The dinner table at the Cole household:

Mike Krempasky at Red State has a link rich Steeler round-up, with all sorts of goodies, including Puhlahmahlu the video.
And here is some Stillers Polka! If yinz don’t know, don’t ask- it’s a ‘Burgh thing.
Even the pets are in on the act.
ESPN’s experts pick.
Go Stillers!
*** Update ***
Congrats to the 2006 Hall of Fame choices:
Troy Aikman made it into the Pro Football Hall of Fame’s biggest class in years. The guy he threw to — Michael Irvin — will have to wait once again.
Reggie White, Warren Moon, Harry Carson, John Madden and Rayfield Wright also were elected Saturday. Not since 2001 had the maximum number of candidates been chosen.
Emmitt Smith, who joined with Aikman and Irvin to win three Super Bowls for the Dallas Cowboys, had campaigned vigorously for his two former teammates. But Irvin, plagued by off-the-field troubles in recent years, was left out in his second try.
Worthy selections, all of them, but I think Art Monk should be in the Hall of Fame before Michael Irvin.
The Disenfranchised Voter
You know John, I don’t really have a stake in this game and even though I think the Seahawks are going to win, I hope the Steelers win for your sake. I’d rather see you in a good mood.
If they don’t win, I really don’t want to be around here come Monday…
I want to see the picture of the WALL ‘O IRON CITY cans (featuring famous Stillers) that I KNOW is in your garage or basement.
This is borderline obsession. I do hope the steelers (they will get no capitalization from this Cowboys fan) win against the theiving Seahawks.
thieving – really, who cares about spelling typos.
The Disenfranchised Voter
The spelling Gestapo does.
You better watch what you say, they’re everywhere…
Yeah, I hear them knocking down the door now.
The Hawks will have the last laugh. So, gloat while you can.
Saturday beer blogging: I just bottled a batch of Superbowl commemorative Joey Porter today, a medium-dry brew hopped with Fuggles and fermented with Wyeast London Ale Yeast #1028. Until the Browns stop sucking, I’ll gladly support my wife and her family in their Steeler fandom.
One for the thumb, and one for the road!
I think it’s great that you’re all so supportive of the careers of Ben and his father Jerry. But what about some love for the less-often-seen Anne Meara? She’s family too…
The Disenfranchised Voter
From the Expert’s picks Link…
22 Experts Total:
15 for Steelers.
7 for Seahawks.
It’ll be a pleasure to see Jerome Bettis put on a show for the hometown crowd.
The Steelers are a REAL football team; the seahawks are a bunch of skinny-half-caf-latte-sippin’ twats.
So there.
Otto Man
Agreed. It’s a crying shame Monk isn’t already in there. He’s #9 in all-time receiving yards. What more do they want?
Brad R.
Still no LC Greenwood? Yeesh.
For some reason, I am reminded of the ESPN guy who pointed out the other day that Dave Krieg is #11 all-time in passing yards.
‘Hawks prevail 27-10
” the seahawks are a bunch of skinny-half-caf-latte-sippin’ twats.”
Anybody really from Seattle knows that ‘Hawks’ fans ain’t from Seattle. Their from Sumner to Renton with the Snoho contingent weighing in heavy too. Everyone else found the tailgate on the bandwagon was down, so they hopped on board. God bless ’em.
Can I make that a non-fat dolce latte, apogianatto style? :) Jus’ kiddin’. I drink the drip and like it just fine.
Mac Buckets
Congrats to #1, with whom I had the pleasure of tossing the football around once upon a time (my hands hurt for a week — until you catch a pro QB’s stuff, you have no idea how wicked it is). We lived and died with the House of Pain Oilers back then…usually living fat until December, then dying horrific, fiery deaths.
P.S. The Buffalo Choke wasn’t Moon’s fault — it was Jack (Grampa Simpson) Pardee’s. And Givens was interfered with in OT. And Beebe was out-of-bounds. And…dammit.
