My sources tell me that Cindy Sheehan managed to get herself arrested before the speech started.
Atta girl! I can’t wait for the fawning paeans to the ‘Grief Mom’ at DU and DKOS.
I really am not watching- I am on a diet and can’t drink, and I need beverages when Bush speaks for extended periods. Place your SOTU commentary her, and I will check up on it later.
yet another jeff
Yep, that’s a shot…wasn’t expecting a Sheehan mention.
Blue tie, and conservative justices present.
I’m not drinking beer or wine for a while…better bang for the calorie buck in tequila.
With a little luck, this will overshadow the address itself. (Goodness knows the address isn’t going to be too earthshaking on its own.)
yet another jeff
purple ink
radical islam
weapons of mass murder
weapon of fear
murder children
freedomization is on the march!
yet another jeff
bishop attackers? Ohhh, vicious…we must fight them there, no retreat, no surrender
John Kerry cutaway! damn, I should have mixed this drink weaker.
killed or captured many of their leaders
cutaway to some special guest sitting by laura in her peptol suit.
Democracy is progressing…and they had elections in Iraq (but they did before we got there too)
I’m confident they won’t vote for insurgents…
Paddy O'Shea
Shrub is in the process of adding his little fart to the big hurricane of current human affairs.
Of course, there are many seated in Congress right now who will go on at length about just how wonderful it smelled.
yet another jeff
Our troops know what it’s like to wear heavy things in the desert.
A dead soldiers quoted letter…dear lord…
Now that’s what I call color commentary!
The Disenfranchised Voter
John, you knwo I agree with you that Sheehan is a nutjob, but that doesn’t mean they have the right to arrest her.
Your arguing for totalitarianism at its finest. Think about it.
yet another jeff
Aids and malaria?
Ever notice how Chertoff looks like a cross between the Grim Reaper and John Waters?
yet another jeff
Ohhh, reauthorize the PATRIOT ACT…
What the hell is the Constitution by Statute?
It remains to be seen if Cindy Sheehan managed to “get herself” arrested.
yet another jeff
Did I mention that our enemy is determined?
Hillary cutaway…wow…she looks PISSED
Economy is growing faster than some other groups!
Angry Engineer
Apparently, Bush thinks we must renew the Patriot Act so that we can fight organized crime and drug trafficing. Na, there’s no mission creep occurring here…
Now there’s lots of applause for the
king’spresident’s stated desire to continue to spy on Americans. He’s so pleased that he’s smirking. Hillary is smirking, too, probably because she knows that she’d be more than happy to authorize the same sort of illegal surveilance if she werequeenPresident.Stormy70
Cindy was invited by a Democratic Congresswoman, so I hardly see how some of you can tell us that Cindy is your fringe. Your party invited her to the Capital Gallery where she promptly caused a scene for the media’s benefit. Loony toons.
Bush is kicking the Dems ass on this NSA thing. Why do the Dems want to protect people on Al Qaeda’s speed dial list? Why? This is effective bully-pulpiting which will send his political enemies into a tizzy.
More tax cuts, please.
Flame away, my pretties.
yet another jeff
We’re gonna fight the economy over there so we don’t have to fight it here.
yet another jeff
Stormy! Join a fellow Texican in some Cuervo, yes?
Stormy, did you or did you not order the code red?
yet another jeff
Ahhhh! We need permanent tax cuts to beat China and India in the world market. I love the foreshadowing…we’ll cut the deficit by cutting incoming funding!
DEAR GOD, just what we need, this joker with a line-item veto.
yet another jeff
Clinton joke! Social Security reform rising from the dead!
Actually, it is Kamora and coffee right now. But I do have a pretty little Mexican Mango Tequila that will make you cry like a girl…oh, wait.
Cindy was arrested for trying to smuggle in a banner. She’s great for a laugh.
yet another jeff
Only half the room clapping! That’s half a glass there…gotta refill.
Did that just happen?
That was like Mariano Rivera getting a standing O at Fenway on opening day…
Your damn right I ordered the Code Red!
You want me on that wall.
They don’t. You seeing it that way shows you’re retarded. Sorry.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Angry Engineer
A fight just broke out when the Democrats applauded the fact that SS reform did not pass. OK, not really, but it would have made things much more interesting.
Wow, just a moment ago, Bush was leg-humping immigrant labor, and now he’s calling for aggressive enforcement and renouncing amnesty programs.
Is it just me, or does it look like the act of standing up and clapping is the most exercise a lot of these people will get all year?
yet another jeff
Addicted to oil…making new forms of energy…from oil and coal.
