Abramoff gets the minimum:
Jack A. Abramoff, the once-powerful Republican lobbyist at the center of a major corruption scandal, was sentenced Wednesday to five years and 10 months in prison for his role in the fraudulent purchase of a fleet of casino cruise ships. An associate received the same sentence.
I would be willing to bet the usual suspects are furious he did not get the death penalty (I haven’t checked yet, but I can almost hear the chants of “IOIYAR” and “He got off easy!”), but I am willing to bet this sentence reflects a degree of cooperation in future prosecutions that will probably pay greater political dividends for our friends on the left and will more than outweigh the sheer satisfaction they might have gained by watching Abramoff go to jail for a longer period of time.
By the Abu Gonzales justice department….
Hey, that’s wishful thinking.
One might wonder why everyone wouldn’t gain some satisfaction in a long jail sentence for defrauding Americans and basically assisting the GOP in making a mockery of our legislative system.
But the John Cole’s of the world? Apparantly not so much..
The Other Steve
Was the Death Penalty really available in this case?
I mean he didn’t kill anybody. Ok, so maybe he put a hit on the previous owner of the casino, but it wasn’t like it was a mass murder rampage or anything.
Abramoff is, in the end, a corrupt stooge of far greater powers. We want the ones who helped design the system, who formulated the K Street Project and created the culture of corruption that chokes Capitol Hill to this day. DeLay’s scalp hanging from a saddlehorn would be a terrific way to start.
Good to see the John Coles of the right defending the Jack Abramoffs of the right.
Six years is not a slap on the wrist.
For defrauding a business for over 60 million bucks?
I’d agree. It’s more like a tap on the pinky.
Richard Bottoms
Must be that hyperbole button getting stuck in the “on” position again.
I am sure John will have readilly available quotes that would support that slap in our direction.
Meanwhile, I’d be satisfied seeing the fat in Karl Rove’s wrists overflowing a pair of handcufss.
It’s not like he sold crack or anything.
I’m sure the many girlfriends serving life sentences for stupidly helping their boyfriends move a little coke can sympathize.
I especially like the part where the boyfriend gets a lighter senetence, because being the actual crook he has names to trade, while blondie gets 30 years.
If you know anyone who’s been in prison, you’ll know 5 years and 10 months is a long time. Think about the last five years and 10 months of your life.
Six years is not a slap on the wrist.
I know someone whose son received a seven year sentence in a Florida state court for “grand theft”. He had written hot checks for a little over $5,000.
He was placed on probation for five years and when, after two and half years, he violated by testing positive for marijuana, he was sentenced to seven years in prison. He had paid back all but $1,300 while on probation. Now that is not a slap on the wrist. $60,000,000?
Any time in a real prison is a long time although my guess is that King Rat will do just fine wherever.
I don’t mind the reduced sentence in exchange for taking out a whole bunch of Republicans.
Besides, isn’t he facing even more charges?
Jim Anchower
I would be willing to bet the usual suspects are furious he did not get the death penalty (I haven’t checked yet, but I can almost hear the chants of “IOIYAR” and “He got off easy!”)
I don’t think the “usual suspects” really care how long Abramoff gets – they just want to make sure he spills the beans on the real crooks that matter to them – the DeLay’s and the Bush’s.
Anyway, this is just the first of Abramoff’s sentences. As long as they’re not concurrent the sleaze should spend about a decade in prison thinking about the bad things he did.
You really appear to stumbling around the last few weeks, taking some wild swings (for you) and just spouting nonsense at times. You used to be more under control. That the new “Sheehan” in your life is (the gorgeous) Jane Hamsher is not surprising. You could see this start up right about the same time you started posting punch-drunk.
Whatever it is, get it out of your system. You’re the reasonable Republican I turn to figure out what the other side is thinking.
I would be willing to bet the usual suspects are furious he did not get the death penalty
Actually, I would bet that most liberal Democrats (including this one) will be pleased with the sentence….
but I am willing to bet this sentence reflects a degree of cooperation in future prosecutions that will probably pay greater political dividends for our friends on the left
….because most of us probably are smart enough to make the above observation, despite John’s apparent opinion of the intelligence of liberals.
