White House flack to become White House flack. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Bush will not salvage his presidency by firing his press secretary, not unless the Defense Secretary, the Secretary of Homeland Security and probably the Vice President follow McClellan out the door, but it will not hurt to bring on a press secretary who has enough art to make bullshit taste like something other than dirt and fermented hay.
Maybe they could hire Bill Clinton for said bullshitting abilities…he could use something constructive to do these days.
yet another jeff
Best snark on this is from Josh @ TPM — “interdepartmental transfer”.
Some Other Brian Guy
I’d take him back as President in a New York minute.
Head and Shoulders above the mental midget we have now.
Any word on who the White House has chosen to replace Tony Snow at Fox?
Privacy Proponent
That might be Helen Thomas’ first question of Shows’ first press briefing.
The Other Steve
I heard Dan Rather is high on the list of replacements for Tony Snow.
Fox is concerned that the perception of their news broadcasting is that they are shills for the Whitehouse, and they are trying to change that perception.
We know.
You going on record as blindly following a philadering, complusively lying, impeached and indicted failure of a President is all the validation we need concerning your vision for America.
Ooo – that’s gonna ruffle some feathers.
all the validation “we” need? Do you speak on behalf of your entire permanent majority of 33%?
I didn’t even like Clinton, but I’d still take him back in a heartbeat if the choice is that or this gang of clowns. Ah, the misty water-colored memories, back when the penis of the POTUS was the biggest threat to American values. Seriously, if Clinton was a Republican he would have cemented conservative electoral victories for a generation. Peace and prosperity, sub 4% unemployment, a balanced budget, improved standards of living, a decline in violent crime, don’t-ask-don’t-tell in the military, NAFTA… What more could a conservative ask for?
Mr Furious
You, me and about 68 percent of the country.
‘SomeGuy’ is in that remaining third. Here’s how they break down (picture three sitting monkeys): a third of them have their hands over their eyes, a third with their hands over their ears, and a third with their fingers pointed at Bill Clinton, shouting “Monica!”
“Failure of a President.” That’s sounds pretty fucking rich these days, you imbecile.
Which majority – the voters who elected the President, or the CNN viewers which have elected nobody on your side?
Told ya that would ruffle feathers. Damn left-wingnut reactionaries.
I didn’t love all of Clinton’s policy but he was competence personified. That’s all I care about at this point.
The Other Steve
As it turns out.
Competence is what counts.
Funny thing is I would say the EXACT same thing about the hard left moonbat minority that thinks the way you do. Bush may not have everyone’s “approval”, but you fools that think the “68%” that don’t approve agree with your assinine moonbattery are in for a REAL hard fall in November. You’d think you would learn after a while that “HATE BUSH” is not winning you anyone.
By all means, though, keep at it. Fucking brilliant strategy. Oh, and jump in bed with the Mary McCarthy defenders. I’m sure the “America is full of idiots re-electing the Republican Congress” will go over just as big this fall as it did in 2004. Those “idiots” that elected Bush in 2004 are not voting for Democrats that defend McCarthy’s illegal leaking of classified information. You may think they’re stupid, but they aren’t THAT stupid.
The Other Steve
Eh? You’re the one defending a failed Presidency.
Clinton has better approval ratings than Reagan.
The Other Steve
Awww, poor little Shepard Smith. It must really suck to be the lone defender of a loser.
The whole “It’s all about Perception” strategy is really failing you when it comes down to results and competence.
The righties are sounding so desperate these days that it really isn’t fun any more.
The Other Steve
What’s really funny. The wingnuts aren’t even defending the competence of the L00zer in Chief.
They’re still attacking Clinton.
Even after all these years, and the mountain of evidence showing their opinion was wrong then and it’s doubly wrong now.
Mr Furious
Hey genius, where in that statement am I outlining campaign strategy? I know it’s hard for you to see outside of your 33% bubble, but what do you think the spread would be right now if there was a special election in May—Bill Clinton versus George W. Bush? 60-40? Or worse?
Maybe you can point us to some of Bush’s successes, and then we can do a little comparison with Clinton. Seriously.
