Talk about a bad weekend to take off huffing glue blogging. When I first heard about this Foley story, right before I dropped off the radar, it seemed like a minor kerfuffle. As far as I could tell he didn’t even touch anybody. Now Abramoff, there’s a juicy scandal. Forget about one guy’s bad netiquette (to put it mildly), Abramoff had already brought down a fistful of GOP luminaries and exposed a massive criminal enterprise that corrupted the basic core of our governmental system. Just look at the latest reoprt – the White House plainly lied through its teeth when it tried to minimize the extent of its contacts with Abramoff’s operation.
Except, as Kevin Drum points out, the Abramoff story is basically white-collar crime and white-collar crime is boring. People generally assume that politicians are crooks anyway, at least as far as money is concerned. So a little more crookedness in appropriations and policymaking will generally interest federal investigators more than it will your average news consumer. There seems to be a general shrugging of shoulders when a politician gets caught doing what everybody assumes that they’re doing anyway. Even when, like in the case of William Jefferson, they do it with a bit of tabloid flair.
Looking back over forty eight hours of reporting I am not sure that I have ever been this wrong. Clearly the lesson is that whatever politicians do with our money people really, really don’t like politicians messing with our kids. Whack me three times with the obvious bat. Foley undoubtedly did the right thing by rapidly checking out of Congress and into rehab. But in this scandalquake, politically speaking, the survivors may soon begin to envy the dead.
Did the House leadership know about Foley’s problems one year ago? Five years ago? Either way Hastert and Boehner come out looking incompetent, at least, for doing nothing. From a criminal perspective their refusal to act may expose then to conspiracy charges and from a political perspective their decision to let the Foley campaign go ahead with this massive shoe waiting to drop seems inexcusable. Kos has a credible account of what may have motivated Hastert’s thinking:
Foley represented a moderately conservative district, FL-16. In 2000, Bush beat Gore 53-47. In 2004, Bush beat Kerry 54-46. It was a district which Foley had represented since 1994, with his worst showing his first election with a 58% victory. In 2002 he won with 79%, in 2004 with 68%. This was a safe Republican district. Foley also raised a lot of money, and as the recent $100K gift from Foley to the NRCC attests, the party needed his fundraising skills.
Then 2006 rolls around. The GOP is facing a tough reelection with history, Bush, and their own incompetence weighing down their chances. The DCCC has had a banner fundraising and candidate recruitment year. And suddenly, Foley faces the GOP’s worst nightmare in Tim Mahoney — a Democratic challenger who 1) was a former Republican, and 2) is worth $8 gazillion and can self-fund his race. Mahoney announced his candidacy October 12, 2005, right around the time the House leadership was trying to figure out what to do about Foley’s predatory practices.
Without Foley on the ticket, not only would the GOP suddenly face a competitive contest in a relatively safe district, but it would cost them $2-3 million to defend — money that they no longer have available.
A risky gamble, but gambling is what Republicans do. See war, Iraq.
Also via dKos, a simple explanation from ABC’s news blog about why this story has spiraled out of control:
Here’s how one senior Democratic aide summed up the Foley situation this morning for The Note: “The R’s desperately want this to be about whether or not they knew of the sexually explicit e-mails/I.M.’s.
“Most parents we talked to over the weekend (including my own conservative R mom) feel the issue is that the R’s were given and ignored a huge warning with the first set of e-mails.”
“Had there been an investigation at that time, the sexually explicit emails may have been uncovered. But, Members lost that opportunity when the R’s chose to protect Foley instead of those kids.”
Finally, read this political analysis from Josh Marshall. If he’s right, well, super, but once in a while I would like to see the Democrats win on their own merits and not because the Republicans took a ten-meter triple lutz* into an empty swimming pool.
(*) Yes that is a figure skating term. I didn’t actually take off from huffing glue.
For those few still wondering whether WH Press Secretary Tony Snow is your archetypal wingnut hack, please click through to a slightly shrill Joe Gandelman.
Richard Bottoms
So would I.
But I’ll take winning this way too, because we… win you know?
Moral bankruptcy isn’t an issue?
Mike in SLO
Wow! This must resonate with a lot of people just judging by the previous post’s 294 comments. I don’t ever recall seeing a post on BJ generate that much conversation… Maybe this really is a tipping point for the GOP, but I won’t hold my breath. I still expect them to keep control of both houses although I sure hope the electorate proves me wrong!
Yeah, yeah…that high road thing. And yet, today, over at the Moderate Voice…Joe posted a great one about Snow and the “just naughty e-mails”, as well as other great ones regarding the glaring lapse of the GOP in this affair..check him out if you haven’t already. Right above it, either because he did or didn’t read that, another contributor posts right above it …”The Democrats’ Problem: No Principles”. Oh the irony.
I want to see the triple lutz…these fuckers have done it to themselves.
Only if he’s actually an alcoholic too. Are there any actual pederasty rehab centers out there? And, if so, are they any better than those crazy “don’t be gay” brainwashing camps?
OK, but anyone doing a “ten-meter triple lutz” should at least be admired for being able to climb up onto the platform wearing figure skates.