Oh yeah…he said nukular!
The Disenfranchised Voter
Yea Stormy that’s why Republicans like Chuck Hagel, and our own John, plus strong conservatives like Brownback, think what Bush is doing is illegal.
Fuck off.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Wait I should correct myself, John is in the middle still.
22% increase in research? Are you serious? That’s all?
Wait – he said we’re addicted to oil so we need to make new forms of energy, from…oil?
Did he say that? Really?
Energy – ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Where’s that cutey Justice John Roberts? He’s shiny.
yet another jeff
No, he didn’t CaseyL…sorry.
“I’m passing…initiatives. And furthermore, there will be committees and research to initiate things…and there will be a tax cut in math!”
He also looks just like Jack Abramoff…
Cynical Nation
I am *so* disappointed. I was looking forward to watching Cindy Sheehan make an ass of herself on national TV, preferably with her new boyfriend, Hugo Chavez.
And now she’s been arrested? I sense the dark curtain of fascism descending across our land.
yet another jeff
Was that high wage jobs or highways jobs?
We are committed to higher education, so we are defunding student loans!
Angry Engineer
Dude, that’s, like, at least $50 more than we spent last year.
yet another jeff
Mexican Mango? Do tell….
Damn Activist Judges! They caused Katrina!
yet another jeff
Yes, I’m worried about activist courts that try to change marraige…like judges that feel we need to pass amendments.
Ok, last year’s word was steroids, this year it’s malaria.
Apparently the “scene” was caused by a citizen, Cindy Sheehan, who was invited to attend the SOTU address by a congresswoman, and who attempted to attend the SOTU and was pre-emptively determined to be a threat.
yet another jeff
Ethical science! Cloning is bad!! No Manimals!
Human life should not depreciate…or be taxed.
Because if we allow stem-cell research, the Cylons win.
yet another jeff
Compassion! Kids lack direction and love! I propose an initiative of Love! Laura solved the gang problem, so know she’s bringing love.
yet another jeff
We’ve pledged money to Nola…but like when you liberals pledge to NPR, we’re not gonna pay.
Too bad Cindy didn’t re-enact Apple Computer’s 1984 commercial. Hell, I’d contribute to her defense fund for that.
yet another jeff
Abstain, Africans! Now that i’ve mentioned Africa, I’ll say that we’re giving medicine to Americans.
African-American churches and faith-based groups?
Did he just compare himself to MLK?
yet another jeff
Lincoln! King! Berlin Wall! In other words, we need to stay in Iraq…vote GOP.
I’m the Shoveler, I shovel well.
God Bless America!
“before history is written down in books…we’ll go over it and make sure it doesn’t give aid and comfort to terrorists.”
I’m gonna watch the Shield.
yet another jeff
Does this mean I can run my Monte Carlo on grain alcohol now?
yet another jeff
Did he say Comity or Comedy?
Perry Como
Oh man. I just did a slimmed down version of the SOTU with my wife.
Perry Como
Err, SOTU drinking game. Yeesh.
Damn. My DVR kicked over to record the Shield and The Closer.
Mexican Mango is a sweet tequila from Cancun. The Mexican Riviera cannot be recommended enough. The people are warm and friendly, and you can’t beat the beaches. You can rent a car and drive up and down the peninsula. I will be there in March.
Yeah, I think that’s a good slimmed down version of the SOTU.
yet another jeff
Sounds good…I generally go for some Patron, Herradura, or Cabo Wabo with ice and maybe a drop or Rose’s lime juice when feeling sophisticated…Cuervo when it’s about quantity instead of quality.
My dream is to live the live of Fred Dryer in Land’s End…but I guess I just want to drive around the beaches in a GTO, with a heavily armed compound as my home, something like a ranchero version of Charlton Heston’s place in Omega Man.
Crazy C
I still can’t stop laughing about the “Human-Animal Hybrids”, is that really an issue now? I knew I should have drank more for this…
If loving Stormy is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Eugene Robinson defines the soft bigotry of low expectations on Hardball: “He was in good form for George Bush giving a speech”
Is this a response or an informercial?
Perry Como
I think President Bush’s vision is epic. The bold initiatives for alternative energy, his plan to democratize the Middle East, reforming Social Security… History will see him as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, Presidents the USA has ever had. Like FDR and Kennedy before him, he holds to true conservative principals like preemptive foreign policy.
I applaud President Bush and hope that we can all come together in bipartisan support of his vision.
yet another jeff
I think it’s an infomercial. Is he about to tell us how to make $1000 a day?
Within the last 72 hours, I have seen a report on a major news outlet stating that there are over 250 insurgent bomb attacks a week in Iraq, and that this number is going up.