Off the top of my head, here are a few of Bush’s big “accomplishments:”
Attack on our soil.
$3 a gallon gas.
Massive debt.
Costly, bloody war.
Disaster response.
Complete boondoggle of an entitlement program.
Bigger government.
Anything I’m missing?
Fox Network Secures Broadcast Rights to all White House Briefings
NEW YORK, NY, April 25th, 2006 – Fox News, a division of the Fox Entertainment Network, and subsidiary of News Corporation has secured broadcast rights for all White House Press Briefings. As part of this exclusive agreement, Fox News will assume total control of White House media functions. Fox News commentator Tony Snow will become Senior Press Secretary. Senior Presidential advisor Karl Rove will also become a Senior Advisor to Rupert Murdoch.
“As it has become clear that Fox News is just a commercial extension of White House policies, we saw an opportunity to formalize this arrangement and profit from it” said Doug Malbo, Vice-President of network operations.
“I am looking forward to taking my ass-kissing to new lows in whatever effort is required to defend this presidency against the defeatist of the left” said Mr. Snow.
Additionally, all senior conservative commentators on Fox will receive military commissions from the Dept. of Defense. “This will allow them to wear uniforms during all Fox broadcasts” added Mr. Snow.
Caught at JFK airport, News Corporations President Rupert Murdoch stated “I can’t comment now, but I have long said there has been a need for government to have more entertainment value and for media to formally control policy making.”
The terms of the deal where not made available.
In other news, Senior Correspondent Helen Thomas was seen being dragged on board an unmarked 737 at Andrews AFB. She was wearing an unfashionable shade of orange.
So Fox News is going to be reduced to a stock ticker, then?
Also, I completely agree with this:
Heh, heh. According to Gallup (back in those halcyon days when Bush’s approval was up in the 36% range), 47% of Americans STRONGLY disapprove of Bush’s job performance.
Put in words you might understand, more people Hate Bush(TM) than approve of him at all.
Hard for a Bush Fan-boy(TM) to swallow, isn’t it?
yet another jeff
Man, why all the Clinton talk?
Why isn’t everyone talking about what a good thing it is for The Message that they finally have a professional-grade shill as press secretary?
So let me get this straight– your claim to superiority is that 51% of the 47% of Americans voting in the last presidential election voted for Bush? Congratulations. Nearly 24% of America voted for the mighty Bushtard. That and a nickel will reduce the national debt to $8,349,970,836,065.83.
Ah Tony Snow. Best remembered for his valiant and proud defense of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. “[T]here has been no documentary contradiction of the Swift Boat stuff.” Because nothing says ‘truthiness’ like “We, here, at FOX News, can’t find anything to disagree with a massive smear against the rival of our beloved Decider.”
I eagerly await for Snow to take the job and get gutted faster than a cat in a violin store.
Paddy O'Shea
Expect to be hearing the term “Snow Job” a lot over the coming months.
Tony Snow is exactly what we need at this critical time. He’s the man who can explain to the American people why the media are losing the war in Iraq.
I guess Snow doesn’t watch Nightline. Because they did exactly that.
Which is why Chuck Blough didn’t get picked, I guess.
(Grin) Nice one, ppGaz.
It’s really the logical thing to do. In fact it’s surprising that it’s taken them this long to get around to it. We all know that it’s the Conventional Wisdom(tm) that the government can’t do anything right (and sets out to prove it every day) so why not close down the office of the White House Press Secretary and outsource the whole damned operation to a private conractor who by definition can do the job better?
If you reaarrange the letters in “Tony Snow”, you get “Now Snoty”. You can also get “NW Snooty” Yeah, I’m bored.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
I’ve written this many times, but it bears repeating: If Clinton had never existed, the GOP would’ve had to invent him.
And like any decent demon, Bill can shape-shift to fit the faithful’s needs. This was a typical conversation during the whole Monica mess:
Repub: “He’s reckless, and totally out of control!”
Me: “Then it should be easy to beat him at the polls, right?”
Repub: “But he’s very clever.”
