Slow monday morning. Big sympathy to New Englanders [and Mid-Atlantic state-ers] who now have to put up with a president they don’t like and six gajillion inches of fresh snow.
What’s up?
by Tim F| 46 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Slow monday morning. Big sympathy to New Englanders [and Mid-Atlantic state-ers] who now have to put up with a president they don’t like and six gajillion inches of fresh snow.
What’s up?
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Gold Star for Robot Boy
Do Bush followers have a political ideology?
No, states a must-read essay.
Jack Roy
I was under the impression we New Yorkers got it worse than New England. Maybe that’s just our habit of thinking nothing matters if it doesn’t happen here, though. Plus, New Englanders get to be excited about their (and my) hometown BEST BASEBALL TEAM EVER starting training camp this week. Whoo!
Jack Roy
Okay, my off-topic was nowhere near as good as GS4RB’s off-topic. Sir, my hat is off to you.
Wow. How miserable your lives must be…
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Not bad for a Monday morning.
Of course, I live in sunny Arizona, where we haven’t seen a drop of rain – let alone snow – in 118 days.
Goldstar – read the essay and it was excellent! I sent it to a “conservative” friend of mine who was full of ideas about restrictions on power, deficits and “wagging the dog” during the 90’s but has found an excuse for every one of Bush’s policies.
On a related note – just watched a German film called Downfall about the last days in Hitler’s bunker in 1945. The material was based on numerous survivors (including his personal secretary) many of whom have just died in the last few years (!). A great movie with some unbelievable scenes. Sadly, the dialogue (adjusted in minor details) could be transplanted to our current situation. Just shows that human nature doesn’t really change. That’s scarey.
What’s up? Well, thanks to my good friend, Lefty O’Blog, this ….
Putting things into perspective like that, I guess things aren’t nearly so bad.
I keep reading that Roberts piece, and trying to stop my jaw from dropping. I knew the situation was bad, but I had no idea it was this bad.
So, a nice little war in Iran, then, to distract the masses from the catastrophe that is their government in the United States?
Darrell, Mac Buckets, anyone?
Joel B.
Blame the folks in Dover, PA.
More Roberts. Reagan administration insider. Washington Times columnist. And now, sounding the alarm: America is in peril.
News flash for intellectual ostriches who want to bury their heads in the sand and talk as if “voting Libertarian” is not only a useful, but even a responsible, thing to do in this day and age: Get your heads out! You are the Nader voters of our time, the fools who decided that standing by the side of the road and “making a statement” was the right thing to do, when the fate of your country hung in the balance on the thread of those precious votes that were wasted for nothing.
Don’t repeat the mistake in 2006 and 2008.
Richard Bottoms
At least Bush doesn’t speak French and act all smart and snooty. Shut up and have a pretzel.
Jim Allen
Meh. We got 18″ and the roads are clear this morning. Schools are all closed for the day. Otherwise, no big deal.
Even a war won’t keep people distracted if they can’t afford basic cable.
That’s the report of the Republican House of Representatives. Not DKos.
This is how your ctastrophe of a government responds to a disaster that it saw coming … for years, and had specific advance warning of … for days.
Imagine how it will respond on the day we hope will not come …. another serious and profound terrorist attack on a city in America?
We are fighting the terrorists “there” so that we can distract you from the fact that we can’t really protect you from them “here.” In fact, we can’t really do much of anything for you.
Hey, how about a nice little war in Iran? After the Olymics are over, I mean.
Blue Neponset
This ain’t South Carolina. We eat a “gajillion inches of fresh snow” for breakfast here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We don’t need no stinkin’ sympathy. /snark
Roberts again.
So you have a badly damaged economy being floated by foreign support, a government that can’t handle a crisis in the Superdome, a crisis it could have prevented in the first place with a little planning and due diligence, a war based on bad intelligence but now used as an applause prop in big speeches ….
Isn’t it about time for a Cindy Sheehan thread?
Another Bush Pioneer demonstrating his “Family Values”
Edmund Dantes
I still don’t get why people buy the excuse from Brownie that “they were too focused on responding to a terrorist attack. This is why they sucked responding to a natural disaster”. I think he even put it in terms of if the levee had been breached by terrorists the response would have been better.
Does anyone else see the problem with that statement? Is the American public that bereft of reasoning skills that they can’t see how the argument doesn’t make any sense?
This is interesting, Andrew Sullivan calling Rumsfeld a murderer:
The brutal murders of some innocent Aghan prisoners in Bagram, Afghanistan, are a horrifying reminder that the abuses at Abu Ghraib were not exceptions, but typical of much detainee-handling in the war on terror; that those committing them believed they were authorized to do so; that inquiries trying to determine who in the command structure was really responsible have been stymied; and that the perpetrators, because they were indeed trying to follow confused or liberalized strictures on prisoner abuse, have largely gotten away with murder. Money quote:
And so you have a direct line from Rumsfeld’s approval of abuse to the murder of two completely innocent men, by having them hung from their wrists and their legs pummeled by a series of American soldiers until the legs were reduced to pulp. The harshest sentence in the Bush military for murdering innocents by this kind of method is five months. The vast majority have received no punishment at all. One soldier who confessed to beating the hanging man was given an honorable discharge. You can judge how seriously this administration takes the abuse of detainees by what they do about it. We just found out – in the clearest possible case..
Well, it makes perfect sense. Brown went up there to do one thing: Reconstruct his image. He fucked the country, he fucked FEMA, and he now has the stones to stand up there and claim that he is the victim.
