A reporter recently asked Harry Reid about moderate Republicans (US News & W.R., via):
Sen. Harry Reid, the Democratic leader, makes no bones about disliking most of his GOP colleagues. “Republicans in the Senate,” he says, “do not represent mainstream Republicans in this country. Mainstream Republicans in this country are more moderate and more thoughtful than the people I work with who are in the majority in the Senate.” Ouch.
Well, of the 55 GOP-ers, he’s gotta like a few, right? “Someone asked me the other day,” he says, “‘Who are the moderate Republicans?’ Hmm. Well, you’ve got Lincoln Chafee [of Rhode Island], sometimes the two senators from Maine [Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins], and Arlen Specter [of Pennsylvania] whenever you don’t need him. That’s it.” Double ouch.
No shit, Harry.
Arlen Specter, 4/5/05:
During my stewardship here, I’m going to put everybody under oath when we have testimony, as we do on confirmation hearings.
Arlen Specter, 2/7/06:
Specter grew irritated. “The reason I’m not going to swear him in is not up to him. Attorney General Gonzales is not the chairman. I am.”
Arlen Specter, 3/28/06:
Before you begin your testimony, it is our practice to swear in witnesses, so I’d ask you all to rise.
Of course Committee chairs make more important decisions than whether to swear in a witness. But in general Reid has it right – you can count on Arlen Specter to stand on principle, until it matters.
And props to Voinovich for his split-second of sanity during the Bolton confirmation hearings. “Should we have an arrogant, incompetent asshole representing the US at the UN? I’m not sure if that’s a good idea…” Hey, it was a start.
Wow. Reid for President!
It’s great that Reid has taken in interest in the Republican party, but where’s his solution to the problem? Why can’t the Democrats come up with a sensible plan to curb Republican extremism in the Senate?
D. Mason
He should really spend this effort on examining whats gone wrong within his own party.
John S.
Perhaps he is taking a cue from the Republican leadership that prefers to critique the Democrats rather than examine the failures within their own party.
When in New Rome…
Reid just complains about the Republican control of Congress. Bill Frist has a plan to end it.
The Other Steve
Which goes to the Democratic campaign plan for 2006.
“Had enough yet?”
D. Mason
John S. I see your point but theres part of the equation that you’re not looking at. Demonizing and attacking the Democrats is the only thing the Republicans are actually doing well. If they were to stop doing that to *gasp* examine their own massive failures… Well aside from taking several lifetimes of tireless labor, that would be political suicide.
Who cares? Reid is pointing out the obvious, that the ‘republicans’ in power aren’t real republican, they’re neo-con zealots. Doesn’t matter at all. So long as they can make any issue a dem vs repub issue they will continue to get the vote of the republican citizens. Reid just made it even easier.
John S.
I agree D. Mason, and sadly, the Democrats once again are unable to follow suit. Once – just ONCE – in my life, I would like to see the Democrats mount a successful offensive against the Republicans and their policies.
Thankfully I am young, so they have plenty of opportunities left in my lifetime.
Mr Furious
Statements like that from Reid, come with a two-day waiting period. If by Wednesday, he hasn’t retracted or apologized, THEN I’ll hear it.
Well holy Jesus. Arlen Specter changed his mind. It’s a goddam conspiracy. Next thing you know they’ll be rounding up democrats for processing.
Bob In Pacifica
Five words for Arlen Specter…
Back and to the left.