You won’t have Tim F. to kick around for most of the day. Break the scoops that I can’t.
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by Tim F| 76 Comments
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You won’t have Tim F. to kick around for most of the day. Break the scoops that I can’t.
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I just listened to a news break-in on NPR (9am Pacific), that Scooter Libby has implicated W. Bush in the Plame leak. They had no more info beyond that. Stay tuned…..
Wow… I figured that had to be snark on your part or something.
Paddy O'Shea
Brian: Bloomberg and MSNBC are out with confirmations.
Here’s the Bloomie link:
Paddy O'Shea
Wonder if Fitz has turned Libby… My my my this is getting good!
Bet ‘cha there will be a hue and a cry on the loon sites today. What do you think they’ll say about the Libster?
1) Slept with Fidel Castro?
2) Secretly met with Bill and Hillary during last year’s Renaissance Weekend?
3) Eats quiche and bowls duck pins?
4) Hates President Bush because he was passed over for the top job at the CIA?
5) Hates Jesus.
This is big, even for little ol’ conservative me. I’ll pass along info as I hear/see it.
“They told me it was a manly omelette, and I bowled overhand–manly style!”
Tom Maguire’s take on it. (Disclosure: he tends to be pro-Bush on this subject.)
Laugh while you can, moonbats – this is just part of a sting operation aimed at Joe Wilson. Fitzie is just softening him up, getting him to let down his guard. A few months from now when Wilson the Liar is frogmarched into prison, I doubt any of you kooks will be laughing.
Paddy O'Shea
This brand spanking new AP article contains an interesting twist. Could the two biggest rats on ship soon be at each others throats? Are they already? Will Bush’s defense be that Cheney lied?
“Before his indictment, I. Lewis Libby testified to the grand jury investigating the Valerie Plame leak that Cheney told him to pass on the information and that it was Bush who authorized the leak, the court papers say.”
Hey, yo tBone! You’re looking particularly well done today!
Joe Wilson is the one who will be “well done” by the time this is over, with a big side order of Valerie “Look at Me, I’m a CIA Agent!” Plame. Maybe they can share a cell with Cynthia McKinney.
He’s in rare form!
Can we get back to the meat of this discussion, please?
This really goes not to the Plame leak, but to the BushLied issue, which everyone knows has been conclusively disproven many times, so it’s hardly worth talking about any longer.
Well get it over with and steak your claim already; *I* already linked to Raw Story.
Paddy O'Shea
That’s one really good thing about tBone, he can really take a ribbing.
I’m sorry, I just can’t bear to link with Protein Wisdom. I mean, that’s not exactly A-1 material over there, ya know?
Paddy O'Shea
This is interesting.
Two things:
tbone has really marrowed down the discussion here, and …
When will we talk about Steaks on a Plame?
Make your jokes, I don’t care. You’re all just mad that Fitz is getting ready to stick a fork in your “Plame was c-c-c-covert!” fantasy.
This whole “scandal” is about to go up in smoke.
Paddy O'Shea
You mean like smoked ham?
Wow. You win with this one. Outstanding work, good sir.
The Other Steve
McKinney has apologized.
Thank god. The Long National Crisis of egos is now over.
You guys are just delighted with yourselves right now, aren’t you?
Paddy O'Shea
Krista: Not necessarily. It got to be a bit of a scrapple.
I say it’s time to put a steak through its heart
Yeah, it was a real roasting. I wish these guys would quit raking me over the coals.
You know what the real McKinney story is, don’t you? She’d put on a trench coat, changed her hair, and removed her badge so that the CIA could say *she* was covert, too.
Paddy O'Shea
tBone: There you go again, making ridiculous claims and not backing them up with links.
Put your money where your mouth is, Boner.
I’ve got $100 that says more indictments are coming.
hee hee…
I’m not taking that bet. There are more indictments coming, all right – indictments of the real criminals in this affair, namely Wilson and his super-duper double-secret “spy” of a wife.
So I was watching some Star Trek (Gulf War I era, apparently), and it seemed far too topical:
Read the whole thing, there’s more where that came from. Chilling.
