In all honesty if I had a $1 million Ferrari Enzo (read a reviewer drool) you’d probably have to hire a bodyguard to keep me from racing it. That being said, this story is pretty bizarre:
Feb. 22, 2006 — Stefan Eriksson claims he was only a passenger in the million-dollar Ferrari that slammed into a pole and broke in half in Malibu, Calif., on Tuesday morning. But if it turns out he was lying to the police and he was the driver of the car, that may be the least of his troubles.
According to a Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department investigator, Eriksson, 44, is a former Swedish executive in a failed hand-held gaming company. The company, Gizmondo, reportedly lost $225 million last year before filing for bankruptcy.
… Sheriff’s Sgt. Philip Brooks told ABC News that he received a call from the Bank of Scotland claiming that the bank was in the process of repossessing the car and that Eriksson owns a second Ferrari Enzo with a questionable registration.
Eriksson, he said, is still considered the passenger and although he was legally drunk at the time of the accident, he is not in custody.
According to eyewitnesses, the Ferrari was racing a second car, an SLR Mercedes, apparently also owned by Eriksson. The Enzo was traveling about 120 mph when it went airborne and struck the power pole while at least five feet off the ground.
Eriksson walked away with a cut lip. I don’t think that I’ve heard of an active passenger safety system where the front section of the car detaches from the back half, Star Trek-style, in order to save the driver, but I guess it works.
Mr Furious
That is fucking nuts.
Gotta love it–a field where even the abject failures make more money than I ever will.
Mr Furious
The contents of his garage are worth more than most of us will ever make…
Mr Furious
I just read (skimmed) the Automobile article and noticed an interesting thing—Ferrari dictated to the design studio that the car have “no showy wings” for style concerns even thought the other similar Ferrari’s all do… Just watch this clown sue Ferrari—after all the car did become airborne at a relatively low (for a race car) speed…
Just sayin’…
Otto Man
Didn’t I already see this is “Super Troopers”?
I think it’s more a shame that an idiot like this destroyed a car that is essentially a moving work of art. Only 400 of these babies were ever made. Thanks to this moron, there’s only 399 of them now.
The ‘other half’ of the car consists almost entirely of the engine, which probably weighs twice as much as the rest of the car.
Naseem Hamed (a former boxer) did a similar thing to a Mercedes SLR supercar (designed by McLaren) a couple of years ago, but in that case, he t-boned the other car. That one was *only* about a 1/2 million dollar car, but it breaks the car nonetheless.
Police are now estimating the speed at 160!
This happened near where I live, and the locals up there are mentioning speeds upwards of 160, like Tom quoted. The engine pretty much stayed where the crash occured, landing right in the middle of the road. It’s fucking huge! The front half of the car settled a hundred yards or so up the road. The news chopper coverage on that morning’s news was fascinating, just seeing the debris field left by this amazing machine.
I feel sorry for the car. It got destroyed and he walked away with little injury.
Anyone else a fan of “The Royal Tenenbaums”? This reminds me oddly of Buckley being found unharmed in his kennel, several thousand yards from the crash site.
Alright, meow…
I’m a bigger fan of Rushmore.
Maybe I’m spending too much of my time starting up clubs and putting on plays. I should probably be trying harder to score chicks.
Shanghai Flyer
“Only 400 of these babies were ever made. Thanks to this moron, there’s only 399 of them now.”
I think 399 were made (Ferrari likes to make one less than a round number). Also, this is like the third Enzo destroyed. There is a site called where you can see pictures of the other Enzos as well as other makes.
VW CEO Bernd Pischetsrieder totalled a McLaren when he was CEO of BMW. When, a few days later, the head of Daimler got mugged by a hooker in Rome, Pischetsrieder was suddenly king of snark.
That’s what I had read as well, but then I read this in the LA Times:
Correct. 400 Enzos were made (the original production run of 399, plus one for charity), and three have now been wrecked. A fourth was damaged in a street race, with a 17-year-old girl at the wheel, but it has been repaired. So 397 Enzos remain at large.
Angry Engineer
It’s also being reported that this assclown was drunk, with a BAL of 0.09.
Save the racing for the racetracks, retards. If I had enough money to afford an Enzo, I’d be renting out racetracks every week. Actually, on second thought, I’d just buy one.
Dipshit. With the ever-falling cost of horsepower, the last thing any of us car guys needs is some asshat getting himself into a highly-visible wreck because of his inability to control himself and his vehicle.
Lookd like the whole backend was chopped off