If rumors surrounding Sen. George Felix Allen (R-VA) hold up, around the time she filed for divorce.
Emails began pouring in earlier today about a rumor on Capitol Hill about some trouble in Sen. George Allen’s (R-VA) divorce file. Josh Marshall and others cannot get a response from the Allen campaign.
It seems everyone is emptying their opposition research files today.
Update: A very reputable political reporter tells me this isn’t from Democratic opposition research and that it’s probably coming out because many feel Allen “crossed the line” when he started talking about Jim Webb’s novels.
Notice the update. Counting the Foley matter as the first, this would be the second time that faithful Republicans have kicked open a massive PR disaster for their party. That seems more than a little strange coming from the party that gave us the Eleventh Commandment.
Playing a bit with the analogy, if John Cole is teh ghey then it looks like DC has a rather busy closet.
Wow, I thought “sealed” meant SEALED. Apparently not. And I’m sure they wouldn’t be going through all this trouble if the divorce was routine.
And if it’s coming from the Republicans (i.e., if it’s not Webb’s doing), this promises to be significant.
I’m a bit confused…is this in response for the GOP using excerpts from a NOVEL to slam Webb. (Mrs. Cheney, Libbey..anyone?)
And did Allen spit on his wife (ex-wife) and possibly worse hence the records sealed..is that the gist?
Perry Como
Senator Allen’s ex-wife probably has a book to sell. I bet billionaire George Soros has something to do with this. The timing is suspicious.
Keep in mind, this is also the party that promised term limits.
Just think of this as another way of enforcing term limits.
The Other Steve
Sealed doesn’t mean people who didn’t know the family at the time aren’t telling people stuff.
So Allen is divorced? Is Webb? Or is it just worse to novelize sex than commit the actual sin of divorce? I mean, surely gays are a bigger threat to marriage than divorce is.
This just goes to show how George Allen is one of the most forward thinking politicians in America. With the threat of gay marriage looming some 25 years in the future, he premeptively divorced his wife so that gays could not destroy his marriage.
It would be the second time that a democrat waging a tough election battle (at least the other one (obama/ryan)) didn’t have to bother with philosophy thanks to the release of divorce documents. The whole national coverage of that race is disgracefull. I blame webb more, but allen doesn’t get a free ride. On the other hand, you might read the relative responses to the situation and see who is the petulant child, at least as far as “you’re mean” argument, and you will see that it’s webbs campaigners who can’t handle the heat.
After more than a month of calling your opponent a racist without any substantiation (and don’t anyone say “macaca” cuz none of you thought “macaca” was a “slur” until it was convenient) Webb is now being held to the same standards that the left has heaped on libby, and lynn cheney, and Allen, and what do they say? “You are being meen!”
Frankly, I just thank god I don’t vote in that district, because I think it will have the lowest voter ratio in the history of Virginia.
Oh wickedpinto…even before I knew what macacca really meant, I knew it was a slur.
yet another jeff
Same standards as Libby and Lynn Cheney? Are they saying Webb’s book was horrible?
WickedPinto…you want to wait a bit to see if it’s true that this is just another salvo in the GOP
civil warinsurgency?Proud Liberal
am I missing something here? what is the rumor… ? has anyone written anything or shall well all fill in the blanks?
Yeah, right. I’m 40, and my initial response to anyone calling someone an obscure monkey name would be: wtf? and check out the color of the person he was referencing. I can recall monkey being used as a racial epithet.
While Dr. Lizardo made monkey-boy an agnostic quip, if I’d walked into my high school and started calling people of color monkey, ape, gorilla, chimp, etc, I would have gotten the crap beaten out of me.
Too bad Allen gets a pass.
Well, let’s be old fashioned and do this in Socratic fashion. What kinds of stuff gets sealed in a divorce proceeding?
Libby and Cheney are different? Was anyone accusing Cheney of being a lesbian? Or Libby of fucking bears?
YOu people are trying to call Webb a pedophile because he described an odd custom that brown people do in countries that are not America.