Well, now that we’ve worn the punning down to the gristle, here’s a story that’s fun for everyone:
The Bush administration Wednesday unveiled a blueprint for rebuilding the nation’s decrepit nuclear weapons complex, including restoration of a large-scale bomb manufacturing capacity. More nukes! Woo! Now who’s the tough guy, dad? Living on the west coast, I can’t wait for us to start trading nuke strikes with North Korea. That’ll be a blast (har!).
Paddy O'Shea
tBone: Bad bet, dude. This whole thing is nothing but gravy for the Democrats.
Paul L.
More slimness from the Pro-“Choice” side.
ACLU Endorses Bill To Supress Free Speech Of Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers
Seeking a Crackdown on Deceit by Radical Anti-Choice Centers
You’ll need the gravy, because your goose is cooked.
Nope, the bet excludes the Wilsons.
Take it, or slink away in cowardly disgrace.
Paddy O'Shea
tBone: Baloney.
Somebody help me out: ppGaz is A) playing along, or B) hooked like a 12-pound bass?
Paddy: falafel.
OK, I concede. The pun well is officially dry.
Or both?
As for the pun well being dry, maybe you just don’t have the chops needed to further exploit it.
Par R
This thread is filled with misinformation relative to what has been disclosed on the so-called Plame affair. Here is the passage on Bush that prompted such excitement:
“Defendant [Libby] testified that he was specifically authorized in advance of the meeting to disclose the key judgments of the classified NIE [National Intelligence Estimate] to [Judith]Miller on that occasion because it was thought that the NIE was ‘pretty definitive’ against what Ambassador Wilson had said and that the vice president thought that it was ‘very important’ for the key judgments of the NIE to come out,” Mr. Fitzgerald wrote.
Mr. Libby is said to have testified that “at first” he rebuffed Mr. Cheney’s suggestion to release the information because the estimate was classified. However, according to the vice presidential aide, Mr. Cheney subsequently said he got permission for the release directly from Mr. Bush. “Defendant testified that the vice president later advised him that the president had authorized defendant to disclose the relevant portions of the NIE,” the prosecution filing said.
Nothing illegal or untoward is alleged. Fitzgerald did talk to Bush and Cheney together, and if he had a different story from them, this would have been the time to note it.
Calm down, moonbats.
Paddy O'Shea
Par R: Thanks! We needed something funny around here.
Hey, Par R, do me a favor, will you? Can you please ask the assembled if anyone can produce an instance where Bush actually lied?
I love that one.
Off recently discussed topics, but since this is an open thread…
Anyone here read “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”? I’m just starting it – it seemed like it might be interesting, but right off the bat it starts sounding so conspiratorial. Anyone know if any of the material has been researched or anything?
I guess after the James Frey fiasco, I take my memoirs with a grain of salt. Make that a fistfull.
Paul Wartenberg
Wait, hold on. Libby didn’t exactly hear the order from Bush, he was told by Cheney that Bush would allow it. So this all comes down to whether or not Cheney lied about getting Bush’s approval.
If Cheney told the truth to Libby that Bush agreed to leak parts of the NIE, then that means Bush knew before the leak came out that the leak was going to happen, which makes Bush a liar after all his protestations that he didn’t know about it. If Cheney lied, it means Cheney usurped Presidential authority, and that… well, what would happen to someone in this position? Oh, right. Get a Medal of Freedom and a job promotion. Oy.
No, I’m just exhausted after the grilling you guys gave me.
I’m awaiting Bush’s resignation.
All I know is that my poor little dog is salivating at this rather beefy thread…(he’s the political brains in this outfit…the cat’s a libertarian, she just sheds on the comp and leaves someone else to clean it up).
Paddy O'Shea
Pb: Obviously tBone is fried.
But not baked, like all of you patchouli-toting latte-sipping moonbats.
t-bone…get it right!!!! I’m a gun-toting, latte BREVE sipping moonbat.
Par R
Apparently several morons in this thread can’t read. There has been absolutely no showing, claim or allegation that Bush or Cheney authorized Libby to leak Ms. Plame’s name. The just disclosed filing concerns Libby’s assertions that he had received legally approved permission to address aspects from the classified National Intelligence Estimate that served to refute some of the claims being made by Joe Wilson. Neither Fitzgerald or Libby has asserted that disclosure of Ms. Plame’s name was a part of that authorized disclosure. Further, the President and, since early 2003, the Vice president as well, have legal authority to release classified information.