Gold Star for Robot Boy
If the Clinton presidency was a failure, I don’t wanna see success.
Paul L.
Tim F,
Your and the regulars here opinion is meaningless.
George Bush could fire his whole cabinet, the Vice President, John Bolton and Porter Goss and order a immediate pullout of Iraq and it would make not bit of difference in how he is viewed/treated by you guys and the MSM. All we would get is “See!!!, He was wrong and we were right. Now Impeach Bush.”
He is your/Liberals/the left’s Hate Magnet Du Jour.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
I’m a Republican (Goldwater version) and I can’t stand Bush. You gonna call me a liberal, or a lefty?
geez, now that Faux News is getting rid of Tony Snow, it wants to charge lots more for its broadcast….
Paul L.
I do not know your politics are they like the Arlen Specter’s?
Then I’ll call you a RINO/Democrat.
Or is this you? Ashamed Republican Is Still A Democrat
What are your views on Taxes, Gun Control, Free Markets, Woman’s/Men’s right to choose and size of Government? Who do you prefer over Bush?
sorta like when Clintonopolous found his way over to ABC…
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Paul L., are you really making me prove myself ideologically pure enough to be a Republican? If I don’t give the “correct” answers, will I be shot for betraying the (Reagan) revolution?
You, and your ilk, are why the modern-day GOP blows.
Big Tent?
are you in a political party or a cult? Only the pure of mind and heart need apply?
And what is a Man’s right to choose?
The right to make his wife’s decisions for her, I suppose.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
The right to make decisions for a woman.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Great minds, STI.
Seems to be the case, doesn’t it? You’d think with those crap-ass poll numbers that he’d be happy that ANYBODY is still willing to call themselves a Republican.
Yes. If you refuse to pledge undying fealty to the Great Decider, you’re not only a lefty – you’re also a kook, a whack job, a moonbat, and very likely a traitor. And probably a dirty hippie to boot. A gay dirty hippie. Who immigrated to this country illegally.
Mr Furious
Shorter Paul L.:
I’m a Republican. I don’t think for myself. Since George W. Bush is President and de facto leader of my Party, he must be the ultimate Republican and therefore the benchmark/definition thereof.
Anyone who THINKS otherwise is a traitor/liberal/commmie.
Mr Furious
It seems like that’s who Bush is down to these days, too.
The Other Steve
It’s not the people. It’s the policies. He could fire all those whackoffs and nothing would change.
So what’s your point? That you are a moron?
The Other Steve
I’m going to write Time Warner and tell them if they have to raise their rates because of Fox… I can do without them.
I can’t believe I’m paying $2.50 for ESPN. Bleah. What crap.
TNT and USA is at least worth $1 compared to that sheet.
And if Clinton became a priest, you’d still vilify him for being immoral. I’m with Other Steve, what’s your point?
I mean, if we’re dealing in hypotheticals here, I can tell you right off that if Bush fired his cronies, tossed out Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, legalized stem cell research, cloned Ginsburg and put her up on the court, retroactively vetoed the Shaivo bill, told Tom DeLay to go hunting with Dick Cheney and ordered his VP not to come back till he’d killed something that needed to die, pulled out of Iraq, apologized to Iran, caught Bin Laden and had him drawn and quartered on national TV, disarmed North Korea, gave a damn about China, and took a big Presidential crap on PNAC, I’d vote for him for a third term.
But we all know that’s not going to happen so please don’t tease me.
Paul L.
Works both ways Mr Furious
I’m a Democrat. I don’t think for myself. Since Al Gore/John Kerry/Howard Dean/Etc. is running against a Republican and de facto leader of my Party, he must be the ultimate Democrat and therefore the benchmark/definition thereof.
Anyone who THINKS otherwise is a Facist/Neocon/Theocon/Hatemonger.
So I can call myself a progressive and no one will call me on it?
BTW, Gold Star for Robot Boy what are your views on any political subject that indicates you are a Republician?
A man’s right to choose
Paul L.
Did you read the post from Tim F. I was responding to?
