What a difference a 24 hours and modern antibiotics make- I feel like a new man. Don’t get me wrong, I still fell like crap, but compared to yesterday, I am not the same person. As I was telling Tim, it makes you think- if this were 1906 or if I was basically a citizen of a non-industrialized country (and let’s face it, not white), I would have been dead today. Instead, I am posting on the internet how I feel better. Pretty neat stuff, if you think about it.
Consider this your open thread for the day.
BTW- Jones Diet Green Apple Soda = tasty ymmy goodness.
glad you’re feeling better.
You know, this may be only thread I can imagine where “Frist post” is an on-topic response.
You know me, always topical.
Bode Miller, dnf his first run in the slalom. What a jackarse.
Jones Soda–another Seattle original.
Feel better, John.
Really on-topic, now: the eldest of the demi-offspring is named after his great-uncle [name witheld] who died as a toddler of complications of strep throat, which was, itself, a complication of a viral infection. The second of the demi-offspring would have died as an infant — of perinatal pneumonia — if it weren’t for modern antibiotics.
So, yes, John, we are lucky to live when we do.
You are only just now figuring that out?
Paddy O'Shea
Fox News: “All-Out Civil War in Iraq: Could it be a Good Thing?”
He’s beyond reprieve now. Had I said it yesterday, he could have proved me wrong today, and we can’t have that…
Jeff Miller
Good Lord, John. What did you have? Was it really that dire?
Glad you’re back on your … er … keyboard.
Jones soda — can I get it in Arizona? I haven’t seen it.
Andrew J. Lazarus
OTOH, yours truly is named after an aunt who died of penicillin shock, back before they were properly prepared. (Now the first time you get penicillin, someone’s standing by with the antidote for allergy.) My number 2 son is penicillin-allergic, but not to the same fatal extent.
Aunt Andrew?
Bruce in Alta California
Ahhh yes, family names.
My father wanted to name me after the ship he served in WWII, the Ambrose Bearse. My mother prevailed. I lost either way.
When my first son was born, I wanted to name him after my then favorite pasttime, Humboldt Red, but once again the mother prevailed.
Really, the naming of offsprings are left better in the hands of the matriarch and papa-smurf can continue to name the family pets.
Since this is an open thread, I want to comment on Sasha Cohen’s silver medal figure skating performance. Thrilled by her performance, I looked up the comments in several papers the next day about her skate to see if they were as thrilled as I was and I was surprised. Most of the sports writers wrote about her medal as if it were a failure and almost ridiculed her because she fell. Pretty much everybody fell at least once so I don’t think of that as a failure really. Instead, I believe they should have commented on the most notable aspects of her performance which was the incredible grace and line, the amazing choreography, the fantastic spins. That was the best choreographed and best performed skating I’ve maybe ever seen. And that is in comparison to most of the others who skated who seemed to neglect the performance aspect. Obviously she did something right to earn a silver medal after her falls, and instead of the commentators acting all snarky, they should recognize what was truly amazing about her performance. Anyway, probably most of you won’t care about skating, but maybe Stormy will catch this.
Glad to hear your feeling better John. I just had sinus surgery a month-and-a-half back and while recovering, thought about the same thing you did: If not for the modern day surgery, would I have been on the slow road to death 100 years ago?
scs, the Worldwide Skating Media (WSM) is objectively pro-Russia. Sorry you have to learn about it this way.
We care deeply about skating. We just don’t care what you said about it.
No offense.
And another thoughts on the Winter Olympics. Are these Olympics really reflective of anything other than the national wealth and proximity to snow of the winners? As a lot of the events are speed and endurance events, does anyone really think if the world had equal wealth, we would be seeing many wins by countries such as Holland and Norway? I don’t believe so. If things were really equal, I believe we would be seeing a lot of sprint speed skating and short track skating being won by Jamaicans, like they do in sprinting, and the long distance skating and biathlons by Kenyans, like they always do in marathons. The Chinese are now coming on strong in the figure skating and skiing freestyle events, just like they have in diving. Really the whole thing now is like affirmative action for Nordics.
I care deeply about what most of you think about my comments on skating. I just don’t care what you think about my comments on skating.
No offense.
And by the way, ppgaz, what is this “we” you’re using. Have you formed a gang on the blog?