But, let’s sit around and poke fun at Cindy Sheehan. That’s the responsible thing to do here.
Who’s next with the ridicule? C’mon, this is fun!
And funny!
yet another jeff
Cinematography for the Democratic Response by PAX.
yet another jeff
Ohh, we interrupt our angry satire with a buzzkill.
The Disenfranchised Voter
The Dem Response is really good.
I don’t get it. Why mention Cindy Sheehan at all? She’s the mother of a soldier who died in Iraq. That’s all I know about her, and frankly, all I want to know about her. Having lost her son gives her a right to have an opinion, and whether I agree with her opinion or not is irrelevant. (For the record, I’ve never talked to her to find out her opinion, so I have no idea whether I’d agree with it or not… and no, I’m not going to take some 3rd party’s word about what her opinion is).
John mentioned left-wing circular firing squads. What about right-wing circle jerks? Every time you guys try to run down the mother of a deceased veteran, it makes right wingers look bad. But boy, you guys sure seem to have fun jerking off in a circle… “Cindy Sheehan!” “Hahahaha!” “Bwahahahah!” “Cindy Sheehan!” “ROFL!” Sorry to bring the bad news to you, but making fun of grieving mothers, no matter how laughable their opinion is, is not the way to win friends and influence people. It just makes people think you’re a bunch of jerks.
But what the hey, you guys never listen to Libertarians anyhow, except to confuse us with liberals… so keep on circle-jerking away. “Cindy Sheehan!” “Hahahahah!”. Sheesh.
– Badtux the Libertarian Penguin
Well, okay. But you kids use protection.
But, that will drown out the chorus of Sheehan-ridiculers, those noble citizens who find making fun of the crazed war mother is the best way to express their great patriotism and their manly Republicanness.
Be quiet, satirists, and let the righties have their fun at the expense of the hapless and pathetic Sheehan!
Ha ha ha ha! Good fun for all!
yet another jeff
Well, she was mentioned because that the magic voices in the SOTU coverage mentioned her.
Ah, a pox on both the D and R houses.
yet another jeff
ppGaz…um…what are you talking about? The initial post?
When the heck will Bush learn to pronounce “nuclear” correctly. Every time he said “nucular” I cringed. Is it too much to ask that our president speak proper english? I can only assume that mispronouncing words is some sort of affectation to make him sound more like a common person. Unfortunately the only other person I know that mispronounces that word is my father in law–but he also goes to breftast which is simular (not similar) to breakfast.
My dream life is too be holed up in the Wind River range in Wyoming (sans gay cowboys), with my kitties and my satelite.
And my skis, and booze. And books, Dvds, etc.
Mr. Stormy70 is welcome to tag along as well. He can bring the checkbook. Greedy Republican.
yet another jeff
Yes. It is too much to ask. He used to speak English, but that was back before the GOP convention in 2000. I wonder if he’d add the s to Wal-Mart.
yet another jeff
Feh, screw Wyoming…too much snow.
The Disenfranchised Voter
She awa arrested becuase of her T-Shirt….BECUASE OF HER FUCKING T-SHIRT.
The Disenfranchised Voter
*She awa=Sheehan
Ancient Purple
So, where do I go to get those 57 minutes of my life back?
Shorter Bush: America is at the top of its game. I am King. You are peons. Here are some ideas, so love them or I listen in on grandma’s phone calls and sweep her away to a lab to turn her into a human-animal hybird or something.
God bless America.
(On a side note, I want to thank John Cole because I made a bet with a friend in the car driving back from dinner that the SOTU address would take second fiddle to the Cindy Sheehan news. I said John would lead with that. Now, I am $20 bucks in the black. Thanks, John. Your predictability is legend!)
You can’t quit me.
Since I am watching CSI: MIami from Monday night, does anyone else want to take David Caruso’s sunglasses and grind them into the dirt. Dude, seriously, enough with the overacting and slouching. Dude.
I think John Roberts winked at me during the SOTU. It was so fast I just realized it. Delayed reaction. Must be the Kamora.
Amen! The R’s are running the country deeper into a shit-filled ditch, but balanced outrage is the way to go in times like these!!
Balanced means fair, and fair is what is really important. Be fair to the destroyers of America!
Those fucking Demon-crats! They suck!
Eat shit libruls! HAHAHAHAHA!
To that end, the lying motherfucker encourages the teaching of Intelligent Design in the country’s schools.
Hey, where’s that Sheehan laugh track? C’mon, let’s get this party started!
