Bob Ney stepping down from his leadership position:
Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio) announced yesterday he will temporarily relinquish his chairmanship of the House Administration Committee, which oversees lobbying, as the corruption investigation into former lobbyist Jack Abramoff moves deeper into the workings of Congress.
Ney has repeatedly said he has done nothing wrong, but in a plea agreement this month, Abramoff said he and his business partner, Michael Scanlon, had showered the six-term lawmaker with lavish trips, campaign funds and gifts in exchange for a number of favors for Abramoff clients. House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), facing growing concern that the Republican leadership has been slow to respond to the bribery and corruption scandal, began pressuring Ney about his chairmanship in recent weeks.
“I have done absolutely nothing wrong and I am convinced that I will be vindicated completely at the end of this difficult process,” Ney said in a statement. “Unfortunately, it has become clear to me in recent days that the false allegations made against me have become a distraction to the important work of the House Republican Conference and the important work that remains ahead for the House Administration Committee.”
Of course, he is completely innocent and will one day return to his leadership role. Just like Tom DeLay. The Democrats and the media should be ashamed of themselves for what the yare doing to these great men.
The sad thing is, there are those out there that will not recognize that as snark, and will wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment.
Don’t be so hard on these guys.
Because, as Ney will no doubt prove, and DeLay too, it was All Perfectly Legal.
Like Bush’s sweetheart deal for the Texas Rangers, like the NSA activity, like the Iraq war, like everything these good-hearted, well-intentioned folks do for us (well, for themselves but really for us)… it’s All Perfectly Legal.
This will be the legacy of the Bush II Years: It was All Perfectly Legal.
What a great standard for young children just learning about America and their government to observe! Grow up and just do whatever is All Perfectly Legal! What a country!
(Note: This post is Perfectly Legal. So don’t try to criticize it).
The Other Steve
Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah! GOOD-BYE!
John, when are we going to start hearing about the good things about intimidating the press?
Paul Wartenberg
These outrageous denials by DeLay and Ney and hell practically all the other congresspersons in this, they keep reminding me of that sign-language ape Koko who, when confronted over a 500 lb. metal wash basin that had been torn off the wall, pointed to her pet cat and signed “Cat did it.” I mean, can they honestly believe people are going to buy their innocence routine?
“Cat did it?”
Bwaaaah! That is *such* a cute story. Is it true?
And Koko was probably a lot more believable. :) (While the cat’s sitting there thinking, “What the hell?”)
Paul Wartenberg
It’s ancedotal. I read it in an article from somewhere (Time? Newsweek?) on how deception/lying was a universal trait.