This simply makes me cringe (photo via Josh Marshall):

Yes that is Angela Merkel, conservative Chancellor of Germany.
Yet another reason why we should take Barry White off the Marine Band’s regular rotation.
John Amato has the video (WMP).
So far the rightwing responses:
* Maybe the photos are out of context? No, see the video.
* Liberals are angry! Also known as the devastating Michael Moore is fat line of critique. Thanks for sharing.
* Clinton would have done worse! A humorous overstatement that will soon be rendered moot by a blogger making the same comment in all seriousness.
* [New] This post has too many comments! Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.
* [Newer] (I honestly think that this one was delivered with a straight face) If she doesn’t file a complaint then she must have liked it!
Maybe the female rightwing bloggers (Pam?) can weigh in on how much they like it when random acquaintances do that uninvited.
Doctor Gonzo
Seriously, what kind of person does that? Bush and Merkel aren’t teenage friends clowning around. They aren’t in some kind of intimate relationship. These random acts are not cool. If somebody snuck up behind me and grabbed my neck they’d probably get punched in the face.
We’re talking an utter lack of empathy and a sense of what is correct social behavior here. That’s certainly harassment, if not psychopath territory.
I’ve found that guys who tend to do that touchy-feely stuff to me generally are guys I have more than a passing acquaintance with who’ve come to the decision that they want to hit on me
And yet, there are some who say that they were just kidding around and that she was “smiling”. That’s not a smile, that’s a grimace of extreme emotional discomfort.
And I have to say that the blank, distracted look on his face while he did it is very strange — was he kidding around, or was trying to intimidate her using a method that he could later claim to be lighthearted and in jest?
Either way, it’s creepy and inappropriate. She’s the head of fracking state of a G8 country. You don’t go touching her without her consent. Between that, the cursing, and the talking with his mouth full, he’s really shown a lot of class lately, hasn’t he? What’s next, giving noogies to the Japanese Prime Minister?
Ancient Purple
What WAS he thinking? Good grief. If anyone touched my sister or mother like that, I would pull them aside and give them a primer on personal space.
I don’t care if he is the President of the United States, he should know better. Then again, we have the dumbest president in the history of the United States who thinks that his office means he gets a free pass to do what he wants.
This isn’t his Yale fraternity house. This is an international summit.
I really want Putin to pinch Laura’s rear. After all, it’s just fun and games. Right, Bush?
What a disgrace.
The man is an ignoramus with no manners and no couth.
What a
creepybizarre andcreepyinappropriate thing to do to a relative stranger.She looks like she wants to deck
the creephim.Perry Como
I’m surprised he didn’t go for a Texas Titty Twister. Maybe he’ll play Tune in Tokyo with Junichiro Koizumi.
Bush better watch his ass. If Merkel’s security detail had been standing next to her, they may have popped a cap in his ass.
What a moron…. Can’t wait to see the rightie blogosphere defend this. Should be funny! Chewing food with his mouth open; talking with his mouth full; saying “Yo, Blair!;” swearing like a frat boy about a serious crisis; playing grab ass with heads of state…. C’mon apologists, lay it on us!!!
Looks like he’s drunk or at least a little buzzed to me.
At least he didn’t pull up her shirt and kiss her belly… that would be weird… :)
Marcus Wellby
Hehe!! I am no fan of the Doofus in Chief, but would have paid cash money to see that.
Perry Como
I don’t see why everyone is getting so bent out of shape. You should have seen the slap and tickle between Roosevelt and Churchill at Yalta.
She is cringing not smiling.
Seriously. All throughout the Cold War, U.S. and Russian leaders were well known to blow off steam by playing a rousing game of Hertz Donut with their counterparts.
I’m wondering if he’s been drinking during the entire summit. He sure as hell has been acting like it.
Feigning shock at a private conversation? Give. Me. A. Break.
If Clinton had done this, we’d be discussing impeachment right now. I wish I were kidding.
If it was just the cursing, I wouldn’t care. But when you combine that with how obnoxiously he’s been acting during this thing, it’s just one more nail in the coffin.
Do you think these pictures were cherry picked? Did Bush do that to anyone else? What was he saying? What was she saying? Relying on “Looks on their faces” is great commentary.
Yeah, but I can’t lie: If I were in that situation, I’d probably be talking shit too because that’s just how I am. “You ever been around Vladimir when he rips one? His last name ain’t Pootin’ for nothing!”
I’d just be more careful about making sure my mic isn’t on.
I do find it funny/predictable/sad that the Backwash-o-sphere is seriously trying to promote this as, “Ha ha, isn’t that great? Dear Leader just doesn’t care about fancy-pants propriety and all that other bullshit! Go get ’em, Georgie!”
Richard 23
dlw: in the running for PotD!
How could the answer to that question possibly be exculpatory?
I don’t think he was saying anything–he just snuck up behind her. The pictures are pretty clear by themselves, but there is a (very short) video clip of it as well, out there.
Blogreeder, Crooks and Liars has the video. I don’t know if it has audio, however.
From what I see on the video, she was talking to the gentleman on her right, and Bush was walking by the table, walked past the other guys, and then out of the blue reached out and squeezed her shoulders. She grimaced and flung her hands back towards him.
