doubtful, but nice try.
Little Green Footballs has an entire “etymology” thread that includes various theories on how this asinine term came to be.
Uh ok… What was wrong with the Wikipedia entry, the first search result? Why is it not worth noting that Sheehan’s comments were embraced by openly anti-Semitic folks? What was wrong with all the non-right-wing sites in that search?
I provided the links you wanted last time, it is not my fault if you won’t follow them. Here’s her quotes in one handy spot.
She is a vile person, and her remarks after Rita showed her ugliness compares to that of Ted Rall. Noone was at her book signing, and the Crawford Peace House is an anti-semitic outfit. When David Duke thinks you are the cat’s meow for your anti-Israel statements referring to a neo-con jewish conspiracy, then I think some soul searching might be in order. It’s always interesting to play six degrees of Israel with the anti-semitic crowd. Everything can be made to be Israel’s fault in just six statements.
Its worth noting. The reason I bet most don’t note it is because of the implications that are drawn from that. Unless you’re stating thats she’s an anti-semite there’s no reason to note it is there?
This is the same stupid logic that says if you happen to state an opinion that someone else also shares them you are both part of a larger conspiracy. Kind of like speaking out against the war is giving aid to the enemy.
Crap. Link.
The Hell?!
Seeing fault in something Israel does makes you an anti-semite? Can’t I be agaisnt Israel and not give a shit where or to whom they pray?
WTF? The link won’t work, even though it worked in the preview function. This must be the fault of Neo-con Israel cabal I have been reading about on this thread.
Well, I am talking about assuming 9/11 and the war in Iraq leads back to Israel. It is condemning Israel and excusing every terrorist act perpetrated by her enemies.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Uh huh…..
How about just typing the link out?
jg: I’m not following your snark. It’s worth noting, therefore I noted it. Your suggestion seems to be “guilt by association,” but aren’t we talking about how her words can reasonably be interpreted? Asserting there’s a cabal of people whose loyalties happen to be to Israel, who happen to be hijacking governments, and happen to be conniving liars who push those governments into fighting illegal wars against those governments’ interests and for the interests of Israel, is apparently good enough for the anti-Semites; it’s also apparently good enough for Sheehan to try and distance herself from, even if you’d prefer further consideration.
Will she keep them at the clinton LIEbrary?
Steve S
Sheehan may be a loon, but she’s no worse than anybody else living in Texas.
yet another jeff
Nice one, Steve S…that made sense….
Mac Buckets
First time I read it was in a funny rant at IMAO — one of the most underrated bloggers out there (even underrated by myself; I haven’t been there for weeks). Not sure if Frank is Jewish, but I don’t think so.
Steve S Ms Sheehan is no loon becuase a loon is more smarter then a dumb clucking hen
John S.
Classic irony. Thanks for the laugh.
yet another jeff
I’m just waiting for mecha-birdzilla…