This is too funny- apparently someone still is pushing the ‘fake turkey’ bit.
I’m not voting Republican this fall (or, more than likely, in 2008), but I look across the aisle at some supporters for the Democrats and wonder why I bother voting at all. This administration has screwed up so many things that it is hard to keep track, and yet some still persist in being petty and foolish about things that not only don’t matter, but aren’t even true.
Bush’s photo op that day was a stunt just like his “visit” today was a stunt. The turkey wasn’t fake, but it was uncooked and dressed as if it were. It made a great symbol for the photo op fraud this war was sold as.
yeah john, that pretty much sums up my opinion about your reaction to these statements as well.
can we please get past this silly habit of focusing on some of the more reactionary elements of the democratic party (and frankly, after all of the bullshit that the citizenry has endured under the bush regime, i can’t really fault them) and focus on examining what policies and leadership some of the potential candidates we will soon be voting on have to present?
lately, ALL of political discourse has been little more than a childish game of nyah, nyah nyah. i know you still have to dust out your republican bonafides from time to time but isn’t it getting just a wee bit fatiguing?
I agree 100% – liberals get their panties in a wad over the superficial “smearing” tactics of the Rovites and then turn around and do it themselves.
On a related note – I just had an email exchang with a conservative friend who attacked us liberals for making a hero out of Zarqawi and not applauding his death. I replied that the image of a Zarqawi-loving left is a smear by the Limbaughs of the right and I was actually in agreement with President Bush’s assessment – a good thing but not the end of our war on terror. His reply? I just made his point by downplaying the victory. Does that make Bush an American-hating liberal now?
Blue Neponset
There is certainly a lot of pettiness and foolishness all over the political blogosphere these days. I don’t think anyone would argue with that. Having said that, however, I don’t think the article on Talk Left is a particularly good example of such pettiness and foolishness. While they do post a picture of Bush with the Turkey in question the article itself is fairly benign.
That’s right, it should be possible to watch your country being dragged into the ditch and listen to the chestbeating of the assholes who are doing it, and remain completely level headed at all times, never utter an oath, never lose your temper, always be non-petty and always be congenial.
You know, like you are.
Fuck you, John. Really, fuck you. Don’t you ever get tired of being the phony asshole?
How convenient for you to carve out a little ledge to sit on like a word-pigeon and shit on the passers by …. while your country is going to hell in a handbasket.
Very admirable, really. All props to you.
These tactics are anything but superficial. They destroy careers, ruin politics, and get less than adequate lawmakers elected under the protection of the ‘other guy hates America but loves the gays’
what ppgaz said
You have to hand it to the Bush Administration though. They may be grossly incompetent and totally screw up everything they put their hands on, but they sure can stage one hell of a photo-op… And thats all that really matters in the end
John Cole
PPGAZ- take your meds.
John Cole
Like the comments section here?
who’s a democrat? partisanship is for kids.
Those lunatics on the left have CATS, too, John. You know what to do….
Perry Como
It’s a good thing this has been put into its proper perspective. The all Republican government has presided over the largest increase of the Federal government since FDR and is on track to hit $10,000,000,000,000 in debt before the President is out of office. But some random blogger said something!
Windmills keep on turnin’, John Cole keeps on burnin’
Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ on the river
Like the comments section here?
Well, yes, unless ppgaz turns out to be the secret identity of Russ Feingold!
The existence of stupid Democrats is hardly noteworthy–the world is chock-full of stupid people, and they wind up in all sorts of political positions. I do tire of responding to arguments that compare the current Presidential administration to a couple of batshit insane professors at third-rate universities and a handfull of overwrought bloggers in order to arrive at, “both parties are equally hopeless.”
Damn, and those nested blockquotes looked so good in the preview. Ah, well.
Wheeee! We have lift off!
This Rove thing sure has the Left in a tizzy, today. Hate to see what happens when Hadditha’s wheels fall off.
yeah, i’m sure that fitzerald’s investigation will merge with the marines and find joe wilson responsible for both the outing of his wife *and* the massacre in haditha.
