This, by itself, redeems SNL for the last five years of shit. Or however how long it has been since Will Ferrell left. Seems like five years.
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[…] Via John Cole’s Balloon Juice comes this absolutely hilarious SNL skit. As Cole rightly notes, Saturday Night Live hasn’t quite been living up to it’s reputation, but this video is classic. postCount(‘589’); | postCountTB(‘589’); | Permalink | Link Cosmos […]
Anyone who liked that sketch may be familiar with Andy Samberg’s earlier work (which is brilliant)! The two other Lonely Island guys are now SNL writers and they clearly wrote that skit. Check it out.
Paddy O'Shea
There are only 2 things a self-respecting fellow should be doing at that hour on a Saturday evening, screwing or sleeping off a drunk.
SNL = Saturday Night Loser
Blue Neponset
Only a lightweight, girly-man would be sleeping off a drunk at 11:30 pm. You should get a bite to eat in between wine coolers if you want to make it past midnight, my friend.
Paddy O'Shea
Blue: You go out before 11?
But anyway, if you’re not getting laid what they hell is there to stay up for? Watching TV? Sitting in bar somewhere enduring the company of dreary nitwits such as yourself?
Better off snoozing.
Besides, this is a very sad picture Cole paints here. Bottle of some pretentious $180 scotch in one hand, remote in the other, constantly rerunning his favorite scenes from Elf, all the while blubbering about the golden age of SNL, which apparently for him is that wondrius age of comedy before before Will Farrell left.
Can life become any more wretched than that?
John…. Double True!!
Paul Wartenberg
Well, there’s always World of Warcraft. LEEEEROOOOY JENKINS!
Paddy O'Shea
Umm. OK. Just don’t send him all your money.
On the other hand, maybe you should.
I am a World of Warcraft Widow.
Chronic, yo.
PS Did you give Tunch any decent water yet?! Or did you ignore all our advice?
Thank you.
Paddy–if you don’t think:
“I love those cupcakes like McAdams loves Gosling!”
“Mr. Pibb plus Red Vines equals crazy delicious!”
is funny, there’s no hope for you.
Will Ferrell? You’ve got to be kidding! The only thing worse than the SNL skits with Ferrell are the pathetic movies he’s made since then.
SNL was never funny. Even in it’s so called Golden Age it stunk. (“Cheese-burger, cheese-burger, cheese-burger!”– Oh stop! You’re killing me). Watch the old shows and you’ll be surprised at how lame they were.
BTW,SCTV was funny and still holds up well today.
That wasn’t bad…
Could use a little less cupcakes….little more Chronic.
Last five years? More like 23 or so.
Paddy, what’s the point in just insulting someone that way? You know I share your politics, but I just don’t see how taking cruel pot shots at people is helpful. I expect you’ll say something snotty back to me, now.
Maybe that was a typo. Maybe you meant sleeping on a drunk. It’s actually pretty comfortable, as they’re all relaxed. And it’s much better-smelling than sleeping on a hobo.
Why don’t you spam some more threads with poll results and copy+pasted vitriol. You know, really show Cole how good posts gets made.
I’ve been reading this site for a while, and this is the first mention of SNL I’ve ever seen. OOOOH JOHN COLE WITH HIS SNL OBSESSION A BLOOO BLOOO BLOOO (crying here) just shut up. Far be it from you of all people to be questioning the value of anyone’s content.
Consider this the first documented case of Lurker Rage.
The Reverend Leroy bears a passing resemblance to Liberace. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Jim Treacher
Also, you can see the original, funnier version of the “Glirk” sketch here.
Jeff B
not enough Cowbell.
That was awesome. And nowadays, I can’t even stay up until 11:30 on Saturdays. I’m old, married, and have 2 small children. Fortunately I drank enough in my 20s to last me a couple of decades. As I wrote that, I remembered jotting down “titles” of drinking stories. It’s random goofiness, but I figure I’ll share.
Just by way of introduction, my nickname in college was “Dog” and Matt & Mark were my roommates in college. Dom was just a death metal playing nut who came to visit us occasionally.