Did you ever wonder what was in the passages before and after? If the character said “Oh, that’s sick” would you be going after Webb this way? That’s why Allen didn’t give any context, because he knows people like Wickedpinto are too stupid to want to know the context. Allen’s got an army of you dumb lying SOB’s to propagate this shit.
Perry Como
Senator Felix Allen was too generous in lavishing his ex-wife with flowers and candy. No tough Republican wants that coming out in public.
Now how about that governors race in Nevada with Rep. Jim “Don’t make me smack a bitch” Gibbons (R – Beatdown)?
I heard he has a new campaign slogan:
What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
Nothing. You already told her twice.
Actually, it’s not that they’re dumb, it’s that they think that the objective is to fuck over Democrats. Nothing else matters, and the means to the end are not important. Just do what it takes.
Perry Como
My First Stripper Pole. Sure to be a hit in GOP congressional offices.
Could someone give me a clue of what they are actually talking about here? Theres something in Allen’s divorce? hunh?
and his army of evil mind controlled islamofascist democrats…
/sinister laughing
You guys are too funny…
it’s that they think that the objective is to fuck over Democrats.
And Webb didn’t?
You guys are saying “macaca” is clearly an insult cuz I don’t know what it means so it must be an insult. You use exclusionary logic with the final answer being “racism” when it’s not.
As for “macaca” being a “Monkey term” Do you know what a wickedpinto is? What does a macaque look like? When was the last time you heard of a “quimby?” Come on, if you don’t know what it is, it’s offensive right?
I don’t forgive allen for being retarded, but he was retarded out of random idiocy, and the idiocy was the people looking for an excuse to call him a bigoted hick.
Webb, took part in bashing Allen, when Webb, more recently than Allen supposedly said the “n” word (for those of you people who don’t cringe, the “N” word is “nigger”) wrote an official essay on the military, not just saying women are unfit for combat, (which I generaly agree with) but he said that women at the accademies are, in essence skanky whores who love to get their pooters punched.
Now, does that mean that allens retardation is better than webs? I’m not saying that, and I wouldn’t, cuz I don’t vote in that state; however, to say that ALLENS the one condoning a negative campaign is a complete load of shit.
What a scumbag. He TOTALLY stole that slogan from Don Sherwood (R-Asphyxiation). Shameless.
Correction. “ALLENS the ONLY one” is what I meant to say, sorry bout that.
Perry Como
Exactly my point. btw, once your sister finishes giving me a blumpkin tell your mom I’ll be over with her Friday night Cleveland Steamer.
Perry Como
And remember, nothing I said above is offensive if you don’t know what it means (no fair using the internets to look it up).
Riggghhhhtt. That story is highly reliable, for sure.
Not only that, he has hot fantasies about fathers fellating their sons. It’s true! He described it in a book.
Better hurry, I’ve got her scheduled for a Hot Karl at midnight, followed by a donkey punch nightcap.
You mentioned my mother, just mentioning mothers is out of line. I don’t care what it means, you never met my mother.
The ESSAY was an OFFICIAL PROFFESSIONAL PUBLISHED ESSAY debating a REAL situation about women. in that OFFICIAL PROFFESSIONAL ESSAY he basicaly called women sluts and whores.
I don’t care about his fiction, thats crap, and if you even search me out (I’m always wickedpinto) you will see that I don’t give one F about it really, I just treat it as a foundation for jokes.
But webb DID in an officially sanctioned proffessional essay, say, in essence, that women who wear the uniform are sluts and skanks, at a time MUCH more recently than the supposed “N word” usage by Allen.
Dude, read the whole thing.
That entire, ENTIRE! campaign is disgusting, and while I admit I blame webbs side/dems, Allens recent act is completely unsavory to me. Were I in that state,(which I am not) I wouldn’t vote.
Though, theres a lot of funny to be found in that horrible method of social seperation.
Perry Como
But not offensive! After all, a Cleveland Steamer could be a “a type of hair cut that gracious women wear.” Who knows? It’s all so confusing!