You can interpret this however you want. Regardless, I would assume that the world expects the leaders of the G8 to have a certain amount of gravitas and dignity. Talking with one’s mouth full of food, and grabbing at your fellow leaders does not exactly provide a good image.
Ancient Purple
Here’s a clue for you, BlogReeder: Go to your place of business and just randomly pick a woman and start giving her a back massage.
Then, find an empty box and start packing up your desk. Your termination papers will be to you momentarily.
No one – NO ONE – has the right to touch someone else without his or her permission.
Go watch the video. Bush just walked up to her and started massaging her back.
Completely inappropriate.
It wasn’t charming or cute or fun-loving or a college prank. It was a disgrace.
After the Blair video and watching this trailer trash alcoholic little turd sitting there chewing with his mouth open and talking and smacking food like some hillbilly in a bad commercial …. and now this …. I really just like him more and more as time goes on.
I think he’s a pig. But I have thought so for a long time, so this just reinforces it. And I think his ethics and his judgment are just like his personal habits. Namely, dirt. I think he’s an embarassment to this country and I think he’s dangerous.
Did they catch her mumbling under her breath after he left…”God, what a tool”.
Can you either put up another post or put the pictures under a “See Pics” tag that expands to post to show them?
They are painful to look at.
Mac Buckets
That’s because Clinton would’ve done it from in front of her.
The Clenis is still worst, clearly. Thanks for clearing that up.
Ernest goes to the G8!
“Know whut I mean, Blair?”
C’mon, you gotta give it to Mac–that’s a funny line. Kinda reminds me of that classic Onion headline:
New President Feels Nation’s Pain, Breasts
I only come here anymore for chuckles. I love to see what’s the latest thing that has caused OUTRAGE!
Thanks for the laughs.
It wasn’t just inappropriate in that a man marched up to a woman and grabbed her shoulders.
It was worse, in that our Head of State grabbed Germany’s Head of Government and gave her a good squeeze.
Judas fucking Priest. In an earlier era this might have led to war. In this hyper-paranoid era, Bush is literally lucky that Merkel’s bodyguard didn’t grab him and take him down.
Our President had better be back on the sauce, because that’s the least-disgusting excuse I can think of for this amateurish behavior.
Shame on you. There’s nothing funny in this thread. We’re all disgusted. And feeling good about it.
Are these larger, redder, and involve one’s cousin, as compared to a regular Titty Twister??
I can’t wait for the next reporter to blindly give props to this clown for whatever reason, and have him respond by bobbing his head and throwing up some devil horns with both hands ala Ronnie James Dio…
Veeshir…are you one of those guys that offers to give a woman a “back massage”?
Don’t confuse EWWWWWWWW with OUTRAGE.
The Other Steve
I know Bush’s type. This is also why he uses nicknames. It’s not in fun, it’s to keep you in your place, i.e. subordinate.
Outraged? Hardly. Disgusted tends to be more of the prevailing tone right now.
Professor Chaos
I dunno, compared to the shit former Canadian PM Chretien used to pull, Bush has a long ways to catch up.
Good point, Professor. Bush is an incoherent jackass, but Chretien was an incoherent thug. Unfortunately, we Canadians tend to keep our Prime Ministers in office LONG after they’ve overstayed their welcome. Maybe we’re afraid of change. Maybe we figure they’re all jackasses and crooks anyway, so we like to stay with the one we know, until we can’t deal with him anymore.
Professor Chaos
For what it’s worth, in terms of nutty leaders, at least among liberal democracies, I don’t think anyone can top the Italians, especially when Berlusconi was in office. Oh wait, there’s Chirac, who keeps redefining the term “low” every few months.
Unfortunately for everyone who works in an office with compulsive shoulder rubbers, the latter have just gotten a free lifetime pass: “What? What? I was being Presidential!”
Just to give a German perspective.
Bush looks like a little boy without having learned any manners yet. Childish, disrespectful and idiotic.
This is bad for two reasons.
First, this is an international conference shown on TV. You just don´t do this. This is an offical meeting and Germans would expect that you show respect to other government leaders. Sneaking up behind our chancellor and giving her an uninvited backrub is disrespectful. Especially touching uninvited the only female leader at that event.
And second, in Germany you simply don´t touch someone you barely know. It is of course different between friends. But even close friends will stay more “formal” at official events. It´s a cultural thing.
In short, if Bush thinks that will endear him to Merkel (or to Germany), he should think again. Big, big cultural faux pas to say it in French. :)
Paul Wartenberg
Okay, this is officially the Worst. Presidential Trip. Ever. He’s passed his own father on the Embarrassment scale (remember when Bush the Elder puked on the Japanese PM? My Lord, the Japanese responded by training a monkey to mimic the poor guy… and SNL did the best Oliver Stone parody based on that incident… so *that* was a Very Embarrassing Moment).
There’s… you know, this G8 Summit is turning out to be a PR Fiasco for everyone attending it. The current Japanese PM is doing Elvis impersonations (dude, leave it to the professionals…). Putin’s acting around kids in a way that makes Michael Jackson look safe again. And Bush has gone for a hideous trifecta (lousy podium performance, eating and talking at the same time, and now this). The only ones looking good at this event are the caterers. Did you see that pig? Mmmm, good eeting…
Note to self: stop posting as Veeshir.
