I don’t know if John Mark Karr actually killed her, but he sure does look like the skinny/creepy/ashen-looking prototype of a child molester, and with a jury system, that will get you halfway to a conviction.
Consider this an open thread.
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I don’t know if John Mark Karr actually killed her, but he sure does look like the skinny/creepy/ashen-looking prototype of a child molester, and with a jury system, that will get you halfway to a conviction.
Consider this an open thread.
Comments are closed.
i wonder if someone jewish sold some stock after hearing about the arrest. that would be interesting reading.
If that happened, the John Coles of the Right would be linking Juan Cole with child molesters.
Ba da boom!
“He sure looks like a child molester.” Now THIS is more the brand of punditry we’ve come to expect.
What stunned me was the revelation that the guy supposedly confessed to details of the crime that weren’t known to the public.
With all the 24/7 press coverage this case received, you mean there actually WERE details that weren’t revealed to the public? You coulda fooled me.
Steve, come on. The man is “skinny” and “creepy.”
That’s two of the three identifiers right there.
Now, a lot of skinny people … say, people who are on chemotherapy, or who are just small-boned … are going to protest. “This is body type profiling!”
Well, fuck them. When the safety of our children is at stake, your government … and your blog … are going to do whatever is necessary to protect the American people.
He looks suspicously semitic to me. Don’t they eat christian babies or something.
chopper, please send me an email. I have some information for you.
thx, PG.
Fortunately–while skinny, pale, and possibly ‘creepy’–I also have a beard, so instead I just look like a prototypical vagrant, terrorist, or possibly (some people’s perception of) Jesus–way better! Hung jury, baby, I can see them in the jury room now, arguing Jesus vs. terrorist!
Anyone watch the morning “news” shows today?
They are all JonBenet, all the time. Just like ten years ago.
I have heard long and frankly disgusting dissertations by … uh … experts …. on the subject of DNA in underpants.
I tell you, nothing goes better with your morning coffee than DNA in underpants.
The people who run these “news” programs are psycopaths, in my view, and they should all be jailed. I am quite serious. Jail these people, put them in Guantanamo or wherever we are warehousing terrorists these days. They’re information terrorists. They are out to destroy America.
DNA in underpants. Can scs be far behind?
“Behind” here is location reference, not a noun.
Mr Furious
John Mark Karr?
Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth, John Wayne Gacy, Henry Lee Lucas, Mark David Chapman….
Three names slams the door for me. Guilty.
George Dubya Bush.
Condi Leeza Rice.
Hey, Mr. Cole…I know she’s been worm food and pushing up daisies for a decade now, but could you at least SPELL HER NAME CORRECTLY??
Mac Buckets
I question the timing! This is obviously a planted Bushie diversion from the glorious Lamont primary victory.
I mean, there’s no way this formulaic paedophile (kiddie porn charges, travels to Thailand, “thin and creepy”) gets nabbed for such a formulaic paedophilic crime. It’s too easy.
Damn you, Darth Rove! I can accept that you mind-controlled the entire British government, but how did you get to the Thai immigration police?
Ancient Purple
From ABC News:
Damn. If only Bin Laden had killed JonBenet, he would have been caught by now.
Your DHS hard at work on the Global War on Underage Beauty Queen Killers.
At least it beats yesterday’s news, with wall-to-wall coverage about the woman who freaked out on an airplane while in possession of “vaseline, a screwdriver, matches, and a note referencing al-Qaeda.”
Later the reports changed to say “TWO notes referencing al-Qaeda.”
Last I heard, they’d decided none of that was true and it was just some woman who got claustrophobic. Ladies and gentlemen, your TV news.
I still think her parents were evil for tarting her up like a lil’ hooker and sending her out on stage. I’m not saying the death of their daughter is their fault. I’m saying they’re guilty of a different kind of child abuse.
Once again, Mac nails it.
By “it,” I mean “being a fucking idiot.”