Paul L, you sound like a RINO to me. What kind of Republican throws around words like Facist/Neocon/Theocon/Hatemonger? You’re a disgrace. Why don’t you just move to Iraq and join the insurgency?
I can’t tell you how many times I tuned into one of Bush’s “major speeches on Iraq” wanting, hoping, desperately praying that he would finally take notice of the facts on the ground in Iraq and indicate that he was willing to take reality into account and change the game plan. I’ve wanted so much to give him the benefit of the doubt, just like I gave him the benefit of the doubt when he launched this war in the first place. But nope, always the same old speech, always the same old crap.
Bush supporters constantly express amazement that some people seem to hate Bush “no matter what he does.” Well, it’s an interesting hypothesis, but we’ll never find out because he always does the exact same thing!
We’re talking about salvaging his presidency, not exonerating it. Rumsfield, Chernoff, and Cheney are hurting our country. If Bush removes them, he’ll be removing the needles from the flesh of the nation. That won’t make him a good leader, it’ll just make him less of a bad one. At least historians will look back and say, “There was a President in the middle of the ultimate nose dive, who had the balls to do the right thing, even if it was at the very absolute last minute.”
What are your views that indicate that you’re a Republican? What’s your position on record deficits? The government butting into private medical decisions? Preemptive war? Illegal wiretapping of US citizens? Outing CIA agents?
Or is it enough to just support Bush and hate Gore/Kerry/Dean/etc?
Let X be the set of all things Bush does. Let there be only one element within the set X, called a. Let Y be the set of all people who “hate Bush” while a is the only element in the set X. Assume that no element in E, the universe of all people can be both in Y and not in Y and that all elements remain constant. Therefore, we may conclude that while the set X remains unchanged, the set Y will remain unchanged. QED.
The same Iraq speech for 3 years:
And more infuriating, or actually scary:
I try to avoid this, because many on the rabid left like to talk about his messianic complex, which invalidates the point. But sometimes, they are right. He may be pumping this shit out for his base, but I think he believes it. And that scares the hell out of me.
He sees the world as simplistic. Good v Evil, and we are good, so the ends justify the means. Hence, torture, Gitmo, tactical nukes. If we are fighting evil, anything we do is moral.
So I am guilty. If Bush fires everyone in his cabinet, I am still a ‘hater.’ Not because I hate his walk, or Republicans, or conservatives, or christians, or because he can’t pronounce nuclear.
He scares me. I don’t believe he has the intellectual firepower to do his job. He sees himself as a big picture guy that doesn’t do details. Ask any successful big picture guy the secret to his success, and the answer will be a knowledge of the details. We good they evil is not intellectual, it isn’t smart, it is lazy and dangerous.
Sounds like fuzzy math to me, Zifnab.
I try to avoid this, because many on the rabid left like to talk about his messianic complex
I think it’s real. I didn’t used to think so, I didn’t want to think so, but how all occasions do inform against me — it seems to be true.
Paul L,
I don’t understand what the other 80% of the country is supposed to do in your scenario. We have to agree to a list of issues to be in the party? There are only about 10% on each side that is going to buy into the list in it’s totality.
The D’s get reamed in the press for not having a coherent message: “They are all over the place on Iraq.”
Good. Great. A party that thinks together is a cult, not a viable political party.
I hope like hell he is playing to the base. I don’t want to see the results of W and Ahmidenijad (sp) playing ‘My God is Bigger than Your God’
When you talk about Reagan and Clinton, two successful presidents (even if we won’t all agree on whether either or both were “great”), you find a common thread: ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
No one questions Reagan’s conservative credentials, but when he came to believe a tax increase was necessary, he went along with it. Today, repeated tax cuts are the bread and circuses by which the GOP keeps the base happy, and they must be maintained whether or not they actually help the state of things. Even in a time of war, a trillion-dollar war, we keep cutting those taxes even as the deficit grows and grows and grows.
Clinton was another guy who adapted when he had to. His first two years were marked by failed liberal initiatives – national health care, gays in the military. Instead of stubbornly sticking to his guns, he moved to the center, went along with GOP agenda items like welfare reform, and enjoyed a successful presidency even in the face of a hostile Congress.
