We have the first sighting of a pocket Constitution being used as a prop at the hearings, and the person waving it around is resident nutter Tom Coburn.
*** Update ***
I stand corrected. Schumer and Cornyn whipped out their pocket props yesterday.
But has he read it? Maybe he can divine it for George?
The Disenfranchised Voter
Schumer held it up last night.
Cornyn followed him.
I got mine right here. Ha ha ha, the POWER!!!!
Geek, Esq.
So, we have Showhorse Chuckie, Box Turtle Cornyn, and Dr. Crazy.
Seems that using the Constitution as a prop is nearly as indicative of credibility as using the American flag as a prop.
The Disenfranchised Voter
I get the feeling from watching these hearings that Alito does not believe in the concept of judicial review–at all.
Anyone know anything more about this?
Angry Engineer
My copy of the pocket Constitution is printed by Cato. I’m guessing that Schumer’s is not.
The Other Steve
Does that mean certain sentences have been redacted?
The Disenfranchised Voter
Considering that CATO is libertarian, I would guess that noone of theirs are.
Though from your comment I get the impression that you think the Republicans are more libertarian than the Dems.
That sure is a joke. Maybe that was true at one time, but it does not apply to these new extremist Neo-con Republicans.
Vladi G
I don’t think the Republicans are more Libertarian the the Democrats. I *do* think that most self-proclaimed Libertarians aren’t real Libertarians, but rather Republicans who want to sound cool.
Amen to that, Vladi.
a guy called larry
They redacted the entirety of the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, which was the guiding document for the country for eight years. Just because it didn’t work out well, doesn’t mean it should be ignored completely. There’s a lot to learn from bad examples, too.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Well I agree with you Vlad. And sorry for the mix up–My comment was directed at Angry Engineer, not you.
Angry Engineer’s comments make me think he is a Repub who thinks CATO would support Republicans over Democrats. He is quite wrong about that. They don’t support the Dems, but they don’t support the GOP anymore since the Republican Party has been overtaken by Neo-Conservative and religious extremists.
Vladi G
Oh, I knew it wasn’t directed at me. I just thought I’d chime in.
Every schol in this nation should have a copy of the US Constitution posted there and to heck with this pledge to the earth crap
Preach it, Bird :) In fact, take it a step further and say that EVERYone in this country should have a Constitution in pocket, ready to whip out at before you can say “bill of rights” — so come get your FREE, formatted-to-be-printed on a single sheet of paper (Articles on one side, Amendments on the other) U.S. Constitution: http://pocketconstitution.emthree.org/
Did I mention it’s free? Right. It costs $0.00. No email list to sign up on, no pledge drives to contribute to. Free.