Vladi G
I think you’ve identified the problem with post 9/11 media coverage. Too much coverage of war and firefighters and such. Not enough coverage of young attractive white women who died in the WTC.
Turns out that she had asked the flight attendant if they had any Lean Cuisine, ordered a screwdriver from the drink cart, said she had friends in Natchez and had a shopping list that included Alka Seltzer. Understandable errors, all.
The guy should run for president. Already he has shown abilities that our current president doesn’t have.
And no, having a hideous past is no bar to high office in this country. If we can elect a failed movie actor and an alcoholic cokehead president, why not a child molestor? It’s not that great a stretch.
Except that he lacks the mustache & square-framed eyeglasses.
Wow…this is just stunning
Read the quote…then look at the picture. Good Lord.
Mr Furious
If you want the picture that maximizes the skinny, creepy factor, check this Yahoo! page, not the NYT…
Why trust senior British officials when you can trust right-wing pundits?
But no, it’s not fearmongering that drives the Right!
Bad link in the above post.
There weren’t any because the Jews took them out to use as exotic dancers on the secret Zionist cruise ship that sails around the Atlantic in a Star of David pattern.
As I said to Tim’s new thread, the White House is still insisting that “Iraq is the key to war on terror.”
They apparently now think that Americans will swallow literally anything, anything at all. I think they are laughing their asses off in there now.
“Okay … okay … what if we tell ’em that global warming is actually a rumor started by Saddam Hussein?” Raucous laughter, sounds of people gasping for breath …..
Yeah, I think they are just in there laughing at us now.
The Daily Show and Colbert could just go on complete autopilot by showing clips of the absurdities of cable news.
True. Or White House news briefings.
We have reduced government to satire and farce at this point.
I thought that happened in the ’80s. And that government is now in the “Actively trying to kill us (if we’re black); Whites, soon” stage.
Mac Buckets
Do you mind at least telling me what words you’re putting in my
mouthkeyboard when you do it? Thanks.ThymeZone
Besides Mac, anyone here not know what I meant?
Hey, extra points for taking the time to include the strike in my blockquote.
How many antagonists will exercise that kind of care?
Mac Buckets
Come on, out with it.
Mac Buckets
Duly noted (golf clap).
It’s clips like this that lead me to believe Jon Stewart has the easiest job in America. Just put these people up on the screen, you barely even need to comment!
Gee, it sure seemed to me that Mac was ridiculing the idea that the British terror plot had been trumped up for political purposes, but maybe he wants to walk that one back.
Mac Buckets
Wait, is anyone here really going to try to back up the notion that the arrests were a put-up job by Bush/Rove to the British government to distract from the Lamont primary?
Come on, I was only joking about that. Someone actually believes it? This must be moonbat heaven. Alert Andrew Sullivan.
I’m sure this is a trick, but I am in a good mood so I’ll bite.
Let me put it this way: Anyone who can look at the facts and the timeline of the British “hair gel terror” case and not suggest a political undertone to the American involvement …. would have to be you, or Darrell. A true Kool Aid drinker.
You won’t agree, I suppose, but this government has forfeited the right to be taken at face value on these things. If they walk and quack like cycnical manipulating ducks, they must be treated as cycnical manipulating ducks.
Now, that said, one has to take your earlier post to mean that you don’t share this viewpoint.
If that is so, then scorn, ridicule and abuse must, by rule, be heaped upon your head.
If that is not so, then I withdraw the blast.
Mac Buckets
Scientists announced that three new planets should be added to the solar system today.
Riiiight. New planets, or just a distraction from the Lamont primary?
“cycnical” is an old spelling of “cynical.”
Ah. You are working at the Kool Aid factory, as I thought.
Let the scorn, ridicule and abuse be heaped upon your head in accordance with the rules and in the appropriate manner.
Say Mac, you agree that “Iraq is the key to the war on terror,” don’t you? The White House said so just the other day. Okay, not the building, but some guy who works in there.