You must be new here. For example… Lebanon ring any bells?
Does anyone believe that after trolling for hot man on boy sex for at least five years that Foley didn’t get lucky at least once?
Richard Bottoms
Fuck the high road.
Time to kick these bstards while they are down and to make sure they don’t get up again. Ever.
You say lutz, I say back two-and-a-half somersault with two-and-a-half twists in the pike position.
To-may-to, to-mah-to, really.
I’d prefer a belly-flop into an empty pool for these morons, personally.
With figure skates.
He should go to one of those stupid “don’t be gay” brainwashing camps. Right-wing stupid is as right-wing stupid does, and this stupid right-winger should have to suffer the “cure” that his side promotes.
Tim F.
At this point, the GOP’s having an extra diving board installed for a triple lindy.
LOL — I like your style, Tim!
Paul Wartenberg
All the Democrats have to do now is create a quickie movie on YouTube that flashes this:
“Simple Math:
Pedophiles + Torturers = Republicans.
Vote Democrat”
If the Democrats fail to gain anything this midterm, blame Diebold’s hackable evoting machines.
Meanwhile, it’s all the Democrats fault according to the latest at redstate.
These are the sub-heads after the Amish School Shooting banner headline on MSNBC site. Foley disappeared from the banner within the last hour.
The Machine, whose face is Hastert today, is trying to get out ahead of the Foley story. Does everyone here know that Hastert used to be a boys’ wrestling coach?
Well, duh. The Republicans showed class by taking care of the problem so soon after the allagetions came to light in the press and…Barney Frank is queer…and some Democrat did something 23 years ago. LALALALALALALALALALAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!
So… some backstory here… apparently there was some story in the news a few months back about ‘skinterns’ that this unknown blog mentioned a few weeks ago, and then after that they started getting e-mails from White House interns about this, and then this story got out.
It’s going to take a pretty major terror alert to take this one off the front pages. All number two’s in the Middle East may not even be enough. Is it time to bomb Iran?
Sure, I’d like to win by TKO on the issues. On that alone, the Dems should win in round one.
But remember, there are millions of voters out there who still believe we found WMDs in Iraq and that Saddam was Atta’s copilot. The new Republicans are a party that wins solely by image. Stick one on them.
Using Foleygate as one of your weapons isn’t taking the low road. You’re not making up shit, you’re using their shit. Let them own it for a change.
Richard Bottoms
I fDemocrats can’t get it through their heads that we are up against people who play hardball all the time we will not win unless we drop the idea of “I’m not comfortable” with doing what it takes to win.
We aren’t breaking the law, and we are not lying. We are however using the most damaging interpretations and language possible to describe our opponents.
I am not for splitting hairs or moderation.
It is a coverup. The only thing I want to hear my side saying is that Hastert needs to be in jail right next to Foley.
The story will turn off the GOP voters because they are a bunch of bigots and fag bashers, which makes it their problem, not mine. I want those bible thumping moralistic assholes to stay home for whatever reason.
Mr Furious
Tim, using one of your favorite turns of phrase…see mouth, gift horse.
Perry Como
Yeah. And there were some naughty rumors about that when he was running for local office back in the early 80s.
Both Foley and Ney are hiding in Rehab. If their serious, they will get extensive therapy, coplusion to fraud and pedophila etc. If their to hide, they come out with some nice baskets and no exposure to the press for 30 days. Kenedy went to rehab to “dryout” and has a Republican sponsor(Ramstad). My guess is Abrahmoff is these scumbags sponsor.
Link to Ramstad:Ramstad-Kenedy
The Other Steve
There’s been a few actually. But they usually involve the handful of righty commentors trying to blame everything wrong on Bill Clinton.
What’s amazing about this Foley thing, is that none of them have been around here. Except scs who tried to claim Foley was innocent of any wrong doing, or something like that and then after a fair amount of ridicule shut up.
Ooops No spell or gramar check
compulsions like fraud/theft and pedo
If they went to hide
And that it was the page’s fault. (There’s a bad computer science joke lurking there, but I’ll resist the temptation.)
Nice story, thanks for the link:
Go figure. Whatever happened to allowing an ‘up or down vote’?!
Congressman dumped!
Seriously? Damn, I was so busy ranting, I missed that.
God damn you, Timmy. Can’t you get ONE great movie line correct?
It’s triple LINDY. The ten-meter triple LINDY
What is wrong with you people?
House leaders experienced a memory dump (and very possibly a physical one) when this particular page fault was exposed.
Damn. Imagine a strike-through on “operating system” above.
hahahaha. That’s classic tBone
Yeah, that kid was totally asking for it.
Foley is in “rehab” in Clearwater, FL, the town OWNED BY SCIENTOLOGY.
Quick! Cross check Tom Cruise’s addressbook with a list of Congressional pages!
I love how in modern America, “rehab” is the answer to everything. Maybe Saddam can get in there…
Richard 23
Weird, Bob Kincaid (Head On Radio from West Virginia) started reading that as I ran across your post. Gross indeed!
Head On Radio Network