We have discovered the (embarrassingly simple) reason why nested blockquotes never worked. Those of you who have complained about our weird HTML limitations may now nest to your heart’s content; all other limitations remain in place.
To celebrate, I give you Jackyl:
What was it anyhow, regexes gone bad?
Nested blockquotes and chainsaw-wielding rockers. You’re too good to us, Tim.
Perry Como
Needs more Malmsteen.
Jack Roy
Nngh. Just thinking of what the S,N! guys are going to do in retaliation for this gives me the jibblies. Someone needs to draft a Butt-Metal Youtube Non-Proliferation Treaty, and fast.
The jibbly-jibblies.
Tony Alva
Funny story about that Jackyl singer… When I first moved to Atlanta they were enjoying C list celeb status. They had a small following and that video in light rotation, but they did have the support of a couple local radio stations. One of the radio stations scheduled a publicity stunt whereby the singer would show up, seemingly unannounced, to a local pub grub eatery and slice a table into with a chainsaw. Well, Jackyl singer dude and/or the station/establishment got the time/date/location wrong and the poor guy scared the piss out of unsuspecting lunch diners and wound up being arrested.
Absolutely hysterical.
Don’t know if you’re a real metal fan or not, but riddle me this: Why couldn’t a guy like Y.J. Malmsteen ever figure out that if you can’t get a singer who can write or sing a melody it’s going to sound like crap.
Hey! Perry, I *love* Malmstein’s performances. (No, seriously.) His music is ghastly, but, my God, that man can play the Guitar.
(And, besides, isn’t his song _Liar_ dedicated to Dick Cheney?)
Perry Como
It’s one of the great mysteries of the universe.
Metal has been doing some interesting subgenre break downs lately:
Swedish curling metal.
AD&D metal.
Viking metal.
Pirate metal. Yes, a parrot is the lead singer of Hatebeak.
By interesting I mean “wtf?!”
Speaking of songs so bad they wish you were DEAD….
Another Enron-tied suspect has been found dead: Neil Coulbeck, A Royal Bank of Scotland exec questioned by FBI in connection with Enron, has been found dead in a park in East London.
That makes three: Coulbeck, Ken Lay, and the Cliff Baxter “suicide” in 2002.
Anyone else starting to think of “Goodfellas?” I wonder who will be found in a dumpster…
C’mon, Perry, if you’re going to mention Malmstein and Vikings, you ought to at least add a pointer to the…inimitable…_I am a Viking_. The lyics are vintage, with such gems as:
I mean, really, can anyone do better?
Perry Como
I never noticed that there were lyrics in Malmsteen songs ;)
I feel like I hit the wrong link and went to Metal Sludge.
Though there aren’t enough Kiss avatars here. :)
Rusty Shackleford
I broke my arm when I was a freshman in high school and my friend, who is now a doctor, signed my cast “Yngwie” (his nickname).
Yngwie Malmsteen cracks me up. We used to cut out of high school during finals to watch Yngwie concert videos and 70’s porn. Those were the days…
Btw, anyone see that the doctor who blew up his NYC brownstone was a wingnut?
Here’s 14-page suicide note.
My favorite is:
I don’t think that Malsteen ever did, either. At least, that’s how I rationalize them.
The Other Steve
Ok, don’t do…
You’ll lock up your browser
The Other Steve
This is funny
The Other Steve
confirmed in both IE7 and Firefox 1.5
T.O.S. beat me to it. Confirmed on IE7 Beta 2 and Beta 3.
Perry Como
Has BJ ever done an informal political survey like this one? I think it’d be interesting to see where people fall on the scale. I’m a looney liberal leftist that suffers from BDS:
You are a Social Liberal (90% permissive) and an… Economic Conservative (80% permissive) You are best described as a: Libertarian You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
Perry Como
That was brilliant.
John S.
We sure did. A while back.
Hello Social Liberal/Economic Conservative. As for me, I’m a Social Liberal (61% permissive)/Economic Liberal (26% permissive).
Heh. So, Tim, you may or may not have once asked a question of the Resident Republicans here, and included demimondian as an example. You’ll be amused to know that according to the highly scientific test, I’m a genuine lefty nanny-state type:
Perry Como
That’s why I qualified it with “informal political survey”. And it’s something that’s on a dating site (didn’t realize that until I hit the root).
Jay C
Yo, Rusty: thanks for the link to Dr. Gasline’s Last Screed: Doc Bartha’s home urban-renewal project scared the { } out of me: his townhouse is/was maybe 50 yards in a straight line from where I’m staying – fortunately all we got was a smell of smoke. But at least no we know part of his problem:
(His soon-to-be-ex-wife)
I just KNEW it would be Michael Jackson’s fault, somehow! Is there no stopping him??!!
…..oh, so that’s what that ll button does….
The Other Steve
See, that’s what I get for taking moderate positions on things.
I guess to become a Republican, I have to agree to toss people in prison for having children without a license.
The Other Steve
I’m worried about the number of people who appear on their charts as Fascist and Totalitarian.
But it’s interesting how much more moderate Democrats are on economic issues.
Actually, given some of my answers to their questions (like the one about setting a standard if one has kids), I really expected to be labelled a reactionary, so I was very puzzled by their final measure.
I know — they know who I really am, and they’re…looking for me. But I’m not worried, I’m protected by a well-documented protection device.
yeah, more or less
yeah, more or less, but what really bugs me is that anarchist is at the extreme of libertarianism. Anarchists generally don’t belive in private property, or wages, or a few other tenants of capitalism.
crap, sorry about the double post.
Ancient Purple
Oh, wait.
Ancient Purple
There we go.
Ignore that last post.
John S.
Wow, I had no idea that so many of us were of the same political stripe…
Social and Economic Liberals – UNITE!
Brad R.
Oh, so you think you can weaken our resolve by posting a Jackyl video? SCOFF!!!1!
Dave So
Fred Goodwin ex senior director of The Royal Bank of Scotland should lose his pension. He hasn’t done well for his company and should suffer the consequences. Should the senior director for any company not be held responsible? Letting him get away with such a big pension is ludicrous.