No, I think there’s only one, and he’s tilting at windmills right now.
My apologies. The subtle variations within Phylum Moonbatia sometimes make precise classification difficult.
Par R
God, what a bunch of idiots. Many of you are so blinded by your hatred of Bush that most of your brain cannot even function. Oh well, the rest of the world is moving along rather nicely.
For those with an interest and a reasonable amount of intelligence…I recognize that lets out most of you…here’s a Link to the 39 page Fitzgerald court filing that has prompted this silly outbreak of lefty moonbatism.
I think ParR is attempting some kind of meta-spoof here, arguing against imaginary opponents.
Par R
tBone – I had you classified in the category of “Unable to Comprehend the Written Word.” Therefore, don’t bother attempting to read the legal document in the Link. There are way, way, way too many difficult words therein for someone of your limited intelligence.
Fully baked liberal, I do love good coffee….for a bonus point or two: red wine is my drink of choice.
patchouli is more of a stereotype at this point; not many wear it……it stinks a little.
ParR – sorry. I tried to read your post so I could understand what you’re talking about, but there were too many fancy book-learnin’ words in there for me to follow along.
“The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.”
That one was a whopper.
Par R,
So are you claiming that Bush and Cheney *weren’t* involved? Are you a betting man?
Yes, we have raked you over the coals, to be sure.
But at least we let you have your own views, we have not tried to flip you.
Now, are you quite done?
Par R
I am saying that not a scintilla of proof has been offered to support the allegation that one or the other, or both, authorized the leak of Ms. Plame’s name to the media, and I defy you to come up with something more than your harebrained theories.
Par R,
So, no bet, eh? That’s what I thought–really strong defense you’ve got there. However, at least you aren’t completely stupid when it comes to your own money.
As for proof, hopefully it will all come out during one trial or another, but I believe that there’s more than enough corroborating evidence and testimony out there already, it just needs to be tied together and critically examined by a judge and jury. And, you know, what are the odds of *that* actually happening.
The Other Steve
Shouldn’t your name be Par T? I mean who has ever heard of a Par R? What is that, some kind of malt beverage?
I’m done, yes. But still not well-done.
I remember, back in the old, innocent days, teaching DougJ to fish for bass with a spoon. I’m still trying to decide whether he actually didn’t recognize the troll…
Actually, if you look back, it’s filled mostly with puns, you humorless shithead.
You need to take ParR and GOP4Me under your wing. Right now they’re just throwing dynamite into the water and collecting anything that floats belly-up – effective, but lacks elegance.
Par — knock it off with the bold face. It’s too fake. It’s funny, I’ll give you that, but it’s destroying your credibility.
I have to say that I don’t really like Par as a troll. He pisses me off and he doesn’t make me laugh. The way I see it, bold face is the last refuge of scoundrels. If you want to get my attention, do it with crazed wingnut proclamations, not with cheap html effects.
GOP4Me, though, I like his style. Is he real or is he fake? I don’t know, but he makes me laugh.
Demi — I never understood that thing about fishing with a spoon.
All right, DougJ, I’ll prove that I’m as big a fool as they come, and bite at the lure…
A “spoon” is a kind of fishing lure. They are made of thin metal plates with shiny enameled surfaces, and, as they are trolled through the water, they sparkle and flash. Larger carniverous fish (typically bass), respond to them as they would to isolated smaller fish, and attempt to swallow them.
For what it’s worth, I used to think Par R was your sock puppet, but he/she really seems too monotonous to me. GOP4Me is fun — he’s such a moonbatty wingnut that I can’t decide if he’s for real. That makes sparring with him fun, since I can’t figure out if I’m being taken for a ride or not.
From a recent thread at
That decided it for me. I hope that whoever created the character will tone it down a little – it’s possible to be too over the top, even when doing a wingnut spoof.
By that reasoning Goldstein is fake, too. What person over the age of fifteen would talk about slapping someone with his penis?
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