Are we supposed to be impressed by these surprise visits to Iraq? They fly in in the middle of the night, hop over to the heavily fortified Green Zone, and skip town after a couple of hours. If things were actually going well in Iraq, why don’t they announce the trip in advance and tour around the country? In March, President Bush cited Tal Afar as a success story; why doesn’t he drop by there to show off how well things are going?
listen pal, it’s the complete and utter disregard for the principles of this’s citizenry and the cynical use of bigotry and fear-mongering that have got ME in a ‘tizzy’. i don’t know what kind of country that you want to live in but i’ve got a feeling that it’s going to be punks like you who end up being most negatively impacted if we aren’t able to get the wheels screwed back on.
in light of everything that we have endured and all of the insulting misdirections that have been hurled at the american people, ANYONE who still wishes to assert that the ‘left’ would somehow be ‘pleased’ if it were confirmed that the events in haditha were in fact, a largely unprovoked massacre is beneath contempt.
as i stated in a thread last week, some of you people think that this is a fucking game. it’s not. and you better pray that i’m not around to stare you in the eye when that realization inevitably hits you.
Kiss my ass.
Rusty Shackleford
and yet some still persist in being petty and foolish about things that not only don’t matter, but aren’t even true.
Like pretty much everything Republicans have said about Al Gore since 2000.
Must I remind you all that the turkey in question has not been indicted, and the turkey’s lawyer has received word from the Dept. of Justice that they have decided not charge the turkey with fraud. That being said, it is clear that if the president valued turkey more than he valued photo ops, then the turkey would have been fully cooked a long time ago.
But, wait a sec….I thought Bush was holed up at Camp David, feverishly strategizing with his War Cabinet about the future of Iraq???? Or, perhaps they were just deciding on what Bush would wear in Iraq during the already-planned photo op…
Bush Moto #18: “Never let planning get in the way of a good photo op!”
Because the author of The LeftCoaster website is setting the policy objectives for the entire Democratic party, right?
Everytime I think you can’t get any denser, you exceed my expectations. CONGRATULATIONS
Rusty Shackleford
It’s the “Jane Hamshers of the Left” that are killing us liberals. We must remove them from their leadership positions in the Democratic Party.
John Cole is the best jackalope-finder in all the land.
Bush: Fucks up the country and the planet
Random lefty blogger: Posts picture of Bush with a turkey
Arrrg! A pox on both their houses! They’re obviously equally responsible for the current catastrophic state of affairs.
Fwiffo has it right. If you’re looking to The Left Coaster for reasons not to vote for the Democratic candidate in whatever podunk race is being run in your state, then you may be a worse participant in the electoral process than somebody who flips a coin to choose.
Richard 23
Hey look, shiny keys!
“And that sends a strong message: that no matter what happens to America, she will always rebound–with the most powerfully staged photo ops in the world.”
Ah, Stephen Colbert. So very right on the money with that one.
When those in power are petty and insult, routinely, the citizenry, that strikes me as much more significant that Michael Moore or Cindy Sheehan making statements.
Did anyone listen to the “debate” today on the defense appropriations? There was Cornyn, calling Kerry a coward (“cut and run”). Cornyn, a guy who has never been anything other than a functionary, and not even a good functionary, just obsequious to whomever could advance his career. There were other senators, talking about how wonderful our successes in Iraq were and how we had to defeat the “islamo-fascists” (a very, very confused term). I
n the morning I caught some moron of a representative, probably in the House leadership, talking about how, as far as he was concerned, we had been at war since 1979, when the Iranians took hostages and the Pakistanis burnt our embassy.
Uh huh, well, Mr. tough on Islamo-fascists, if you believe that introduce a goddamn war resolution and let’s debate the desirability of a war with Iran and Pakistan.
The difference between your favorite hate-America person and these people is simple. These idiots run the country, and they do it by insulting the intelligence of every single one of us. We’re talking mountains of mediocrity daring to talk stupid, as a matter of course, to the country, and we… vote for them.
Well, not me, not ever.
t. jasper parnell
It is true that “lying” about a turkey pales in comparison to this
And the illogic of the Jane Hamshers of the left pale in comparison to this
For myself, I have long refused for any politician whose supporters, as opposed to policies, I find apalling and dopey. In this manner, I have avoided voting for going on 30 yrs.
t. jasper parnell
refused to vot for, of course.
Perry Como
Is anyone else grabbing popcorn and watching the world equity markets implode?
Just as a science experiment, we need to find which of the Jane Hamshers of the Left are Steelers fans, just to watch Cole’s head explode – “I love the Steelers. But so do they! I can’t like what they do! YEEEEERRRRRRGH!”