“…eating and talking at the same time, and now this…”
The horror, the HORROR!
“Okay, this is officially the Worst. Presidential Trip. Ever.”
Yup. Really puts Yalta and FDR giving Eastern Europe up to Stalin’s predations into proper perspective, doesn’t it.
Mac Buckets
Yalta and FDR giving Eastern Europe up to Stalin’s predations into proper perspective, doesn’t it.
Did you guys see the piece in Harper’s about how this is a made-up right-wing talking point in the fine tradition of Hitler’s “the jews made us lose WWI”? I can’t link, but you should be able to find it if you google “Stabbed in the Back” Harper’s or something like that.
Mac, you’re funny today.
Mac, that was beautifully done. You ARE funny today.
“Did you guys see the piece in Harper’s about how this is a made-up right-wing talking point in the fine tradition of Hitler’s “the jews made us lose WWI”?”
You’re right, of course. Nothing like that happened. An ailing FDR atually ate Stalin’s lunch at Yalta, and anybody who says different is obviously just like Hitler.
atually = actually
You’re just as deluded as Hitler, docob.
I know, I know, Godwin’s rule, I lose.
But I’m right.
Read the article.
The reason the Left is so preoccupied with Bush saying “shit”, talking with his mouth full, and giving a backrub to the German Chancellor is because they have absolutely nothing of value to add to the curent problem in the Middle East other than criticize Israel.
I’d feel bad about losing via Godwin’s rule if I weren’t writing docob’s comments.
Whoops. Didn’t close a tag.
What’s Pam going to say? That we should have a rally in front of the New York Times demanding we try Bill Keller for treason for reporting on unwanted backrubs? And then call Rush and hyperventilate about how manly the riot cops were? And how if she dressed slightly more whoreish, well, still no one cares.
Richard 23
docob, troll much? Mac, funny stuff. It reminds me of Harriet Miers’ blog.
Tim F.
Today’s reading comprehension award winner. The rest of you can all give up now.
I know guys like that. Most people just refer to them as “Asshole.” I guess that makes Bush Asshole-in-Chief.
Tom, you’ll find it takes much less time to type “STFU” if that’s what you’re trying to say…
Well, if it’s in Harpers, it must be true.
And that’s the second time you’ve compared me to Hitler for stating something that is pretty tame mainstream analysis of history. Is that your ususal practice?
I was reacting to what I saw as hyperbole with an admittedly snarky rejoinder, and you respond with what I consider one of the worst insults you can aim at a person.
I’d like an apology. I don’t necessarily expect one, but one can hope.
Hey, docob,
Just what do you propose FDR should have done at Yalta?
The Red Army was already in possession of Eastern Europe. They had more men, more tanks, and a very understandable desire to control a big buffer zone between them and the Germans.
So should FDR have huffed, and puffed, and demanded that Stalin get out of Poland? Or should he have declared war on the USSR?
Some of the answers to these questions can be found in history books. You might try reading one sometime. You’d learn something.
“Pretty tame mainstream analysis of history?”
Maybe, in a world where Tailgunner Joe McCarthy is “mainstream.” But in the real world, not so much.
You know what is really stupid ? That this is enough to evoke 64 comments so far. People, please, get a life.
Here’s the Harper’s article (I can’t link properly for some reason, unless that’s been fixed)
Here’s some snippets on Yalta
Here’s some more
Read the whole article.
Docop — if you’re going to use Hitleresque paranoid rhetoric, I’m going to compare you to Hitler. That’s life in the big blog city.
Ah yes, the first of the authoritarian followers has appeared.
Congrats on your unending defense of the indefensible.
Paul Wartenberg
Well the thing is Stalin (bleeped) FDR’s dog at Yalta, so there’s your embarassment, at least in Santorum’s opinion…
Are you not familiar with the Green Lantern theory of geopolitics? I can’t embed the link, but Matt Yglesias has written about it extensively.
Ok docob and DougJ (if that’s your real name), exactly how do you propose Bush and Putin split Merkel? Will there be an allied occupation zone with Blair and Chirac?
It looks to me like Bush stole Merkel from under the nose of a weak and ailing Putin. That’s how future “mainstream” historians will no doubt see things.
Everybody settle down. I think FDR is in the top five Presidents ever, and I doubt anybody else could have handled America’s role in WWII better. But you have to admit he wasn’t on top of his game at Yalta. Being at death’s door probably had a lot to do with that, I imagine.
“Docop—if you’re going to use Hitleresque paranoid rhetoric, I’m going to compare you to Hitler. That’s life in the big blog city.”
I used nothing of the sort. Thanks for living down to my expectations.
Thanks for substantively answering my arguments about Yalta, doHitler.
I’m through with you, docob. Your money’s on the bureau.
Third time’s a charm DougJ. Fuck you.
You’re awfully brave behind a keyboard, aren’t you. Hope you didn’t leave me too much money, seeing that I didn’t even give you a reach-around.
Nice comment section y’all have here. Don’t know why I expected any different.