The Left
Insufficient! Bring me his head, so that I can manipulate it like a cranial puppet to extract confessions against my most godly of archenemies, Tom DeLay!
Richard Bottoms
Yes, but the rich can buy better justice. The way of the world.
“Why do some people always seem to pick the black marble?”
— Itchy Mitch, The Black Marble
Actually, I haven’t seen too much on Abramoff at all. No screaming at Kos, no yelling at Atrios. In fact, I found out about it at yahoo.com news.
if Abramoff truly co-operates with the investigation into GOP corruption and the whole K-Street Project thing, then six years is okay.
But that means having Ben Domenech’s Daddy frog marched out of the white house along with Karl Rove…..
hey, just because Duncan Black and Markos aren’t screaming, doesn’t mean that the Duncan Blacks of the world, and the Markoses of the world, aren’t screaming….
Vladi G
It’s typical of the Paul Lukasiaks of the left to accuse the Duncan Blacks of the left and the Markos Moulitsaseses of the left of screaming for the head of Abramoff even though the John Coles of the right of center have done no such thing, which lies in stark contrast to what the John Cole of the right of center has done in this post (or rather, what the Vladi G of the left has inferred from the post of the John Cole of the right of center’s post, regardles of what the John Cole of the the Left of the left has flown off the handle against and called for the blood of the patriot Jack Ambramoff, even though the Lefts of the left have done no such thing. Is this what passes as bloodlust by the Left? It’s kind of sad to see the Left resort to such tactics. The Left seems to be overcome by bitternesss and anger, even though the lefts of the left seem to be taking this all in stride.
By the way, its “IOKIYAR”. It’s typical of the John Cole of the right of center to leave the K out of acronyms, even thought the John Coles of the right of center usually get that right.
I wonder what the Jane Hamshers of the left think? Although, quite frankly I couldn’t care less what the actual Jane Hamsher thinks.
Whoa. Sucker bet. Clearly a loss leader and we can and should clean John out while the offer is good. There might be a few liberal bloggers who are irked by this, but I think pretty much everybody who’s paying attention understands a) that there’s cooperation involved, and b) that there’s gonna be more like this. The fat lady ain’t even warming up yet.
Also what Davebo and Pug said. Sure six years is a long stretch in absolute terms, but in relative terms? This is an attaboy, a pat on the head, and a whole handful of biscuits, so I think it’s safe to assume that (so far) Abramoff is rolling over, playing dead, and shaking hands.
paul, you awful meanie you. I swear, the far left is so vituperative and vengeful all the time… and no sense of humour either…
Vladi G
It’s also typical of the John Cole of the right of center to fail to point out that Abramoff is still facing federal indictment on separate charges.
So no death penalty yet, but it looks like there’s still hope for the Left.
The Vladi Gs of the world are my god right now, though I take no position on the
Ohion State UniversityVladi G’s actual divinity.Paul Wartenberg
Casino Jack still hasn’t received his punishments for other crimes he’s plead to, btw, so there’s more than that 5 yrs. still waiting for him…
The wait now is to see about what evidence/testimony Abramoff will provide regarding the bribery/quid pro quos he’d been pulling with congress and the white house for the past 5-10 years.
One thing that’s bothering me though: Jack’s claiming he’s broke? What happened, did someone run off with his Swiss bank account numbers…?
Richard Bottoms
The Vladi G’s of the left shouldn’t poke fun at the John Coles of the right of center, or the John Coles of the right.
Those tactics are strictly for the Ann Coulters of the right and the actual Ann Coulters, and the Ann Coulter wannabes of the uhhhh, further right.
I think.
I wonder if the Jack Abramoffs of the Right ever met with the Mohammed Attas of the right in the Sun Cruz of the Floridas? (I think it’s fair to put Atta on the right—the value system of the Islamic fundamentalists has much in common with the conservative republican’s. Just as any of the Grover Norquists of the Right)
I think the Vladi’s of the left are going to keep up their response to the John Coles of the right (in this cae, which includes John Cole) who make sweeping general statements that are specifically not applicable to the person being referenced.
Has anyone invented a new blogterm for this? You know, like Glennuendo? If not, suggestions:
1) Cole’s Law (drat, there already is one)
2) Colellary/Colellarism
Richard Bottoms
SRV—how about “juicing the balloon?”