Did scs just become Bryant Gumbel?
Hey the man had a point.
Ancient Purple
I am a ppGaz toadie, flunky, lackey, shill, and sycophant.
Well, at least as long as the checks keep coming in.
The Other Steve
Could it be because she’s a Russian Jew? Is anti-semitism becoming rampant amongst Sports writers?
You never heard them talk much about the Israeli Winter Olympics team. I think you might be onto something here.
Marcus Wellby
That’s because the Israeli Winter Olympics team is too busy influencing our foreign policy, and according to some bloggers, forging Danish cartoons and plotting the “next 911”.
Probably, but unfortunately for you, it’s not available in IV bags.
ouch! That was rude, kl!
Jones Soda…a very good time.
Glad you’re feeling better, John. Make sure you finish your course of antibiotics, though. Antibiotic resistance is not a good thing. A friend of mine kept not finishing his antibiotic courses, and was prescribed them way too often in the first place, so it got to the point where they’re so ineffective for him that he had to get an antibiotic shunt put into his heart, because of an infected ingrown toenail.
You’re welcome!
Glad you are feeling better John.
I want to comment on this huge blunder of a war that the little emperor has gotten us into. The situation we face in Iraq was entirely predictable. Everyone that really looked at the situation without rose colored neocon naive glasses on saw what was going to happen. And I am not talking about partisan Dems but
George Bush Sr:
James Baker
Brent Scowcroft:
But why listen to people that actually had experience with an Iraq war.. with Saddam Hussein.. with creating a coalition? Nah… not going to listent to his own father because he talks with a HIGHER father.. yes… the boy emperor gets his advice from the great General in the heavens directly. How sad it is that we have such a complete failure for a president. God (the real God and not Bush’s delusions) help us all..
and then we have Howard Dean, who the right loves to ridicule. What did he say before the invasion? Lets take a lookie see ok?
Yeah, that hysterical, anti-american screamer.. what does he know. He doesn’t talk to GOD like the boy emperor now does he?
That’s between me and my homies.
Perry Como
At least you weren’t sipping the Turkey and Gravy Soda from Jones.
In other news, QotD:
Bob In Pacifica
Flu and antibiotics? Did I miss another diagnosis along the way? Whatever, glad to head you’re getting better.
Come on Perry.
Why isn’t he, like Fox, commenting on the good things coming from this early stage civil war?
Welcome back to the land of the living, John
Glad to hear it, John!
Incidentally, I got a special Jones Soda Valentine’s Day thingy for my (now) fiancée, it was pretty neat. The two bottles in question–Love Potion #6, which tasted to me vaguely like Wonka’s Nerds in liquid form, go figure.
Andrew J. Lazarus
ppGaz: well, our Hebrew names match up better…
Glad to hear you’re feeling better; feeling like crap still, but not feeling as though death might be a holiday.
Keep on taking care of yourself, y’hear? We need you! We need balloon-juice!
Seriously. This is my favorite blog for conversation, John, and it’s precisely because you let things get freewheeling. I like that anyone with an opinion can share it, that there’s no censorship or permanent banning. I like that threads can start out about (say) Dick(head) Cohen’s take on algebra and wind up being an impassioned argument about the relationship between math and music. I like the Friday Beer Blogging (even though I’m not much of a beer drinker). I even like the flame wars, when the warriors are on their A game and the vituperation gets creatively nasty.
This is one of nearest things in blogdom to a bunch of people sitting around a woodstove talking about whatever comes up.
Just want to say thanks, John and Tim. Long may you both wave.
I’m so glad you are on the road to recovery. I had a double dose of the flu and it knocked me on my ass. Hope you are back healthy as the proverbial horse soon.
I’m a hom(mi)ebody….does that count?
That was a great accumulation of information, along with the Howard Dean info. Thanks for the reminder.
I was happy for the Japanese chick who won the gold. It was a true Olympic momment. {sniff} It seems like all sports commentators look down on silver across the entire sports spectrum. I don’t really pay attention to it.
I was really busy this week with work, so I took what I thought was a nap yesterday, and slept for 6 hours. I have no energy. Can you catch crap from the internet, anyway?
What’s with the ricin at UT?! Like all of these stories, I will wait for at least a week before opining on it.
