If you were ever thinking about hitting the tip jar, now is the time. My laptop was illing the last few days, and is now officially dead.
Or the Amazon Tip Jar, or you could just go buy one of the laptops on the Amazon Wish List. Yeah. That will happen.
I am so sick and tired of computers breaking down on me.
It would help if you stopped flinging them across the room when angered by we hooligans who frequent your site.
That’s the only tip I can afford to provide right now. I’ll let you know if I’m getting an income tax refund — you might benefit, if you’re nice to me. :)
What happened to this one? What about your previous ones? If you’re seeing frequent system failures, you may well have a more general problem. I had been encountering a higher-than-normal amount of hardware problems, then it turned out that I had an open ground in my wiring and my ups had nowhere to dump power spikes.
Far North
Since John Cole has mocked me only one or two times in the comments section, I think I can scare up a few bucks in the next day or two. The comment section on this blog actually results in some pretty good debate.
Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger, John. It’s just shy of 3pm my time and I’ve spent the last 7 1/2 hours trying to get my router, modem, IP configs AND my firewall to all work AT THE SAME FRIGGIN’ TIME, much less together! grrrrrrrrrrr….
Mercury must be in retro. Stinkin’ communication spoilsport…(stalks off muttering obscenities aimed at computer pieces, parts and software)
Does ad clicking help any, John?
John Cole
CRG- This one has gone through a little of everything.
– Several drinks dumped in the keyboard
– dropped more times than I can count
– screen blurry in sections
– touch pad no longer very responsive
– screen separating from keyboard base
And finally, I have tripped over the power cord so many times that it no longer recharges the battery because I have shredded the plastic/metal on the slot where the cord goes into the computer.
It is, I am afraid, just dead.
I figure that when people like me post, you bang the thing around out of frustration and eventually kill it.
So I chipped in for the replacement. It’s the least I can do for all the work you put into this thing.
Keep up the good work, man.
Jesus, Cole. Why not play football with the thing while you’re at it? ;)
Meager donation forwarded. Behave yourself with the next laptop! Don’t do anything you wouldn’t do with Jessica Alba in your lap. –And avoid a couple of things you *would* do, they probably aren’t good for the computer either.
Pervert. :)
Ah, the system fails him… But no:
Now I get it. The republicans do unto you what you do to unto your laptop.
Maybe you should look at the Panasonic Toughbook line?
Hey John,
You need a rugged laptop? Check this out:
I think its waterproof as well.
dc: Yeah, but can it handle getting “Several drinks dumped in the keyboard”?
I want to know the story behind that comment, John. Does your aim get that bad after the first two, or are you going to blame it all on poor old Tunch?
RTO Trainer
Toughbooks suck. That’s an informed Army IT opinion.
What make and model laptop have you got now, John. I might be able to scrounge spare parts for repairing what you have.
Well John, as much frustration as I cause you I felt I should pony up some dough for the new notebook.
But I think at a minimum Roger and the Pony Tail out to offer matching donations.
Juice Plus
Here’s a tip.
Sell Delta stock.
I gave, because John called me humor-impaired today, and I hope he will feel guilty now. Judging by past practices, however, he won’t fully regret it for about 5 years or so.
There are always the “3m to concrete” genuinely hardened ones. They survive darn near anything — although the walls they’re thrown at aren’t so lucky.
(Not, of course, that I would ever treat a piece of computer equipment without suitable respect. No, not me. Nope. Never.)
I feel like an enabler.
Can you put the new one inside some sort of hamster ball with those rubber glove things they use to handle alien specimins in sci-fi movies?