If it turns out that the phrases I used were offensive, well, it’s just random idiocy. I just happened to string some syllables together and out they came.
Did I say that Webbs mother is a quimby? or a smoothie?
You respond by mentioning my mother, who is NOT a public official, who is a woman you never met, who is someone you know nothing about.
Webb saying with his own words, describing rather bizarre acts, though I know they aren’t indicative of Webb himself gives you free and clear to even speak, MENTION my mother? a woman who takes no part in this, a woman who has only loved and cared for me, and worked her ass off to continue to, even though she need no longer?
You and your allies prove a point by offending me by mentioning my mother, who has managed to raise two boys, survive those two boys joining the military, and volunteering for every action, a woman who only wants to live a decent life while trying to help her boys live a better life, especially because she was raised in a household that had only a coal, no shit, a COAL stove to cook the food, and warm the house, but there was only so much fuel?
You chose to assault my mother?
Well, okay, I see what john tolerates, and good on you, and shame on you john.
You have NO Validation to mention my mother, I wasn’t even mean, I wasn’t even cruel, I was just descriptive.
I’m sorry if logic makes you all think it is okay to assault non-participants like peoples mothers, because you are going to die out without any help from darth rove.
You’re an ignorant; I’m not.
Yes, macaca is just one of those random words people use when they’re pointing at someone filming them and commenting on it. Whew. What a world you must live in.
No, I have no idea what a wickedpinto is, but I’ve always known what a macaca is, just like I’ve always known what a rhesus was. And I didn’t have to study zoology. It wasn’t on my SAT words list.
Do us a favor, walk into any racially diverse bar and start yelling “wickedpinto!”. Then go to another and start shouting “quimby!”. Then go to one more and shout “macaca!”.
Perhaps then, someone will clue you in.
Somebody, is there a term for a troll collision? troll loop?
I don’t know if there is a term, but I know of a location srv.
Perry Como
I was referring to the incident where Felix called a Webb campaign worker macaca. A term that is a racial epitath used by French nationals in Northern Africa to describe people with dark skin. And Felix’s mother does happen to be an French immigrant from Tunisia.
By golly! A coincidence!
You play quite the victim. You must be a Republican. I strung together some “random syllables” to illustrate a point. If you take offense, well, that’s your problem. I didn’t mean offense, and even though those random syllables may mean something to someone else, they were just random. I was talking about haircuts.
But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Aww, did you get your feelings hurt on the Internetatrons by a rhetorical trick? Poor thing. I would say that you should run home and cry to your…well, that might hurt your feelings again.
I thought Republicans were supposed to be made of tougher stuff. “The words…they burnnn!”
Perry Como
Actually, Republican or scs in drag? Zero to victim in no time flat. I’m sure an email is being composed to Mr. Cole right now.
So youre saying that Republicans are leaking rumors about Allen to sink his campaign, because they think he’s playing too rough when he points out some of the silly shit that Webb wrote in his book? In the middle of a tough election year and during wartime no less?
Yeah that sounds plausible.
Not really. Its actually just about the most retarded thing ive ever heard.
Ive never been here before. Is this some kind of Democrat/Truther site? Or are you just retarded?
quick, run over to ace of spades to let them know what mr. cole tolerates.
Wickedpinto, he wrote the essay about 30 years ago. When asked, he has indicated that he felt he wasn’t mature about the way he expressed himself, wouldn’t say that now, and that feels women have done a good job in the service. So he 1)Admitted what he said 30 years ago, 2)Acknowledged it wasn’t good or right, 3) Said he’d changed his mind.
Now I understand he didn’t have much choice about #1. But Allen hasn’t even gotten to step #1. Allen doesn’t want to admit the situation, whether it’s what he said, or that his mother’s birth religion isn’t what he wanted it to be. No one would be that fussed about his use of slur 30 years ago if he could stand up and say “I said it, I was wrong, I’ve learned better, and I regret it.”
I think you’re way overstating the case here, but I’ll grant that Webb’s article was an embarrassment,and he deserved to be called on it.