Even those who hated Reagan or Clinton can look back on their terms and say, “Well, at least he did X, Y and Z that I like.” It’s very hard to go through the same process with Bush. Whether that means the level of partisan hatred is truly greater than in years past, or if it simply means Bush is a singularly intractable president, is for the reader to decide.
I think the Iranian president, whose name I won’t attempt to spell, is pretty much an Islamic George W. Bush.
History will judge George Bush to have been the worst president since Hoover, possibly the worst president since Buchanan, possibly the worst president ever. I have no doubt about that.
Delay made of point of changing bills until he could get rid of all Democratic support. He actually wanted less bipartisan support. I think that atmosphere definitely leads us to greater partisan hatred.
As to the issue of whether Bush will change course at all, I don’t think anyone but a Bush Dead-Ender would argue that point.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Isn’t one of Rove’s beliefs that compromise is for sissies? Any vote over 50 percent + 1 means you unnecessarily bargained away something you value.
Mac Buckets
…but you have to compromise to get to 50% + 1 vote, so only surplus compromise is counter-productive (or, “for sissies,” as you’d say).
BTW, RobotBoy, if you can say you’re a Goldwater Republican (like Hillary, eh?), can I say I’m a JFK Democrat? I mean, they’re both increasingly useless terms, after all, and that way, we can both pretend that we’re oh-so-disaffected by all the yobbos of the last 10-12 years!
Gold Star for Robot Boy
This ridiculous statement proves you have no grasp of political history.
The point is, running the country as a political machine requires you to disdain initiatives for which there is broad bipartisan support, because you make no political hay by so doing. All you do is make the country better, and what’s the point of that if you don’t score partisan points?
Republicans hatred for Clinton was visceral and deranged for the most part. Look at every other Republican president, and you will only see fringes of democrat craziness. Most still “liked” Reagan, Bush I and Eisenhower. You can’t say they hated Nixon anymore than they hated LBJ, so it was about the War and nothing else.
Having Bush as Governor was crazy enough. We used to joke that it wasn’t a big deal because the TX Governor is really nothing more than a eunoch, beholden to the Lt. Gov. He could only f**k up so much. Besides, he couldn’t be any crazier than Clements (who was in fact, quite senile for the last year or so in office).
Now we have a guy “running” the country who talks like Lincoln but is a complete mental clutz. And 30% of the country is still enamored by his retarded concepts and philosophies. Have you ever been in the same room with him? Seen him speak multiple times, up close? Clinton could run circles around this guy with both his legs tied. That doesn’t mean I liked Clinton as president, but I actually saw him complete 4 sentences without embarrassing everyone in the room.
Bush is about how nepotism, marketing and embracing the anti-intellects (morons) of our society can accomplish.
It’s difficult to think of a more clear indicator of weak leadership than someone who can win only by splitting the country and pitting the two sides against each other. I don’t think that the damage these creeps have done to this country is fully understand at this point. And I’m not sure there’s anyone on the horizon who has the policies and charisma to pull this country together again in the near future.Bush and his cronies have weakened this country in ways that Bin Laden never could.
Good job, Bushie.
a guy called larry
Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Muse, Edex, Caverject, or Yocon.
Well to be fair, the Dems were complicit: whatever happened to turn Gore into an Automaton during the 2000 campaigned and nominating a pandering empty suit in 2004 (the more I get exposed to Kerry even now, the less I like him) didn’t help – the Swift Boat thing may have been an opportunity for a “have you no decency, Mr. Rove? moment” and instead…blech.
Crashing the Gate talks some about this phenomenon, although it’s more prevalent at the local level. The bottom line is that if you want the support of the party machinery, the devil’s bargain is that you need to accept the presence of the party-approved consultants in your campaign. And while you might say “pfft! a candidate with a backbone would just ignore a consultant with stupid advice,” the reality is that if you start bucking the party line, all of a sudden anonymous sources start turning up in the press talking about all the dissent within your campaign, how dysfunctional things are, etc. It’s a completely stupid way to run a campaign, a party, a country, but there you have it. This all goes back to why Democrats are better at governing but Republicans are better at winning elections.