Don’t worry Punchy, at least Israel isn’t completely surrounded by hostile countries, like Iraq.
You have nothing to fear, because AWOL is going to use strategery just as soon as he figures out where Israel is.
It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the British terror plot was seriously overhyped.
I don’t think it had anything to do with the Connecticut primary, mind you.
The real comedians are the wingnuts who are applauding because they think this is a case where torture actually worked. Imagine, applauding the use of torture. Aren’t they just great human beings.
You think the American pressure to accelerate the arrests wasn’t politically motivated?
Believing that requires a leap of gullibility that is beyond my capabilities at this point. It’s hard for me to think that even Darrell would believe it. But, Darrell always surprises me.
I take the Olbermann view: Even if the pressure was not politically motivated, the thing is, once you have been fucked in the ass for five years over and over by somebody, you aren’t being prudent to just believe them any more. It simply isn’t reasonable. Not because the string of amazing coincidences and history of lies proves that this is another lie, but because reasonableness has to be grounded in one’s own self interest at some point. If I don’t distrust these assholes, then shame on me.
“Fool me twice, cain’t get fooled agin!” GW Bush.
No, I think it’s very likely that it was politically motivated. I just find it implausible that it was all about influencing the Democratic primary in Connecticut, that’s all.
Mac Buckets
Why? What about the timing is so suspicious?
No, you’re right, I don’t agree, because it’s so ludicrous that I just can’t stop laughing. So…Did Rove use his secret mind-control ray on the entire British government and MI5, or did he just use the Jedi Mind Trick?
So Rove’s had a busy week — first orchestrating the British terror arrests, then framing a stooge for JonBenet’s death, then naming new planets… all to cover up that Democratic primary result!
What on earth will happen if Santorum loses in November? Rove will have to discover ETs in the White House basement! Pretty, young, white ETs!
Mac Buckets
“Oh, that way madness lies.”
John Cole
LOL. Look, while it is fun to poke at me, if you don’t agree this guy looks like he was cast in Hollywood for the role of pervert, you aren’t being honest. I think what really oogled me out was how narrow his shoulders were compared to his neck and head and that he buttoned the top button of his polo shirt.
He just looks creepy.
BTW, Furious:
I wrote the same thing in this very post, backed up and deleted it, because I didn’t want to have to explain it over and over again.
Hmm, well I have never thought, or suggested, that it was.
Instead, I think it was about posturing and mining the event for political points, which could be maximized only by having the arrests happen shortly after the primary. They saw an chance to pinch off a few points by taking the result of the primary plus the “threat” and turn it into the kind of shit you heard coming from Cheney and Mehlman late last week.
I don’t think they wanted to “influence” the primary. I think they wanted, and expected, a Lamont victory and used it to mount a mini-campaign to pimp up their “elect us or die” bullshit.
I further think that assuming anything else requires a level of gullbility and blindness to the facts that is beyond a reasonable person, based on the words and deeds of these people for the last few years.
Um, check the name, and logo, of the blog.
If you wanted a serious classroom atmosphere, you could have named it “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy.”
It’s been widely reported that the US pressured Britain to make the arrests sooner than it wanted to, but keep on laughing, I guess.
What are you doing?
First of all, you aren’t swaying anyone here with such nonsense. You are going to believe what you believe, and so am I.
I believe that our government is run by dishonest and manipulative assholes who will stop at nothing when it comes to self justification and manipulation.
You believe … whatever. I have no idea, actually. Don’t care.
Four years ago, I believed and said, a war on Iraq was (a) not necessary in terms of any actual threat from Iraq, (b) not appropriate to the so-called War on Terror, (c) a huge mistake for exactly the reasons that GWB said in 2000 wrt to nation building, and (d) a foolish experiment that flew in the face of Mesopotamian history, and would likely result in chaos and civil strife that would make us leave in disgust leaving behind a worse situation than we started with.