First, it was your defense of “Macaca” George Allen that sparked it, not Webb’s saucy homoincestuous prose.
Second, relax. I’m sure your mother is a very nice lady. Go ahead and insult my mom if it’ll make you feel better. She’s tough, she can take it.
Not only was Allen’s coment racist, it was extra tasty racist, how knowledgable a racist must one be to use french north african racist terms. A connoseur or racism, magnifique!
Our loss.
You finding the place, I mean.
yet another jeff
Fixed it.
The Other Steve
Which is a bit more mature than the way Allen has responded to the various points about his racist past. That is, he hasn’t… or claimed it never happened despite corrborating witnesses.
At least Webb has the guts to admit he said something and then admit he was wrong.
But then George Allen is a Moral Coward, just like the rest of the Republican party.
Tim F.
Atomic Amish,
Welcome! I see that you chose to lead off with an appeal to incredulity followed by a weak ad hominem. A bold gambit as long as nobody else has ever heard of the simplest rules of logical conversation. Now you will either follow up with some more fallacies and get mocked for it again, or you will play it straight and I can explain why your comment is stupid. Fine with me either way.
Sam Hutcheson
am I missing something here? what is the rumor… ? has anyone written anything or shall well all fill in the blanks?
All I have to go on is the title of this post, but looking at said title I’d say the sealed court documents are probably rumored to detail spousal abuse.
Perry Como
I’m sticking with the candy and flowers. He was killing her with kindness and Senator Felix would hate for that to ruin his tough on
womenterror reputation.sglover
Wickedpinto — enough. Your “logic” is based on a laughable assertion (“you guys never knew what ‘macaca’ means, so you assume it’s an insult”), and by pursuing it, you’re only making yourself look even dumber than the average right-winger. Yep, it’s that bad. You guys are gonna need to learn, real soon now, how to lose gracefully — this is your chance to get some practice now. So suck it up, and shut up.
I thought Sherwood’s slogan was “Is Don Sherwood gonna have to choke a bitch?”
I have consulted with the Great Zambini, and Grate Shamboni me that the rumor is that Allen once spat upon his ex-wife.
(To be fair to the Grape Zambooni, he could have read the political wire story that Tim F. cited in his comment.)
According the Darrell Principle, Most People Would Agree, upon hearing the term “macaca” for the first time, that it was a term of affection and respect.
In fact, young couples now are writing it into their wedding vows:
“You are the macaca of my life. I will cherish you forever.”
That sort of thing.
Does that make it a Know Fact ™? I’m condused
And perhaps drunk…
I dunno, I’ve met a lot of women. Is your mother a woman?
Wickedpinto's Mother
Perry Como,please ignore the boy-he hasn’t been quite right since he overheard his “Uncle” Leon tell me he was going to “put macacca in your coal chute.”Actually,I’ve always cooked with gas.
I didn’t think it was a slur until I heard of it. Senator Allen’s such a goddamn racist, he knows French racist adjectives I’d never heard of.
John isn’t “teh gay”. He may have “teh gay”, but he can be cured. Or, he can make a different lifestyle choice. So I’ve heard. Not that I know anything about, you know, gays & other creepy stuff.
Divorce records are sometimes sealed when one party makes groundless accusations of abuse against the other. So, for example, if Allen’s wife claims abuse (something outrageous, say, sexual abuse of the kids), the claim goes in the record, and then the judge seals the record in order to protect the children and the defamed spouse (Allen).
I have no idea if this is the case here, but I wanted to point out that the fact that the record is sealed (and do we know that yet?) does not indicate which spouse was alleged to be abusive, and does not indicate whether the accusation of abuse was credible.
Indeed, if the abuse claims were credible and not relating to children, it is unlikely for the record to be sealed.
The Asshole Formerly Known as GOP4Me
Let me get this straight: “macaca” is what you call someone right before you propose marriage to them?
Great. Now you moonbats are calling Allen a homosexual. None of you even assumed “macaca” meant that he was gay until that became your talking point from Bolshevik Central at the DNC.