Fake or not, you’ve got to admit, that photo of Bush carrying that huge turkey is priceless. Hey, wait a minute, that’s *two* huge turkeys! Also, it’s no surprise that the turkey Bush grabbed and was shown to the world isn’t what the troops got–he’s been pulling *that* old bait-and-switch on us for years!
a time honored practice used by every president in my memory. and I have a very long memory.
Shall we discuss Clinton’s “spontaneous” walk alone down Omaha beach?
really now, as JC says, plenty of real issues to be indignant about, without harping on what has obviously turned out to be a tremendous lift to the spirits of our boys over there, as well as a boost for the nacsent Iraqi government.
nope, instead, let no good deed be snarked, no motive be questioned. He’s not doing it because he believes in the cause, he’s doing it so that his approval ratings will improve.
say what you want about the man, but he doesn’t let public opinion polls drive policy.
Yep, Perry, looks like the world markets aren’y buying the bullshit anymore, either, since the markets are falling even though gas prices are retreating.
I love this line:
Could it be that another Bush political appointee that never graduated college is fudging numbers? In any event, this is much more interesting than turkeys.
Yeah, cuz this isn’t a government of the people, for the people, by the people, or any such democratic nonsense like that! Any elected official who does what his constituents want him to do is a moron. Public opinion is useless and should be completely ignored, and, if you think about it, elections are pretty useless, too, as they just are a country-wide opinion poll.
t. jasper parnell
This may well be why his administration is a mess and so unpopular. Plus and also and in addition, the claim that this or any other president does not look to polling data for both ideas and for “framing devises” is just plain wrong.
I’m laughing at this, trying to figure out what’s the more unbelievable phrase in this sentence…is it “never graduated college”, or “fudging numbers”…or is it “another”????
no, it’s not strictly referred to as a democracy. last time I read the constitution, we live in a representative republic. you should read up on it, it’s an great concept.
let me try to explain. the founders knew that the public opinion is fickle. it goes up, it goes down, and it just wouldn’t do to change national policy on the short term whims of public opinion. that’s why short of impeachment, each elected official is given a set term of office. once that term is over, the public judges performance as a whole and decides again.
we had just such a judgement in 2004, and public opinion let dubya just squeek back in.
see above. you sound like someone who doesn’t vote or doesn’t completely understand the concept.
Heh–the Bush administration looks to polls for *everything*. Or did you think that they’re just the natural enemy of the imaginary gay immigrant flag-burning liberal terrorists who want to raise your taxes, confiscate your guns, and burn your bibles?
Perry Como
A whole 2 hours to say Clinton Did It Too(TM)?
You’d think that during World Cup season, they’d have their cheers all planned out an everything:
“Cle-NIS [Clap-clap-clapclapclap]
Cle-NIS [Clap-clap-clapclapclap]…”
or (to the tune of “Guantanamera”)
“one ‘the Decider’
There’s only one ‘the Decider’
one ‘the De-CI-der’
There’s only one ‘the Decider'”
“God save our King”
Heh, sorry. I don’t live here. I’ll try to post more often, just for you.
of course, I’ve never ONCE heard any of you guys compare the sins of bush to the sins of dictators, despots and terrorists when it suits your purpose.
Bruce Moomaw
I will agree that there’s no point pushing the Fake Turkey given the very real one who was holding it at the time.
If some people find the comparison to be apt, then they will no doubt make it. Oddly, Hillary Clinton has never started any wars, but some on the right still like to call her ‘Hitlery’, so go figure.
Perry Como
Just so you know, going forward, your only purpose here is to amuse me. That notice was posted a couple months back, but since you seem new here I’ll let it slide. This time.
The Other Steve
Oh come on. We all remember Bill Clinton flying into Kosovo in the whee hours of the morning to deliver a Christmas Goose to the soldiers.
Don’t we?
I could have sworn that happened.
That’s the GW who didn’t support the Marriage Ammendment before he did?
heh. that’s a new one on me. I must have missed that one in my “Karl Rove Daily Marching Orders” email.
mind if I use it?
John S.
Public opinion?
Er, you mean voter opinion, right? Because Bush hasn’t had the public behind him for quite some time, and of the eligible voters in 2004 barely half of them even bothered to make a judgment of any kind.