Mac Buckets
I think it’s a pretty even matchup tomorrow. Most of what Seattle does well (#1 scoring offense in the NFL? Really?) is built on a great running game (12-0 when Alexander rushes for 100, 3-3 when he doesn’t), and Alexander shouldn’t run for that much against Pittsburgh (unless Troy P isn’t healthy or the ‘Hawks O line is even better than I’ve seen so far), so it’ll likely be a little Alexander plus the Hawks passing game against the less-dynamic-but-more-balanced-Steeler’s offense.
Whoever wins the first 40 minutes should win the game, since these defenses are hard to come back on due to the massive pass rushes. I think the better-coached team will win the first half, so I give the edge to Pittsburgh (I think Holmgren has always been overrated). Also, an early turnover could be a killer, and I think Pittsburgh is more likely to force one than to commit one.
Wild Cards: Ford Field in Detroit has Field Turf, the same fake grass as Qwest Field in Seattle, while Pittsburgh plays on Grassmaster (like in Denver, which is one reason I thought they’d win there). All five of Pittsburgh’s losses this year have been on fake grass, but they’re 2-0 on Field Turf.
Maybe Steelers 27 Hawks 24. Maybe in OT?
150,000 people without power in the Seattle area right now after the windstorm. Probably won’t be restored until Mon/Tue. People are bummed.
Otto Man
As a lifelong Chiefs fan who suffered through the Dave Krieg Dark Ages, let me remind you that he also managed to lead the league in just about every negative category, too — fumbles, INTs, etc. And you have to throw deep when you’re behind 35-3 in every game.
Monk, meanwhile, doesn’t have that kind of downside. Plus, he’s a Tecmo Bowl legend!
For those not in Seattle, we’re currently enjoying wind gusts up to 60 mph. I saw a City Light truck at the intersection near my house, fixing and securing traffic lights which had been torqued so they were about 20 degrees off-kilter. And walking back from the store, a gust hit hard enough to shove me up against a lightpole. Fun!
There was one of those wacky traffic lights at NE 75th and 12th NE. It was 90 degrees off angle so it looked like my light was both green and red.
For everyone who wants Steeler links/videos galore here is a link to the ppittsburghlilve. com Steeler message board. It goes to a particular thread that has tons and tons of links to a whole bunch of stuff.
Enjoy. :-)
Art Monk was the NFL’s all-time leading receiver by total catches when he retired. If you needed somebody to make a tough catch in traffic over the middle, he was the MAN – and this was long before the current era of touch-me-not pass interference rules designed to give Peyton Manning a clear path to the Super Bowl.
Art Monk deserves a plaque in Canton.
I think the Steelers win it tomorrow. The hand of God is on that team; no other explanation can account for how they overcame the NFL’s desperate attempt to save it for Peyton. (I don’t call it a conspiracy, because to quote George Will, a conspiracy is secret and the NFL’s Manning Protection Program is about as secret as a steam calliope.)
John Cole
BINGO. Stats aside, he should be in the HoF for that alone.
As an aside, I am curious how many people are going to catch the Maradona reference.
Mac Buckets
Techmo Ronnie Lott can shut him down, and still cover two-thirds of the rest of the field. Speaking of the late, great Techmo…did Brad Muster’s dad program that game? Third and 26…Muster up the middle…first down every time!
There was a great HoG goal by Morten Gamst Pederson of Blackburn Rovers to beat Newcastle last week — it brought back my pain about Maradona’s original HoG that helped knock England out of the 1986 World Cup 2-1 (Maradona’s second goal that game was one of the best in WC history).
Otto Man
Yeah, only a crack-fueled Lawrence Taylor could catch him. That man moved like the Flash.
Amen to that. I’d place Arie Haan’s 1978 goal against Italy — shot from a ridiculous 40 yds out — as a close second.
I can’t believe the draw we got for this year’s World Cup — Czech Rep., Italy and Ghana. Ugh.