Anyway, here are the events I jotted down:
30 beers
Mark & Matt’s 21st
1st Annual February 29th Case Chase
Purple Passion in the Pit Party
Purple Passion in the Pit Party Part II
The Crowning of the Tahitian King
Geiser Stabs a Couch
Geiser & Renner slapping folks around in Matamoros
Passing around Tequila in Matamoros
24th Birthday
Mark Punches a Mirror
He’s My Roommate, I’ll Decide When He’s Had Enough
21st Birthday at Rob’s
21st Birthday w/ Burton & Baer at Mac & Joes
Burton’s 21st Birthday
New Year’s Eve at Matt & Gretchen’s
Dom Liberates the Wild Irish Rose
His Ugliness Transcends Gender
Doug & Mark v. the Redskin Linebacker
Do You Lick Balls?
Bowling with Harry
Midnight Dragon: The Malt Liquor that Makes You Angry
Marsha gets her stomach pumped
Matt gets lucky at Mark’s mom’s house
Dom vandalizes Matt’s couch
Matt pukes across the counter at his apartment
Matt loses his pants: Dayton
Matt loses his pants: Ecky & Girlfriend
Matt loses his pants: Campus Courts
Matt loses his pants: Jenny’s place
Matt loses his pants & wets the bed: Key West
Matt pees on the hardwood floor
Matt pees on Gretchen’s shoe
Matt pees on Gretchen
Matt crosses the river; Dog takes the tracks
Dog’s first MadDog
3 Dog Night
30 goldfish
Mark goes to Vegas
Matt & Bailey liberate a computer
Matt & Mark get ejected from the Saloon
3 Ring Circus: Mark “Casanova” Nester at the Saloon
Do you golf?
Smoking out the corner table at the Saloon
Mark’s wedding Part I: Kevin sings Mack the Knife
Mark’s wedding Part II: The Race to Dance with Mark’s mom
Mark’s wedding Part III: Harassing Elise with “song” & “dance”.
Mark’s wedding Part IV: Elise plays the trump card.
Mark’s wedding Part V: Harry & Mark share a special moment.
Kegger & alcohol poisoning at Triad Townhouses
Oberlin: Dom’s War with God.
Did you just sneeze?
Puking on Mrs. Baer & Lori (Pub Crawl)
Matt meets my parents, and can’t keep up.
Drinking myself thirsty
Puking 13 times during one conversation walking home
Michelle tries to throw Mark off the Bluffs
Let’s not be so hasty with the 8-ball
Mark, Matt, & a Pony Keg come to Bloomington
Dom & the Fire Extinguisher in Bloomington (Great quote here: “Dom, why is there a bannister rail in here?” “I was walking by those townhouses on the way back here, I thought, ‘those are really nice; I’ll never have anything nice.’ So I kicked it.”)
It’s sort of an antithesis to the idea of “Saturday Night LIVE” but it wouldn’t be a bad thing if we got back to the 1984-85 style of show (with Chris Guest, Short, Crystal, etc.)… the taped stuff lately is better (Christmas for the Jews on the same episode was an instant classic).
Steve S
Ok, that was pretty funny. It redeems you from the past 5 days of shit.
Paddy O'Shea
Max Hats: I think you need to pay a visit to The Reverend Leroy.
Bring your checkbook. He’ll help you, and your salvation will bring him joy, but you’re going to want to leave him a love offering.
Sorry, pretentious Scotch starts at $250 a bottle. (My encounter was 25 year old Macallen, a gift from my wife for the traditional academic milestone.)
The 25 year is good stuff. Had it at a Macallan tasting once.
Paddy O'Shea
RSA: The Southern Asians at the liquor store must see you coming.
Oh, Paddy…..
Ye gods. I like fine booze, but $250 for something you wind up pissing out? I could spend $175 of that on an incredible pair of shoes that I’d have forever, and still have enough left over for a really decent bottle of Glen Breton.
Paddy O'Shea
Speaking of dumb white guys and South Asians, here’s a surprise to no one living north of the Limbaugh Line:
Religious Parties Deal Blow To US Hopes In Iraq,2763,1671765,00.html?gusrc=rss
Had the 30 year once. Unforgettable.