Ah, but chaps such as yourself prefer to make it up as you go along. Whatever sounds better for the sake of argument.
Perry Como
LITBMueller Says:
It’s amusing to have CNBC on these days. Bobbleheads running to and fro to make sense of it all. Sobering article here:
So much for the Rove strategy of running on a strong economy.
The Other Steve
What about that Christmas Goose?
And didn’t Clinton realize that walking down Omaha beach might have been dangerous? I mean those dead Nazis could have risen up from the dead and got at him. He should have known better!
What’s next? The picture of Bush reading the book upside down? Maybe Bush looking into his binoculars backwards. The lefty blogosphere is definitely a laugh riot today…
What, you know about this obscure Omaha Beach idiocy/trivia, and you’ve never heard a Republican talk about Hitlery? What do you read besides Balloon Juice? Not that it’s never been mentioned there either, mind you.
I probably will mind if you do use it, but you don’t need my permission or anything. Thanks for asking, though, I suppose. :)
wasn’t that my point? nothing new here. photo ops are and have been a part of every presidency since the invention of the camera. really, get over it.
well, no. I usually don’t frequent blogs that use ad-hom and childish names to refer to people. except for dailykos, DU, ascheton. they use names like that all the time. chimpy, bushitler, etc.
I tend not to read the comments from most of the righty blogs because i’m really not interested in an echo chamber.
I guess the only one I can think of that uses derogatory names is probably LGF. he used to call Yasser Arafat “arafish”.
I laughed, and I laughed…
I typically try not to use silly epithets to make a point. It ruins the experience for me. “Liberal”, “Democrat” and “Progressive” are about as silly as I need to get.
Do all of you who are getting upset about John’s post, for example, Jaime, dagon and ppG, recognize that focusing on the turkey bit might be symptomatic of many of the problems Democrats have been having getting the message out?
Don’t be so quick to take offense that you can’t take a hint.
The Other Steve
Really? I don’t recall Dailykos or eschaton using names like this. Got a link? This sounds more like something you’d hear at, LGF or instapundit and such places.
I’m assuming that if you can’t produce a link, you’ll apologize for the slur.
Good thing most righty blogs don’t have comments then.
It really was disgusting given that he was doing so in order to defend an unprovoked war that he started based on his own lies.
Er… never mind.
Yes, Republicans are surely the ones who can teach us all about taking hints.
Hey, Pb, I call her Hitlary.
Hi, Pippi–I didn’t know you were from Phoenix…
well, let’s take a look and see.
chimpy at dailykos 27,600 hits. need I say more?
chimpy at eschaton only 6 hits, but 4 of them were from the thread poster (either atrios or holden) not a comment.
but, overall pretty clean, I’ll grant you. you have my sincere apology.
chimpy at DU 20,000 hits. bingo.
chimpy at huffpo 202 hits, but hey, it’s a young blog. give it time.
granted, some of the daily kos links are from diaries or comments, but there are quite a few headliners.
on the other hand…
hitlery on LGF 258 hits I checked the first 3 pages, and none from charles, all in the comments. this is the biggest trove I found – but he is one of the oldest popular conservative bloggers out there, so i’m not surprised by this number.
hitlery at redstate 1 hit. from a comment.
hitlary at wizbang 5 hits.
hitlery at captains quarters 70 hits, all I checked were in the comments.
hitlery at instapundit zero hits.
hitlery at michelle malkin 1 hit, in the comments, back when she had comments.
hitlery at powerline 0 hits
hitlery at hugh hewitt 0 hits
hitlery from mudville 3 hits, all from comments
I went through the top 10 at the truthlaidbear ecosystem.
had enough?
of the top 10 righties,
instapundit no
malkin no
lgf yes
captains quarters yes
powerline no
wizbang yes
hugh hewitt no
mudville yes
stop the ACLU yes
Volokh yes
6 out of the top ten have comments.
lefty blogs
kos yes
TPM no
eschaton yes
sullivan no
huffpo yes
crooks and liars yes
deans world yes
two of the top 7, no comments. I quit because i was getting really low in the rankings at this point, most of those that did allow comments never had any.
so anyway, apology accepted. :)
he walked alone on the beach, (sans secret service, with a phalanx of reporters handily invited to watch from a distance) and saw a convenient pile of rocks on an otherwise bare sand beach, stooped down, bowed his head in prayer and then arranged the rocks in the shape of a cross.