Perry Como
You won’t be laughing when al Qaeda launches its onslaught of centaurs.
Not since that night in the pup tent.
Ancient Purple
According to CNN, she was arrested for refusing to cover up her anti-war t-shirt.
Welcome to Bush’s America, where people can’t wear a t-shirt stating their opinions in “the people’s house.”
Oh, the fucking irony.
yet another jeff
Centaurs? Oh crap.
Wait, did Bush just take a strong stance against creating Uruk-hai?
Stormy, there are misdemeanors, felonies, and whatever David Caruso does to get his paycheck each week.
yet another jeff
Can people wear tshirts to the SOTU at all? Seems to be more of a dressy affair.
Perry Como
Centaurs with blow torches.
Kirk Spencer
I’m waiting for full details, but for what’s known now:
Sheehan was invited by Rep Lynn Woolsey (D-CA). She sat down and took off her jacket, and allegedly was wearing a T-shirt with an anti-war slogan. Capitol hill police asked her to put the jacket back on (allegedly telling her such displays were not allowed), to which she made no response. At that point they arrested her, cuffed her, and marched her out of the gallery before the president arrived. The charge is the misdemeanor “demonstrating in the capitol building”.
um… I am not an attorney, I do not know if that’s going to stand. I suspect it’s skirting the edge – and if I were her defense attorney I’d be looking for signs or shirts that were pro-Bush at the same event for which the bearers suffered no consequences. BUT, she has a history of demonstrating, and though she said before the speech that since she was the guest of a congresswoman she wasn’t planning to do anything but listen the t-shirt could have been considered provocative.
That said, it won’t change any minds either way. Heck, I’ll bet that most anti-Bushers will assume that she didn’t even have the t-shirt, while most anti-Sheehans will assume she started waving signs and yelling. And neither side will care that they’re wrong.
Heh. Reminds me of that pic with Bush wearing the One Ring around his neck.
It was pretty hard to listen to the human-animal hybrid stuff without thinking “write this down, M-A-R-S, Mars, bitches.”
I’m fairly sure Bush looked disapprovingly at Santurum when he said “no manimals”
Bob In Pacifica
Look, if the Republicans in that building didn’t applaud Bush about the spying he’d have had to leave by the back door ahead of the handcuffs.
I just wish the son of a bitch hadn’t smirked. The man who is destroying your country should keep a straight face while he’s standing in front of you. Noblesse oblige.
Iran? I thought he was talking about Indiana.
yet another jeff
ppGaz…you’re no fun when I’m drinking.
Blow me…I can’t be pissed at the Dems for being milquetoast morons that are unable to remember to keep punching when they’ve got Bush on the ropes?
Outrage at both sides is apples and oranges…GOP runs us into the ditch and the Dems cautiously advise slowing down.
Santorum, rather
yet another jeff
Centaurs…with bees in their mouths so when they yell, they shoot bees at you?
yet another jeff
If I was Sheehan’s attorney, I’d probably have to wait to see if any actual charges were pressed before I could do anything.
Perry Como
Which is dangerously close to “Santorum lather”.
Mr Furious
My semi-live-blogging thoughts for the portion of the speech I watched are at my place
Fuck you.
The Disenfranchised Voter
I hope she fucking sues the government.
Every single one of you realize that arresting her for wearing a T-shirt is fucking wrong.
This is not the USA, this is an authoritarian state.
Kirk Spencer
Yet another jeff… maybe. On the other hand, I’ll repeat (synopsize actually) a rant I’ve been making for over half a dozen years…
The GOP-backed civil suit against Clinton was a pyrrhic victory. ANY president now faces precedent that he/she cannot use the office to delay or deny a court hearing. Getting president Bush tied to this incident will be a stretch, but given some of the whoppers I’ve seen not only from both sides of the aisle but other a-political cases, it shouldn’t be automatically rejected as impossible.
Perry Como
They shoot miniature Chuck Norris clones that unleash a flurry of roundhouse kicks. To your face.
This is obviously the greatest threat we’ve ever seen.
You have a strong constitution. I have watched my last speech by this piece of crap.
Furious, this
is classic.
yet another jeff
Ooooooh! Miniature Chuck Norri! Norri is the plural of Norris, yes?
Maybe they’re Chuck Norris Centaurs!
Clearly, to combat those fighting Norri, we must institute our very own Liger Defense Corps
Come on people! Santorum…man-on-dog…begets manimals…it was brilliant! Is this thing on?
Are you all still mad from when I said USC should’ve beat Texas?
Perry Como
Those evil bastards. I’m glad President Bush is heading off this dire threat. Oh no. What if they are Dire Chuck Norris Centaurs? We’re doomed! DOOMED!