He’s a failed lawyer, but he’s doing a lawyerly job of putting on a defense for the “heckuva lousy job” he did on your nickel. It was a classic demonstration of the Clarence Thomas strategy. When you are called on being a creepy worthless piece of shit, get mad and fight back. It worked for Thomas. Watch it work for Brown.
I wonder if I’ll finally get to use my new snowshoes.
He’s on fire today, kids. Look out!
Edmund Dantes, I think it makes sense, actually. As has been pointed out, responding to a generic ‘terrorist attack’ is exactly the same as responding to a natural disaster. We have a huge terrorist attack and Congress feels it must respond by pumping up our terrorist response capabilities. But we already have a perfectly good government office that responds to disasters, it’s just not specifically tied to terrorists.
So what do we do? We create a new office which is really just the old one with a new head. Bush staffs the head with incompetents and cronies who don’t have experience running this pre-existing bureaucracy. And the rest is history.
Oh, but I haven’t explained yet. These incompetents were all on vacation when the hurricane hit, and they didn’t realize it was a big deal and didn’t care, because it wasn’t a terrorist attack. If it had been a terrorist attack, they would have done their job.
Bush was in San Diego pimping the Iraq war.
We’d have been better off if he had been on vacation.
MN Politics Guru
Bingo. What’s the difference between a levee that fails due to flooding and a levee that is blown up? What’s the differece between a building that is destroyed by terrorists and an building that is destroyed by an earthquake? Nothing. So how in the world can anybody argue that the terrorist response would be better?
It’s now more than four years since 9/11, and our country’s disaster response has worsened. What would happen if we encountered another attach? We. Are. Screwed.
Ancient Purple
So, Chertoff wants to reform FEMA and one of the first items on his agenda is to hire 1,500 new staff members.
Assuming the average salary is $45,000 a year, that is $65 million just for wages (benefits, etc. would be separate).
One wonders how that is going to be paid for.
Oh, that’s right… time for another tax cut for the wealthiest 1% of Americans.
There’s a tear in my beer…lots of whining here today. I would rather watch 24, than listen to the latest Bash Bush litany from the standard players.
Even a snowstorm is an excuse to blame Bush. I loves it! Carry on, intrepids.
Maybe you could come up with some sort of National Security plan for the Dems to piss all over. I do like the way the “spying” scandal is imploding all over the Democratic party. “Whaaa! Bush is spying on Al Qaeda! We would never do that to the terrorists! It’s too mean.”
The Other Steve
ppGaz – With regards to employment figures. I think it’s a result of extreme underemployment in the economy.
I’ve seen some figures that show the employment rate of teens(16-20) is only around 20%, compared to 50% back in the 1980s. This seems to be an increasing trend.
Also, I know a number of women who have been forced out of the workforce due to low wages and high child care expenses. They can’t afford to work.
However… I will caveat this. I think the increased wealth of many Americans has contributed to this. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. I know many families now who can live off of one income again, which wasn’t the case for many years.
The children not working actually concerns me, but again it’s due to wealth. Why work when daddy will just buy you a car?
Also the debt load of Americans has contributed to this.
Well, Stormy’s certainly cranky today. What’s the matter? Did the GOP forget to leave your tax refund on the nightstand on their way out?
The Disenfranchised Voter
Show me one example in these comments of someone blaming Bush for the snow storm.
Just one.
Check yourself into a mental institute stormy. I’m honestly worried about you.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
On a related note, any explanation for the waaaaay low level of savings by Americans? Never understood that. It’s as if saving, like energy conservation, is unmanly.
Did you read the open thread post with the dig at Bush? Or does its plain language throw you off?
I’m not cranky today, but I see all of you are in fine form this morning.
Me? I am going to watch four hours of Season 4 of 24, then I will watch some Olympics, play with my cats, and read Mad Ship by Robin Hobb.
Snarky commenting will be light, if at all.
Have a good one, BDS sufferers.
Perry Como
Along with the -1.5% savings rate, a rate that is the lowest since 1933. Add to that the $27,000 we each owe thanks to compassionate conservatism.
Keep watching TV Stormy. You’d hate to see what’s really going on in this country.
Richard Bottoms
He was saying if it had been a terrorist attack on the levees the feds would have jumped into action. Could you imagine them not?
So bashing mythical GOP presidents is ok but bashing actual GOP presidents is bad?
Or should Jack torture the president first and then bash him?
The Disenfranchised Voter
HAHAHHAHAHAHA. That is more funny than you even know.
Blue Neponset
I watched season 4 a few weeks ago. It was definately an improvement over season 2. I haven’t watched season 3 because I heard it sucked. (If anyone feels different let me know.) 4 was pretty good though.
Re: Politics
You are a crazy person. No one is saying Bush had anything to do with the snow storm.
Give ppGaz a few minutes, he’s working his way up to it.
Don’t pay too much attention to Stormy. In her world, literacy is for sissy French people.
Well, I think Stormy thought we said “Snow job.”
Kind of odd how both houses of Congress are conducting investigations, every day another Republican comes out publicly saying the administration shouldn’t be doing this, but in Stormyland it’s all blowing up in the Democrats’ face.
In Stormy’s world, Bush = Cobra Commander
Otto Man
Man, that Glenn Greenwald essay was practically written with Stormy in mind. Maybe he lurks here.
Otto Man
In my world, too. The difference is, I think it’s a bad thing.
Although, I have to say that Cheney would really look great as Destro.
As someone state in comments, Greenwald’s post is rendered unnecasary by the picture heading the article he’s responding to.
Alexandra is a nutcase. Wow, thanks Pooh, I’m going to go attempt to scrub my brain with Ajax after reading that trash.