Now, if you want to argue that the Rove-Bush view of that has turned out to be more useful and valuable to America than mine was, go right ahead, the floor is yours. I’d argue that I was right, and they were wrong. I’d further argue that figuring the world out isn’t rocket science. It’s just about results.
What are the results of five years of these people? A united country? More trust in government? Victory in the “war on terror?” A “new Middle East” as pimped by the insane Condi Rice last week? New, and better, that is?
This crapfest of a government is looking at an election disaster of major proportions, after having literally won it all and having it all, just a couple years ago, precisely because they have lied and bungled their way into a world of shit over and over over again.
But like I said, Mac, believe what you want, and say what you want. But cut the crap. Don’t pretend that the view I’m stating here is somehow odd, or nuts, or unreasonable, or inconsistent with the facts, because it isn’t.
Whatever you think you have, I don’t know, but I’ll tell you in simple terms what you do not have: A convincing argument. That, you do not have.
Go get one, and come back when you do.
Rusty Shackleford
John, since it’s clear you’re lurking…please fix the post’s spelling. It’s embarrassing.
Darrell will be making a public statement within the hour.
John S.
Hello, Mac Buckets! Hello, Darrell!
The Other Steve
Man next thing you know, Mac Buckets is going to be claiming giving tax breaks to oil companies is a plan to eliminate American dependency on oil.
John S.
First, we’ll have some code-speak from the GOP about “activist” judges. Then we’ll have the decision by this judge pinned on the Democrats and Ned Lamont. That will be followed by the proclamation that this will hurt the War on Terror, and that the decision gives aid and comfort to the enemy.
In 3, 2, 1…
“The Oil Depletion Allowance is good for America.”
HL Hunt, spoken on his private game reserve.
Portrait of an oil baron
That must be the John Conyers lawsuit. This should be fun.
Darrell will be quite confused, because Powerline told him the legal issues were very clearcut.
Mac Buckets
Here’s your argument in a nutshell:
Yeah, MY argument is not convincing.
Oh, it’s the ACLU case. Even better.
I actually thought that was going to be a pretty tough one for the plaintiffs.
The Other Steve
Mac Buckets – No, your argument is not convincing.
Blair would have referred to him as Chimy McHitlerburton.
John S.
Funny, I read Thyme Zone’s argument as the GOP cashing in on an opportunity to exploit a “terror situation” and use to it their political advantage rather than the bullshit “Rove orchestrated it” interpretation you have set forth.
Do you have reading comprehension problems, Mac?
At least when Mac fights the War on Straw, he’s funny about it.
The Other Steve
But Steve. How can the Government stop something that they aren’t doing?
wink wink… nudge nudge…
The Other Steve
I mean we’ve already established, via the mighty masters of Powerfluff, that the government is not spying on people. However, if they were, it would be perfectly legal because President George was annointed by God.
StevenD at Booman has an article about the Liquid Bombers and ends with this:
My emphasis. I’m with you, ThymeZone. These fuckers are completely un-trustworthy. Everything they say should be taken as an attempt to deceive.
Mac Buckets
That’s because you’ve got the backpedelled version, which he’s walked back from his original swipe at me.
Here’s the money line:
Translation: We’re right, you’re wrong, and we’d love to prove it…but we can’t, so we won’t, so STFU and get back to being scared and frightened by lip gloss and V-8….
If I’m the gov’t…why even formulate a defense…why even hire a lawyer…when they can get any joker to just schlepp into the courtroom, tonsil-hockey the judge, wizz in the corner, then just turn around and say “State’s secrets, bitches”, and walk out with the case dismissed???
Mac Buckets
Only behind his back. To his face, Bush prefers “Mein Fuhrer” or “Herr BusHitler.”
John S.
Actually, after re-reading Thyme Zone’s post, you clearly DO have reading comprehension problems:
Compared to Mac’s “interpretation”:
Reading is fundamental, Mac.
Uh, no. You are going to need a larger nutshell.
