Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a blog. With comments.
Yes, that would be the same Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who is also the president of Iran. Let’s see how long it takes for DougJ to get banned.
If we decided to blogroll him, where would he fit? I would go with the Center to Right column since he’s obviously a member of the Religious Right, but no doubt we will hash it out in the comments. Regardless of where he goes it won’t happen until he signs the Online Integrity Pledge.
Joe Gandelman also comments.
Much more here.
Otto Man
I hope it’s as good as Harriet Mier’s blog.
I’ve never thought about spoofing an Islamic fundamentalist before. Should be fun.
Imagine if Hitler had blogged. Well, actually, I’m not sure it requires much imagination.
If Mahmoud Ahtoomanyletters gets a hairpiece, do we call it a Persian Rug?
Just asking.
No, it doesn’t, especially if you read Little Green Footballs regularly.
Zarqawi’s Mom is a real firecracker.
The Other Steve
So do you think the American response to this is to call the Iranian President a radical out of touch with the mainstream Iranian Evil-doer?
Or will they think outside the box and actually have something insightful and creative to say.
Oh sorry, by American, I meant… wingnut Bush lovers.
Ryan S.
I bet those are some moderated comments. Which is probably why there aren’t any. Combined with the assumption that probably most people in Iran aren’t even allowed access.
Another interesting discussion of this here.
Im personally looking forward to Kim Jong Il’s blog.
I hope he puts up a section of hobbies, likes, dislikes, favorite song, and stuff like that.
Cardinal Martini
It’s open source diplomacy… followed by warfare via blog. The Israelis will get a blog, and Hezbollah and al Qaeda will have blogs, and Condi’s blog will be awesome (in addition to discussing FoPo she’ll link to the NY Sun’s symphony reviews) — and instead of firing guns and missiles, they will all flame each other’s comments sections. (Donald Rumsfeld will have a blog too, but he’ll mostly post photos of himself gesticulating wildly, interspersed with run-on sentences that convey little information.)
WWHD? Picture Mein Kampf, with comments…
The Other Steve
You mean Youtube links?
Technically, imprisoning bloggers you don’t like doesn’t fall under the Online Integrity Pledge, so he should be fine.
Don’t forget to vote as to whether Israel and the U. S. want another word war.
The Other Steve
It does fall under the Online Integrity Pledge, but it is categorized by the exception for trouble makers.
US Patriot
I voted that they didn’t. I was pleased to note that we held a slight majority.
yet another jeff
Kim Jong Il would be more likely to be on Live Journal, not quite up to the MySpace trend yet…
I’m imagining a “blogroll of death to you when we push Israel to the sea!”
It will be great when the only burns from war will be deletable.