Richard 23
Thanks for being number 65, Sherard. Nimrod! Now defend your boy king, dammit!
Sherard, has it not occurred to you that the 65 comments might be because we all just like talking to each other? Mac’s having a sense of humour about the whole thing — where did you leave yours?
Perry Como
Yeah, Sherard sounds tense. Someone should give him a backrub.
Richard 23
I’m just wondering where the cob is. And I thought you were going to ask me about the pig.
Richard 23
Oh, I almost forgot: now watch this drive!
Rusty Shackleford
Here’s an apology – I’m sorry you’re such a little bitch.
Not bad, but I’m sucker for Full Metal Jacket humor. It would have been better if you’d said “I didn’t even have the common courtesy to give you a reach-around.”
You’re still a moron, but if you can make yourself amusing, I think we can all get along here.
Have any proof of that? A link, perhaps? Oh, nevermind…
We still have a ways to go to “Bush eats a baby, wingnuts defend him” but we are definitely getting closer.
Don’t get me started, Steve.
Speaking as a woman, I would have probably stood up, turned around, and said in as cold a voice as I could manage:” I do not appreciate your touching me.”
Can’t SOMEONE slap this doofus?!
Ancient Purple
Then leave. We won’t stop you.
I am waiting for Chancellor Merkel to complain publicly.
If she doesn’t, those of you complaining about President Bush are going to look very childish. Perhaps, he is just a nice guy who is nice to everyone. Most people are not hung up and just appreciate a back massage.
Get a life, besides, Syria and Iran need to knock this $hit off. I couldn’t have said it better myself.
On the other hand, you could have Clinton back. He could launch the Intifada and kill 1000 Israelis. He could send Jimmah and Mrs Doubtfire to give NKorea nukes. He could grab Kathleen Willey on her breasts and crotch, “I always wanted to do this.” He could tell Paula Jones, “Kiss this.” Heck, anything is better than Hillary, even butt ass ugly Monica! At least Monica was consensual. That is a really liberal solution for the problem!
Ok, who’s writing ‘JoeS’… is that you, GOP4Me?
It was a retarded social faux pas, writ large for the world to see. Does it reflect on anything else? Prolly not.
Yeah, that’s a good point. If she doesn’t make an international incident out of it, proof positive she thought it was perfectly appropriate. I know I’ll feel pretty silly!
Clinton would have had her purring like a kitten.
And before the end of the week we’d be able to say Germany was willing to bend over and take it from the American President.
That’s diplomacy.
Ancient Purple
Link please.
Perry Como
JoeS is the creepy backrub guy in his office.
How dare he walk up to a “random woman” and give her shoulders a non-threatening, familial squeeze. You would almost think that they were aquainted with one another and had spent a lot of time together or something.
What a moron!
“Has Merkel complained yet or can we continue screeching and raising our dresses over our head?”
I’m not complaining; I’m not OUTRAGEd. My reaction is more, “I’d forgotten Bush has so many different ways of showing he’s a jackass.” The old wiping-his-glasses-on-someone-else’s-shirt stunt had slipped my mind.
Even I’ll admit that Mac’s diary was pretty funny.
Jeebus- the Bush sycophants are here in force. It’s almost reflexive for those fruitloops to counter any legitimate criticism of Bush with sexual comments about Bill Clinton. I guess there is no better way to defend their idiot king.
Hey, I’ll take a backrub from Clinton any day.
Bush…not so much.
If she doesn’t, those of you complaining about President Bush are going to look very childish. Perhaps, he is just a nice guy who is nice to everyone. Most people are not hung up and just appreciate a back massage.
You’re an idiot. As other folks here have suggested, you really ought to put your theories about “most people” to the test. Go to a coffee shop, creep behind the customers, and start rubbing their shoulders. See how “appreciative” they are. Do us a favor and get a video of the whole experiment, and then post it on the web, so we can laugh at you.
Your post made me laugh out loud. I would love to see the video. LOL.
Thanks a lot. I’m going to have nightmares for weeks.
Just when you’re certain you know the bounds of his stupidity, the breadth of his worthlessness, the Bushtard gives them a little tweak. Should be expected, though. As the dimmest bulb on the planet once observed in a rare, but true, moment of introspection…”I am the master of low expectations, and often I exceed them.”
Yes. The President of the United States giving the German Chancellor’s shoulders a quick friendly squeeze in the midst of a crisis after spending many, many hours with her is EXACTLY equivilent to sneaking up behind a random person whom he has never met at a coffee shop.
That is an absolutely brilliant analogy.
Where is the rest of the video? I’m sure a few extra seconds of reaction would clear this “controversy” up. Curious that it stops there.
No, I try not to spoof around here much these days. If you want to read my spoofing, you have to go to Scrutator.
Scrutator: the most honest (honestest?) conservative blog on the Internet.
John D.
Given her reaction to his “friendly squeeze”, it sure as hell seems similar to me.
Look, drop all the analogies for a second, OK? Go watch the video. Did she look like she enjoyed that “friendly squeeze”? No? Then why the fuck would you try to defend the guy that, out of the blue, applied that squeeze?
Personal space is personal space, no matter what country you happen to be in. An apology to the Chancellor is in order.
