Since the Foley issue is a big deal, and people want answers to these serious questions, I have a modest proposal.
Let’s waterboard Foley, Hastert, Boehner, Reynolds, and all of their aides, as well as anyone else in the GOP leadership. After all, they all voted for it, it is the best way to get answers (really! Dean Barnett said so!), and it isn’t like it is torture.
I support this immediate intelligence gathering operation. The safety of our children hinges on our ability to ‘ask questions.’
*** Update ***
According to commenters, John Aravosis has already come up with this idea. Suffice it to say, if John Aravosis and I are on the same sheet of music, I am so far off the GOP reservation I might as well be blogging from France.
Bad idea. I can see the Republican interrogations now.
“Admit that you didn’t know anything about this!”
“Ok! I didn’t know!”
As long as it doesn’t leave marks, I’m all for it!!! =D
This is a graet idea only if it’s shown on CSPAN. Maybe they would allow callin questions.
Add to the torture, Ann Coulter singing her favorite Dead songs at 100db.
Paddy O'Shea
Interesting idea.
Would the procedure be performed at Gitmo?
Jeez, John. Quit drinking the moonbat Kool-Aid. It’s obvious that the only people who need to be waterboarded are George Soros, Melanie Sloan, the entire ABC news department, and Nancy Pelosi. Oh, and Michael Moore (just cuz). We need to know what they knew and when they knew it.
Also, Barney Frank is gay.
John Aravois beat ya to it.
Paul L.
I’m sorry. Where were Foley, Hastert, Boehner, Reynolds, and all of their aides, as well as anyone else in the GOP leadership captured fighting US troops out of uniform in violation of the Geneva Conventions? Which battlefield were they captured on?
Maybe They will be interrogated on either a La-Z-Boy recliner or a luxuriously upholstered sofa — blue plush with gold piping and feed fresh-baked traditional pastries.
John Cole
Americablog beat me to it.
If Aravosis and I are on the same page, I am so far off the GOP reservation I might as well be blogging from France.
This is an excellent idea. Besides, since torture is nothing more than a university prank, they’ll probably love it.
I bet they don’t have La-Z-Boy recliners in France.
i am in-2 watersports!
This isn’t a French blog?
Foley held up a defense appropriations bill so he could whack off to a steamy IM exchange with a page. Does that count? He was out of uniform, at least.
Paul L.
Sure. We’ll have to have a woman do it or he might enjoy it.
Actually given the aid and comfort that Hastert et. al. have provided to the enemy vis-a-vis the covering up of this scandal, under legislation passed by both houses of congress, I say we do the following:
1. have them declared enemy combatants.
2. Ship them to Gitmo.
3. Torture them
4. Suspend their Habeus rights
5. keep them there indefinitely.
After all if it’s good enough for every other American citizen to face the above threats then so should they.
And forget waterboarding. If I recall there is a stress position where they have to bend over and grab their ankles. We’ll start there and leave the rest to your imaginations.
Paddy O'Shea
Pierre doesn’t surf.
I love the smell of brie in the morning.
Dreggas, you think it’s possible to put Hastert into an ankle-grabbing “stress position”?
I doubt Denny has seen his ankles since the Nixon Admnistration!
John D.
With enough block and tackle, anything is possible.
All the more stressful then isn’t it?
It would be fun to try though, Hell even put it on PPV or something, start a real Page protection program with the money raised by the proceeds.
Of course their would need to be black ovals and such if there was any nudity, after all there are some things you can’t UN-SEE and the thought of it is enough that many would want to wash their eyes out with bleach.
Being tortured, I trust…
You Birkenstock wearing, patchouli smelling, Cindy Sheehan candle toting wuss! (just kidding) If there is even a 1% chance of a thought of a ticking time bomb near a child receiving another pervy IM by those covering it up, it’s time to electrify that waterboard! A little 240v loosens lips. Jack Bauer said so.
UH….BOMBSHELL COMING!! (not my words…the ACTUAL words now on
I’m guessing he’s going to admit tossing some salad. Then admit to facing charges of (fill in the crime).
If so, Kiss FatAss Hastert goodbye.
You mean a ticking incoming AIM message?
Of course we all know what this means though, the child predators have left mySpace, are pursuing carreers in politics and have once again infested AOL.
An actual C-SPAN headline:
EEeewwww….does anyone deserve that?
We do not need waterboarding. Not when the GOP is obviously already busy employing “alternative measures” behind closed doors.
The Other Steve
I get this suspicion that the polling the Republicans have done shows a substantial loss this November.
What we are seeing now is the jockeying for position. After a major loss there is always going to be name calling and blame tossing. So the various parties are getting in there a bit early to make sure they end up on top.
John, the brioche in France is worth it!
The Other Steve
And stop calling it Torture!
It’s Alternative Discussion Methodology
better foley than having the responsibility to “probe” hastert I guess.
I really like the juxtaposition on the ABC News site of “Foley Bombshell Coming” with the merely sordid “Foley Had Internet Sex While Awaiting House Vote.”
It gives a whole new meaning to “stress positions.”
The possibilities are endless…
And here I thought this was a low point.
Next Republican Talking point on torture.
Stress positions are not stressful at all we allowed republican congressman and “position expert” Mark Foley test them on House Guinea pigs err Pages.
Let’s waterboard Foley, Hastert, Boehner, Reynolds, and all of their aides, as well as anyone else in the GOP leadership.
Great — now that they now they’ll be able to acclimate themselves. Now they’ll never talk. When will the leaks end?????
Richard 23
So is the bombshell that Foley was molestered by a clergyman at age 13 or is there something else?
Perry Como
Dinner at a steak house and a ride in a BMW?
So why not, then? You deserve a vacation.
The Asshole Formerly Known as GOP4Me
Or Guantanamo, you Trotskyite defector from God’s Own Party.
Monsieur Jean Coleu has now joined the ranks of the godless, er, what’s the opposite of a sodomite?
Bob In Pacifica
The idea of torturing them on CSPAN and allowing call-ins is wonderful. I can see the moderator asking the caller from Racine, Wisconsin to shorten the question because Mister Foley appears to be drowning.
This is making me little horny.
I am 100% in favor of this. Waterboard all members of Congress, and all members of all State Legislatures. Every single person who holds an elected office.
Oh my!
Asked about John Cole, George W. Bush said, “qu’il mange du gâteau!”