On a actually serious note, this scandal is so just starting to unfold. Abramoff pleaded out, and undoubtedly squealed on the Republicans he is guilty of bribing.
What’s interesting about the recent spate of Republican scandals is that because they are investigating actual crimes, they actually result in actual indictments and convictions.
Unlike, for example, Whitewater.
Yeah, it’s a shame Abramhoff got off for fraud like that when black kids get sent to prison for longer for B&E or selling a little crack or weed.
What a fucked up world we live in.
Richard Bottoms
Colerectal Dysfunction?
The Other Steve
Wonkette has some news about Domenech. Apparently he was also fired from Regenery, and one of the people he pissed off over there was fruitloop Malkin. Which explains how she turned on him so quickly.
It’s fun watching them eat their own young.
The John Coles of the Right would be happy to learn that the Kids on the Left couldn’t care less what the Jacks of the Pokey were sentenced to, as Those on the Left only care about what major Republicans on the Right he brings down with him.
Shorter–Jack off lightly so Elephants can spend time in the hole.
mis-Cole-munication ?
John Cole
My goodness. I was just being snarky. Lighten up, everyone.
Mr Furious
He has yet to be sentenced in his D.C. trial. He stands to get up to another 11 years for those charges. Chances are they will be concurrent. Even today’s sentence can be re-opened to reflect cooperation in other matters. So this isn’t set in stone yet. Get back to me in five years and tell me if he’s still in prison. If not it better be because he sent a bunch of others up in his stead.
The fact that they gave him the minimum thusfar tells me he is squealing…
That is, chopped cabbage and mayonnaise??
You must be invited to some very unusual parties.
I think we get it, I just don’t think the leftie Balloon Juicers of the left are particularly funny today. Except if Krista wants to start swearing again. That’s always funny.
And the right answer is “misColeculation”
It’s almost Pavlovian at this point.
Vladi G
The Vladi Gs of the left take issue with that. In fact, they’re quite offended. The actual Vladi G of the left doesn’t really care what you think anyway, though.
The Poohs of the Pooh pooh-pooh the objections of both the actual and hypothetical Vladi G’s.
Pooh – Always Pooping on a Parade.
The Kristas of the north think that we’re all a bunch of idiots. But the actual Krista of the north loves you all anyway…but she’s a big sap.
Why does this phrase make me (the Pooh of the Pooh McPoohbear) think of thousands of sweet little Agent Smiths running around saying things like “Brutal, eh?”
I have no idea. Your twisted little mind works in mysterious ways.
Some people say it works not at all. Hold me.
LOL. You can always dream…
I was speaking to the Kristas if the north, not you.
Duly noted. (And well met, sir!)
The radishes of the underground left (normally a wild and unruly bunch) are unified in support of “Cole-lective punishment” and plan to use it whether anyone else likes it or not (unless of course somebody else thought of it first). Who do we have to screw to get this listed in the OED?
Speaking of Abramoff, I’ve got to say, watching Heist has been quite enjoyable so far. I thought it was just going to be a cheap Ocean’s Eleven rip-off, but it’s actually very funny…
Tobin Maker
Wow…I just checked Atrios, and Roger Ailes, who both rate a “shrill” on the Cole-ometer. Not a single complaint about the leniency or otherwise of Abramoff’s sentence.
Kind of makes Cole look like a whiny limp dick who attacks strawmen, doesn’t it?
Tobin Maker
Well, well, well…Not even a complaint about Abramoff’s sentence from THE Jane Hamsher of the left over at Firedoglake.
I hope someone took John Cole’s bet. I also hope he can eat shit as well as he posts it.
Bob In Pacifica
This is what I wonder: Kidan payed Tony “Big Tony” Mosciatello to do “catering,” which Big Tony confused with shooting Gus Boulis over the souring SunCruz deal. Since Kidan and Abramoff were partners in SunCruz, does this mean that the prosecutors have resolved that little issue? Sounds like it to me, in which case Abramoff has gotten a pretty good deal, considering.