Start with this transcript
Find the string “term we employ is the nexus” using ind on the webpage. It’s quite a way into the show.
Then read the text, all the way down this blurb:
That’s my argument in a nutshell.
From you, I haven’t seen an argument.
John S.
Sounds like John Cole on Juan Cole.
Mac Buckets
Ah, life in Moonbatopia. I always knew that Tony Blair cares more about Connecticut politics than his own country’s!
Although, it was only a three-point race — why not make the terrifying arrests of these innocent Pakistanis before the Connecticut election, to make Lieberman the winner? Ah, I guess Blair just didn’t think this through enough!
Like I said, people can believe what they want to believe.
Anyone wants to stand here and make a case that the Bush administration has earned the right to be taken at face value, to be trusted, to even be believed any more without strong corroboration from independent sources … go right ahead.
I think we are ready to have that discussion.
John S.
Fixed that.
Do they actually serve straw in Strawmanville like they do margaritas in Margaritaville?
Believe whatever you like. It’s a free country.
Oh, did I mention … Miami?
Anyone want to take a swing at what that bullshit story was about?
We report, you decide.
They had a better case against Richard Fucking Jewell.
Mac Buckets
Your backpedallling pleases me.
The Other Steve
Honestly, I agree with Mac Buckets.
I don’t think Bush forced Blair to nail these suspected bomb plot pre-planning possible planners because Lieberman lost to Lamont.
I think he probably forced his hand just to make it appear as though they are actually doing something.
It’s similar to how Bush outed that other British operation back in 2004 before the Brits actually nabbed the guys in a desperate attempt to prove he was doing something, only this time they let Blair know a bit ahead of time.
It was less Lieberman and more Bush perception of incompetence they were trying to help.
So in that sense I do think Mac Buckets is right.
Jesus, what an ass.
John S.
Who the fuck even argued such a thing? I’m glad you agree with Mac’s scathing strawman attack, though.
That’s just TOS doing his contrarian schtick. I think John pays him $5 a post for it.
Which is, hey … more than you and I are getting.
Yeah, that was Mac’s position. Right, Mac?
John S.
Nah, I get paid $10 a post to pretend to be Jewish so I can effectively stifle all debate on Israel.
Mac Buckets
Well, at least you found an unbiased, non-moonbat source: Keith Olbermann. Jeeebus. Was Howard Deam unavailable for comment?
Is there ever a time, ANY time, when someone could talk about the dangers of terrorism and Olbermann (or me or you) couldn’t mention some recent political event in the prior days to imply that “the government is just trying to distract us?” This from the same crew who has whined for four years that Bush didn’t declare immediate martial law for the six weeks after getting an unactionable PDB that said that OBL wanted to attack the US (duh).
I’d have done it for $7.50.
Gotta go, my lox and bagel is ready.
John S.
Is this a ‘money-grubbing’ Jew reference?
Yeah, okay, Darrell.
The money now is on how long it will before you actually make an argument.
My bet is on never, but who knows, you could get bored and decide aw, what the fuck? I’ll cobble up a brief that says that the Bush administration has just … doggone it … done its level best to protect Amurricans and … well … consarn it, they oughta be given the benefit of the doubt. Dang it.
Here’s a $100 on Never.
Anti-termite, yes.
Anti-semite? Hell no, I love Woody Allen movies.
John S.
Ah, well in that case you’re objectively pro-neurotic.
Yeah, good chuckles. That was back when some people still thought that these turds were actually trying to be a government and that their motives were aimed at doing things to help us, the citizens.
Now we know different. They are just in this for themselves, they don’t give a fuck about the people.
But, feel free to (snort) argue otherwise. Any day now, I’m sure you’ll pop an actual argument.
Mac Buckets
Ppg did. Multiple times. I know, it seems unbelievable — but even you should be able to read the smaller words in his posts above, John.