Oh, and I read the episode updates on the first four episodes of 24, then watched the rest of the episodes I had on DVR. I am now caught up, whew!
Amazing Race starts this week!!!!!
ppG — I hear that your crew and my crew are supposed to rumble later today — hot air at five paces, right?
Word up.
{ signs }
Righties best not be all up in my grill ‘les they wan’ us to flex ’em like a skeeza, know I’m sayin’?
Must. Not. Comment.
[keels over]
Perry Como
At least you aren’t flexing them like a skeksis.
Fine wif me.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
I speak Jive!
/Barbara Billingsley
That is the single most beautiful line of the written English word (At least I think it was English…) that I have ever read. For that reason alone, I’m witcha homie.
Dave Ryan
Felt like death all week. Wondering if there was something going around Morgantown, aside from the usual STDs and primal urge for couch burnings?
John and Tim,
What Casey Said.
That is all.
Spoken like a 60-year-old white guy in Phoenix.
Bruce Moomaw
Maybe you ARE a new man, John. Maybe the germs ate your body and replaced it, like in that Ray Bradbury story…
You’re just jealous.
Yeah, but, really, ppG, after that display of pure hot air mastery…at least, that’s what I think it is…my crew jumped into its shell and paddled off.
(That, and FDDD arranged to ask me out to dinner…)
I thought this would be the appropriate place to post this, and I am glad to see that people agree with me! I was glad to see Arakawa win, too. The short program was very impressive. And I wish that the NYT commenters would stop whining about the missed opportunities, even if Cohen and Jacobellis knew that they could have had gold. 25 medals is a very good haul. I think it is envy. Fabris, Klassen, and Arakawa had real glorious Olympic moments, but the Americans had nothing of this caliber except for Belbin and Agosto and Ohno’s 500-m race.
The medal count does depend on proximity to snow. Nordics have traditions of these sports and Jamaicans and Kenyans do not. It is more working with the grain for Jamaicans and Kenyans to go into track and field or some such summer sport.
John, get well for the Pitt-WVU game tomorrow :)
nhl.com displayed class in reporting fully on the Olympic tournament. It is very positive for them, because hockey fans may follow players that they got to know during this time.
Demi, after my gangstaspeak outburst, some kind of brain electrical storm happened and wiped out my memory of the whole conversation. I think it was the use of the word “skeeza” that did it.
Anyway, I’m on the mend today, drinking cocoa and doing the NYT crossword in bed.
Also we are reevaluating our fleet here at the compound and may trade the Mustang for a new Civic Si. It’s complicated. I serve many masters.
Let Stormy know she can come back out now. Everything is alright.
I have to completely agree that Sasha Cohen deserved not a shred of negativity. The only sense in which a silver medal is a loss is if you came in as an overwhelming favorite to blow everyone away.
I think the media is constantly looking for someone to crown as America’s new golden guy or girl, and thus they build up the contenders in breathless anticipation of them becoming the next Bonnie Blair or whoever. It’s not guaranteed to happen. Just enjoy whatever happens for what it’s worth.
The US finished up with a nice medal count, but I wonder how many of those medals came from sports that barely exist outside the US, like all these events that make you think you’re watching the X Games. Kudos to the winners, but it’s a bit like Scotland taking the gold in caber tossing.
Richard Bottoms
Glad you are feeling better.
As I see it, the media is looking for its next meal ticket — someone cute, smart, telegeneic…and as white as his or her teeth. If Cohen had finished up with the gold, we could have counted on seeing her face selling ads for the next few months.
I’ll leave it to people wiser than me to say whether the eventual outcome was better or worse for her…or for us.
Well I was wrong, some of you DO care about skating! Good to know. And Bode Miller is the new James Dean of skiing.
Oh and while we’re on diet food tips, John, I recommend Jello sugar free pudding cups. They are only 60 calories a piece and they fill you up- more than lite yoghurt I think. Even the regular (full sugar) ones are I think 110 calories, so not so bad either. They are good when you have that sweet tooth that won’t go away. So you homies out there, remember -sugar free Jello is the bomb!
Ancient Purple
Since this is an open thread…
On FOX News Sunday, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol said that we haven’t had a serious war effort in Iraq for the past three years.