So much for elevating the discourse.
yet another jeff
You said USC should have won? You are dead to me. No no…don’t protest. It’ll just embarrass us both.
Ok, new rule, NO ONE is allowed to use MLK Jr. to justify a war.
Anyways, I have an 8 AM class tommorow, and I thought “well, if I only take a sip each time he lies, I should be ok for tommorow. I mean, there is only so much BS one can fit into a single speech”. Needless to say, I’m drunk enough to post on BJ for the first time in about 6 months, so, we’ll see how class goes tommorow.
Mr Furious
Don’t worry ppGaz, I came in late and only saw about twenty minutes of it. And I was facing AWAY from the screen most of the time…
yet another jeff
I guess if not for those two words, he wouldn’t have responded to me at all?
Y’all apparently missed the news earlier this month:
Supreme Court turns down war protester’s case
Free Speech is where the government says it is. Welcome to your cage…
Mr Furious
Thanks, Pooh. I’ve lost a lot on my fastball, but every once in a while I can dig down deep…
Fuck you.
Centaurs? Ligers?
On this note, I bid adieu. Csi – Miami is heating up, baby!
yet another jeff
How did the terrorists get Chuck Norris DNA anyway…was it from the set of Missing in Action?
yet another jeff
Fine…fuck me. Is this some sort of aesthetic argument on how anger towards the PTB should be expressed? Righteous Indignation vs. Drunken Snark?
Perry Como
Stormy70 Says:
We’re just discussing the President’s bold vision. I truly fear the day the terrorists create a human hybrid to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge with blow torches.
Chuck Norris doesn’t say “who’s your daddy”, because he knows the answer.
It’s the only rational response to “blow me.”
Feel free to withdraw the invitation, as desperately as you might actually want it.
Oh yeah John, that’s a fucking riot. Apparently free speech is a goddamned crime now–if your name is Cindy Sheehan. Thanks for helping shred the Constitution, asshole.
yet another jeff
Sorry, a figure of speech more than an invitation. I meant to say something along the lines of “spare me the didactic bit about bombing in war”, but “blow me” seemed temptingly concise.
Perry Como
But really, this thread is about Cindy Sheehan and her disruptive behavior in the Capitol Building. It is downright unAmerican to wear a t-shirt with the number of dead US soldiers on it to the State of the Union address. She might as well have worn a turban that said “I LOVE TERRORISTS!”
yet another jeff
I don’t think that would work as a turban. The mechanics of turban tying really prevent any sort of legible slogans.
Ah, then I withdraw my blast. You are a gentleman and scholar.
Now, back to blasting Sheehan! That stupid broad is a hoot, isn’t she? Yeee – dogies!
Par R
Sheehan is rather good at following Rove’s instructions.
It seemed to me that Diane Feinstein was none too thrilled when a reporter told her that Sheehan had received her ticket for the chamber from a California congresswoman, undoubtedly another wacko in the Sheehan mold.
Perry Como
Another terrorist uncovered! I hope the NSA is listening. It’s the only way I feel safe.
I’m probably the only one around here who watches the Gilmore Girls, but one of the things I love about the show are the constant lefty political quips that likely go over many viewers’ heads. For the first couple years of the series, Al Gore was the president. I enjoyed the denial immensely. And tonight, they just had a scene where the main character was letting her friend take her dog overnight to determine if she was a “dog person.” The main character was putting the leash on the dog while he wasn’t watching. Her friend asked her why, and she said, “like most Americans, he doesn’t mind giving up his freedom as long as he doesn’t notice it happening.” Maybe you had to see it to enjoy it. But all the little digs at Bush are part of the show’s charm. Anyway, that’s my contribution tonight. I didn’t watch the SOTU. Can’t handle it. Or him, I should say.
yet another jeff
Obviously you’re not drinking enough, Laura.
Perry Como…OF COURSE the NSA is listening….
Because democrats, by and large, believe this is a nation of laws and not of men.
So now we’ve seen the Bush re-action to a T-shirt.
Up against the wall motherf–er. 2273. Bring,em on.
Chris Matthews-Eat to the beat baby.
Go Steelers. The tide is high.
Steelers Rule. A T-shirt…Banned?
Sorry- 2242
Atlas Shrugged said Sheehan was “about to unfurl” a “girormous” banner, which presumably is less threatening to America than unleashing a “fantabulous” harange.
A-S blamed her error on “live blogging” the event. Right. I remember when she saw the sniper of the roof at Kent State, throwing aluminum tubes down on the grassy knoll.