Did he really do all this to defend an unprovoked war that he started based on his own lies?
huh. I never made the connection.
and yet some still persist in being petty and foolish about things that not only don’t matter, but aren’t even true.
Shorter John Cole: this president has run up trilions of dollars in debt, mismanaged every aspect of policy, sucked evangelical cock like it was W’s crack pipe circ 1980, treated the constitution like toilet paper, and desroyed every shred of credibily our government has with that small fraction of the world’s populuation that reads at a third-grade comprehension level, but some obscure blogger on the left made a joke I don’t like, so I’ll still vote Republican.
You’re a fucking digrace to the human race. Tell me I’m not funny anymore or stupid, or whatever you want to say: you are a worthless piece of shit.
Perry Como
moflicky Says:
Results 1 – 10 of about 39,700 from for hitlery.
moflicky Says:
Are you seriously saying the Andrew Sullivan is a lefty? Seriously?
Radley Balko must be a flaming socialist in your opinion then. And watch out for the rest of those moonbats over at Cato.
John S.
I suppose it all depends on how you look at it. If you go by the top 100 by Technorati, then it wouldn’t be hard to think that a majority of conservative blogs don’t allow comments, since:
1. Malkin (14) NO
2. Instapundit (17) NO
3. LGF (53) YES
4. Powerline (58) NO
5. Captains Quarters (95) YES
Whereas amongst liberal blogs:
1. KOs (5) YES
2. HuffPo (7) YES
3. C&L (18) YES
4. Think Progress (21) YES
5. TPM (40) NO
6. America Blog (61) YES
7. Eschaton (65) YES
It seems to paint a slightly different picture.
Oh God no. This is by far your best work.
Slick some commenters here focusing on the turkey is a slightly different matter than say the Dem candidates the esteemed Mr. Cole may or may not choose to vote for – that’s the annoying thing about this post, the implication is that John would vote D if that didn’t put him on the same side as some dirty hippies. Not that he would be voting for dirty hippies, just that they might share a cause. That seems, well, silly.
touche. I never read it, so it was off my radar.
well, I don’t really read him either. I do understand that he’s gay and he is not a bush supporter, so I of course assumed. he must be one of those self hating gay men the left are always calling the log cabin republicans.
John S.
That’s the best you can do after making a mistake? You assumed a person was liberal simply because they are gay and are critical of Bush, though you presented your ‘feeling’ as fact. Then you turn around and try to throw in an obligatory jab about how the left stereotypes gay people while simultaneously not taking responsibility for your cunard.
So I guess you are full of shit after all. All too willing to present facts not in evidence to prove your fraudulent points, but incapable of admitting error when busted. So much for our new resident conservative not
living upstooping down to the stereotype set by the others that pollute this board.LITBMueller
moflicky’s closing barb:
And you, sir, sound like a Republican.
Apparently you read the Constitution, but do not fully grasp the concepts behind it. A representative republic form of government does not mean that the government is not a democracy. It is just not a direct democracy. It is a democracy all the same, and our elected representatives are elected to do the people’s work. Forms of government where (nominal) elections are held, but the “elected representatives” do anything they damn well please are anything but democracies.
The Founders were also men of the Enlightment, which held the concept of ruling in the national interest with great esteem. The fact that the English monarchy paid ablsolutely no attention to the interests, concerns and opinions of the Colonists lead to the American Revolution in the first place!
Yes, certainly public opinion can be fickle, and sometimes counterproductive, but to completely ignore it would be counter to the very principles which the country was founded on.
So John is the Democrats big problem eh?
Come on Cole, show us some love. Google Sheehan, surely you can find something to keep you firmly planted in the GOP.
I find it interesting that no one (not even MacB the allegedly deranged Bush lover!) took offense at John’s statement that “This administration has screwed up so many things that it is hard to keep track” (even if some, no doubt, disagree) but a lot of offense was taken at the suggestion that “some still persist in being petty and foolish about things that not only don’t matter, but aren’t even true.
I did take responsibility. I admitted I never read sullivan and assumed. I only know of him via other (mostly righty) blogs writing about what a ninny he is. I’m sorry if my mea culpa wasn’t up to your exacting standards.