Tell that to the families of the 2200+ soliders that are dead, Bill.
Okay just saw this in the London Times
Sounds interesting.
That paper is on fire today. Okay, this is hot too!
Perry Como
Principles for thinking about U.S. government corruption
That is just …. stupefying.
This neocon crazy lying sumbitch says this after all this time? He clearly now is more worried about saving his image, if he has one, than about telling the truth about this whole misadventure.
I mean, it’s a jaw dropper that he could say something like today and not be drunk or sobbing like a televangelist who just got caught getting a blow job in his car.
I think that all media and all of blogville should have a day of silence in light of Kristol’s amazing remarks. Seriously, it means that every single word these assholes have said in the last three years has been bullshit.
Bob In Pacifica
When John is fully out of his fever:
this US News and World Report article was written before the current port controversly:
Sounds like the right people to run our ports don’t they?
Ancient Purple
No kidding, ppG. Kristol was trumpting the actions of King George in this mess. Now, his cover is, “Gee, we just weren’t trying hard enough so that’s why things are falling apart.”
How safe, fat and comfortable he must be from behind his desk at the Weekly Standard. If ever there was a bone fide chickenhawk, it is Kristol.
Bill Kristol: Yellow-bellied coward.
You’re just old.
Otto Man
Why? Miller couldn’t make it down the hill either?
Otto Man
Kevin Drum and Digby have the best take on the Kristol Betrayal:
True, but I can’t change that.
On the other hand …….
{ point to ppGaz }
{ aggregate score: ppGaz 35 kl 2 }
Hey, you’re only 33 points behind. Take heart. Another good couple of years, you could pull even.
USA medal count by discipline:
Alpine skiing 2
Bobsled 1
Curling 1
Figure skating 2
Freestyle skiing 1
Ice hockey (women’s bronze) 1
Short-track speed skating 3 (Ohno had a share in each one)
Snowboard 6
Long-track speed skating 7
The snowboard and women’s hockey can be said to be sports we own. During the women’s final, the announcers commented how many players from every country had played college hockey in the USA.
7 snowboard. Forgot one.
Okay, so you’ve had way more prostate exams.
Of course. I have way more prostates.
You misspelled “polyps.”
The Other Steve
scs – Princess Diana was killed by the Queen. I have this on good authority from a Dutchman I met in London.
kl – Maybe you should compare roids.
kl wins, hands down.
The Other Steve
I would have to agree, and if the Democrats had any balls they would be saying that. The goal right now should be to ensure that the ideology of neoconservatism is dead, dead, dead, dead.
Then of course the only Democrats they have on TV any more is Biden and Lieberman, neither of which have any balls. So maybe I’m asking too much.
Narnia Nerd
I wonder the same things sometimes, how many times have I survived sickenesses that would have killed me a hundred years ago?
DINOs. Like McCain, those two would gladly kiss the ass of Satan himself if it brought them power.
Bob In Pacifica
Prostate exams? If you haven’t had the full color camera tour of your large intestines, you haven’t experienced the ultimate trip. Every five years I have to go through it. My mom had intestinal cancer so I’ve got to get it every five years. I guess I’ve reached the age anyway. The worst part is the process of “vacating” oneself the night before. After all that, the friendly crew taking a video tour of the land beyond your asshole is nothing. It’s all squishy and pink up there, like a meeting of the Young Republicans.
We were talking about prostate exams, right? You know that Irish whiskey goes right to my head.
The Other Steve,
How does that work exactly–darn liberal media!
Incidentally, I saw Meet The Press today, it had zero Democrats on the show, zero Independents on, zero non-partisans, zero ‘experts’, zero journalists… just four Republicans spinning like tops! (counting Russert, of course)
The Other Steve
Ever since Russert took over Meet the Press, it’s gone downhill.
Sadly, same is true for Snuffalupagus on ‘This Week’. That man couldn’t even shine David Brinkley’s shoes.
Glad you’re doing better.
I think the Olympics, especially the figure skating news, is just the Bush Regime’s way of trying to deflect the press from their constant scandal.
Bob In Pacifica
It’s raining here today. Even the dog doesn’t want to go out to the backyard to pee.
You don’t own it. We just let you borrow it occasionally. That’s the kind of nice neighbours we are.