John, don’t you know anything about women? That’s how they are — they pretend not to like it, but, really, they love it. Look at that smile on her face at the end. She loved every minute of it.
Tim in SF
I’m not outraged, I’m just embarrassed. When watching the video and thinking how this twirp represents *me* as an American, I feel like I did when I was a kid at a public event and my father got drunk and acted like an ass. I winced.
We women always wince when we enjoy being man-handled. We also really mean yes when we say no.
The Other Steve
I think Yalta is one of those wonderful Republican talking points. You know, cause if it had been them, they would have invaded and destroyed the Soviet army, pushing them back to Irkutsk!
Granted it didn’t happen, they never tried to make it happen, and as such nobody remembers them as the US party who tried to follow in the footsteps of Napolean and Hitler and take Moscow and hold it and failed utterly.
But that’s because it’s a lot safer to talk tough about what you would have done… then to actually be there and do it.
Sorry, that just fails so many tests, I don’t know where to start.
See the Blair-mouthfull of food video from the day before.
The man is a fucking pig.
The Other Steve
The next G8 conference will be held in Las Vegas.
Because what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
God, you people need to grow up. He squeezed her shoulders. So what? THAT embarrasses you but Clinton misusing a cigar didn’t? The hypocrisy is the reason people are comparing this moment with Bill Clinton.
BTW, how many people did Joe McCarthy accuse of being communists who weren’t?
Her eyes, hands, mouth, and face said no, but her subconscious said yes, yes, yes!
COMPLETELY blown out of proportion. I’ve seen the video, it’s FOUR SECONDS. It was not a lurid massage, but a “wring your neck” joke whose significance extinguished the moment it was over.
Oh, except for you fucking retards in the “reality based community”. What a fucking joke you people are. Disturbed, really.
This one is about on par for St. Andrew of the Sacred Heartache Sullivan. The idea that you morons will ever win another election is laughable.
JoeS wrote:
You´re an idiot. No German, not even her husband, would have touched her like that during an official event. For a simple reason. The G-8 meeting is an official event with cameras all around. People are supposed to act dignified around such events.
Bush didn´t try to do the same thing to any of the other guys? Just to the one woman present.
And what was she supposed to do?
Scream and knock him out? While I´m in favor of that reaction :) it was an international event. Her best reaction – given the surroundings – was to pretend that everything was all right.
I don´t think Merkel will forget it, Bush embarassed and humiliated her in front of all the other guys. Be prepared to see a much cooler reception of ideas that aren´t directly in the interest of Germany.
I wonder how Bush or the American public would react if at the next international meeting some foreign leader decides to investigate the body of the first lady?
Try it in your place of employment. And be sure that you do it to a woman from a different culture.
Write back and let us know how it went.
Let’s not forget Detlef’s comments:
It’s not just about whether or not the Chancellor thought it was appropriate. My money says she wasn’t, just by the look on her face, and the upward hunching of her shoulders. A few of us women here have been the recipient of unwanted “friendly” shoulder rubs, and have had that exact same facial expression and body language.
I’m curious as to what the rest of the world thinks of his behaviour.
Perry Como
I know she wants me. I can tell by the way she ignores me.
Maybe Chirac will tongue kiss Laura at the next summit. No big deal, he’s French.
I´m a German and I really don´t care about US politics.
To be totally clear, I don´t care which dumb guy you elect as President, it´s entirely your affair.
Just try to explain to your “leader” that groping one of our European leaders is considered unpolite and undignified. If he can´t remember that simple lesson, just don´t let him leave your country, okay?
And don´t tell me a “wring your neck” joke.
Especially if your Secret Service insists on practically depopulated towns during an American President´s visit.
Good point.
There are times when the man has to act presidential.
Dustbin Of History
Did you see how she was dressed? She was asking for it, I tell ya!
This, plus the dinner-roll-spittin’ footage from the previous day, are a boxed set.
Watch them both, and no reasonable person can have any reaction other than “OMFG — what a slob.”
One needn’t even speak English to get the Blair-Food thing. Just hearing him smack that chow around in his mouth while talking is all it will take.
Note to self, add to our list of people we never invite over for dinner …..
I think I can predict pretty accurately what the rest of the world thinks of his behavior.
They think he’s a maroon. Just like 77% of Americans.
It´s not about what Merkel thought really.
And I´d bet that she´s furious. :)
A few of the observers are leaders of other EU countries…
It´s more about how much respect Bush is willing to give to other government leaders. I don´t know about the USA, but in German eyes Merkel lost status. You simply don´t touch another government leader uninvited. Especially at a formal event. It´s just not done in Germany.
While everyone understands that Merkel – unfortunately :) – couldn´t just knee Bush, she lost prestige. And given the shaky coalition government in Germany right now, that´s bad for her. Bush just made it even more complicated for any German government to cooperate with him.
Perry Como
Maybe he thought she was going to ask him about the pig.
DaveS, if someone came up behind me and unexpectedly gave my shoulders a squeeze, friendly or otherwise, they better be a *very* close friend. And even then, I probably wouldn’t appreciate it. If someone did it at work I’d take them aside and tell them not to do it again. Second time would merit an official complaint. This is simply not appropriate workplace behaviour, no matter how much time they’ve spent together. As many other posters have said, if you think it is appropriate, I can’t wait to see how it turns out when you do that to a woman in your workplace.