I’m not sure that complicit is the right word. Weak, spineless, clueless, sure. But I don’t think there was any intent to support this.
Fair enough — but now, after the consequences are plain to see, where’s the will to oppose it? That’s what blows me away — all you hear is silence, There are some exceptions like Feingold, Conyers; they’re trying to do something. A squeek or a peep from the others now and then. Otherwise, just… silence.
Paul L.
I think we should cut back on spending/pork. However if the Republicans try to reduce the rate of growth on any program. The democrats/media (same thing) scream of cutting programs and starving the poor.
The democrats answer is to raise taxes/create more social programs.
Democrats are pushing single-payer Healthcare where the government will decide all your medical decisions. And make it a crime if you try to pay a doctor with your own money.
You mean like Kosovo?
That are talking to known Al Qaeda agents.
To quote Christopher Hitchens
…”the case of a man who says that his CIA wife did not send him to Niger, that the proof that his wife did send him to Niger must remain a state secret.”
Joseph Wilson’s Revenge
Give me someone better like Joe Lieberman.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Spare me your victimhood.
So aside from his support for W, what about Lieberman’s positions do you like?
Yes, it was a trick question…
Gold Star for Robot Boy
You avoided the real question, PaulL. Where did/do you stand on Schaivo?
It’s amazing the things that people believe. Democrats want to ban the Bible, too, you know.
And the idea that Kosovo was a preemptive war? Wow.
That was a nice set of non-answers and deflections, Paul. Here’s a shorter answer the next time someone asks you about your beliefs:
It’s OK If You’re a Republican.
Ancient Purple
Care to back that up with a link to some official policy statement? (And not some person who is a registered Democrat who says that is what he/she would personally like to see.)
Vladi G
There is only one qualification needed to be true republican. Your mouth must be large enough to fit around Bush’s cock, and given the opportunity, you must be willing to fellate him at any instant. That’s it.
Rumor is that Paul L. and Mac had no trouble proving their
bonerbona fides.Beej
I am a registered Republican, but I will not be voting for the Republican party next time. You ask where I stand on gun control and a host of other issues. Here’s your answer:
gun control-I own both a revolver and a shotgun and have no plans to give them up, but I don’t think anyone needs a 50 caliber automatic rifle. Read the WHOLE 2nd Amendment, something the head honchos of the NRA apparently can’t do.
taxes-fix the entitlement programs first, starting with this ridiculous prescription drug boondogle, then cut taxes for the real middle class-those making less than $100,000 per year.
free markets-love ’em, but make sure all the programs and policies that reward the status quo and discourage research, development, and innovation are done away with.
Women’s/men’s choice-I’m tired of listening to the extremists on both sides. Let’s convene a national forum and forget to invite NARAL and Randall Terry. I’ll bet you’d be surprised to find out how many views the rest of us hold in common.
Why I’m not voting Republican this time-I’m sick of the rabid partisanship, I’m sick of the pandering to the religious right, I’m sick of the building up of straw men for political gain (the war on Christmas), and most of all, I’m sick of the utter and complete disregard for what’s best for the nationa as opposed to what’s best for the Republican Party.
J. Michael Neal
History will judge George Bush to have been the worst president since Hoover
Criminy, can we give Hoover a break? He was better than either of the two guys before him (Coolidge and Harding) and arguably better than Wilson. He just happened to be in the seat when everything collapsed, and was ineffective at dealing with it.
Further, few presidents were as successful at doing useful things prior to their presidency. Let’s just say “worst since Coolidge.”
Beej, that was wonderfully stated. It is my sincere hope that folks like you can recapture the GOP so we can get on with the business of fixing this country.
D. Mason
Personally I prefer “worst ‘leader’ since Nero”. But that’s just me.
Beej strikes me as a fake.
Have we seen the handle before?
Round up the usual suspects.