I simply had to preserve this classic from one of the co-authors at GOP4Me’s blog:
I think the gist is that, if you don’t agree that civil war in Iraq is a good thing, you must be objectively pro-slavery.
If you thought “more attacks by insurgents means they are increasingly desperate” was a bad argument, you may have trouble finding words to describe the argument that civil war is a positive development. But somehow, there are large numbers of people, right here in our own country, who believe this stuff.
I swear that DougJ has taken over Townhall.com when I read the comments attached to Ben Shapiro’s latest “repeal the Constitution” whine-fest.
I have no idea why the link didn’t work before, but here it is.
This is the kind of neighbors we are. Don’t stir the pot!
That would be hilarious if it weren’t so very sad. Incidentally I saw at least one spoof comment early on–I could tell due to the superior quality and keen self-awareness of its own nonsensicality through sarcasm. And, of course, two people replied who didn’t get the joke, one for and one against.
My personal (early) favorite:
You heard it there first: Gore lied, people died!
Steve- you do realize I was talking about women’s hockey, right? Otherwise, those are some of the fugliest women I’ve ever seen…
Pb (Lead): I read that one too, that was about the time I had to stop reading or my mouse was going to get crushed.
I’m not really sure whether to laugh or cry at their pathetic attempts to appear patriotic through minimal intellectual discussion, their virtual muscle flexing is as pathetic as the scents of cheeto stained fingers.
And worse, of course Gore was just relaying ‘facts’ that he heard ‘reported’ in the ‘news’–that is to say, transmissions of confirmed and verifiable information through media and other outlets–concepts that are apparently far beyond townhall.com’s regular readers and columnists.
Either that, or this is yet another front in the Republican jihad on liberal facts.
What the hell, if you can’t beat em, join ’em.
Next up on the list of seditious traitors to America: Jerome R. Corsi! Famed for his role in smearing and belittling a decorated Vietnam veteran (who was also a sitting Senator and Presidential candidate), he continues his long line of seditious treason by penning a column entitled “Why Iran is Likely to Win” for an allegedly conservative publication, which both praises Iran for their strategic brilliance–thus aiding and abetting the enemy–and simultaneously belittles Our President(tm), even going so far as to say that his decisions have put us on “a self-destruct mission”!
Ben Shapiro, I call on you, please excorciate Jerome R. Corsi now for his crimes against America and/or partisan Republicanism!
Krista: My point is, if you continue making the origins of hockey a bone of contention, we will have to keep stealing more of your teams until you relent.
My friends in Winnipeg probably would have picked up on the veiled threat more readily. :)
Wait just a minute. I consider my yellow-smudged keyboard caps a badge of honor!
Cheese puffs at forty paces!
Yeah, see I wasn’t talking about the origins. I must have misunderstood you. I thought you were talking about who currently dominates women’s hockey…which would be us.
As far as stealing the NHL teams goes, well…we’re already used to our players heading south, so I suppose it was really only a matter of time.
I’ll see your cheese puff and raise you a cheese log!
Like your governments, and your health plan, and your neighbors on the south…
Perry Como
Dogs do calc, but musicians don’t.
Re Sasha Cohen:
As Elvis Stojko pointed out on the CBC last week, if you fall on your ass, you don’t deserve a gold medal.
1) Did you mean, Dougs do calc?
2) I’ve seen a horse count to three, but I’ve never seen one count to three while playing the tuba.
Falling on your ass is no obstacle to getting a Medal of Freedom however.
Sigh…cheese. My kryptonite.
Alright, enough is enough. It’s time to cut the cheese.
That’s OK — I’ve never seen a human tubaist count to three while palying the tuba, either.
Usually, it’s “oom-pah pah”.
Not the math/music discussion again!
Godel, Escher, Bach.
If you can read it, my hat is off to you sir, for your brain is bigger than mine.
But it explores the “strange loops” that all three used in their works. Quite interesting and quite dull all at the same time. Bach’s circular Canons are quite interesting to the math world, though.
Yes, and what is more fun than sitting around with a bunch of math-heads and talking …… math!
I mean, it’s better than sex. Okay, well, better than sex with yourself as the partner. Okay, well, a lot of the time. Mostly.
Okay, well not exactly better, but cleaner.
Okay, maybe not cleaner, but ….