Detlef, I can definitely see that. They’ve been portrayed as being very friendly with each other, and to then be thought of as being friendly with someone who obviously has so little dignity and respect and manners — yes, I can see why the rest of Germany would be wondering why on earth she tolerates him.
And you have a point about the Secret Service. That joke about the “neck wringing” is just idiocy. If another foreign leader showed such disrespect to Bush during a formal event, via unwanted touching (or a “neck-wringing joke”…oy), the outrage would be shouted to the heavens.
I bet she’s furious too…at a time when she needs to project an image of strong leadership, he made her look weak.
And this is a classic move that some guys will use to put a woman “one down” in a workplace environment. Very obvious and inappropriate.
Yes. The President of the United States giving the German Chancellor’s shoulders a quick friendly squeeze in the midst of a crisis after spending many, many hours with her is EXACTLY equivilent to sneaking up behind a random person whom he has never met at a coffee shop.
Like other folks have said, LOOK AT THE GODDAM VIDEO! Does it look like President Fuckwit’s gesture was in any way desired or appreciated?
Where is the rest of the video? I’m sure a few extra seconds of reaction would clear this “controversy” up. Curious that it stops there.
Ah, yeah. I’m sure that’s the part where she starts blowing him.
Are guys like you fond of President Fuckwit because you don’t look so stupid in comparison?
DaveS and Darrell, the clip showed Merkel’s reaction: a grimace, hunched shoulders, and a “get your hands off me!” gesture.
Yet you seem to think/hope the next few seconds are more significant.
What I want to know is, are you that intent on defending Bush?
Or are you just that dismissive of the woman’s reaction, and need to see what the guys do before you know if it was acceptable behavior?
Go slurp shit you mouth breathing moron!
The Cult of Bush just needs to come up with better excuses.
I’m sure that was the Chancellor’s O-face.
Every two years or so I have to fire a numbskull like you because they act and think this way. ‘She’s knows it’s friendly’, ‘I don’t mean anything sexual by it’, ‘I’m a friendly guy, it doesn’t mean anything’. I fire their dumbass because my company can’t wait around for them to ‘get it’ and be sued in the meantime for not dealing with a sexual harasser. In the real world people who touch others uninvited in a professional or business situation are fired.
Otto Man
Once again, the world is reminded that President Bush is a very powerful child.
Yo Detlef, I hear you. She should have bitchslapped the stupid bastard. While as you say it may not have returned her stature in German eyes, no doubt there would have been a certain satisfaction. Anyway he’s used to it. Cheney has him dress up in his old cheerleader costume most mornings then slaps him around. Gets his pacemaker revved up.
Ancient Purple
Unfortunately, it is well beyond that. Darrell, Dave S and Sherard are misogynist. They secretly believe that women are chattle and are nothing more than incubators for embryos.
Since they can’t say that publicly, they express their hated of women by saying that walking up to a woman and giving her a shoulder massage is just a pleasantry. If the woman is upset by the unwelcomed gesture, they think all she needs is a good humping.
And if she objects to the
rapehumping, she should just learn to sit back and enjoy it.Of course, this only relates to women they have no blood or married connection to. If it is someone else’s wife or sister or mother or daughter, do whatever you want. If it is their wife or sister or mother or daughter, well, you have no business touching them without
theirhis permission.Welcome to the world of “conservative values.”
Ancient Purple
Yup. My company fired three people this year alone for “inappropriate touching.”
Frankly, I wish the company would back the women up and help them sue these clowns for assault.
Or maybe… just MAYBE… you are unhinged and blowing it way out of proportion.
Let’s be honest. You have no friggin’ idea how close they are, or what the circumstances were, or what she said when she did her little hand motion then smiled, or what happened after the video. You are fabricating an incident that you WISH occurred, and there is absolutely no “reality-based” evidence that it occurred.
Those are the facts.
You also don’t know anything about me or the other people that you are childishly calling names. Stop projecting.
I notice the media has siezed on this enormously significant, not-blown-out-of-proportion story and is ceaselessly reporting on it.
Do you ever feel like the whole world is stupider than you and that you are different? That’s probably a sign that you are slightly out of touch.
Get over this one guys. Focus on something important.
Do tell. Last I saw, it was all Lebanon, all the time. Unlike, say, the Clinton years, when it was all Clenis, all the time.
The Other Steve
I wonder if Republicans realize that our President has no respect in the world.
They tell jokes about him, and it’s generally about his stupidity or moments like this. This may not get air play or notice in America, but it will be noted in Russia.
Ohwell. I can’t wait until 2009 when we can restore dignity to the Whitehouse.
C&L-John Amato
HI Tim, over at Riehl World they say I:
No wonder they are only using a four second video. I doubt they want you to see the rest.
All they had to do was look at the main link and know that I posted all the video that was available. Who’s the useful idiot?
Yeah, no. It’s not fabricated. It actually happened.
And as for what it means, that’s easy. One need only see the Blair+Food video. This man is a slob, a frat boy who never grew up. The son of wealthy and educated parents, he talks and acts like trailer trash. Nobody who talks and spits through chewed food with his mouth open would ever be invited to dinner at the house I grew up in.