The Other Steve
Actually that was a claim used by Jefferson’s opponent in the election.
Yes, Thomas Jefferson wanted to Ban your Bible! Or so claimed the opposition.
So this crap isn’t new. Unfortunately it appears more people fall for it then in Jefferson’s time. A symptom of the failure of public education, obviously.
Hey, dickshine, stop behaving as though you’re in charge of the commentariat on this blog. No village would elect its local idiot as mayor.
As the age-old proverb goes, whoever denied it supplied it…
So, out of everything in the budget, the programs that you’d cut first — the ones that strike you as pure pork — are the ones that feed the poor? Compassionate Conservatism, ladies and gentlemen!
Haven’t heard that phrase in a while, have we? I wonder why…
Prove that you aren’t a spoof, and that every post you’ve ever made here wasn’t a fake.
I’m not running for mayor, you spoof piece of shit.
But I’m onto you.
Paul L.
Let me help you:
“Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
Where is the word hunting that democrats (Kerry) use when talking about the second amendment?
I don’t think you need a car that goes over 70 mph or a house with more than 10,000 square feet. We should pass a law to prohibiting ownership of both. You support that?
Well, it probably would reduce energy costs…
But no. Unfortunately, there’s no law against being ostentatious.
Christie S.
gratefulcub Says:
There’s also a saying…”Whomsoever does Good in Evil’s name does Good; but Whomsoever does Evil in Good’s name still does Evil.”
I can’t remember where I first heard that parable, but it’s turned up in the fiction that I read several times in the last few years.
Damn Tim.
For a while there I found you to be a most reasonable lefty. But your posts here (outside of beer) have been steadily getting more and more shrill – more red meat for the fringe.
They should ask you to join the team at FDL – because at this point I have to double check the URL to be sure I am at BJ and not FDL.
I guess it comes as a surprise that someone on the right got the nod. Maybe it should have been Bill Maher or Al Frankin?
If you think Snow was previously a “White House flack” then you don’t know much about him.
ThinkProgress has a good listing of quotes. Sure sounds like a flack to me.
If you can’t see the comedy in a guy from Fox News getting the job then you, my friend, are the one on the “fringe.”
Faux News
If you refuse to pledge undying fealty to the Great Decider, you’re not only a lefty – you’re also a kook, a whack job, a moonbat, and very likely a traitor. And probably a dirty hippie to boot. A gay dirty hippie. Who immigrated to this country illegally.
Mac Buckets
Ummmmm, it was Hillary herself who said she was a Goldwater Republican. You should know that, what with your (cough cough) superior grasp of political history.
Mac Buckets
What’s the use of this easily-disproved meme, anyway? Does repeating this silly “no dissent allowed” mantra make you guys feel all victim-y and oppressed? Is that what you are going for? If so, that’s just pathetic.
The Other Steve
Or maybe it’s just that you have no sense of humor.
The Other Steve
I am the Decider.
And I have decided you sound shrill.
The Decider has spoken.
1) It was a joke.
2) It was in reference to a particular brand of knuckle-dragging commentary that’s easily found in large swaths of the right-wing blogomediasphere.
3) It wasn’t a commentary on the world at large or the victimhood of poor, oppressed liberals, but please feel free to conflate points 2) and 3) if it makes you feel better.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Have at it, kids.
Got that right, OCSteve. There has been a steep descent into a mentality that betrays a certain surrender to failure on the part of the Left. It’s at this point they become increasingly shrill.
When the Republicans were walking tall with heads held high posing before burning buildings in New York, they could point to all their successes. They had political capital.
But the Republicans did what every smart businessman knows not to do. They pissed their capital away on bad business ventures – social security, medicare reform, and Iraq – and never tried to make a profit, just break even and float on the debt a la Rove’s 51% strategy. So it’s not surprise that 5 years later, the party is politically broke.
Very obvious spoof.
The Other Steve
It’s interesting how if you don’t support a complete utter failure of a President, you are surrendering to failure?
In reality it’s the other way around.
I’d prefer someone competent who could make things happen.
The Other Steve
Burning buildings in New York was a success?