No. Politics is politics. Politicians use current events for political gain. Its how the game works. Bush and company are just a little more craven about it. They can do it openly because they’ve trained you and monay others to attack anyone who points out the obvious. Because of that they’re never accountable, by the time the red herring is caught and slaughtered they’ve done something new and it all starts again.
I’m sure if a dem administration was doing this you’d notice.
Ookay, then. Your harangue is over now. Time to move along.
Drop by again when you have nothing to say.
We always enjoy seeing you. Leave, I mean.
So the bombers didn’t have the chemicals they said they would explode on the plane, they didn’t have plane tickets or passports in some cases. These are clowns who discussed their plans in public chat lines and on phones. This group was so infiltrated they couldn’t ever have pulled off the event.
Why was it exposed in such a way to create air travel nightmares and why did it have to be exposed at that time?
I ask because I have a trip to europe planned for later this year. Unfortunately I’ll be returning shortly after the midterm election in november so I’m sure I’ll be forced to wait for days in line because another ‘massive terrorist plot’ will be uncovered around that time. Will I have to fly in my underwear? We’ll see.
The Other Steve
God, at least Steve got the joke.
John S. and ppGaz are humourless anti-semantics.
John S.
Where? I don’t see this figment of your imagination. Perhaps you could, you know, blockquote this argument made by ThymeZone? I mean, you keep accusing him of backpeddling and making this argument that the British terror plot was orchestrated by Rove because of the Connecticut primary, and yet mysteriously you haven’t included the offending text that led you to this conclusion.
Ouch. Having my literacy questioned by someone with the reading comprehension of a third grader really hurts. Really.
Mac Buckets
The argument has been, since the first post, that your Lamont/terror-arrest notion is loony. Look, when John S. can’t believe your deranged “Bush used Britain to distract from Lamont” rubbish (well, it was probably Olbermann’s rubbish that you, as a true disciple of the Sports Mustache, are spreading like a Jehovah’s Witness), then you know you’ve gone round the bend.
Donate it to John instead — I’d only spend it on booze and gambling — and the rest I’d waste.
John S.
Oh, I get it. You’re a comedian…
That would explain your ardent defense of Cole accusing Cole of anti-semitism!
The Other Steve
I have a suspicion that this John Mark Karr is a delusional Republican. He didn’t kill the girl, he’s just deluded himself into thinking he did.
I base this off two things…
#1. The alibi his ex-wife is giving him.
#2. While it’s true that not all delusional people are Republican, all delusional Republicans are people.
Rusty Shackleford
Bush is the President who cried terrorist.
A wise man once said, “Fool me once, shame…shame on you? Fool me twice…uh…you can’t get fooled again.”
OK, maybe he wasn’t so wise but you get the point.
The Other Steve
Ardent? I just thought you guys were being pretty hyperbolic.
John S.
You mean the fake argument that you keep peddling? Ya, it is loony.
I have a hard time believing in things that don’t exist. Clearly, this concept doesn’t stand as an impediment to your ‘fine’ mind.
It strikes me that either his ex-wife is telling the truth, in which case he is an extremely creepy yet innocent man, or else she needs to be picked up as well.
John S.
But conjuring an anti-semite out of thin air isn’t hyperbolic?
You ARE funny!
Mac Buckets
Maybe it’s his name-changes that are confusing you, rather that your own evident limitations. He’s ThymeZone now. I’ll just go ahead and excerpt. I originally made a little snarky comment mocking the Uber-moonbat meme of the last few days that the British terror arrests were forced by Bush to distract America from Ned Lamont’s primary win.
Ppg responded with some nonsense about some of British terror suspects didn’t have passports (some did???) and how this proved that I was wrong, or in Ppg’s typical oh-so-compelling verbage, “a fucking idiot.” I must assume here that Ppg was taking the contrary position to mine. After another commenter also disgreed with his Lamont link, Ppg defended with:
He’s since posted long passages which show this is probably just a typical Bush-is-the-root-of-all-evil Olbermeme that he’s discipling on the intertrons. I think it ended with this quote, probably from Olbermann’s show:
So now he’s backpedalled to the point of not saying that he thinks the arrests were Lamont-driven (because that would be insane), but that he’s just “underscoring the need for questions,” because…well, Keith Olbermann and he hate Bush SO MUCH!