This guy is a guy who drank his way through most of his adulthood and embarassed his family and nearly ruined his marriage doing it.
He’s a piece of shit, this little alcoholic prick, and the thing captured in the photos at the top of this thread is only dismissable if you take it out of the context of his sorry-assed life. Unfortunately, it isn’t taken out of that context, and in that context, it is what it is.
You may not agree with that, but that doesn’t make you King Shit on Turd Island, with the power to declare all your adversaries to be “unhinged.” Nobody could watch that slob spitting through chewed food and not conclude that this guy is dirt. Who would want to sit next to this asshole at dinner? I don’t know anybody who would.
About the best I can say for this sad sack is, “He ain’t much, but he’s all we got.” Sadly, he is all we got for two more years. There’s something to be worried about.
Casey Tompkins
Ancient Purple obviously works at a very metro-sexually based office, where the politically correct nannies have run amok.
While I won’t go “randomly” giving backrubs (I have about two or three gajillion positive reviews regarding my “magic hands” in this respect), it’s not too hard to find a lady co-worker who appreciates some stress relief.
On the other hand, I am quite careful who I do touch. If I have the slightest doubt, I keep away. Still, AP way overstates the general case.
No, I take that back. Seeing a later comment re:”real conservative values,” it is self-evident Ancient Purple is an ignorant, bigoted, pompous arse. An uptight git. A jerk. No, gotta take that back, too; more a knee-jerk “knows everything about the other side” idiot mouthbreather liberal who considers himself superior to “conservatives” because he ususally uses bigger words. It’s obvious he wouldn’t know real conservative values if they jumped up and bit him on his flacid buttocks.
For what it’s worth, I’m not a conservative myself. I’m more of a Federalist/Freedom Owl/Instapunditarian kinda guy.
Detlef provides a clue to the situation: Germans are wayyy more anal about personal touching than Americans are. News to me. But then I’ve known more Russians, Mexicans, and West Africans than Germans. Who’da thunk it?
I know most Americans would consider ‘even close friends will stay more “formal” at official events’ to be too stuffy and uptight.
Hmm. I wonder how often the President gets briefed non-verbal cues from other cultures. I remember all the snide derision from various quarters when the photo of Bush holding hands (apparently a relatively normal act in the Mid East) with a Saudi came out. Recall the classic phoot of Bush hugging the young girl here in southwest Ohio in 2004. Obviously Bush is a physical-contact kind of guy.
That said, it was pretty bone-headed to grab someone without warning like that.
On the other hand, considering Merkel is a conservative German, she probably likes to be the dominant partner. Heh.
Ok. That was wrong, I’m sorry. Evil Casey, bad Casey! I was just over at Protein Wisdom, some of it rubbed off…
…And even I’m not going to touch that one. {snerk}
Ok. Bush did something really bone-headed. It’s not the end of fracking NATO, ok? It’s not even as if the Bush-haters should be surprised, considering their Bushie dogma.
In parting, I notice The Other Steve says
Getting rid of Helen Thomas, are we?
Oh, yes, I forgot. This is the frequently the last thing they say as they head out the door with their Record of Earnings and final paycheque. It’s never their fault, it’s everyone else who is over-reacting and for the first time in their lives they are being called in account for being an utter prick, because,… A G8 summit included (did I really just say that?)
Just so you know, I’ve fired women who did the same thing as well.
Otto Man
I notice the media has siezed on this enormously significant, not-blown-out-of-proportion story and is ceaselessly reporting on it.
What channel are you watching? I’ve had CNN on all night and haven’t seen it yet.
If this were Clinton, impeachment proceedings would have already begun.
Funny how liberals who defend or understand Honor Killings (think Steven Vincent, you see he offended the Arab culture – naturally he would be killed) get really torqued about a shoulder rub.
Ancient Purple
Not even close. Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is, Dave. When you go to work, go up to a woman you are acquaintances with at work and just randomly grab her shoulders and start massaging. You will either get your face slapped or you will get fired. My guess is you would probably cry if either happened.
Tell me, Dave, how many times have Bush and the German leader been in each others company since she took office? From what I remember, it hasn’t been much, if any. Unless you are suggesting they are posting about each other through
It is clear from her reactions that she wasn’t happy. Oh, but the big, butch man named Dave S. just knows what the ladies want, so when they grimmace and shrug, that really means they want a good feeling up from Unca George.
Right. Because a misogynist would be the one saying that you don’t touch a woman unless you have permission. Pure genius on your part there, Dave.
Ancient Purple
Let me guess. One person who claims to be a liberal defended the murder of Steven Vincent, so all liberals are guilty of doing the same thing.
Wow, DaveC, you are even more ignorant and pathetic than DaveS.
Who the fuck is Steven Vincent?
Oh well, at least you morons aren’t still talking about, say, Vince Foster.
No I was talking about Juan Cole.
Ancient Purple
Oh. You mean this.
Um. I don’t remember anything about Steven Vincent and yet you claim that all liberals are defending honor killings because of an article Juan Cole wrote just under a year ago?
Was today the special “grasping at straws” night for you, or is this your regular nightly thing for you?