So much for the “reality-based” community. You people are nuts.
The Asshole Formerly Known as GOP4Me
What if one spouse alleged the other spouse was homosexual? You know, like the moonbats around here have now begun to argue.
Wow. I’m hoping that was just a really poorly worded parody.
It’s also possible that George Allen is a Senator and Former Govenor, living in Virginia, where he can just ask the judge politely to ignore the words of his simple-minded kitchen wench and her groundless exaggerated claims of abuse, seal the records, and let him dump the little woman for a new trophy wife and a house closer to Washington.
But… corruption and intimidation of the Viriginia judicary is fair more unlikely than a racist thug spitting on his wife. I’m sure I’m totally off base.
If Mac Buckets and Birdzilla were to breed, you might get this Wickedpinto character…
Thanks. I could NOT have figured that out myself. All this time, I thought the “n” word was “N-methyl ethanamide”…WOW was I off…
Having read your posts over time, Zifnab, I’m adding the /sarc tag I’m sure was supposed to be there.
I’ll also add a link to a reporter who was on the receiving end of his attentions: George Allen Spit at Me
WP, nice try. You capitalize “OFFICIAL” to make sure we know its “official”, and thus important, relevant, and accurate. THEN you say “he basically called”…Nice move.
So you want “professional”, but then you paraphrase. You demand accuracy, yet you opine what he said. Gimmie an actual quote, dumbass, or quit wasting my time.
Otherwise, you’re “offically” an intelligent BJ poster, but you’re basically saying that you’re an idiot.
Im reading that the rumored Allen spousal abuse is spitting on his wife.
/to funny.
/what a maccaca.
The VA campaign has been all negative all the time, pretty much from the start. I don’t expect that to change now, in fact I expect it to search for new depths, so that by the time it is over, those of us forced to vote would rather take both of them out back and shoot them in the ass rather than elect one.
Having said that. It’ll be Allen by a squeaker. His service to this state is well documented and doesn’t match up with what is being said now. Webb is a better man than he is being portrayed as well.
Let’s play devil’s advocate here. Allen hocked on his bride…so what? Perhaps:
1) She was dehydrated
2) She was holding up a dry envelope, and needed some saliva
3) Those friggin’ spattoons are hard to hit sometimes
4) He flipped a coin, and a lugee won out over a left jab
5) The dumb bitch burned his grilled cheese
6) She was dry “down there”
Perry Como
7) She deserved it
8) She just wouldn’t listen!
(9) She got between him and the place the spittle was going.
9.) She didn’t iron his confederate flag properly.
(10) She was on fire.
11) if you can’t spit on your wife, who can you spit on?
Perry Como
12) At least one person in the relationship should spit
We have a winner.
13) He does the spitting, she does the swallowing…
If Gay marriage is legalised…then spitting on your wife is diminished and endangered.
Hmm. If you hit Wickedpinto in the ass, would he burst into flames?
14) She didn’t signal properly and got in his line of fire. It was just a peppering of the face, neck and torso anyway. Happens all the time.
15) He was set up. There was a second shooter on the grassy knoll. Probably Melanie Sloan or George Soros.
14) She asked for it
The Asshole Formerly Known as GOP4Me
That’s way, way worse than man-on-dog sex. You should be ashamed of yourself, moonbat.
Another groundless accusation of homosexuality from the left. That being said…
The Asshole Formerly Known as GOP4Me
16) There was a fly on her nose, and he was trying to kill it.
17) It was self-defense, she bruised his aura when she acccused him of homosexuality.
18) He was having a Vietnam War-movie-related flashback.
The Asshole Formerly Known as GOP4Me
19) In some cultures, it’s really an expression of affection, and it’s not Allen’s fault if liberals assume the worst about him.
20) She accused him of being a racist.
The Asshole Formerly Known as GOP4Me
21) He was just innocently swinging his arms around, and if she wandered into one of them it was her fault. (Also Known As the Bart Simpson defense.)