Oh, and did everyone miss this:
SunCruz Casinos turns over documents in terrorist probe
TAMPA, Fla. – SunCruz Casinos has turned over photographs and other documents to FBI investigators after employees said they recognized some of the men suspected in the terrorist attacks as customers.
Michael Hlavsa, chairman of the gambling cruise company, said Wednesday two or three men linked to the Sept. 11 hijackings may have been customers on a ship that sailed from Madeira Beach on Florida’s gulf coast.
9/26/01 By VICKIE CHACHERE Associated Press Writer and Florida Times-Union
More on the devout Muslim 9/11 hijackers and their love of gambling, wild blondes and drinking here: http://www.casinowatch.org/terrorists/terrorists_at_casinos.html
Considering you can rape 6 years olds in this country and only get 60 days, which seems to be an okay sentence with liberals, I’m not sure he made out that well.
I don’t think anyone on the big bad ‘left’ cares what happens to Jack, we would be willing to let him off with community service, we want the bribers in jail.
A “Liberal” conversation:
Liberal 1: How about that new sentencing structure for child molesters?
Liberal 2: Pretty sweet. Short sentences means more time to stand in that public assistance line.
Liberal 1: Down with oppressive laws and the men who enforce them!
Liberal 2: Yeah! Are you finished with that pastry?…
scs: What are you two doing sitting on the sidewalk, eating pastries? Why aren’t you out trying to make something of yourselves? Why must you defame our “dear leader” as such? You guys must ascribe to the culture of death.
Liberal 1: shut up idiot!
scs: Why are you so hateful? Are you stalking me? John, will you get these people away from me? You guys are the type that go home and torture your wives, like on “Dark heart, Iron Hand” aren’t you? Gollee…. I just don’t understand the left anymore. Aren’t I precious?
Finally! The real scs is back.
That cheesy DougJ imitation was getting a little boooo-ring.
I would realy like to see BILL CLINTON and his entire cabnet in the big house like SING SING or PELICAN BAY or ATTICA
The least they could do is offer me some. No wonder I hate libruls.
Oh and don’t diss on “Dark heart, Iron Hand”, it helps us all understand the human race better.
BIRDZILLA is a frigging genius.
Bruce Moomaw
I certainly don’t want Abramoff dead. Canaries are always more attractive when they’re singing than when they’re stuffed.
Its funny to watch you libbies get all juiced up for this, and even funnier knowing how much you are already in the process of being let down (apparently without knowing it). Tom DeLay was given a clean slate from Abramoff already, Karl Rove is not going to be indicted for jack sh*t, and Libby is going to walk. A clusterhump of Donktards is tied up with Abramoff as well. Corruption knows no political allegiance.
Meanwhile, no comment from the collective left-wing hivemind on Bob McDermont’s conviction for the illegal taping and leaking of a tape of his political opoonents to the NYT, or Chuck Schumer’s aide Mr. Weiner illegally accessing the credit card info of Lt Gov Steele in MD, or of Harry Reid’s deep pockets lined iwth Abramoff contributions. Get off your high jackasses, jackasses.
Remember when you started congratulating and jackin each other off concerning your inevitible victory as early as the summer before the 2004 election? What happened?
Yeah. We’re shaking in our right-wing boots.
Bruce Moomaw
Of course, as was pointed out by the press at the time, McDermott’s tape of Boehner revealed Boehner lying through his teeth in his statement to the press about his activities at that meeting. We now have a story from Steve Clemons that Karl Rove is avoiding indictment in the Libby affair precisely because he’s squealing to the prosecutor on the activities of Libby and Cheney himself — which is certainly as plausible as your statement (based entirely on a Robert Novak column) that Abramoff isn’t implicating DeLay. The official survey of Abramoff’s contributions ahve shown that he gave 64% of them to the GOP — and 79% of all his contributions over $10,000 to individual politicians went to republicans. (For contributions over $20,000, the figure is 81%.) And the studies of Harry Reid have shown little evidence that he took much in the way of Abramoff contributions.
Still, if it makes you feel better to make premature predictions on bad evidence while hyperventilating hysterically, feel free. That’s what blogging is usually all about, after all.
Maybe I’m not as hip as I used to be, but is that what the kids are syaing now?
Bruce Moomaw
Only the mental kids.