BTW, here is a liberal who slapped Juan Cole around for that post. Note at the end that he makes mention of a person who dislikes Cole but was defending him.
This would be a good lesson for you on how NOT to paint with a broad brush.
Sorry if I think that international negotiations shouldn’t involve unasked shoulder rubs.
I don’t even see where Juan Cole would be defending honor killings, so that would make the tally *zero* liberals so far…
Perry Como
Come on DougJ, you have better bait.
Steven Vincent’s story was a real tragedy. He was a neighbor of mine, actually (in the US, not in Basra!) although I didn’t know that until after the fact. His widow had a nice memorial out front of their building.
One of the sadder things is that here is a guy who risked his life, and ultimately lost his life, to actually travel to Iraq and find out the truth, and when he reported back that things actually weren’t all that rosy… his own co-bloggers didn’t believe him.
His own co-bloggers wouldn’t trust a fellow conservative who was reporting what he saw with his own two eyes. That’s how brainwashed these war supporters are. It’s absolutely unbelievable.
And a winner! For the proud owner of the biggest durn jackalope any of us has ever…oooh shiny!
Perry Como
Is this his blog?
Tim F.
Wuh-oh, the dreaded composition-division double fallacy. What could possibly be more credible than that?
Hrm, no. In fact, that appears to be a liberal blog. I believe Vincent’s blog is here.
John D.
On what planet is that a “good point”?
The video that is there has:
A) Setup – Bush walking to the chair
B) Action – The “friendly squeeze”
C) Reaction – Chancellor Merkel’s grimace
D) Denoument – Chancellor Merkel’s brush-off gesture, Bush walking beyond.
There really isn’t more to be shown. There really isn’t more to be said.
Is this a huge deal? No. Is the unthinking defense of President Bush by certain parties here a big deal? Yes, IMHO. From all available evidence, there is *nothing* he could do to make some people say “Dude, that’s fucked up”.
He grabbed another HEAD OF STATE from behind, catching her unawares. The amount of disrespect in that action is staggering. I don’t care how good of friends they are to each other, it was hideously inappropriate public behavior for the leader of a country.
Oops, screwed up blockquote. I was meaning to respond to this:
Oh Casey, you’re so smart and snarky! What do you do for casual Fridays? Handjobs behind the desk? If they consent, of course.
I don’t care if Merkel spun around, dropped to her knees and made George forget who Laura is. Unless, of course, Bush can give Ahmadinejad a great massage and end his nuclear program.
George shoulda thunk it. It’s called international diplomacy, and knowing the cultural mores and quirks of the world leaders with whom you are dealing.
And if most Americans want to go around giving each other noogies and high-fives at important business functions, then that’s their prerogative. However, he is a Head of State, and should really try to keep a more dignified image when on the international stage, regardless of how many Americans think it’s fantastic that he’s just a regular guy who talks with his mouth full…sort of like Al Bundy. And if the rest of the free world thinks he’s a boorish, immature frat boy with no couth, well, they’re just all uptight! Who needs ’em?
So far the rightwing responses:
You left out my rightwing response.
Pointing and laughing.
Sorry about Veeshir — I’ve been sleep-posting. Damn Ambien!
How many men do you give backrubs to? On interesting issue, aside from Bush’s boorishness, is that Merkel’s status as chancellor of Germany wasn’t enough to overcome Bush’s view of her as a woman he felt like touching, in public. (I was talking to a friend who has a colleague who does back rubs, and she said, “It’s not threatening or anything–he’s gay.” Gender roles may be important in Bush’s “mind”, but they shouldn’t get in the way of his interaction with other world leaders.
And on the Clinton comparisons: If Bush’s behavior in private ever comes to light, let’s talk about it then.
Uh huh. So the next time you’re at a large formal wedding being videotaped and photographed, if the bride looks a little tense, just run up to the altar with your ‘magic hands’ and do your thing. You just know the bride, the groom, and everyone there will be in awe of your handiwork and thank you for it. Add them to your gajillion reviews.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell which is funnier. The FUBAR king himself, or watching the pods turning their asses inside out trying to “rationalize” his screwups afterwards.
So yeah, this is just a teeny, tiny, minor screwup for Bushie. It’s good to see he stays the course at all times in all situations. All f**cked up all the time.
Mac Buckets
Apparently, the Germans don’t care about this story, either — well, except for Detlef. A check of the big dailies from Germany netted nothing. Plenty of Tour de France coverage and World Cup rehash, though. And apparently Ronaldinho is with some German stripper now! Seems only the American left cares much about his incident…which I don’t think any of us could’ve predicted!
The Other Steve
Lead singer for MegaDeath I think.
The Other Steve
Oh my God! do you think the Germans might have killed Vince Foster?
Oddly enough, a check of the big American dailies (a search for “Merkel” on their home pages) also netted nothing.
But here’s a different possibility: on, a search for bush and merkel brings up the story third from the top (sorted by date); on, the same search brings up the story fifth from the top.
. . .or, at least, only to about the same extent as Americans.
Just remember: Bush drunk is still a better president than Kerry sober would have been.
Kerry drunk might have been better, but might have been too Ted Kennedy instead.