Krista, you have alot of experience with that?
Ha! I used to know someone who worked at Magnolia. They do make great cupcakes.
Paul Wartenberg
I’m surprised noone’s Wiki-ed this yet. I mean, just to beat the Encyclopedia Britannica to the punch…
Paddy O’Shea wrote:
Um, I don’t see anyone speaking of dumb white guys or South Asians except you (neither of which exactly applies to me.) Projection issues, possibly?
As for Krista’s $175 pair of shoes, well, you can spend it on your feet or on your mouth. My wife would probably go with the former; chacun a son gout. (Now that’s pretentious.)
Dave Ruddell
That made me laugh. Hard.
SNL sucked when Ferrell (and that entire crew) started. I think Will Ferrell/SNL, and I think of those ridiculous cheerleader skits that lasted for 10 minutes and had the punchline after the first 30 seconds.
However, Ferrell was a good SNL character in “Old School,” and “Anchorman,” was a hilarious form of the essential WF character.
I would just love to thank you (John Cole) and your pet retard for the SENSATION you’ve caused on the blogosphere….DougJ is a verb now, neat!
Actually, it is totally FUBAR…what it does? is causes new commenters to be ignored or made fun of… And it causes anyone new to a blog OR new to blogs afraid to comment. Swell!!
I don’t think I need to point put to you to how silly the high school antics Balloon Juice is associated with now….you know what?… it’s just wrong. THE REAL PROBLEM? NOW there are a bunch of copycat ASSHOLE DOUGJ’s…
And I say this, IN TOTAL support of your Dennis the Peasant CommentS…You are right!! and the guy just needs to (slow talk) “L E T IT G O” and you did a great job of telling hom that!
wait…on second thought, that most likely wasn’t you at Dennis the Peasant,,,it was probably just DougJ. Sorry, Apologies.
Whatever his other flaws, Ferrell did a sketch on Election Eve 2000 which predicted the entire sweep of the Bush years with frightening accuracy. But it was right about then that I gave up on the show…
“You can call us aaron burr by the way we dropping Hamiltons”
Just plain hilarious.
Um…a friend told me what it’s like. Yeah, that’s it! A friend…
Why choose? Split the cost between your feet and your mouth, and not only will you have a sweet buzz, but you’ll look great while doing it.
And just for the record, it’s not “chacun a son gout”, it’s “a chacun son gout”. I can’t do French characters on this keyboard, unfortunately, so I can’t put in the accent-grave on the “a”.
The Narnia rap was very funny, but nothing beat “Christmastime for the Jews.” Destined to be an all-time SNL classic.
Paddy O'Shea
RSA (Republic of South Africa?): Yes, that was me talking about dumb white guys and South Asians. I’ll bet it was my name being attached to the post that tipped you off, right?
I’m tellin’ ya, guys like RSA really help to highlight the need on this site for a wood block function.
But speaking of dumb white guys, it is now becoming apparent that the pro-Iranian fundamentalist Shi’ite majority in Iraq has carried the election and will be the dominant power in the new Iraqi Parliament. Could Bush have foreseen this? Of course not, it’s that old bad intelligence thing again. You know, the kind he was born with.
The #1 demand of Iraq’s new masters? US troops out of Iraq.
Which makes sense for them. Get American troops out, and then call in Iranian troops to help them deal with the Sunni terrorist insurgency. You know, the one that threatens Iraq’s brand new fully elected democracy?
Yeah, that’s it.
For this we spent half a trillion dollars and the lives of over 2,100 Americans.
But I digress. Gilda Radnor? Anyone?
Yeah, a friend told me that too.
Though I think I might have been the drunk.
Ozymandius – You know, I can think of a lot of things to say right now, but none that would give a good impression. So I’ll just smile demurely.
The Other Steve
Wait a minute! This thread isn’t about Neil Bush and whores from Thailand.
Although, maybe it should be…
To quote my friends One and Two…
Mmm, whores.
Radner. And yes.
It’s refreshing to hear (read) about real spirituality, what with all the fake variety we are exposed to constantly.