I suppose I owe an apology to sullivan for misrepresenting his political leanings. I don’t owe you a thing.
btw, it’s canard, not cunard. am I being picky? no. that was no less a mistake than mine, and you’re jumping all over me for it.
there was nothing fraudulent in that post. there was one mistake, which I owned up to immediatly after it was pointed out to me.
are we trying to change the english language? has the standard for “fraud” now been reduced to “mistaken”?
give me a freakin break.
look again. I admitted the error, including my own ignorance to the substance of mr sullivan’s blog.
now, are you really going to tell me that there aren’t many many others on the left who take particular glee at outing gay republicans, simply because they don’t march in ideological lockstep with thier liberal betters? the same phenomena can be seen in the way liberals treat conservative blacks.
It’s not a stereotype if it’s true. you guys are all about diversity – as long as it’s not diversity of thought.
I never suggested he ignored public opinion. he’s just as concerned with it as anyone else. He just doesn’t change what he believes is right for the country soley based upon it.
on the other hand, we could always have elected Kerry, who decides on his core values every morning when he wakes up, licks his finger and holds it up to the breeze.
yeah, that’s who I want leading us.
I don’t disagree.
well, are you suggesting the turkey incident somehow does matter? to me, it’s demonstrative of my point that every single thing this president does is blasted by the left. very few of you can bring yourself to admit that anything he’s done is even remotely the right thing, including serving a turkey to soldiers.
btw, isn’t that more or less what I said?
You know how to tell if someone’s a troll?
Posting multiple comments – not double or triple posts, but multiple separate comments.
Well, you got me there, considering that he didn’t serve that turkey to soldiers. Dern librul facts hate America!
what then, pray tell, was that big ass roasted something or other he was carrying amoung all those soldiers?
D. Mason
I don’t think the point had anything to do with the right or wrongness of serving turkey to soldiers. I’m pretty sure the point was that he managed to screw it up. Which is a little sad.
It was the display turkey that he grabbed–I posted a link about it all upthread a long time ago.
It was the display turkey that he grabbed—I posted a link about it all upthread a long time ago.
if you seriously did not know that andrew sullivan is a conservative (and formerly a fairly influential one at that) then i might suggest that you are playing in the wrong sandbox over here.
getting a wee bit more ‘engaged’ might be a good idea before trying to debate people who are obviously more informed than you are; or at least have the sense to do some reasearch before spouting off about something.
just a heads up
You missed the really beautiful bit of misinformation there:
Yeah, “the left” call them that because that’s *the name of their organization*. What does the right call them, besides names?
uh, re-read the post Pb. you got that one all wrong.
ok, dragon. I’ll spend the rest of my free time reading blogs I have no interest in, just for you, so I can play with the big kids.
thanks for the heads up.
the cite of ‘hitlery’ at freerepublic is more apt than others like LGF or redstate or malkin’s blog.
of course there will be a lot of cites for say ‘chimpy’ at lefty sites, bush is the current president and is discussed ad nauseum at those places.
hillary is not discussed nearly as often at the righty sites, she’s a senator.
the best comparison is freerepublic, because unlike most of the others it was around back during bill clinton’s presidency, back during the height of criticism of hillary.
otherwise, i could just wait until bush is long out of office and find a brand new blog and say ‘hey look, no mention of “chimpy” here. the lefties are soooo much nicer.’
–good. i’m glad you’re finally getting with the program. remember, i’m just here to help.
Ok, just did–not seeing it. Maybe your intent was clearer than your words.
John S.
Yeah, a misspelled word is the same as basing an argument around a false assumption. Excellent parallel you draw there.
The entire post was bullshit. Let me count the ways:
1. You purposely include blogs in your ‘Top Righty’ list that come nowhere near registering on the popularity scale. I can only presume you did this to artificially show that the majority of the top conservative blogs DO allow comments, when in reality the majority of them DO NOT.
2. You purposely include blogs in your ‘Top Lefty’ list that come nowhere near registering on the popularity scale and in the case of Sullivan aren’t even liberal. I can only presume you did this to artificially show that just as many liberal blogs DO NOT allow comments, when in reality the majority of them DO.
Like I said, when comparing your data to reality, nothing about your ‘facts’ or the conclusions you draw from them are based in reality.
Look, a jackalope!