John S.
That is the funniest damn piece of crap post I have seen all day, Mac.
Perhaps when I have time to give it the trashing it deserves later, I will.
Chances are, someone else will beat me to it.
You really are a horse’s ass.
My point then, and now, was quite simple:
You are a fucking idiot.
Why? Asked and answered, over the last 18 months.
Asked and answered here, in depth.
Your “response?”
You know what, go fuck yourself. The Olbermann material is nothing but a recitation of facts and a timeline. He didn’t make it up. His conclusion? I posted it. It’s reasonable, and prudent.
You disagree? Make a counter argument.
You got nothing? Then make it seem as if the issue is some sort of pissing contest between you, and me.
You have a government in this country that is a disgrace, incompetant, dangerous, and evil. Am I wrong? Then ….
Like I said, produce a convincing argument. But you can’t, because you are a fucking idiot. Like I said.
My argument? Look at the facts, draw your own conclusion. I don’t care what conclusion you draw.
Do you have a better string of facts? Produce them. Say something, for crissakes, besides “you lefties are so funny.”
Why the fuck they let people like you and Darrell post here, I have no idea. Oh, yes I do: Page views.
Mac Buckets
So your most recent revision of your “point” is now just your own opinion about me (which you must know by now doesn’t interest me in the slightest!)? Then why go to the trouble of citing the Sports Mustache? And my response wasn’t “Olbermann.” My response (paraphrased from several posts) was, “What a moronic pile of unprovable drivel. What kind of retarded loony are you, and is there any known medication for Bush Derangement Syndrome?” I mean, just to be precise!
So, Ppg, short answer time: Do you think the British terror arrests are just a Bush-forced distraction to the Lamont primary win, or not? Simple question. You had no problem giving simple answers at 9:33 or 10:37.
Your backpedalling pleases me. Your waffling sustains me.
Y’know what? On the other hand, forget it. I’ve grown tired of concerning myself with what slimy sludge oozes through your fevered skull. Just save it.
John S.
You’re a real piece of work, Mac.
I am sustained by the notion that smug pieces of shit such as yourself get what they deserve in the end.
And believe me, you will.
Just an observation: For people who profess to abhor everything the Bush administration does and stands for, there are a great many folks on this thread who don’t hesitate to use Rovian tactics to their own ends. Instead of concocting ludicrous scenarios which you can then accuse Mac Buckets and Darrell of believing and/or embracing, why don’t you try a little reasoned argument to counter their statements? Oh, and just to stop the cries of “Bush apologist” in their tracks, I didn’t vote for the man either time and I think his handling of everything from Iraq to stem cell research is ridiculous, malicious, and beneath contempt. I just don’t think I’m going to advance those ideas much by slinging personal insults at anyone.
I had to laugh at your post because a friend had just told me he thought there must be something “off” about this arrest. After all, “that guy doesn’t look like a killer”.
Richard 23
Whether or not he looks like a killer or not doesn’t really matter much. That his ex-wife is saying he was with her in Alabama is a little odd however.
Questions Arise in JonBenet Ramsey Case
I think Juan Cole did it as a proxy for his vicious Jew-hated.
John S.
Good luck with that, Beej.
Unfortunately, when a person is killed, the first person the police look to is the family. Why? Statistics. This family was used by the media in so many ways. The media can be the best friend to those who are right and the worst friend to those who are criminals. But in those instances when no one knows the true answer, then we look at the media to give us the answers. Unfortunately, the media is made up of people, just like us, with opinions, speculations and guesses. They are biased and reflect that in their publications. Regardless of your political affliation, I would assume that you would agree, the media is biased.