Bill Moyers of PBS for President.
On the upside, if you donate to his campaign, you will get a festive tote bag.
by John Cole| 12 Comments
This post is in: Humorous
Bill Moyers of PBS for President.
On the upside, if you donate to his campaign, you will get a festive tote bag.
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Jack Roy
I’m still voting for Chris Walken.
Another Jeff
I vote for more cowbell.
Paul L.
Craig Livingston can be his VP. They both have experience with using FBI files against their opponents.
Paul Wartenberg
Damn, he’s going to be cutting into my campaign. Sigh.
Mr Furious
Numbers 624-627 on the petition:
627 11:30 am PST, Dec 19 Saddam Hussein Baghdad
626 11:28 am PST, Dec 19 Mary Jo Kopechne Chappaquiddick
625 11:20 am PST, Dec 19 Patrick Monk.RN San Francisco
624 11:15 am PST, Dec 19 Osama bin Laden Secret
Mr Furious
Sorry. the tabs showed up in the preview… Still, you get the picture.
Jim Gierlach
Aren’t there enough socialist gasbags willing to proclaim how humbled they are (Hillary, call your office slaves) by the great good common sense shown by the unwashed masses who have recognized the obvious superiority of (insert socialist gasbag’s name here) yada, yada, yada ad nauseum…
Bill Moyers!! FCS will somebody please suffocate him with his homemade MENSA pillow?
I’m still holding out for the DVD set of Ken Burns’ jazz and baseball documentaries.
M. Scott Eiland
If I wanted to be led by pond scum, I’d just go to the park and get some of the real stuff, then send it to D.C. parcel post.
There must be lower forms of life out there than the man who approved the Daisy ad, but you’d have to look under whale feces to find them.
Blue Shark
…Research oriented
…Why on earth would we want any of these qualities in a president when GWB is doing A-Heck-of-a-Job?
Steve S
If I wanted to be led by pond scum, I would have voted for GW Bush.
I hope Pious Parson Bill won’t have the chutzpah to complain if Republicans run “dirty” tv ads against him.