A stereotype is a stereotype regardless of whether or not it smacks of truthiness. And I am personally all for diversity of thought – when it is based on factual information that yields logical conclusions.
The Other Steve
But isn’t John Cole an Irrational Bush Hater? I thought we all knew that.
Yeah, we should be more like this:
(overheard at lefty convention ….)
A: Bush is creating huge debt.
B: But huge debt is good for the country.
C: Bush has fucked up the Iraq war!
D: But in a way, that helps us with Iran. Besides, the longer Iraq is fucked up, the more Halliburton makes, and the better off we all are.
E: I don’t totally agree, but I wonder if completely fucking up the country is really the best thing?
A: In some ways, no. But some say it is.
C: I think we have a range of views, then.
D: No lockstep hatred of Bush here.
B: No, not at all. I really like Bush, despite the fact that he’s trashed liberties and tried to wreck Social Security.
D: Some say that taking down Social Security would be good for the country.
A: I’ve heard that, and there is some truth to it.
See, that’s the kind of dialogue that would prove that we are more reasonable and diverse than the righties.
Mickey Finn
The turkey pic is merely representative of how the Bush Crime Family has always operated. Perception over reality, style over substance, PR over action, politics over policy. Don’t understand why it would offend, other than as a snapshot of just how grotesquely phony Commander Codpiece is. The truth will set you free…but first it’s liable to piss ya off.
Gary Farber
“I’m not voting Republican this fall (or, more than likely, in 2008), but I look across the aisle at some supporters for the Democrats and wonder why I bother voting at all.”
Everyone has stupid supporters. We don’t vote for supporters. What’s the relevance?
As far as the original subject goes all the charges of Bush’s PR stunt habits more or less prove it.
Hey, Clinton did it too. And you know what? It’s pretty much part of the job of being president. I’m not criticizing Clinton for showing up in Grand Forks after floods so that he could publically “feel your pain.” He did that a lot, you know, feeling pain. But as president being visible was part of his job and a quibble about just how much he travelled and how much pain he felt is just that, a quibble.
And as president Bush is criticized for not laying on the sugar as much as he should… by some. Most people would say he’s really crappy at it. But it’s his *job* to encourage the military and the fact that some people feel a vast antipathy for the military and hatred of Bush doesn’t change that fact. It’s his job. It’s his job to make speaches and appearances.
So find something real to criticize why don’t you. There’s a lot out there so it shouldn’t be difficult to do, right? Going on and on about someone agreed to be ham-handed when it comes to public relations because they make public appearances and give pep-talks as though this is somehow *bad*… it makes a person think that there isn’t actually anything real to complain about after all.
Clinton *did* do it too, and he was good at it. So?
Maybe ya’all should vote for a mute hermit with a skin condition next time to avoid all the distasteful public appearences, hm?
Indeed–Clinton was *good* at his *job*. Bush isn’t. And no, I’m not going to shut up about Bush’s ham-handed media stunts publicizing his *layover* in Iraq, because it’s disgusting. Five hours? Give me a break. As for “Clinton […] showing up in Grand Forks after floods so that he could publically “feel your pain.””–yeah, it’s called ’empathy’, and Bush could have learned a thing or two from that as well…
So, Pb. What you’re saying is that your answer to finding something real to criticize is… no?
Probably too late for this comment to get noticed, but Jim Henley said something wise the other day:
But you know what? I’m not being asked to elect liberal bloggers. I’m being asked to elect Democratic politicians.
Perhaps this will help, John.
John, I think you’re missing the point of the whole turkey episode. No, the turkey wasn’t a fake turkey, but it was fake food, and even the Administration admitted that it was a prop.
If you want to blame anyone, blame the so-called liberal media, who played up the “Generous, Altruistic, Nurturing President Dispenses Largesse To His Men” meme until you wanted to puke.
The turkey incident is far from the worst of the Bush Administration horrors, but it is indicative of an “all hat, no cattle”, image-is-everything mentality that has at its core a big helping of “I don’t give a shit about these guys.” And the fact that this Administration has done everything it can to screw over soldiers and their families proves it.
travis j newton
I think all the suck tits in this country sould be thankful that they have the ability to sit on the web and bitch about the way things are and do not have to wake up in the morning and find out that thier brother or sister has been shot or raped or killed in somekind of fucking miss hap because of a few uneducated fucking leaders law that they have been brought up to believe