All the news seems to be dominated with the SOTU and Alito, and those two events seem to have sucked the life out of everything. Quite frankly, both issues bore me.
Consider this an open thread for important things or events you think I have missed.
And hit the tip-jar or I will sick the human-animal hybrids on you.
Condi Rice is going to the Super Bowl and wearing a Steeler’s jersey to boot. She can forget getting my vote! :-)
Faux News
The death of Coretta Scott King. Not sure if it was mentioned here on BJ.
Come on! Human-animal hybrids. How can that bore you?
How about the Bob Woodruff situation… If your a lefty, this is more proof that Iraq is hell and it`s Bush`s fault. Or if your a righty… it serves the damn pinko commie liberal journalist right.
Truthfully, Iraq is the most dangerous war to cover at present time. Those who try to find out what is going on deserve our resepect. As far as I know, Woodruff has the dubious honor of being the first anchorman of being seriously wounded while on the front line of a combat story.
Seems Woodruff was in the most heavily armored vehicle of the Convoy, and the first in the line. He and is Camera man were topside on the hatches when the IEDs exploded… I have no doubt they were getting great footage…
Every Broadcast, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, it was the lead that night. Hopefully no soldiers were hurt. No word yet. Sadly if an American soldier is injured, it doesn`t usually make the news.
Oh, and there was the peace activist kidnapped in Iraq… you can`t watch her video without crying.
Alito and the STOU were tiny footnotes today, if you only pay attention to politics… you miss the important stories.
John, how about something from across the pond? Have you heard about Mr Blair’s embarrasing faux pas in his attempts to drive a controversial religious-hate-speech bill through?
The guy lost out by one vote… and failed to vote himself!
Ah, hubris, they name is Blair.
see the BBC or the Times or even my blog
While we weren’t watching, more civil liberties restrictions were put into the un-Patriot Act:
“Another obscure addition, never debated in Congress, would broaden existing laws that prohibit disturbances at any event — such as those involving the president — at which the Secret Service is providing protection. Civil libertarians say it could restrict free-speech rights.
The changes illustrate how closed-door negotiations over legislation can inspire lawmakers to slip substantive policy measures into bills with little public notice.”
How about the death of an entire city? What the floods could not destroy, indifference and inaction are taking care of very nicely.
They’re tryin’ to wash us away
La officials refused fed help to evacuate hospitals and nursing homes before Katrina hit.
Wasn’t that state run by Democrats? I don’t think it will be in the future.
“Wasn’t that state run by Democrats? I don’t think it will be in the future.”
Be careful what you wish for.
New news, Stormy, America taken into an illegal war with no declaration and no plan by using cherry picked intelligence.
Isn’t America run by Republicans? I don’t think it will be in the future.
What? Did Dr. Moreau come out as a Democrat or something? Are equal rights for manimals on the Dem platform now? Will anti-manimal marriage amendments be the new rallying point?
I’m ashamed to admit it but I had to work last night and was not able to catch the SOTU. Thanks to all of you who live-blogged it in the threads though; I enjoyed your efforts thoroughly and I hope you’re not too badly hung over this morning :).
I’m really looking forward to more coverage here on the whole human-hybrid/manimal topic, and Bush’s ideas regarding same.
This sounds like breaking science, people; we have to keep on top of this stuff!
Bob In Pacifica
I need to research this: Jerome Bettis just received the key to the city of Detroit. Former recipient: Saddam Hussein! In 1980. Or so they say.
I know that in the late thirties Mussolini was feted and made an honorary member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, I believe. It was in George Seldes 1943 book, FACTS AND FASCISM.
These things happen. Did anyone ask McClellan if Bush is against gene-therapy involving animal DNA? Like cures for diabetes?
It is … and since it sounds like reality-based Intelligent Design, I can’t figure out why GWB would be against it.
Faux News
Post Of The Day!
I love to see Stormy totally OWNED by the first response to her usual spiteful drivel :-)
Sorry I was late for the SOTU. I hit a pothole on Constitution Avenue, and got a flat foot on my human-animal hybrid.
Thanks heavens for ONSTAR. The toe-truck arrived in minutes.
Here’s another tip that you may have missed, John. It’s the new brain-cell printer designed for Left-brain maintenance. There’s also the issue of absinthe’s effect on the Left-brain that explains some recent events.
Since Congress authorized the Iraq War, then I guess I didn’t get owned like you thought. Of course, Dems cut and run when the going get tough. I wonder why noone trusts Democrats with National Security? Mmmmm…could it be they prefer to hate Bush instead of terrorists? Nah, that can’t be it.
Alito looked good in his new robes.
Congress authorized the President to use force, but no declaration of war has ever been created or passed. Nice try, but no cookie for you, Rummy.
t. jasper parnell
I would suggest the upcoming (Amgen) Tour of California, which promises to be both exciting and a good source for jokes about drugs and sports, and why not a little something about Fightin’ Phil Kline’s crusade to protect the nation’s, or in any event Kansas’, youth from the dangers of unlawful billing and cooing. According to the NYT (1/31/06 A14), the august Republican is demanding that “doctors, nurses, counselors and educators” report any youngster “who in a group therapy session even discusses ‘heavy petting’ with a boyfriend or girlfriend.”
Not to shill, but have to share my buddy’s live blogging. He picked up an interesting them – the Supreme Court hates America. Who knew?
Paul Wartenberg
In the “Schadenfreude Warms My Tummy” dept: Talking Points Memo is reporting Tom DeLay is in the red.
The manimal comment was apparently a reference to genetic research into stuff like Down’s Syndrome, where the defective human chromosome (#21) is inserted into mice to allow scientists to study the condition (courtesy Pharyngula via Kevin Drum)
The Disenfranchised Voter
Holy shit, I can’t stop laughing. LOL.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Too bad they didn’t do that.
They voted to give the President the authority…
I refuse to hit the tip jar until you post proof that PET scans were performed on your laptop and DVD player before you declared them dead.
OMG, thats the funniest damn thing I’ve read in a long time, nyrev. Thank you for waking me up!
Why would I worry about having you “sick” [sic] the hybrids on me? Do you mean “sicc”?
Why would I worry about having you “sick” [sic] the hybrids on me? Do you mean “sicc”?