I missed this too– the FEC has decided to protect fully and completely political bloggers:
I am pleased that it appears we have a consensus today and will establish several important protections for online political speech. This has been a very difficult rulemaking on multiple levels. However, if the Commission adopts the proposed final rules before it today, I think a number of positive things will be accomplished.
First, the proposed rules totally exempt individuals who engage in political activity on the Internet from the restrictions of the campaign finance laws.
Huzzah, and thanks to Mike Krempasky and the folks at the DKos who worked to make this happen.
Yeah, you’re missing alot these days Cole. Like logic, reason, etc.
But you’re a helluva stunt driver. Cleared that pit of makos by at least a body length.
Pretty amazing–a *real* bi-partisan issue!
The language in the act that requires political bloggers to use their amazing blogging powers only for good and not evil is a bit fuzzy, but otherwise it was a solid bipartisan effort.
Good, now we need more tits on TV.
With great power comes great responsibility.
Or, you know, not.
The Other Steve
Oh this is a riot… GOP guy running for Cunninghams vacated seat has a picture on his website claiming it is from his trip to downtown Baghdad.
Only problem is. It looks like a picture from a city in Turkey.
Guys at dKos and DU have been played Find Waldo, and have noted all the signs are in Turkish, and even the taxi cab, pay toilet, and planters appear like ones in Turkey.
Sorry to interupt the cheering about FEC ruling. :-)
No – that is a real bi-partisan issue
Al Maviva
OCSteve, I think you meant to say it’s a real bi-partisan issue.
Al Maviva, I think you meant to say it’s a real bi-partisan issue.
I think it would only serve to lift and separate the two sides of the debate, though.
don’t you mean bi-partitsan?
don surber
Krempansky and Kos are on the FEC? I did not know that. Thanks for the information, John Cole.
Ancient Purple
This thread is rather titillating.
It keeps you abreast of everything going on.
But, sometimes, people milk it for all they can.
Others only give you the cream of the crop in the discussion.
Could be cheesy to some; like butter to others.
The Other Steve
I prefer my cream whipped.
Mr Furious
Other Steve-
Followed your link on the Congressman/lying sack and ran with it. Since you need to see the photos, go check out my post.
Ancient Purple
I think that goes without saying.
The Other Steve
Mr. Furious – Oh, nice find on that other post with the picture from Istanbul.
What’d that take? Like 14 hours from first news to identifying the location. That’s amazing! The Blogosphere can be an amazing tool.
Looks like the offending website has been taken down, or at least it’s overloaded. Not responding.
The Other Steve
Oh, wait. I’m sorry. Apparently I just got word from the tiny gremlins in my mind that by identifying this picture as not being from Baghdad, we were inadvertently calling this man a liar.
Being a liar is a harsh crime, punishable by impeachment. One shouldn’t use the term loosely in mixed company.
So I wish to apologize for any implication that the guy is a liar.
He simply used the best intelligence he had available at the time in identifying this picture as being from his trip to Baghdad.
Don, please stop making DougJ look stupid.
Being a Democrat is a harsh crime, punishable by impeachment. Being a liar is just fine, so long as the terrorists can hear you.
The Other Steve,
Heck, he even named the photo “DowntownBaghdad.JPG” — it doesn’t get more blatant than that. And the webmaster defense doesn’t fly with me–does no one in his campaign even look at their own website, to say nothing of vetting it for potentially embarrassing gaffes, or taking some personal responsibility for said gaffes when they invariably occur? And this after ridiculing *the media* for getting things wrong?
However, it doesn’t surprise me if they said “pick the best looking picture from our trip to show that Baghdad is a bustling, enlightened city” — that the picture picked wouldn’t even be in Baghdad! :)
Thank god that Red State and Daily Kos were able to join together and work to prevent an attack on free speech.
To bad the John Cole’s of the right were to lazy to lift a freakin finger to help eh?
Oh fuck off Dave.
Richard 23
Where’s the ‘moretitsontv.jpg’s? I need to see the uninhibited investigation of this important issue.
We need more of the good news about tits on tv.
A few years ago several collages posted speech codes that said students could,nt use certian words that might be insenitive or offend minorities however courts struck them down as unconstitutional