This is Bailey, who owns my friends Brian and Tammy:
Bailey taking a nap after a meal.
I have actually cat-sit Bailey (along with Baxter and Chelsea and three others- big furry family Brian and Tammy have), and Bailey is the loudest eater I have ever met. She inhales her food, and sounds like a vacuum cleaner when she eats.
This is another one of Brian and Tammy’s cats, and his name is Tyler:
When Tyler lies around the house, HE LIES AROUND THE HOUSE
Tyler may be one of the fattest cats I have ever met- he was this tiny little adorable kitty with beautiful markings, and then he just kept growing. And growing. And growing. He doesn’t have an enormous frame like Baxter, but he is GINORMOUS. It is like someone took a normal cat and filled it with air.
I actually forgot about commenter pet-blogging for a while, and this is because I accidentally deleted about ten pictures from people who were supposed to be portrayed but were not. If you sent in a picture and it never made it up, please send it in again and I will post it, I swear. And that goes for those of you who never sent one in to begin with.
Here’s my Pretty Pounce.
Also here is her sister Foxy Roxy with her boyfriend Xan the Man
I dont think the pics worked out sohere’s a URL of my photo directory if any cares :-)
Pounce sure looks like one happy person cat:
This is my favorite picture because of the tail wrapping around your neck:
Okay, that would make the third time I’ve sent you the cat pictures.
If anyone wants to see my cats, send me an email and I will send you the pix.
First three letters of my handle plus ooding at rocketmail dot com.
There is no charge for the photos.
Any chance of getting an RSS feed that loses the cats?
Tony Alva
Holy Moly that Tyler has some beef!!! Please all cat owners, all cats should be fat. Please feed them accordingly.