22) He was just trying to show her how an abusive spouse would behave, but then he slipped and accidentally hit her for real.
23) It never happened, because reality is a mirage and space-time is an illusory journey through which we all but fancy we pass on our fanciful voyage from nihilism to nihilism. This perception is but a sojourn from the void, a ripple in the collective no-soul; who are we to assign blame to an “action” which occurs in such a framework, an action having no more relevance or higher reality than a dream or an imaginary hypothetical? In the words of Yeats, “We have fallen in the dreams the Ever-living
/Breathe on the burnished mirror of the world
/And then smooth out with ivory hands and sigh.”
Well, I am a longtime Virginian, and I think Allen’s “service” to our state has been anything but.
Virginia was generally governed by colorless, very fiscally conservative Democrats. The state finances were always in great shape, because the governor saw that as his most important job.
Come Allen and the Reagan revolution, we started the grand tax cut and spend strategy. That’s right, what’s his face, Gilmore, didn’t think up fiscal irresponsibility on his own, he was trying to out-Allen Allen. Allen not only was a bad governor, he projected the image of an aggressive yahoo. Must have had RE Lee and the other Virginia planter-aristocrats spinning in their graves. On the other hand, they could comfort themselves with the fact that he is a Southern Californian carpetbagger, not a real Virginian.
Now on to the Senate. No tales of courage there – Allen has spent his time trying to position himself for a Presidential run by parroting Bush and working on his folksy image. All hat, no cattle. Oh, he probably brought home some pork, but it is really funny to compare Allen’s service with that of our senior senator, who actually has some principles and some scruples.
George Allen is a bad joke, not presidential material, and now the country realizes it. He should join Gilmore, spending more time with his wife and kids. I will certainly do my bit on election day, and I can only hope and pray that a majority of Virginians see it my way.
24) Macacas do it
You’re entitled to your opinion of course, but I do believe that you will be disapointed come election day, at least as far as this race goes. As it stands now, it appears more Virginians are leaning in the direction of Allen.
25) He’s a recovering alcoholic and will be going into rehab shortly in an attempt to reform.
26) He was aiming for her mother.
27) A Democrat would have done worse.
29) Why can’t we talk about the real issue here?
Police Investigating Spitting Attack by Hillary Convention Delegates
30) It was Keith Hernandez!
31) There was a second spitter.
32) It was actually Roger McDowell. In the bushes.
“Police Investigating Spitting Attack by Hillary Convention Delegates”
33) I didn’t know Allen was a Hillary convention delegate!
(Newsmax. Nuff said. Let us know then this turns out to be real.)
34)What does a husband tell his wife after he’s spit on her twice?
-Nothing, he’s already told her twice.
This dates back to ’00. So it’s not quite a Congressman Studds, but it’s getting there.
35) The ball gag prevented him from hearing her safeword.
How did Allen’s ball gag prevent him from hearing?
Passing Through:
I may be disappointed, that is the nature of electoral politics. However, Allen’s dismal record speaks for itself. Where is the major legislation, the “Allen Bill”? Why has Virginia HAD to elect fiscally responsible Democrats in order to repair its bond ratings?
All hat, no cattle. I can only hope the Republicans nominate him in 08.
The Asshole Formerly Known as GOP4Me
37) He found out she was a moonbat, and ergo, that
38) She hates freedom.
39) Because it’s better to fight his spouse’s menacing terrorist threat in his home than in the streets of America, where innocent citizens could become casualties of GSAVE.
40) Freedom is messy. Stuff happens.
41) A space alien imposter of him actually hit her. Remember, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
42) You get the shit kicked out of you by the abusive racist asshole spouse you have, not the abusive racist asshole spouse you wish you had.
43) Don’t forget Poland!
The Asshole Formerly Known as GOP4Me
Well, when you have your head up your ass, your ears are still attached to it, right? A single ball gag can easily seal the aperture, thereby functionally deafening the individual.
This, then is the Man Who Would Be King. Lo, how the mighty have fallen!
Chris Johnson
44) He agreed to never say an unkind word :)